The Cursed Chucks - Converse Story :)

Sneaker Jobs and sneaker cumming including Keds, Converse, Nikes, Vans, and all other brands of athletic shoes. Ugg Jobs Croc Jobs, Flip Flop Jobs. Now slippers too!

Moderators: Richie, Jess, minni, cumheels, Mrs.HB, redwedge, Heelexploder, german bootlover, heelbone,

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The Cursed Chucks - Converse Story :)

Post by chucksdude21 »

Let me know what you all think! I have several chapters - and more on the way.

Jamie and the Cursed Converse

Part 1: The Breakup – and the “New” Shoes

Jamie took the news fairly well, outwardly at least, but on the inside, he was still devastated. His first real girlfriend broke up with him for being too “boring,” too “vanilla.” A senior in high school, Jamie was really hoping that they’d be able to take things even further than they had. He was 5’11’’, brown haired, lanky, into sports and video games, not certain about his future – but set on going to a local college, deciding his major when he got there. Dani, a petite blonde of 5’6’’, his now ex, had been with him for over a year. They had hooked up a fair amount, but something always felt off for Dani – and she frequently made it known, even despite the good times. She finally let him know that she wanted to be with someone who was “more adventurous,” and he couldn’t provide what she needed. Jamie didn’t “party” much besides a few beers at house parties, didn’t dance super well, and wasn’t kinky in their hookups. “You’re just…bland,” she told him. It really hurt.

Dani had the nerve to dump him over lunch. Jamie had to spend all day at school sad – and a Friday afternoon in late March no less. His whole weekend plans were ruined, what was he going to do?
Walking home from the bus to his house, he looked down at his black and white nikes and crew socks, more specifically, at the gaping hole in the top of his right shoe. “Ugh,” he thought to himself, “Dani was going to take me to the mall to get new shoes and clothes. She was even going to get me new sneakers as a present. Now I’m going to have to do that on my own.”

It was a good 20 minutes from the bus stop to his house, in a residential neighborhood. People were already starting to do lawn care after winter, and even a few garage sales started up. Nearer to his home, Jamie passed by the house of his one time friend when he was in middle school – Cole. It appeared that Cole’s family were setting up their garage for a sale for the following Saturday. “Whoa,” Jamie send to himself, as he saw what Cole’s parents were putting in the garage sale – lots of Cole’s old clothes, books, posters, video game paraphernalia, what have you. Cole had disappeared last year around this time of year, and after lots of community check-ins and police work, finally, the family decided to give up the search, hoping that he would turn up. Jamie and Cole had grown apart, but it still was quite sad for him – Jamie had even helped scour the neighborhood the week that Cole had disappeared.

Jamie went over to Cole’s parents and greeted them, and made some remarks about the weather to try and diffuse what might have otherwise been an awkward conversation. They smiled and asked about his school, parents, plans after high school, and beyond. Jamie did as best as he could to appear upbeat, but it was difficult. There was an awkward pause in the conversation, in which the emotional weight both sides felt put a stop to talking. Breaking the pause, Cole’s mom shifted to a different topic. “Hey look at that hole in your shoe! You may be interested in something, if they’re your size,” she said forcing a smile. “Dave, could you go in and grab that box of clothes?” Glad to get away from the awkward conversation, Cole’s dad went inside for a moment, then came out with a box. On top of t-shirts, sweatshirts, and shorts was a pair of lightly worn, firetruck red canvas hi-top tennis shoes. They were similar to the shoes that Jamie’s older stepsister, Charlotte, wore all the time. They went all the way to the ankle in height, had eyelets with white laces with some discoloration on them, and had a white and black strip of rubber wrapping around them too. At the tip were protruding toe caps with moderate dirt and grass stains, and a black square patch at the back of each shoe around the ankle. “Here’s the box, Gloria.” “Great – Jamie, Wanna try them on and see?”

Jamie thought to himself “this is a nice thing to do for them, to try them on. They’re a little…different for me. I don’t think I’ve worn this brand ever, or any shoe so red. I wonder if Dani would have liked me in these? She was always trying to get me to change my style. I think she liked this kind of thing?” He picked them up from the box, and checked to see if there were any other more “generic” looking shoes in the box – nothing. Jamie tried to remember what this brand was called…Taylors something? Stars-something? He then got a look at the patches with stars on them, bearing the phrases “Converse Chuck Taylor All Stars.” “Chucks, that’s right, or Converse, or whatever.” Jamie looked inside the shoes and saw a small flap with sizing, and recognized that they were indeed his size -12 mens. The soles were almost brand new looking, with only the slightest bit of wear. He took a look at the insides of the shoes - they were moderately worn, just the outline of some dark spots lined the inside, roughly conforming to what he assumed to be Cole’s feet. He slipped off his worn, “generic” (Dani’s term) Nike runners, adjusted the laces on these “Chucks,” and bent down to try them on. As soon as he slide one foot into one of Cole’s old shoes, Jamie felt a weird tingle rush through him, from his foot all the way through his leg and right into his crotch. He could swear that the right shoe tightened itself a bit, too…it was weird putting on a pair of high tops, he wasn’t used to it. The right one fit fine, as he awkwardly made sure the laces were tight. On to the left one... This left one made the same effect on him – an awkward tingle, the sensation of the laces tightening themselves, even the toe wiggling a bit, with the sensation bubbling up from his left foot to his crotch. He brushed it off as having a weird day.

