a continuation

Other bodily fluids and excretions and anything else gross in, on and around shoes and boots. Pee in shoes, pee on shoes, etc.

Moderators: Richie, Jess, minni, cumheels, Mrs.HB, redwedge, Heelexploder, german bootlover, heelbone, HighHeelFetish.org

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a continuation

Post by owlman »

Diane finds her kinky side
A follow on from 'Dianes Dilemma

Diane had worked at the bar for a couple of months now and the trade in the afternoon had increased, no doubt in no small part to her popularity with the male customers, she'd replaced her boots with new taller ones and her skirt had also been replaced with a slighty shorter one, this had met not only with the approval of her boss but also most of the male clientelle that frequented the bar in the afternoons. In fact shortly after a rise in drinks prices one customer was heard to say that he'd noticed that as the prices rose, so had the hemline of the barmaids skirt, he didn't mid prices rising as long as the skirt did too, he joked to a fellow drinker.
On a couple of occasions when the bar had been busy Diane had been forced to have a sneaky wee into her boots as she'd not been able to leave the bar, and although if asked she'd undoubtedly deny it, she was beginning to find it an arousing experience. She'd taken to wearing sheer black hold up stockings with her boots and skirt recently, the fact they already had a sort of shimmer to them was only accentuated when she'd wet them, in fact so adept had she become at this that she could now stand behind the bar her feet slightly apart and discretely have a wee in her boots while serving a customer and he'd be blissfully unaware of what was occuring only a few feet away.
One day as she was about to leave at the end of her shift the owner called her into the back office and made her a proposition, would she like to leave her current job and work somewhere else, more money, bigger tips and a smaller more select client base.
He then explained that he also owned a small club that was situated in the basement, Diane was completely unaware of its existence, he took her downstairs to show her the 'club', it was a private gentlemens club, membership was both strictly limited and very exclusive.
The room was in contrast to the bar upstairs quite dimly lit and had a medieval them, wrought iron sconces with flicker effect bulbs adorned the walls and a large wrought iron fitting with the same lamps hung in the centre of the room, the floor was made of stone and the whole room resembled a medieval dungeon, she shivered slightly in the cold atmosphere, 'it soon warms up when the heating is on' chuckled the owner as if sensing her feelings.
He went behind the bar and poured 2 large glasses of brandy then sat at one of the long wooden and iron tables, Diane sat opposite him and he handed her one of the glasses as he explained about the secret club hidden below one of the areas most popular bar venues.It was a private club for discerning and discrete gentlemen, most of them wealthy businessmen who all shared a fetish for leather and other associated kinks, the barmaids, or 'serving wenches' as they were known were all hand picked for their interest in the fetish and also their willingness to participate in certain acts with the clients, naturally, he was quick to explain, Diane wouldn't be expected to take part in any of the acts, her job would be to run the bar and make sure that its success continued.
Diane thought about this as she slowly sipped her brandy and after hearing how much her earnings would increase by, was more than happy to accept the job, indeed the fact she'd only be working three evenings a week only added to the allure of the job.
It was agreed that she'd start the following Friday evening, the club only opened on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 8pm until 1 am and she was looking forward to it.
Arriving a little after 7 on Friday she was taken to the basement and handed her uniform, it consisted of a short soft black leather top that barely covered her pert breasts, a very short and very soft leather skirt that was split up both sides to the waistband and a pair of black crotch high boots, it was up to her, she was told what underwear if any, she chose to wear, the same applied to her stockings, although, the owner was quick to point out that he did find them rather sexy.
