
Other bodily fluids and excretions and anything else gross in, on and around shoes and boots. Pee in shoes, pee on shoes, etc.

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Joined: Tue May 25, 2010 11:58 pm


Post by owlman »

Hi chaps, I haven't written anything in a while but thought I'd write something to give us a treat in these troubled times, let me know what you think, it encourages me to write more.

The Longest Road

Synopsis, a long drive with a young lady leads to desperation and pissing fun, includes desperation, wetting and eventual humiliation.

It was going to be a very long day, for some reason I'd allowed myself to be talked into picking a friends daughter up from down south and taking her back up north, and when I say up north I mean right up north, about as far up north as you could get without being in Scotland.
I set off from my house at a little after 3am, I'd done the run down south often enough to know that if I didn't hit a certain point by 7.30 then I could end up sitting in traffic for several hours, the last thing I wanted. The run down was quite steady it was mostly trucks on the road at that time and at 6.45 I pulled off at the first services an the M25 to have a pee, grab a drink and make a phone call, I'd spoken to Susie, (the young lady I was picking up) the night before and told her I'd ring her when I was about an hour and a half away to make sure she was up and ready, from what I'd heard she was a little bit shall we say relaxed about things like timekeeping.
I went into the services and used the toilets, grabbed a cold Coke, it keeps me going better than Coffee, and headed back to the car, it was a pleasant morning, dawn had broke about 6am and it was still a little chilly, a slight mist hung in the air, it looked like it was going to be a pleasant enough day, at least up to now it did.
I lit a cigarette and stood by the side of my car, placed my can of Coke on the roof and dialled Susie's mobile number, it rang for ages and just when I thought it was going to go to voicemail she answered, she sounded half asleep and then admitted that it was my call that had woken her, despite knowing she had an early start she'd gone out for a few drinks with her friends last night and only got into bed at around 1.30!
I told her I'd be with her at about half eight and to be ready, she said she would grab a shower, get dressed and pack the last of her bits and pieces, she should be ready when I arrived, I hoped so. I threw the phone back onto the passenger seat, stubbed out the cigarette and finished the can of Coke before dropping the can into a nearby litter bin, the slight chill in the air had made me feel quite awake again and I listened to the radio as I made my way along the M25, the traffic was picking up now, in another hour or so it would be like a giant car park, I didn't want to be on it when that happened.
There's a trick to using the M25, it's all about timing, in a morning it is busy going into London and quiet coming out, late afternoon it changes, busy out and quiet in, the trick is to plan your run, sometimes even hitting a certain point half an hour later can mean sitting in a jam for an hour later down the line.
I had an uneventful trip down the motorway and came off at the junction not far from her house, I looked at the clock on the dashboard, it was 8am and I was about 15 minutes away. Arriving at her flat I already had the back seats dropped on the big Volvo estate ready to load up her gear and head back on the road, I wasn't planning on hanging about, it was going to be a 'turn and burn' as we called it.
Susie opened the door and I realised that she wasn't nearly ready, she had a mug of coffee in one hand and was still wearing her dressing gown, her hair was all over the place and it was obvious she'd not long got out of the shower, to say I was a little bit annoyed was an understatement and she could sense it.
“I'm sorry I'm not ready it'll only take me about 10 minutes, come in and have a drink” she said with a smile, even though she wasn't ready she still looked attractive and as much as I wanted to have a go at her for being late I just couldn't, “I'll start loading the car while you finish off” I said, looking at the pile of boxes on the lounge floor, “ok won't be long” she giggled giving me a flash of thigh as she ran upstairs to get dressed.
I'd almost finished loading the car when she came back down, so much for it taking her ten minutes, it was nearer thirty, but when I saw her it was worth it, her long hair was brushed and hanging over her shoulders, a tight white blouse encased a pair of firm attractive looking breasts, I could just see what looked like a white sports bra through the thin white blouse and her long slender legs were encased in a pair f tight blue jeans that seemed to join seamlessly with a pair of black calf length high heeled boots, as I said the end result was well worth the wait!