With both of these shoes on, he stood up and wiggled his feet inside. Looking down, he felt half like he looked ridiculous – and half like he looked like he always wanted to. He took a few steps, and found them to be surprisingly super comfortable. His mind raced images of other people he’d seen wearing these – they were pretty popular, he guessed.
After his trial walk around the garage, a pulse leapt into his crotch. Jamie quickly made sure he stood behind some boxes, since he felt his member push at the zipper of his jeans. He looked down, wiggled his toes, and then had a flashback to when Dani gave him his first blowjob in his car, and he ejaculated into her mouth. He was so near to orgasming in the absolute worst place to do so…. “What do you think?,” Gloria called from the other side of the garage. Both of Cole’s parents were still sorting through boxes and arranging things. John thought to himself “No way I’m buying these, this is just way too…weird. It was nice to talk to them, but I need to get out of here.” Hiding his pants, Jamie replied “Ummm…let me think.” He went to start unlacing these strange shoes, and to tell Cole’s parents he’d be heading out.
The laces wouldn’t untie. He pulled, maneuvered, made sure to dig in with his nails, but the laces wouldn’t budge no matter what he tried. They stayed on tight, by some miraculous force. Jamie’s feet started to hurt, circulation started to be cut off in his ankle. Fumbling even more to try and untie them, Jamie began to freak out – “what the fuck!?” He whispered under his breath…” “What’s that dear?” Gloria called back to him.

Jamie would never forget what happened next. A voice pounded in his head, “Buy me, then throw away your Nikes, if you want to keep your feet and get out of here.” In a full on sweat, Jamie started to question his sanity. This can’t be happening, I’m just having a bad dream. I’ll wake up – Dani will still be with me, life will continue per usual. Then he felt it – the firetruck red canvas began to tighten even further. Jamie, who’d been kneeling for a while, almost fell on the ground. His skin around his calves started to turn beet red. Time was running out before Cole’s parents would notice. “Do it. NOW!" the voice got louder in his head. He’d heard this breathy, masculine voice before…but it sounded, distorted.
“Sure, I’ll take them. They…uh…fit great!” Jamie responded to Gloria. “How much?” Immediately the shoes loosened, and Jamie was able to breathe regularly again. He stood up and walked a bit over toward Gloria. “How’s $20 sound? You’re really helping us out…it’s hard to have, Cole’s…things…here. Even though we’re still looking…” Gloria admitted. “Perfect” Jamie responded quickly, afraid that the cursed Converse wrapped around his feet would act up again. He got out his wallet, and handed over the cash. “Enjoy! They look great on you,” Cole’s mom remarked. “Thanks again” chimed in Dave. Jamie knelt down to take off his new, reluctant purchase – but the same thing happened, the chucks tightened, the laces didn’t budge. “Don’t forget the other part of our bargain. You know what you need to do,” the voice returned, the chucks’ laces tightening like a serpent smothering its prey. Jamie couldn’t believe he was going to do this, but for his own sanity, he told himself, he’d go through with it. He really didn’t like this. “Mind if I just throw away my old shoes in your trash, Gloria and Dave?” Jamie asked with trepidation in his voice? Cole’s parents both responded “You bet!” in unison, going back to their work. The shoes tightened and tightened as Jamie bent down to pick up his good old “generic” Nikes, and then as he walked to the trash, the Converse loosened. Jamie already felt abrasions around his ankles. As soon as Jamie threw his Nikes into the trash, he felt as if he were walking on clouds – the chucks were incredibly comfortable. For a moment, he felt the sensation he had felt when Dani would lick the shaft of his cock....

“Thanks again!” Jamie said as he walked in his new, bright red shoes back home on what was the weirdest day of his life. As soon as he got home, he worried if he’d be able to take the shoes off. He just needed to get to a safe place, his room, where he could take them off -and nap away the rest of the hard day he’d had.

“Hey mom, I’m home” Jamie said as he entered through the front door. He bent over, hoping the most he could that he could take his shoes off before his mom would notice. Their home had a strict “no shoes inside” policy. No luck – the laces wouldn’t budge. “Oh no, buddy boy – I’m staying on until we can chat,” the voice told him in his head. “We need to get upstairs.” “Hi Jamie!” his mom yelled back, interrupting the voice, from the kitchen. She walked over to him, “Say: I’m going to leave in 10 minutes. Frozen pizza in the freezer for you. You’ll be alone tonight, Charlotte is out. Is Dani coming over?” Jamie had to break the news to her. “Aww, I’m so sorry to hear that honey,” she consoled him, “It’s so hard, let’s talk about it when I’m back” – clearly she was distracted. “Hey make sure to take your shoes off before going upstairs. Wait, are those new honey?,” she said speedily, looking for her purse and coat. “Ummm…yea…I got them last weekend, just haven’t worn them yet. And I will.” “I mean, now, honey. Take them off. I spent all day cleaning up after you and Charlotte.” Jamie froze, the shoes’ laces wouldn’t budge. The voice laughed in his head. Not knowing what to do, Jamie simply wiped his feet, and ran upstairs “I will mom – have a good night out!” “For chrissakes, Jamie!!! You clean up after any mud tracks I find – or I’ll take the car keys away for this week!”