The club was empty apart from the pair of them and Diane looked around for somewhere to change, 'well, why not change here?' said the owner, 'after all it's not like the place is full of customers is it?'
Diane slowly unfastened the blouse she was wearing revealing the black silky bra beneath and put on the new leather top, instantly she saw a problem, it was so short that her bra could be seen underneath it, she took it off, unhooked her bra allowing her pert breasts to spring forward, much to the delight of the watching bar owner.
The top fitted much better without her bra, the soft leather seemed to mould itself to the curves of her breasts and she realised that her pointed nipples seemed to poke thru the soft leather, he smiled appreciatively, 'mmmm, looking good' he purred. Her skirt came off next to reveal her little white panties, she was only wearing these as her black ones were in the wash, she hoped they wouldnt be too visible beneath the much shorter skirt she was about to slip into, finally she slipped off her knee high boots and slipped her slender legs into the new soft leather crotch boots, they fitted perfectly with just a small gap between the boot and her thigh at the top.
The owner eyed her appreciatively, clearly he'd made the right choice, not only in the outfit but also in the wearer, ' you'll find it much easier to reach the bottles on the bottom shelf of the fridges in that skirt' he said with a grin. Previously she'd struggled to get down in her own skirt and by way of a test Diane dropped into a squat where she stood, the slits in the skirt allowing the front to sit over her thighs and the back hung vertically giving a tantalising glimpse of her little white panties, 'well I think thats much better dont you? ' he chuckled, as Diane, now in a teasing mood, held the squat for a little longer than was strictly needed.
She got back up and walked over to the bar to familiarise herself with its layout, ' I deliberately allowed that little gap around the boot tops knowing your little kink' he informed her as he watched her, heels clicking on the stone floor as she walked up and down behind the bar.
Diane spun around on her heel, 'what little kink?' she asked feeling herself blush. 'oh I think you know what I am referring to' he replied, it didnt take long to notice how you never use the loo during your shift,also I noticed how you like to join the cutomers in a drink when its offered' he said, a strange leer on his face.
For a split second she felt a little uneasy, then relaxed and smiled, 'hmm, perhaps I had better test them then' she replied, as she relaxed and allowed a little stream of urine to escape her bladder, it ran thru her panties, down her stocking clad thighs and into her boots, 'hmm, you're right, perfect' she purred, looking down at the floor and not seeing any evidence of what she'd just done. He stepped towards her and reached out, his hand slipping easily under her skirt and making contact with the crotch of her wet panties, 'hmmm, kinky, there's something so sexy about wet white panties' he said as he traced a finger along her wet slit over the panties before stepping back ot the other side of the bar.
At 7:45 three girls appeared, all dressed in knee high boots, short black leather skirts and white blouses with the top three buttons removed, Diane noticed their skirts were not as short as hers but considered that was probably as they'd be dealing with the customers, at 8:oopm the doors opened and a group of well dressed men entered, they glanced around the room before taking seats around a large rectangular table by the large open fire.
By 8:45 the place was full of customers, well as full as it could get, there was room for no more than twenty five people and they sat in various sized groups at the tables around the room, some in groups of 3 or four, occasionally in ones or two,s the group by the fire being the largest. Mostly the men seemed to drink pints of beer from tankards and the girls hurried between the tables keeping them supplied, the room was distinctly warmer than before and the girls were visibly sweating as they worked, it was at this point Diane noticed that the girls were braless!
There was a clatter from one of the tables followed by a loud squeal, she looked over in time to see one of the waitresses being dragged across a table, she was about to stop whatever was about to occur when one of the other girls stopped her, 'leave it, its fine' she told Diane, 'it looks like the games have begun'.