Finally loaded we got into the car and set off, she chatted about all kinds of stuff, how she was glad to be leaving London, how much she was looking forward to moving back up north, how she was looking forward to starting her new job and seeing what the nightlife was like, she'd heard it was good where she was going and she certainly liked to party she told me, she reached down into the carrier bag at her feet and pulled out a can of lager, “oh well, I've a week off before my new job starts so I guess the holiday starts here” she giggled opening the can.
She continued to chat as I drove, pausing occasionally to take a long drink from the can, eventually she'd finished it and dropped it back into the bag, she took out a packet of cigarettes, “smoke?” she asked, “please” I replied, she took two from the pack, lit them and handed me one, “I like a smoke with a beer don't you” she asked, I nodded, “yes, maybe I'll have a beer later when we get you to your new flat” I replied, she smiled, “I hope so, I'm going to have another”.
She reached into the bag and pulled out another can and opened it, “you want to watch those, we don't want to be stopping at each services for the toilets” I told her, trying to warn her without sounding horrible. “Oh don't worry, I can hold it” she replied, 'I do hope so' I thought to myself.
We'd been on the road for just over an hour and a half and she'd drunk four cans of Lager, I was certain that pretty soon she'd start asking for a rest stop and sure enough she did, just after we'd passed the services. “can we stop soon please, I need a wee” she asked, I tried not to show my exasperation at having just passed the services, “ok the next stop is in about 25 miles, that should take us about half an hour”, she smiled, “that's fine” she replied.
At the next services I sat in the car and waited while she hurried off to the toilets, I couldn't help noticing her shapely rear wiggling in those tight jeans and wondered if she realised the effect it would have on men as she passed them, I had to admit it, given the chance I wouldn't mind a closer look at what was inside the tight blue denim.
“all good now” she said as she sat back in the car, we'd only been driving for about ten minutes and she opened another can, that went down in a few minutes, quickly followed by another, at this rate she'd want to stop again shortly and we were not even halfway up the motorway.
The big Volvo purred along it was barely above tickover speed as we made our way towards the M1 at a steady 55 miles an hour, the weather was bright and clear and the traffic moving freely, it was going to be a good day, at this rate we'd be up in the North East by about 8pm, not too bad at all.
Suddenly the traffic began to slow to a crawl, I knew it was too good to be true, the radio announced that a lorry had overturned where the two motorways joined and there were delays of up to an hour, Susie squirmed slightly in her seat, “oh dear, that's not good is it” I shook my head then she added, “how far to the next services?” I sighed softly, looked at the clock and did a quick calculation in my head, “well if the delay is about an hour then I reckon about an hour and a half” I replied, “the next services is on the M1and if the delay in getting to the M1 is about an hour then I reckon it's another half hour to the services so about an hour and a half all in”.
Susie shivered and crossed her legs, “oh, I see, I don't suppose there's anywhere closer?” I shook my head, “sorry no” she sat quietly, every so often she'd cross and uncross her legs, “I wish this traffic would hurry up, I need a wee” she said, gritting her teeth. To be honest I'd made this run that often and seen this same situation played out that many times it was the main reason I hardly drunk anything when I was doing this run, I'd relax a bit later and have another drink when we were on the M1, I took a couple of cigarettes out of my pack and lit them, “here, it'll take your mind off things” I said, handing one to Susie. She smiled as she took it, “thanks, I hope so, I'm beginning to regret wearing these tight jeans” she replied.
Twenty minutes later and we'd moved just over a mile and a half, “ooh how much longer?” she moaned staring at the back of the lorry in front of us as we ground to a halt once more. I was just about to answer her when she pointed to a plastic pop bottle on the hard shoulder, it was a Coke bottle but it was full of a yellow liquid, “what's that?” she asked, forgetting her predicament for a moment.