Jamie sprinted to his room, shut the door, locking it tight. He was almost in tears from being so overwhelmed. Throwing his backpack down on the ground, he collapsed into bed with his Cole’s old Converse high tops snuggled on his feet, and still in his school clothes – including underwear almost soaked with precum. Jamie fell into a deep sleep almost immediately.
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Re: The Cursed Chucks - Converse Story :)

Post by Sudsey »

Nice work!
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Re: The Cursed Chucks - Converse Story :)

Post by chucko »

Oh man! Love this so far. Can't wait to see more!
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Re: The Cursed Chucks - Converse Story :)

Post by chucksdude21 »

Here's part 2! I've got quite a few chapters so if there's interest, I'll keep posting them. I also may have "the" pair of magic chucks potentially for sale. Would love to hear any and all feedback :)

Part 2: Chuckie

Jamie woke up in a stupor in a pitch dark toom. He had crazy dreams about Dani, about some guy in a gym at school, about a shoe store, and about his stepsister’s closet. Jamie felt incredibly horny, to the point where his lust washed over the swirl of emotions he felt otherwise. He knew exactly what he wanted to do – find a photo of Dani and jerk off. Jamie fumbled around his dark room for his phone. Looking through Instagram, he was delighted to find the photo of Dani and himself at junior prom – with Dani in her shorter, tight dress. He thought about the night after prom, when they hooked up. Closing his eyes, he conjured up that moment, all the while unzipping his jeans and pulling out his 7 inch, circumsized cock. He slowly began to get harder as he stroked his shaft up and down. Weird, he didn’t remember having his Nikes still on – he tried to kick them off, but they felt different and squeaked in a weird way when he rubbed them together, they also just stuck to his feet. Not a problem, Jamie gave up and he let the fantasy take over.
Jamie fantasized about her kissing him, stroking his cock on her soft bed. He remembered feeling her smaller, tight breasts. He could smell her hair, feel her body all over his. Jamie’s cock was now rock hard, and he could feel precum dribble from his tip – coating his hand as he slowly stroked. Dani told him that she loved him, that she thought he was so exciting and sexy, and that she wanted to go all the way. In reality, that night had ended with a blowjob – this time, Jamie was going to fuck Dani’s pussy. In the fantasy, Dani pulled down Jamie’s pants fully, and started to rub her now wet lips over Jamie’s cock. Jamie moaned, loudly, grateful no one was home but him. He was so caught up in the fantasy that he let go of his cock, and just laid back and let Dani tease him. She slowly grinded up and down Jamie’s shaft, until finally, Jamie felt his head enter her. He was in bliss seeing Dani’s face writhe in joy, as she rode his cock slowly. He could barely contain himself, and was ready to blow his lode into his girl.
Jamie reached down to grab onto Dani’s small, tight ass, and felt nice cool rubber. His fingers traced rubber diamonds and grooves with some smoother areas, rocking back and forth over his rock hard cock. Dani opened her mouth, but her voice did not come out. Instead, it was a voice Jamie heard earlier in the day: “Cum in me, big boy. Let me squeeze you into me…” She rocked back and forth faster and faster, Jamie became disoriented – what the hell was going on? Dani?
Just before he was about to ejaculate, his now darkness-adjusted eyesight saw that Cole’s red Chuck taylor high top was wrapped taughtly around his cock, and his own hands were behind his head. The sneaker was wet and warm inside, like a pussy, and was pumping Jamie - all on its own.
Jamie came to, and felt both shock and exhiliration all at once. As he sat up in shock, the sneaker’s laces tightened, the canvas constricted, and with a few more quick pumps, Jamie’s cock exploded into the shoe. He saw colors as he came, all the while the voice from the garage cooed “Ooooo that’s it baby, give me all your cum.” Jamie kept cumming, more than he ever had, while the sneaker seemed to suck up his juices. He laid back down in ecastay and complete confusion – what the hell had just happened?
“You can take me off now,” the voice said. Jamie now had it confirmed: this fucking cursed pair of shoes was talking to him! Was he going insane? “What the fuck are you? Who the fuck are you!?!” Jamie said, almost having a panic attack. He started to look around his room, to make sure someone else wasn’t talking to him. The voice continued: “Put me on your feet, and I’ll explain. If you don’t, I’ll stay silent” the shoes replied. Having learned his lesson at the garage, Jamie put on the cum-soaked high top, his right white tube sock getting soaked in the process with his own jizz. With the laces tied, streams of cum came out of the lower eyelits. Jamie sat with his knees together in bed, waiting for the fever dream to end.
“Ah, that’s better. Now, I suppose I owe you an explanation after that…moment of fun. I’m afraid you’ve been cursed, Jamie. I am a cursed object. I’ll stay on your feet except for a few times, as the only pair of shoes you can ever wear the rest of your life.” Jamie was between belief and disbelief – after all that he experienced during the day, this was par for the course. A part of him dreaded this new reality – and another part of him wanted to fuck the shit out of these red Converse and cum once again.
“There is, however, one way to lift this curse,” the shoes told Jamie. “You have to listen to my instructions, and do exactly as I say. I have nasty ways to get you do to things, like what you witnessed in the garage – so you better listen. Got it?” Jamie nodded his head, ready to do the bidding of these shoes. “Over the next week, I will guide you to three people. You need to seduce them, and have them cum on me while I’m on your feet, or in me. Don’t worry, I have a few tricks in my soles that can help make this happen. You need to make sure they’re also wearing chucks like yours truly, have our toes kiss, then follow up with a big smack on their lips. They’ll be under my spell. But, I’m afraid that if by the stroke of midnight, in a week, you can’t get the love juices of the three people I point out, and get them soaked into my canvas, then you, Jamiey boy, are stuck with me on your feet. Understand?” Jamie had so many questions, he was delusional, excited, worried, nervous – but all he could stammer was “yes, I got it” after the massive orgasm he had. “One other thing. Break the curse, and I’ll get Dani back for you. That’s right, she’ll fall madly in love with you. How’s that for a fairy tale?”