One of the drinkers seated at the table had grabbed the girls wrists and pulled her face down across the table, her booted feet hung in mid air and swung about in mock resistance to her ordeal. 'you spilt my ale wench and you must be punished' she heard one of the males seated at the table call out. He rose to his feet and yanked up the short leather skirt exposing a tight pair of black panties before beginning to spank the girls bottom, she squirmed about as he administered the punishment, Diane felt her own crotch begin to moisten as she realised the girl being spanked was grinding her crotch on the table to the obvious delight of the group of men.
Once the spanking had been administered, she was pulled to her feet, her blouse was soaked with the spilt ale, 'off off off ' chanted the group as the girl slowly began to remove her wet blouse exposing her fairly large breasts with prominent nipples, Diane, watching events from behind the bar took another sip from her own drink before slowly emptying her bladder into her boots, realising nobody was looking in her direction she slid a hand under her skirt and gave her wet crotch a little rub.
This event seemed to get the men in the mood for some fun and pretty soon the girls were being groped and fondled each time they went to a table, at one point Diane noticed on girl had been pulled onto a customers knee and he had his hand up her skirt, if that wasnt enough she noticed the girl wriggle a little as she slipped her skirt higher up her thighs exposing her panties to the appreciative male, who with a deft flick of a finger moved them aside and began to rub her clit, she purred with pleasure as the others at the table watched with interest.
While the evenings events had been unfolding Diane had noticed two men sat in a darkened corner of the room, the bigger of the two seemed more interested in Diane than in the events taking place around him, finally he raises his hand pointed a finger at her and made the 'come here' gesture.
Diane, thinking they wanted drinks picked up a tankard, pointed to it, then to them, as if asking 'do you want drinks?' the man nodded and after filling two tankards she made her way to the table, she'd just placed them on the table when the man grabbed her and pulled her roughly towards him. 'well well well, a new serving wench' he said, a touch of menace in his voice, before she could say anything he'd whipped up her top exposing her pert breasts, 'hmmm tits a bit small, lets see what else we have' he said to his friend as he lifted her skirt exposing her little white panties, Diane gasped at first, then realised she was actually becoming aroused by his actions, 'hmm wet' he murmered as he ran his finger across the front of the damp white panties.
He took his tankard and lifted it up before dribbling the ale on Dianes left breast then licking and sucking it, she felt the nipple harden and blushed, 'mmmm, soon get those panties wetter at this rate' he chuckled, as his mate began to rub her other breast. At the same time she felt the larger mans finger slide easily into her wet pussy.
For the next few minutes she sat between the men as they explored her breasts and pussy, she could feel herself becoming more aroused as one man began to stroke her thigh his fingers slipping into the gap between her leg and the soft black leather. Feeling the wetness he looked at her, 'tell me wench, did you piss yourself? ' Diane nodded, 'yes I did' she admitted, 'pissed into these slutty boots did you?' he went on, Diane at this point could feel herself on the verge of cumming in her panties, 'mmm, yes, I pissed into my long slutty boots, do you think I need punishing for being naughty? ' she asked, hardly believing what she was saying.
He nodded, 'indeed I do young lady, the question is just how?' he said, pausing just long enough for her to take in what he'd said. ' Take off the boots young lady, we have a present for you, something a dirty girl will enjoy' Diane sitting between the two men slowly slipped off her boots, he took them from her and handed one to his drinking partner. They nodded to each other and the boots disappeared beneath the table, they undid their trousers as she watched, the hissing sound told her they were using her boots to urinate in, when they'd done they told her to put them back on.
Diane slowly slid her boots back on, she was surprised to discover that rather than finding it disgusting it actually turned her on, she was told to stand up and face the smaller of the two men, he promptly slipped her wet panties aside and began to finger her, despite his roughness, it wasnt long before Diane let out a loud gasp as she creamed her panties, 'told you, she's even sluttier than the other three' sniggered the male behind her as he pushed a thick finger into her ass, she gasped as he pushed it deep inside.
He probed Dianes anus for several minutes before she began to squirm, he removed his finger, 'stand still slut' he ordered as he gripped herslim waist, she nodded and he pushed it back into her ass, once again she squirmed, 'please I need the bathroom' she pleaded, he shook his head, 'piss in the boots slut' he ordered, she shook her head, ' its not a piss I need' she replied, blushing a little at her crude language in front of the two men, they both laughed when she said this.
'Oh dear, looks like you have a problem then doesnt it?' he continued, ramming his finger deeper into her ass. 'please let me go, I really have to use the bathroom' she pleaded, the man shook his head, 'no, I think you need to stay here for a while, besides we really like your company' he laughed.
She was forced back onto the seat and given a beer to drink, she could feel the pressure incresing in her bowels and knew she wouldnt hold much longer, finally she knew she was beaten, 'please may I stand up?' she asked, the man asked her why and she then had to explain that she was about to relieve herself into her panties and didnt want to be sitting down. He smiled and when she stood up he told her to raise the back of her skirt, she closed her eyes and tried to relax as slowly she began to soil her panties, after letting a little out she felt much better, 'all of it wench, let it all out' he ordered, Diane grunted and pushed hard, her panties felt like they were about to explode as a full days load shot out of her pert bottom stretching her panties tight across that shapely rear, it was firm and obvious in her thin white panties, 'mmm, what a good slut' he told her as he gently felt the load in her undewear, 'best get back to the bar now' he told her, gently easing her away from the table towards the bar.
To be continued
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Re: a continuation