I looked at it and chuckled inside, it may have taken her mind of her present situation but it wouldn't help when I told her what it was. “must have been thrown out of that truck in front” I replied, “oh and what is it, it's not Coke that's for sure” replied Susie. I sighed, this really wasn't going to help her, “well it seems you're not the only one needing a wee” I replied, she looked at me and the penny dropped, “what you mean he's done it in the bottle?” she asked, “yes, it happens regularly with wagon drivers, after all being so high up nobody can see what he's doing” I replied, Susie squirmed and undid the button on her jeans, I could just catch a glimpse of a pair of small white panties as she lowered the zip seemingly forgetting I was sat only feet away.
“well I wish I had a coke bottle right now” she replied “it's getting really desperate and I don't think I can hold on for another hour let alone an hour and a half” I don't know why I said it but I did, “an hour and a half, we'll be lucky, it'll be another two hours at this rate”, the traffic began to move and then stopped as suddenly as it had started, we'd moved less that 500 yards! “Anyway, a Coke bottle wouldn't be any good to you, think about it” I replied, “I'm doing nothing but think about it and it isn't helping, I'm beginning to regret drinking all that Lager now” she whimpered, crossing and uncrossing her legs.
The traffic began to move and I could sense her relaxing a little, “oh thank god for that” she said, we managed about two miles before stopping again, “oh no, how much further, I really need to wee” she exclaimed.Unfortunately for her there was nothing I or anyone could do at the minute, nothing short of a miracle was going to get us out of this jam and we both knew it!
We began to move again but this time only a little further, it must have been torture for her, so near yet so far, it began to dawn on both of us that she was not going to hold out until the services, it was probably the only certainty at this point.
Suddenly she let out a little squeal and jammed her hand between her legs, “oh no, it's coming, help me”! I looked down and she moved her hands slowly away from her crotch, there was a small dark patch on the front of her panties about the size of a 50 pence piece, “god that was close” she whimpered, then added, “oh no, all my clothes are buried under the boxes in the back”, it wasn't looking good, not only would a full wetting not do my car any good but she'd be sat in wet jeans for the rest of the journey, I had to help her out.
“Susie, I wonder if you'd mind taking off your jeans for me” I asked, she looked at me in amazement, “you want my jeans off?” I nodded, “if you don't mind, I think there may be a solution to your problem, but the jeans will have to go” she began to slowly pull off her boots, it must have been difficult considering she was not only sitting in a car but also had a very full bladder, as she was doing this the traffic began to move slowly forward, “oh it's ok, we're moving again” she said, she had taken off one boot and was in the process of removing the other but she stopped, “I'd carry on if I were you” I replied, seconds later the traffic stopped yet again, she slipped her boot off and began to slowly wriggle out of the tight white jeans, at one point it looked as though her panties would be following them but she managed to keep them on, “oops, nearly” she giggled, looking relaxed for the first time in ages, I laughed, “oops nearly what, you nearly lost your panties or nearly wet yourself?” I asked smiling at her, “both” she replied, “ok, so my jeans are off, what now?” I eased the big Volvo slightly to the right as the traffic slowly inched forward, all I could see for miles was cars and lorries, we were not going anywhere in a hurry, I moved back into my lane again, “put your boots back on, you'll be getting out in a minute” I replied, She picked up her jeans, “but I've just taken these off” she replied sounding desperate again, “just the boots, not the jeans, oh and pull that T-shirt down too”.
She slipped her feet back into the boots and with a bit of wriggling managed to lower her T-shirt, it just covered her panties and looked like a very short mini dress. “Great, now here's what we're going to do” I told her, then explained my plan.
I'd pull onto the hard shoulder and get out as though I was checking the engine, she could then step out as though she was stretching her legs and relieve herself at the side of the car, unless a wagon happened to be alongside us no-one would be any the wiser. The traffic inched forward slightly and I slipped slowly onto the hard shoulder, the traffic moved on a couple of hundred yards and stopped, wouldn't you know it, right alongside us was a truck, and a left hand drive one at that, looking down the driver had a clear view of everything.