Silence loomed in the dark room. The moon outside made the toe caps of the chucks gleam, showing off some of the cum stains now forming on the right shoe. Jamie didn’t know what to say. All of this was enough to make anyone have a panic attack. Jamie finally summoned up what little courage was left in him: “Who are these people, how will we…who exactly are you? Are you somehow related to Cole…” Jamie started, only to be interrupted by the voice. “Ah ah! That’s enough for tonight. There’s one other condition I have. I’ve been couped up in a box for a year, and haven’t had a chance to, ahem, releive myself. We chucks have needs too! So you’re going to be my little slut tonight, Jamie. And if you don’t comply…I’ll stay silent through the week, and we’ll be forced to be together - forever. You got it?” Jamie didn’t like this coercion, he was essentially trapped. But what other choice did he have? Even despite how he felt, he had a strange attraction brewing in his loins. “Yes, I understand… uhhh…What name do I call you?” Jamie stammered. “Chucky is fine. How about that?”
“Now, here’s what you’re going to do. I’ll loosen my laces. Take me off, and set me on the bed.” Jamie finally was able to take the chucks off, they came off with ease. He place both of them on the bed, with the moon on them more fully than before. “Strip, off with your clothes, till you’re completely naked.” Jamie did as he was told, and quick. Standing naked, in the dark, he felt a twitch in his cock, which he didn’t think possible. “Now…” the breathy voice continued, “you’re going to take the left side of me, shove it in that pretty mouth of yours, and suck. Suck me like a big dick. Trust me, you’ll need both hands for this.” Jamie certainly had some queer thoughts before, but never imagined he would ever be doing something like this. Sure, a cute boy had caught his attention before here or there, but he’d always had eyes for girls like Dani. If it meant getting back to normal life, Jamie told himself, he might as well do as “Chucky” told him to do. “On your knees Jamie, we don’t have all night!” the sneakers bellowed. Jamie knelt down, next to his bed, and started to reach out for the left high top in question. “Before you, ahem, start to mouth me, I’ll need you to open up your legs too. You’ll see soon in a bit. Trust me, you’ll like how you’ll feel. It will be easier for a little sneaker virgin like you to close your eyes this time around. Maybe, if you’re good, we can mix it up in the future. Remember, I took care of you earlier tonight? You owe me, you little bitch.”
Jamie closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and did as he was told. He felt the cool rubber and soft canvas of the sneaker, smelled the slight foot stench in the shoe, and opened up his mouth wide. He slid the toe cap in his mouth, tasting the salty-sweet rubber of the toe cap and sole along his tongue. He kissed and carressed the front of the shoe. “That’s all you got Jamie? Come on, go deeper!” Chucky ordered. Jamie shoved the shoe in farther, really sucking it this time. He felt the shoe mysteriously become slippery, maybe from his own saliva. At first, the feeling was uncomfortable – it was simply too big for his mouth. He felt as if he could vomit, gagging on the sheer size of Cole’s old shoe. He tried as hard as he could to get it in deep, and suck it like, well, like Dani sucked his dick. “Oh yeaaa….oh yeaaa….that’s it babe” Chuckie cooed in his ears. Jamie was transfixed, hyper focused on the task at hand. He couldn’t feel anything else, or sense anything else, but the sneaker pulsing in and out of his mouth. He sucked hard, his jaw and mouth hurting in the process. He felt his cock, which was just spent before, start to become hard again, uncomfortably. This whole experience was turning him on. Were it not for the size 12 monster shoe-cock gagging him, he’d almost want someone to rub his cock, someone to…
That’s when it hit. A cold spike nearly pushed him on the bed, as a large force pushed into his ass. Jamie made a muffled squeal, opening his eyes to see the right sneaker’s eyelits and laces. “Shhhhhh, hush now,” Chuckie reassured him, “Just take it. Keep sucking. It’ll be over soon.” The other sneaker was gone from the bed, and was now plowing itself into Jamie’s virgin backside. Jamie turned his head, and saw the shoe: turned to the side, the cum soaked sneaker pumped in and out of Jamie magically. Jamie’s cock became hard in a way he hadn’t experienced before. The sensation was overwhelming. It took everything Jamie had to continue to suck on the high top in front of him, and to keep from cumming again. “Keep going baby, I’m almost there” the voice spoke in squeals of passion to Jamie. He doubled his efforts sucking on the shoe, this time using his tongue as he blew the chuck. Jamie also spread his ass even farther, accepting the other shoe deeper and deeper into him. He couldn’t take it much longer, at this rate. He would eitherr choke, pass out, or cum if this kept going – or all at once. Jamie started to moan as he was fucked in both of his holes – and he heard Chuckie moan the same. The two of them groaned together in unison for a bit, as both shoes pulsed in and out of the high school senior.
Finally, Jamie heard Chuckie yell in a booming voice: “Get ready Jamie, baby, I’m going to cum in you!” Jamie closed his eyes, and braced. His whole body was shaking, and he was soaked in sweat. His cock was about to explode, but he felt he overwhelmed by the high tops dominating his mouth and ass. Finally, he heard a scream deafen his ears, and felt it – a torrent, all at once. Cum exploded, magically, from the toe cap of the sneaker, filling Jamie’s throat with warm, sweet, globby semen. At the same time, he felt a jet of cum from the sneaker in his ass, filling him in a way he’d never felt before. The sensation was too overwhelming, he was almost over-stimulated, but as he felt both shoes surge into him, his cock too twiched, and he looked down, sneaker in mouth still cumming, to see his own cock blow another load all over his sheets. “Ooooooooooooooooooo” Chuckie cried, “you did so good babe. Huhn, I may not even fulfill our bargain if this is how it’s going to be.” Jamie almost wanted that to be true.
Swallowing Chuckie’s load, Jamie spit out the left high top on to the side of his bed, and collapsed near his pillows, the other sneaker falling out of his ass. Chuckie whispered to Jamie, who was nearly breathless from the encounter, “That was amazing. You’ve fulfilled the first part of this little bargain. Tomorrow, the real adventure begins.”
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Re: The Cursed Chucks - Converse Story :)