Post by derfranz »

Can't wait to read more of it. Thank you!
Posts: 391
Joined: Tue May 25, 2010 11:58 pm

Re: a continuation

Post by owlman »

Dianes Dilemma part three

Diane was now back behind the bar in her regular place, the other girls were still working the tables, serving ale and getting groped by the men, all three had now removed their blouses, one had gone further and removed her skirt, or had it removed, either way she was working the tables in only her panties and boots, Diane found this oddly arousing and slipped a hand into her panties for a little rub as she leaned against the bar.
She was lost in a trance when o voice interrupted her, it was a customer and he wanted a bottle out of the fridge, Diane went to squat to get it then remembered thoe load in her panties,still firm but now cold, she went down slowly doing her best not to squash it against her pert ass.
She managed that without any incident and placed the bottle on the bar, 'turn around, lets see that ass baby' said the customer, she turned so he could see the back of her skirt, 'flip it, lets see those pants' he ordered, sounding a little aggressive, she slowly lifted the little leather flap to reveal the panties, and their bulging load.
He gasped when he saw it, 'hmmm, bring the bottle to my table, and bring that ass, I want a piece of that too' he told her as he walked away from the bar, Diane now had a problem, how did she empty the panties without leaving the room? Somehow although she had a feeling he'd enjoy groping her poop filled panties, she didnt fancy the idea.
She considered taking off a boot and dropping it in there but it had taken so long to clean her other boots after she'd done it in them she was quite hesitant to repeat the experience, there had to be another way. She slipped off one of her boots while the bar was quiet and then she found the solution, or at least she hoped it was, she took off one of her stockings, the lower part was quite thick, more like those wooly tights, and wasnt visible as long as the wearer wore knee high boots
she held it between her thighs and managed to tip the contents of her panties into it, then slowly she slipped it back onto her leg, finally she slipped the boot back on and hoped the mess had stayed in the stocking and not oozed into the boot.
She picked up the bottle and made her way to the table where the customer who'd ordered it was sitting, he indicated for her to sit on his lap taking the bottle from her as she sat down. Without any preamble she felt one of his hands go under her short skirt and start rubbing her ass, 'you emptied your panties didnt you' he growled in her ear. She nodded, 'yes I did' she replied as she felt a thick finger slip between her ass cheeks, over her panties it found its target and began to push into her ass, taking the panties with it, Diane let out a little gasp.
She wiggled about trying to get comfortable as the finger went deep inside her, 'hmmm, you love that dont you wench' he told her, ' not many serving wenches that like their asshole played with'
she felt her panties dampen again, this time it wasnt urine, she was on the verge of cumming once more, ' so, where is it wench, you didnt leave the room, so where did it go?' he demanded, Diane blushed a little, 'left boot' she whispered, ' what?' he replied, 'its in my left boot' she repeated, she felt his cock twitch in his pants, 'you put your shit in your boot?' he asked, she nodded, 'yes, the left one'. The man grinned, well wench, in that case I have something else to go in there, she felt him reach under her bottom and unzip his trousers, his cock appeared, long and semi stiff, not unlike a snake she thought.
He managed to get his cock into a position where she could feel it on her left thigh, it was just inside her boot, then a warm wetness, 'ahh thats better' he sighed, Diane realised he was relieving himself into her left boot, it seemed to take ages for him to stop pissing, all the while she could feel the level rising in her boot, finally he finished, 'off you go wench' he told her as he slipped his finger out of her ass.
She had barely been behind the bar for five minutes when another man approached, she'd seen him talking to the man who'd relieved himself into her boot moments earlier. Stood at the end of the bar he motioned her to come to him, as she approached she noticed him undoing his zip, he grabbed her waist and pushed her into the corner slipped his cock into her left boot and started to piss, the level in her boot began to rise rapidly.