I got out of the car and opened the bonnet pretending to check something, Susie stepped out and the truck driver smiled at her and waved, she smiled back and came to join me as I peered at the Volvo's big 6 cylinder engine. “what do I do now if I squat he'll see everything?” she asked, then added, “and it's worse now I've stood up”.
I was just about to say I had no idea when I heard a trickling sound, I peered deep into the engine, this was a hell of a time for a hose to burst! Unable to see anything I glanced at the floor, a large puddle was beginning to form at my feet, “oh well, that's that problem solved, it's just what I do about my wet panties now” she sighed, “get back in” I replied, dropping the bonnet, looking up I could see the truck driver still watching Susie, if only he knew.
She pulled her T-shirt down over her wet panties and sat gently on the seat, luckily I had a good set of seat covers so no harm done, “ooh my bums all wet, should I take my panties off?” she giggled, “well I wouldn't, not with him watching” I replied, knowing that he could still see down into the car. She settled into her seat and then “urgh, my feet are wet, I think some went into my boots too” she replied, she sat there for a few minutes and then to my amazement reached into the bag and produced another can which she opened, I couldn't believe it, she'd just wet herself and here she was drinking again.
She must have read my mind, “well at least my bladder's empty now” she giggled, shame you can't have one too”. I smiled, “it's ok, I'm fine” and I was, then again what red blooded male wouldn't be, sitting in a car with an attractive blonde girl sat beside them? The fact she was only wearing a short T-shirt, undies and boots only added to the pleasure.
Eventually the traffic began to move off and this time it kept moving, as we made our way finally onto the M1, there was a line of emergency vehicles on the hard shoulder along with a badly damaged wagon, Blimey, he's done some damage to that” I said as I saw it, Susie glanced at the wagon, “yes and my boots and panties too” she giggled, finishing the last of her can.
We approached the services, “want to call in here?” I asked, she shook her head, “no I'm fine and besides I can't walk in there dressed like this can I” she had a point, the top barely covered her panties when she was stood still, if she was walking it would show everything, “ok no problem” I replied accelerating slightly.
I'd been driving for about an hour and decided to take a break myself, I came off at the next services, “won't be long” I told her as I got out of the car. I walked into the building, used the toilets and grabbed another Coke, when I got back to the car I was surprised to find Susie having another drink, this time from a bottle of wine! I asked her if she wanted to use the toilets and again she declined, I started the engine and continued up the M1.
The wine seemed to affect her a lot more than the Lager had done and by the time she'd drank half the bottle I was beginning to get the impression she was more than a little drunk!
She stretched out her long legs and relaxed, her top rode up slightly giving me a clear view of the small triangle of white material that covered her mound, I don't know if it was the fact they were still damp or just my imagination working overtime, but I could have sworn I could see a patch of blonde pubic hair.
“I hope it's better up North I really do, I didn't really like London, the blokes were all so full of themselves, you'd think I'd have no trouble getting a bloke, after all I'm not in bad shape am I ?” She asked, taking a long gulp from the bottle, “I mean, don't you think my legs are nice” I nodded in agreement unsure where this was going, “I thought so and yet I haven't had a shag in ages” she replied, tantalisingly stroking the front of her panties with her right hand, I began to feel a stiffening in my jeans and hoped she wouldn't notice!
She chatted as we drove, most of the time I just listened, eventually she'd finished the bottle and settled back into the seat, a few minutes later she was fast asleep. I drove along listening to the radio as she slept, occasionally I would glance down at the thin material between her legs and wonder.
We'd just driven passed a services and she woke up suddenly, “I need a wee” she said and soon, “we've just past the services, it'll be about another 45 minutes before we hit the next one” I replied, she giggled, “don't worry, just keep your eye's on the road, we don't want any accidents do we”.
I glanced across and out of the corner of my eye watched as she removed one of her boots, she slid forward in her seat and without removing her panties began to relieve herself into it, when she'd finished she slipped her foot back into it and sat back in her seat, “there, who needs a coke bottle when you've got boots on” she giggled, “I will just have to empty them at the next services!”