Post by Sudsey »

Posts: 23
Joined: Tue May 07, 2019 10:04 am

Re: The Cursed Chucks - Converse Story :)

Post by converselovebr »

Amazing story, really want to read the rest of the story!
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Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:52 pm

Re: The Cursed Chucks - Converse Story :)

Post by chucko »

Loving this so far!
Posts: 23
Joined: Tue May 07, 2019 10:04 am

Re: The Cursed Chucks - Converse Story :)

Post by converselovebr »

When is part 3 coming?
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Re: The Cursed Chucks - Converse Story :)

Post by chucksdude21 »

Here's part 3! Hope you all enjoy :)

Part 3: Chuck T.

Jamie’s dreams were erratic. He floated between the ecstasy of his sexual exploits the day before, and the sheer terror of being manipulated by a cursed pair of talking shoes – a pair that belonged to his missing friend, Cole. A part of him was racked with anxiety about the prospect of “seducing” potential complete strangers to fulfill Chuckie’s instructions. That level of sexual bravado wasn’t Jamie – Jamie was plain, straight, boring. He didn’t even watch kinky porn when he got in the mood, he’d just think about Dani or some other hot chick in his senior class. And now he was going to have sex with strangers - potentially gay sex? I mean, he was just ravaged by a pair of firetruck red high tops last night. He could still taste the remnants of sneaker cum at the back of his throat. All in all, his overwhelming anxiety was almost too much to bear – but the promise of more orgasms like the earth shattering ones he experienced yesterday tickled him to his core. As Chuckie had whispered into his ear the night before, Jamie was embarking on an “adventure.”
Jamie could have slept for the whole day. He was just starting to have a dream about another 18 year old like him, wearing Jamie’s “new” red chucks… Then, his mom’s voice, and sunlight from the opened windows, hit him like a load of bricks. ”Honey! It’s time to wake up, you’re going to be late…Hey, what the heck? You went to bed in your dirty shoes? Naked??? Jamie!!! I don’t have time for this” his mom screetched. Jamie groggily looked down, putting a pillow over his crotch, and saw that his Converse had tied themselves up on his feet, all by themselves. Once his mom left the room, Jamie looked at his phone and saw that he had little to no time to get to his bus. He wanted to shower, and clean out the sneaker spunk in his ass, but there was just no time – no time even to try and untie the cursed chucks from his feet and day-old socks. “Let’s get going, lover boy – you’ve got a big day ahead of you,” Chuckie whispered to Jamie. The high school senior got up, put on a clean pair of underwear and jeans – sliding them over his Converse with some minor struggle. He grabbed the top t-shirt on the clean clothes of his hamper. It was new, his mom got him some new clothes it seems. Looking at the mirror in his room, Jamie saw something eerie: The t-shirt had a big “Converse Chuck Taylor All Stars” logo emblazoned on it with a big blue star. “I like your style…” his shoes chimed in. Looking down at his Converse, and at his outfit as a whole, Jamie started to feel aroused. He wanted a repeat of last night…
“Jamie!!! Get going!!!” his mom’s shrieking voice interrupted him. Jamie rushed downstairs, blurring by his mom on the way out the door. Jamie barely heard his mom yell “you’re still wearing your shoes…!!” before he was running down the street. Weirdly enough, his chucks felt more comfortable than his Nikes as he sprinted to his bus – making it just in time. Thankfully, the bus ride was uneventful. Jamie got a seat by himself, toward the front. He didn’t have a ton of friends at school, and the friends he did have didn’t take his bus route. Jamie took this time to try and relax – which was supremely difficult given the task ahead of him. “Hey…uh…Chuckie,” Jamie whispered to his cursed shoes. “What do I need to…do…today, for the, uh, curse,” he stammered. “I can’t keep living like this, I need to really break this thing.” Chuckie loosened his laces a bit, and responded in a smooth voice: “Heyyyy, no worries, Jamiey boy. I’ll give you clear instructions at school. As much as I love our little…arrangement…I too want my own freedom. Belive me. Enjoy the time we have…you have no idea what fun you’re going to get into.”
Before Jamie could contemplate the “fun” that Chuckie had in mind, the bus pulled up to the stop right before his high school. As he walked into his school, Jamie noticed something he hand’t before – everyone’s shoes. It was a weird feeling, like putting on glasses and seeing more clearly for the first time. He saw that so many of his peers wore Converse. High tops, like his, with some differing features, low tops, platforms, boots, you name it – he was a latecomer to this trend. He saw a pair of new, black lowtops walking toward him…”Hey dude, what’s up? I heard the news.” It was his friend Ryan. The two talked on the way to homeroom, with Jamie sharing as much as he could about how he felt – that he’d get over the breakup. “Whoa dude, did you get new…And is that shirt…” Ryan started, but the bell cut him short, as the two of them entered their homeroom classroom.
