Open-toe Slippers Appreciation Station

Sneaker Jobs and sneaker cumming including Keds, Converse, Nikes, Vans, and all other brands of athletic shoes. Ugg Jobs Croc Jobs, Flip Flop Jobs. Now slippers too!

Moderators: Richie, Jess, minni, cumheels, Mrs.HB, redwedge, Heelexploder, german bootlover, heelbone,

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Open-toe Slippers Appreciation Station

Post by Tsadition »

I've been lurking on this account for a long-ass time, and *shocker* the other accounts named "Tsadition" at Flickr and Yahoo groups from way back; but have finally decided to try posting here because all of the other communities I know about are dead or dormant. Maybe there are enough people here to make it worth my while. "Dual_Duality" is another alias I use at Flickr, Twitter, Hotshoeshots, and the other obvious shoe-fetish related communities.

For my biography in brief: I have a strong fetish for the style of open-toe slippers that were common in the United States between the 60s to early 2000s. Usually cheap and lightly built, with velour, terry cloth, satin-nylon, or fuzzy fabric on a rubber sole with a band that shows a whole lot of toes and a heel that does a whole lot of slapping as the wearer walks. Other types of slippers outside of this specific niche - even most all of the modern open toe slippers - don't really do much of anything for me. Most modern open-toe slippers are just purposefully built to be missing the things that made their older comparisons great, and I think I know why but that's a different post - talk about being difficult, am I right?

This brain bug seems to have taken root in the early 80s when I was a child, because my mom, grandmas, and older sister all wore terry cloth or fuzzy style open toe slippers, and when you're a kid, I guess your vantage point is pretty directed towards the lower proximities of your surroundings. Eventually, I discovered that the open toe slippers that my female family members enjoy are also something that I like, but societal norms deemed such house shoes unsuited to boys, so I was mocked and otherwise dissuaded from wearing them myself. Some years even later, when I would sneak access to my mom's or sister's slippers, I discovered that putting them on gave me a boner. The next logical progression, in the early teenage years, was that sliding a slipper onto my boner felt pretty damn good. Then, in the early 2000s, I found Susan's Slippers and other Yahoo groups devoted to the fetish, and this ridiculous fetish really took off and has permeated my life ever since.

Sadly, it has become incredibly difficult to find material for old-school style open-toe slippers and I was orphaned by the dying off of Yahoo groups that indulged this oddly-specific fetish. Honestly, those Yahoo groups are what took the fetish from a casual level to a whole 'nother level indeed, and I kind of wish I never found out that there are others who feel this way. Now, there is no such easy fountain of indulgence and the flame has burned low as I mine the moon and dark sides of the internet for ever-elusive little bits of open-toe slipper novelty. A significant problem I face is that the kind of slippers I like pretty much haven't been made for 20 years now, and thus new internet material, which I keep trying to discover, like some sort of grizzled prospector who knows 'there be gold in dem dar hills,' has been lost to obscurity as sites get lost in the ether.

Needless to say, I am always on the hunt for new photos, videos, and stories. I have an enormous cache of photos and videos of open-toe slippers and for far too long, no like-minded people to share with as I wish they would share with me. Thanks to a great significant other, I also have the ability to produce homegrown material.

I mainly like seeing open toe slippers being honestly worn by real women, in a real context, as opposed to the slippers being virtual props like in much amateur porn or other monetized content; nevertheless, I take the latter as that's mainly the most common thing one finds out there. I also love jerking off with open toe slippers, and you might call me an enthusiast of such as I will detail in later posts -- that being the purview of this site and all.

Mostly, I just want to give back to other weirdos who like the same sort of open toe slippers that I do. I've tried to do this on various other sites to little effect, which makes me doubt there are more than 5 or 6 of us around who feel it, but hopefully this time will be different. I honestly wonder and want to know where all the open-toe slipper fetishists, who used to be on the old Yahoo groups, went. I doubt that they all just gave up on this kink. Did everyone go to the darkside of big social media, is everyone a paypig for some cam-whore and mainlining her content, or are there others like me who are frustrated by the lack of new stuff and keep on staring at the same decades-old content?

If you read all of that, you're the kind of person I'm hoping to find and work together with for mutual benefit. I'll start out with some old favorite pics that help illustrate what I mean by "open toe slipper appreciation."









edit: fixed image links.
Last edited by Tsadition on Thu Oct 26, 2023 12:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Open-toe Slippers Appreciation Station

Post by Tsadition »

I like jerking off with open toe slippers, obviously because of the psychological aspect of them turning me on, but also because they seem to be purpose-build with this secondary utility in mind. You see, unlike many others, I don't favor cumming in a slipper or other shoe. Actually, I favor semen retention and edging for as long as I can keep from getting bored with it, but that's a whole other issue indeed. Cum stains, it dries, and turns into a crusty abrasive mess - or worse, a gooey sticky mess when it gets wet again. Cumming in a slipper is like dumping a tube of super glue onto the insole: it will feel a lot like fucking sandpaper if you go back for another round with the slipper, which if you like to fuck slippers, is the antithesis of the nice, soft tactile sensation you're looking for in the first place. Without a proper cleaning, the cum residue won't go away. There's also the obvious ethical and interpersonal dynamics of cumming in someone's slippers. In the process of cleaning a slipper, you're probably going to lose the smooth foot oils and other essence that makes a worn slipper so much better to fuck than a brand new one. Needless to say, if you're into sniffing, which I am sometimes but not always, the scent is also going bye bye if you wash. Thus, I pretty much save cumming in a slipper as some sort of novelty farewell sendoff when the slippers are so ratty that they're ready for the garbage. The great thing about open-toe slippers is that you can simply stroke and stroke and then when it's time to come, stick your dick out past the toe opening and blow your load harmlessly away from the slipper. There's that secondary utility, you see, and it's a big one in my book. On the subject of precum, that, too, can make a little bit of a crusty mess if you're hosing it on over the course of hours and hours, but nothing like ejaculatory cum.