She lit two more cigarettes and handed me one, then she opened another bottle of wine and took a long drink, “oh well it's not been a bad day so far” she said, a huge smile on her face.eventually I saw a sign for the next services, “want me to stop here?” I asked, “no it's fine, I've still got one empty boot yet” she giggled, I nodded, “ok your call” and kept driving.
We were about three quarters of the way into our journey when she pulled off the other boot, she was quite drunk by now and even less inhibited than she'd been before, “Time for a wee and it's going to be a big one” she giggled as she positioned herself over her boot, the loud hissing confirmed she had a very full bladder indeed.
As before she slipped her foot back into the boot but this time she looked down at the wet triangle of her panties, it was almost transparent, she pressed a finger against the soaking material and ran it slowly up her slit, my cock stiffened in my jeans, “I can't believe I haven't had a bloke in months” she complained “I bet you think I'm sexy don't you?” I nodded, “I'm sure you'll find a nice bloke when you get settled down you'll see” I replied, she sighed heavily and began to massage the front of her panties with her right hand, “but I don't want a NICE bloke, I want a bloke who'll use me and satisfy me, I want to be fucked hard and rough, I want filthy hard sex and I want spanking for being a very naughty girl” she insisted, I said nothing, just nodded, to be honest I was unsure what to say, or where this converstaion was going.
As we climbed a slight hill we could see a forest on the left a few miles up ahead, just before it was a motorway exit, “quick pull off here” she yelled, I pulled onto the slip road and we came to a roundabout, on the other side was a narrow lane leading into the forest, “up there, straight ahead” she instructed, I drove along the lane until we came to an even narrower track on the right, “turn in” she yelled, I drove up the track and it opened out into a small clearing beneath a canopy of trees, it was deserted and the sun cast patches of light on the grass beneath the trees, she was out of the car in seconds, “follow me” she called as she walked quickly into the woods small spurts of piss spilling from her boots as she went.
Just inside the stand of trees was a stump about 3 feet tall, she whipped off her T-shirt and stood in front of it, “well, d'you like what you see then?” she asked, suddenly seeming a lot more sober than she'd been in the car, “yes, yes I do like it” I replied, “in fact I like it a lot”, she smiled turned and faced the tree stump, folded her arms and leaned on it, her head resting on her arms, “well go on then, punish me” she giggled, “surely I deserve a good spanking for earlier, I mean at my age I shouldn't be wetting my panties should I, never mind wee'ing in my sexy black boots”
She had a fair point and so did I, it was throbbing inside my jeans. I stepped forward feeling more certain now, after all she was old enough and undoubtedly willing, why not take advantage, she was offering after all.
I ran a hand across the rear of her damp panties, they clung to her pert bottom like a second skin, “turn around Susie and stand up straight” I ordered, trying to sound stern, she complied instantly. “Susie, I can't believe what you did this morning, on wetting yourself once was an accident, maybe even twice, but you knew there were no toilets and you carried on drinking” she just nodded in silence. “not only did you wet your panties but you then did it again in your boots, not once, but twice and those boots look quite expensive” she nodded again, “they were” she replied meekly, I looked at her firm breasts in the tight white bra, her nipples looked very swollen, I was even more convinced she was turned on seeing this!
“right, take off that bra, place it on the tree stump and come over here” I ordered, sitting down on a large log, She removed the bra immediately and stepped forward, her wet panties only inches from my face, I reached up and fondled her firm tits squeezing her nipples roughly between my finger and thumb, she let out a gasp followed by a soft murmur of satisfaction, “just as I thought, you actually enjoyed it didn't you, in fact I'm beginning to suspect it wasn't an accident at all, any of it, after all, you didn't even attempt to remove your panties!”
She looked at me, “well I couldn't take them off could I, not in front of a stranger” she replied, not at all looking convincing, I took hold of her roughly and pulled her down onto my lap, she squirmed slightly, “ooh stop, I need a wee” I ignored her and began to spank her firm little bottom, she squealed and squirmed but I continued, “oooh noooo!” she squealed as she began to wet her panties once again, I continued the spanking relentlessly, when she stopped pissing I stopped spanking and made her stand in front of me.