As Jamie walked by rows of seated students to his usual spot, he brushed by a muscular, 6’1’’ blond jock - longtime bully Charles T., known by most as “Chuck.” Jamie heard a loud, rubbery squeak and felt his left shoe bump into something. As Jamie recovered from almost tripping, he looked down to see his slightly worn chucks as they crashed into a brilliant white pair of Converse high tops, similar to Jamie’s own. “Fuckin watch it, dude, these are new,” Chuck snapped. Chuckie tightened his laces, and told Jamie “That’s the dude. We need to focus on him for the curse.” Jamie’s heart dropped to his stomach. He could barely “seduce” Dani. No way Jamie was going to “seduce” THE biggest jock at school. Jamie sat in his seat, and tried to focus on the announcements – but, understandibly, found himself unfocused. The homeroom teacher said something, though, that made Jamie’s ears perk up. “Charles has an announcement for the class.” “Hey. I’m doing an internship at a gym as a personal trainer. I need to, like, offer some free trial classes. I’m gonna start that after school today, at our gym. 4:30. Let me know if you’re interested. Thanks.” The bell rang, signifying that the first class of the day was going to start. Chuckie yelled in Jamie’s mind “Now, move it! Tell him you want to sign up!” Prompted in this way, Jamie lept up and ran to the front of the room, blazing past his peers. Fighting back his natural timidness, Jamie stammerred “Hey…uh…Chuck. I wanna…uh…sign up, for your…uh….session. Do you have, like, time today?” Chuck looked at Jamie, and rolled his eyes, “Pfff…sure, I guess. Make sure to wear shorts and good shoes for lifting. I guess you already have some chucks.” Chuck then lightly stepped on one of Jamie’s toe caps with his own, squashing the toe to create a retaliatory scuff. Jamie heard Chuckie moan in his mind, and felt a surprising twitch in his own jeans. “Sure….Chuck. See you, ah, later, thanks.” “Later bro,” Chuck replied nonchalantly, and stepped off. Jamie watched as Chuck walked to his class, oggling his muscular ass in his jeans, and most importantly, his irredescent white Converse.
The rest of the day went quickly for Jamie, and thankfully, Chuckie remained silent. He was equal parts excited and filled with dread. How was he going to do what was needed to start to break the curse? Recalling Chuckie’s instructions from before, Jamie needed to have his Converse be lined up with those of the target – in this case, Chuck. Then he’d need to…kiss him on the lips, and go from there. The thought disgusted him and aroused him at the same time.
Jamie was shaking when he walked through the gym doors after school. His hair stood on end in his t-shirt and gym shorts. Chuck was waiting at the back of the, thankfully, empty room. He wore a white tank top, grey gym shorts, and white tube socks that went almost calf high. Jamie breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he was indeed wearing his new chucks which perfectly complimented his outfit, with one tiny scuff on the side of the toe from earlier that morning. “Let’s go dude! Don’t have all day” Chuck yelled across the room. Jamie sighed, and dropped his backpack. “You know what to do – look for an opportunity, I’ll help you” Chuckie reassured him. The voice of a cursed shoe didn’t help much to calm Jamie’s nerves. The thought of things going back to normal motivated Jamie to start his workout, no matter what the results were going to be.
Jamie had worked out with weights before, so the task ahead was not too complicated for him. He’d watch Chuck do sets, then do them himself, while Chuck would offer critiques, spot him, etc. The workout got hard, and Jamie worked up a considerable sweat. It was inspiring to watch Chuck work – he had excellent form, and his already toned muscles started to bulge from weightlifting. After 30-40 minutes, the two of them started to tire. They’d take quick breaks between each exercise, but needed a longer break at the rate they were going. “Hey, let me take a quick water break, then we’ll finish up and stretch,” Chuck told Jamie, mildly winded. Jamie’s trainer for today found a spot on the wall, across from some mirrors, and leaned against them, sipping from his water bottle and checking out his phone. Jamie had been eagerly looking for his opportunity to work Chuckie’s “spell,” and this may have been it. Both of Chuck’s bright, shiny new white leather chucks were right next to each other, supporting the muscular teen against the wall.
“Now! Don’t you see, now!!” Chuckie yelled at Jamie. Jamie’s heart stopped, he knew it was now or never, and the clock was ticking. He only had a week - or this lusty, exhausting nightmare could be forever. Jamie knew what he needed to do – but couldn’t bring himself to do it. “NOW!” Chuckie bellowed. Jamie nonchalantly got up from the bench press he was sitting on, and walked over to Chuck – thankfully, he didn’t notice. Shaking, dry mouthed, sweaty, Jamie could barely make his way over. The thought of what he needed to do shocked him, and yet, Jamie found that a lump was growing in his pants – something hard to do after such a workout. Chuckie tightened the laces of the shoes on his feet, making the whole sensation that much more intense.