He was going for ages she began to think her boot would overflow thankfully it didnt.he smiled, gave her ass a playful slap then walked away, several other men approached her over the next hour, all for the same thing, clearly word got around fast!
Not long before closing time the three girls were made to bend over a very narrow table that had been put in the centre of the room, a tub was placed in front of each girl, the purpose of which was as yet a mystery to Diane, she didnt have long to find out what it was for.
First in the line was the girl in only boots and panties, a man approached her from behind, opened his wallet and took out a wad of money, he dropped it into the tub in front of her, pulled her panties aside and pushed his cock into her ass, she gasped as it entered her and the men shouted encouragement as he rode her ass, strands of cum dribbled out into her panties as he finally pulled out.
Several men took turns with her, some used her ass, some her pussy and some her mouth, the amount they put in the tub seemed to vary according to which hole they used, finally cum dripping from all her holes she lay limp across the table, there was a hissing noise and cheers as she pissed herself!
Similar things happened to the other girls, the last one somewhat slimmer that the other two suffered a particularly humiliating experience, one guy was far from gentle as he entered her ass, she yelped as he pushed into her and at the same time a stream of piss poured out of her panties to cheers from the audience, he rode her ass hard for several minutes then went rigid, he was cumming, she moaned as he pushed hard into her, and seemed to be taking quite a while, he'd no sooner pulled out than two men grabbed her arms holding her across the table, there was a loud burbling noise and a thick brown liquid poured into her panties, clearly he'd given her a piss enema!

Finally, it was all over, or so she thought, the man who'd used her boots as a urinal appeared at the bar, 'here wench, now's where you earn your bonus' , with some reluctance Diane found herself being led out onto the floor, she was told to remove her skirt and top and then kneel on the stone floor, some of the urine leaked out of her boot tops, much to the amusement of the audience.
Someone placed a tub close by her and she wondered what was about to happen, she hadnt agreed to have sex with anyone and had no intention of being forced into it, a man stepped forward, threw something in the tub then stood in front of her and undid his zip, she didnt have long to ponder what he was going to do as a hot stream of piss hit her breasts, he played it over her nipples wathing them harden, then on down her belly and over her panty covered pussy, as soon as he'd finished another then another took his place each one threw money into the tub, finally the man who'd put her in that position stepped forward and taking her hand helped her to her feet, then just as she thought it was all over he threw a large wad of money into the tub, 'pull the pants open wench, lets see that pussy' he growled,.
Diane pulled the front of her panties open to reveal her almost naked pussy, covered only by a few soft hairs it looked really inviting, he took out his cock and sprayed it hard with hot piss, then down onto the front of her already soaked panties, 'turn' he barked, Diane turned and he unleashed another torrent over her panty clad ass, 'turn' he barked again, as she faced him he began to piss into her boots, first one then the other, almost filling them, finally he was done, the crowd cheered as Diane stood there dripping in piss, 'still at least I didnt have to drink any' she thought ot herself.
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