“that was disgusting, totally disgusting” I told her as I began to unfasten my jeans, I lowered them and my underwear and my hard cock sprang into view, “look at this, now I suggest you deal with it and quickly, come here”. She spread her legs, pulled her panties to one side and began to ride me, I held back for as long as I could, then finally I knew I could hold back no longer, it didn't matter, by my reckoning she'd cum at least 3 times, “right, since you like wearing filthy panties then you shall, in fact I think we can make them even dirtier” I growled, “oh yes, make them as dirty as you want, make me wear really filthy panties” she yelled, I let go and fired a massive load deep inside her, she sat still for a few minutes as we got our breath back then stood up, I could see the cum beginning to soak into her once pristine panties, “wait, I haven't finished yet” I ordered, sensing she was about to go into a squat.
I stood in front of her, “pull those panties open”| I instructed, she pulled the front out giving me a clear view of her blonde pubic hair, it was matted with our cum. “well that needs cleaning” and before she could reply I began to piss into the front of her panties as she held them open, “enough, let go” I barked, she let them go like they were red hot and they snapped back into place, “now, piss your pants” I commanded, she threw back her head, stuck out her pert tits and closed her eyes, finally a heavy stream burst from the crotch of her panties, at this point I began to piss again, this time into her sexy black boots, filling first one then the other, when I'd finished they were almost overflowing!
I picked up her Tshirt and threw it to her, “put this on, this can stay off” I said, stuffing her little white bra into my pocket.I walked slowly behind her as we headed back to the car enjoying the way her dirty little panties clung to her bottom and the piss slopped from her boots, we'd almost reached the car when a dog came running past us shortly afterwards and older man approached, “keep walking Susie” I called out.
He stopped as he drew level and smiled, “nice day for it isn't it” he chuckled, obviously knowing what we'd been up to. “it certainly is, I've just been teaching this young lady some discipline, she's wet herself several times today” I informed him, his eyes lit up as he took in every inch of her body, “aye it looks like she's in a bit of a mess” he chuckled, his eyes scanning over her tits, down to her soaking panties and finally settling on her boots, he reached down and gently lifted her left leg before slipping of her boot, “can't have her in wet boots can we” he replied, giving me a knowing look, I nodded, “quite right” he reached out with one hand and pulled the front of her panties outward, then deftly poured the contents of the boot inside, he chuckled as he did so, finally he let the panties snap back int place and replaced the boot on her foot before removing the other one, this time he poured it down the back of her panties, “there we go, that's better” he said, he gave her tits a playful squeeze through the tight T-shirt, said goodby and wandered off into the forest in search of his dog, whistling as he went, no doubt his day somewhat brightened by his experience.
We got back to the car and before we got in I made Susie remove her piss soaked panties and put on her jeans, finally I told her to pick up her panties and place them flat on the car bonnet. I took a marker pen from out of the car and told her to write across the seat of the panties, 'if found please return to Susie, or at least write and tell me how you liked them' and her new address before hanging them from a prominent tree branch.
We got into the car and after rejoining the motorway headed north, eventually we arrived at her new place, It's been three weeks since that journey and she was telling me how she hadn't heard anything about her panties, not until today that was when she received a letter in the post from a man who lived near the forest, all it said in the letter was to insert the enclosed SD card into a computer, she did and a video began to play, it was a group of men stood in a clearing in a forest one by one they were taking it in turns to wank into something it looked like two small white fabric cups, when they'd finished the camera zoomed out, below the unidentified object was her panties, the writing on them clearly visible, suddenly she realised what the other object was, her sports bra! She hadn't noticed me hanging it on the branch alongside the panties. Finally a mans voice on the video thanked her for her little 'gift' if she wanted them back she'd have to send some others to them.

She replied with a pair of her black panties and a tiny black bra, saying she hoped they'd enjoy these as much as the white ones, she can't wait until the white ones come back, she's going to wear them straight away. As for me, well I'm going to enjoy seeing her in them, she's such an incredible slut that she asked me to stay the night rather than drive home that night and I'm still there, she's not complained about not getting a fuck since we got back although sometimes she does walk a little oddly!

The end
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Joined: Wed Jun 02, 2004 12:50 am

Re: story

Post by kneehigh21 »

Excellent as always. Thanks for that!
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