The toecaps of his own bright red chucks squeaked up to Chuck’s broader toe caps on his new chucks. The four were squared away touching one another, as if mirror images. Chuck looked up from his phone, surprised, “What the fu…” he started to say, but was interrupted by Jamie falling into the muscular teen, embracing him while planting a deep kiss on his trainer’s lips. At first, Chuck resisted, and tried to shove Jamie away, as the lanky nerdy senior tried his best to keep kissing the jock. Then, over Chuck’s muffled protests, Jamie heard Chukie in his head “YES! Finally. I’ve been waiting for years to do this…”. A shock rippled through Jamie’s body, and a brief spark flew from the shoes. What was going to be a massive shove turned into a tight hug, as Jamie found Chuck’s tongue probing his mouth, and felt Chuck’s sweaty body pull him into an embrace. Jamie was making out with the most popular jock in school – a kid who had bullied him before in middle school was now grabbing his ass. Jamie could start to feel his own member twitch with excitement as he rubbed up against Chuck. Chuck’s package felt, through his shorts, as if it was double the size of Jamie’s. Chuckie chimed in “Don’t forget, we need him to cum on me, or in me, in order to for this to work.”
Jamie didn’t feel like himself - he could stay in this embrace forever, even though it disgusted him a bit. The sound of their Converse squeaking together, coupled with Chuck’s surprisingly sensual kissing and caressing, was driving him up the walls in passion. But, he had a job to do. “Suck him off, and right when he’s ready to blow, I’ll be ready” Chuckie chimed in. Jamie disentangled his tongue from Chuck’s, and started to kiss his neck. He moved down Chuck’s body, down level to the now sizeable bulge in Chuck’s gym shorts. Like unwrapping a present, Jamie slid down Chucks shorts to reveal a whopping 1 foot, uncircumcised dick with a hairy set of pubes. Chuck himself was delusional, under the spell of the cursed Converse, but groaned a bit when he looked down to see Jamie looking up at him.
“You know what to do, Jamiey boy – just like we practiced. You’re going to really need to take the initiative on this one. And remember, when he’s ready to blow…,” instructed Chuckie. Jamie felt nervous looking at the monster in front of him. Until last night, he’d only been on the receiving end of blowjobs – and he didn’t know if blowing a talking sneaker counted. He took a big gulp, wetted his lips, and then grabbed Chuck’s shaft. He closed his eyes, opened his mouth, and felt Chuck’s massive cock leap deep into his throat. In no time, he was sucking like he sucked on his sneaker last night, all the while stroking the thick shaft. “Ooooo, baby,” Chuck whispered, “Dani, fuck yea, suck me off.” Jamie almost bit down on Chuck, Dani!?! Was she…cheating on him the whole time? Chuckie tightened up his laces, refocusing Jacke “Keep going, don’t stop.” Jamie had a whole stream of emotions run through him, but he continued taking Chuck’s growing member into his mouth. He felt it grow as he sucked and slurped, and already had the taste of Chuck’s precum on his tongue. “Oh, Dani, yea….” Chuck said. Jamie was completely shocked, but fought against his emotions, continuing his curse-breaking deed. He began to feel Chuck get even stiffer, and Chuck’s body tense up. “Hurry, now, don’t wait!” yelled Chuckie – but it was too late, Jamie’s throat was filled with a massive blast of Chuck’s load, so much so that Jamie gagged and had to disengage. As cum dripped from his mouth, Chuck continued cumming – ropes of semen spilling all over Jamie’s sweaty, post workout face. None hit his red converse.
“Shit, come on, Jamie, you got too into it,” Chuckie lamented. “We’ve still got time, give him a few strokes, then, I’ve got an idea.” Were it not for the promise of leaving this whole nightmare, Jamie would have simply punched this bully with whom his ex had cheated right in the swollen dick. That, and Jamie started to feel what he feared – that he actually loved giving that blowjob. His own gym shorts had a small wet spot where plenty of precum was accumulating. Back to business, Jamie took a hold of Chuck’s dick, and started to stroke it, using goopy cum and sweat to lube him up. “Now,” Chuckie interjected, once Chuck had surprisingly became erect again, “get him to fuck you in the ass, and then you pull out so he can cum right on me, bend yourself over the bench press.” Jamie hesitated, but decided to go along with the plan. He noticed that the thought of Chuck in him turned him on. He looked down at Chuck’s white converse, and his own cock bulged even more. Jamie felt the same way looking at them as he did looking at Dani’s open mouth sucking on his own dick…
“Don’t get distracted, Jamie,” Chuckie yelled. Jamie quickly swivelled onto the bench press, and pulled down his gym shorts. He could see his red high tops bent in that particular way, below him, with his toe caps all scruntched up. He could feel his own cock against the padding. Jamie was just about to call Chuck over, figuring he’d have to coerce him. Suddenly, he saw Chuck’s white chucks parallel to his own under the bench press, and before he could sit up, wham!, he felt the full force of Chuck pulse into him, almost knocking the wind out of him. Jamie let out a squeal, and heard Chuckie yell in his ears a cry of pure passion. Without any prompting, Jamie felt Chuck’s member push into the depth of his ass. Miraculously, Chuck slid in so deep that Jamie felt Chuck’s swollen balls slap on his ass. “Ride me, baby,” Jamie said, unprompted, and Chuck fucked his gym trainee harder. The feeling was too good for Jamie, he couldn’t believe this was happening. Jamie felt his own cock ready to burst from the feeling, but the new experience was so overwhelming that he couldn’t. Ramming into him, Jamie was about to pass out from the sheer force of Chuck’s muscled hips. “Get ready, Jamie,” Chuckie urged, “make sure to flip over forward and catch Chuck’s cum on my soles!”