I've spent a little bit of money at eBay (back before used-item sales got banned), ebanned, and allthingsworn buying worn slippers, but have almost always been disappointed by what I receive. Perhaps the sellers just have a very different definition of "well worn" than I do, or more likely, I think some sort of emotional or personal connection to the wearer just makes their slippers much, much better. Nowadays, I save my money and only go sneaky style for slippers owned by soomeone I know, or, much, much more often, the slippers of my girlfriend whom I mentioned. Though far from my first slipper fucking incident, these were the first pair of slippers of which I took pictures of the fun for posterity. These belonged to the long-time girlfriend, who wore then for 8 years on a semi-regular basis. They got so ratty and permeated with foot funk that my girlfriend was going to throw them away, ere are a few pics of the slipper violation:











These things both smelt and felt amazing. I kind of regretted and still do regret just pumping and dumping that left slipper (along with the right one soon thereafter).
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Re: Open-toe Slippers Appreciation Station

Post by loveslippers »

You have a very interesting approach to the topic of slipper fetish, very detailed. I understand that, I also look at this fetish in detail. Great photos, I would like to hear more of your stories.
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Re: Open-toe Slippers Appreciation Station

Post by lijones »

Definitely have the same feelings for these slippers.
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Re: Open-toe Slippers Appreciation Station

Post by sandalfan1 »

My mom and grandmother wore those types of slippers when I was growing up. I remember the first time I smelled my grandmother's slippers. The smell sent me into euphoria and had a very nice scent of well-worn foot sweat and light perfume. I jerked off sniffing them many times and couldn't get enough. I also really enjoy how well-worn they get since those types of slippers tend to be worn often. I really liked how you could see their toes sticking out the front and because they were an open back design, women tended to shoe play with them a lot. That drove me nuts. Unfortunately my wife doesn't like that style of slipper so she doesn't wear them. Otherwise I would blow a load in them on a regular basis.
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Re: Open-toe Slippers Appreciation Station

Post by bazzaba »

Love your appreciation of these style of sexy open toed mules slippers.

I am the same and simply adore them. A foot job from a lady wearing this style of slippers is the ultimate pleasure for me
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Re: Open-toe Slippers Appreciation Station

Post by Tsadition »

I call these the One Hit Wonders: pics that are a one off, whose series have been scrubbed from the internet, or where you just wish you could find more of the matching series or information and context. Many such cases!












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Re: Open-toe Slippers Appreciation Station

Post by Tsadition »

Here's a slipper fucking montage. I have way, way too many pics of these to post them all, so cherry picked some. I would really like it if others would share their own material, or at the least, stories.

These pink lovemates were a size small for my girlfriend, so the heel areas soon got really gnarled up before the rest of the slipper insoles had a chance to accumulate much of that foot essence; though, they still accumulated a fair amount of funk and a bit of smell when fresh off her feet. I'll be honest: I fucked these sexy little pink slippers a lot, both in sneaky mode and openly. After maybe 6-8 months of semi-regular wear, my girlfriend decided she didn't want to wear them anymore - to which I didn't object seeing as how she has plenty of other slippers to wear - and so they went into the special stash.






I think these things were some of the best slippers I ever fucked, because the velour was both softer than other comparable slippers, but also not as funky as some of the other slippers my girlfriend has in the rotation. The insole was rather supple and ticklish, with the sole being about the perfect length to rub my balls while I simultaneously worked myself in the toebox area. The other 9.5-10.5 size slippers I'm more accustomed too are a bit looser than these 8.5-9.5 pink lovemates, and that little bit of tightness was nice and noticeable.





After a few years of fucking these on a pretty regular basis, I decided to finally throw caution to the wind and start cumming in them.





Here, the left slipper got a round two - a knockout round, in essence. You can see the prior cum stains there in the toe area.







But what happened to the right one, you ask? I filmed a movie, but still need to edit the movie down to a manageable size.





I got about 2-3 loads into the footbed of each slipper before they got too crusty for me to want to fuck anymore. So, into the trash these went. *Taps plays on a bugle in the background*
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Re: Open-toe Slippers Appreciation Station

Post by Slipper_love »

Would anyone happen to know why I cannot attach images to a new post? I just keep getting a message saying cannot upload etc. I've tried a few different times.
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Re: Open-toe Slippers Appreciation Station

Post by Tsadition »

Maybe there's a post limit before one can post attachments?

I upload everything to an external host and link the photos. There are many such free hosts out there. In my case, I link photos with BBcode, though you can also link with URLs. I always prefer an external host because if the database at a site goes FUBAR, like what happened at this very site within recent years, your photos won't get lost.

If you can't figure it out, I can guide you through how to upload and post photos. Or, you can email me what you want to post and I'll be happy to upload and post for you. I encourage everyone to post that open-toe slipper content. Truth be told, I'm waiting for other people to show interest and contribute in order to motivate me to post more.
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