Jack felt that same twitch in Chuck’s cock, and his body’s tension, that he had just felt moments before while blowing him. The feeling was so good, that Jack didn’t want it to end. He wanted to get filled with Chuck, in his pretty white chucks….”Move!!!” yelled Chuckie, but Jack was too late. As Jack fell forward, Chuck blew and even bigger load into Jamie, filling him with his warm spunk. Jack would have cum himself, but the weight of Chuck over him crushed his own cock into the bench. Chuck’s cum was so much, that it dripped out of Jamie’s ass all over the machine’s bench – but none on Jamie’s hightops.
“JAMIE! Come on, dude!” Chuckie complained. “Look, I love a fat cock like anyone else, but I can’t stay a pair of sneakers forever.” Jamie was confused to hear this. There was something more to “Chuckie” afterall. Was Cole involved? Jamie thought to himself.
“Alright, I’m taking control, take off my left side” Chuckie ordered. Jamie sit up on the bench press bench, almost slipping on the pool of cum on the pad, and Chukcie loosened the laces on the left high top so that it could slide off. “Put me on him, and suck him off again. You’re going to need to go hard, he’s getting tapped out!” Chuckie instructed. Jamie did as he was told. As soon as he put the shoe on Chuck’s uncut monster cock, Chuckie tightened over him automatically. Jamie shoved the sneaker-covered member into his mouth, and began to suck it in the same way as before, with one hand pumping the sneaker up and down in concert with his sucking. But Jamie was sick of not cumming himself. This whole experienced riled him up like an animal, and his prey was Chuck’s beautiful converse. His…lust for these sneakers, was something foreign, but strangely, as if they’d been there all along. As Jamie focused on sucking Chuck off, he dropped his own gym shorts, and stroked his own dick. His aim was to cover Chuck’s converse with his own cum. “You better focus, ummmmm, Jamiey boy…” he heard Chuckie coo in his ears. Clearly, Chuckie was in ecstasy at Chuck’s member in him – Jamie could feel Chuck’s cock throbbing even through the toe cap, as the red high top slid in and out of the high school boy’s mouth.
“He’s getting ready, keep going…faster, harder!” ordered Chuckie. Jamie obeyed, almost choking on the sneaker-clad dick and moaning as he pumped his own cock. He opened his eyes, and fixed them on Chuck’s Converse. He was ready to blow himself, all over those immaculate high tops, and could feel Chuck twitch in his own red sneaker. The sneakers were almost like a face, with wide open mouths – beckoning for Jamie’s cum. “Yea, here it commmmesssss” Chuckie moaned. The ecstasy was too hard to contain…Jamie was about to explode. He looked down from Chuck’s member bound in his mouth down to Chuck’;s white converse, and…bam, Jamie felt his body convulse as he shot one of the biggest loads of his life over Chuck’s new sneakers. He then felt Chuck orgasm into his own red high top wedged deep in his mouth. “Yesssssss ooooo baby” cried Chuckie in Jamie’s mind, “this is what I needed. Good work, Jamie.” The sneaker then glowed a bit, and Jamie felt a surge through his mouth, as Chuck collapsed to the ground.
Bleary eyed and disoriented from the experience, Jamie looked around at the mess the two high school seniors had made in the empty gym. “Put me back on, quick!” Chuckie barked. Jamie slid the high top off of Chuck’s dripping member, and pulled up Chucks pants. Looking the high school bully over, who was now asleep from orgasming three times, he sucked the cum from his now limp dick in one quick slurp. Jamie then slid his left foot into his high top, which felt like putting on a soaking pair of shoes left in the rain from Chuck’s spunk lining the insides. Jamie had brought a towel to clean up his sweat, which he put to use with a spray bottle with cleaning solution cleaning up as much cum on the floor and bench press as he could – all the while hearing the “squeltch squeltch” of his cum filled sneaker throughout the gym. He decided he would leave the ropes of his own cum on Chuck’s Converse. Let them get stained, as a kind of souvenir. Jamie was thrilled no one heard them making love, and that no one was there to interrupt. The exhilaration of the whole experience came to an end, and Jamie took one final look at the gym before he ran to catch whatever busses were left in the evening home. One last look at Chuck, passed out in the corner, white high top chucks covered in Jamie’s semen, and he heard Chuckie remark “One down, two to go!”
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Joined: Tue May 07, 2019 10:04 am

Re: The Cursed Chucks - Converse Story :)

Post by converselovebr »

As always an amazing chapter! Looking foward for the next one!
Please don't take to long hahahah
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