Women with shoes step on bare feet

Girls who love to kick and trample guys you know where.

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Re: Women with shoes step on bare feet

Post by ovebe »

A few more:
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Re: Women with shoes step on bare feet

Post by Footstomplover »

Last year of school (Part 3)

I was under converse girl's shoe for what felt like an eternity. It had become clear to me that I underestimated the pain that the pressure of her shoed foot on my face would cause. Therefore it became more and more difficult to relax. My mouth and cheeks hurt like hell -- mostly due to the pressure of the hard sole, but also due to the tread cutting into my skin. Furthermore, as my jacket did not really provide a soft underlay, my entire head was in pain due to being pressed against the floor. But then I asked myself: was it worth it and would I do it again? To me, there could be only one correct answer: yes and yes. So I waited more and tried to enjoy the feeling and the view of her converse on my face.

Finally I noticed that she was moving: I heard something and also felt a slight movement of her shoe in my face. As the tread was deeply in my skin, this little move already hurt a lot. I immediately closed my eyes to appear asleep. A few moments later she removed her shoe from my face and it sounded like she had put it on her backpack again. What a relief! But I was still nervous as I did not know whether she had woken up. And even without the pressure on my face now, my jaw was still quite sore and my cheeks felt like they were burning. I waited a few minutes and as converse girl appeared to be still asleep, I got up and back into my seat, put my backpack between my legs again and my jacket into it.

I was really tired, so I tried to get some sleep. The most difficult thing was to find a comfortable position, so when trying my best there, I did not move my right foot too far out which of course reduced the chance of having it crushed by converse girl again. But that was ok for now as I was still in fear of being caught. But as time passed, I could not get to sleep, so I kept looking at converse girl's shoes from time to time. This contributed to the fact that my excitement grew again over my fear. So I started again to move my right foot towards converse girl and also my backpack, so from her perspective it would look like I did not have too much space and therefore my foot was so close to her. But when she moved the next time, she did not step on my foot, but put both her feet on her footrest.

I closed my eyes and slowly fell into some half-awake-half-asleep state. When the sun started to come, I did not know whether I had slept a bit or not. I looked around and noticed that people around me were still sleeping -- including converse girl. She had her feet still (or again?) on her footrest. I checked the position of my right foot: I wanted it close to her, so that she might step on it, but not too close to be suspicious as I expected her to wake up soon. When I was satisfied with the placement, I closed my eyes again to rest a bit more.

It remained quiet for maybe another hour, then I heard people waking up and talking. At some point also converse girl woke up. When I heard her moving, I kept my eyes closed to pretend to be asleep. Then I heard her putting her left foot down, unfortunately not on my foot, but close as I could feel some vibrations in the floor. Before she could also bring her right foot back on the floor she had to move her backpack to the left a bit. And to do that she brought her left foot closer to me. As I had hoped, this caused her to collide with my right foot. She even lifted the forefoot a bit while shifting, so that my pinky toe was pinched under her sole. It seemed that she noticed the collision as she immediately retracted her foot. But she did not say anything, probably because she did not want to wake me up.

I waited a few minutes more, then opened my eyes and moved a bit. She noticed it, looked and me and we both said:

- Good morning.

We chatted a bit and luckily she did not mention that she had previously stepped on my foot. With her awake, no more foot tramplings happened and finally we arrived. People prepared themselves to get off the bus and even shortly before we stopped, they already left their seats and headed towards the exit. This caused that the aisle became crowded. People had to pass my seat and as I looked around, I noticed that also superstar girl was already on the aisle (unfortunately somewhere behind be), so she would probably also pass close to me. I decided to stay in my seat and not to put my flip-flops back on. But I already brought my backpack a bit closer to me and while doing so, I also moved it to the left a bit so I had an excuse to bring my left foot closer to the aisle. When the bus stopped and the doors opened, people on the aisle started move. Rather slow, as also more people entered in front of the ones already on the aisle. At some point, the girl in front of superstar girl passed next to me. I looked around to get a glance on how superstar girl was positioned and saw that she was quite close. As the girl in front of her was wearing a backpack, I figured that superstar girl would not have a good view on the floor, so decided to move my left foot on the aisle. A few moments later, she moved again a bit and touched the outside of my left foot with the front of her shoe. It was only a slight contact as she had to stop again. She did not say anything, so probably she did not notice it. I did not dare to look down, but I assumed that her shoe was now really close to my foot. And indeed, when she moved the next time, she kicked my foot again from the side and as she was moving so slowly, she unfortunately did not step on my foot. But this time she noticed, so she looked down, then at me and said:

- Sorry.

I retracted my foot immediately on contact (it was a reflex) and replied:

- No problem.

With this, the situation was resolved and superstar girl turned away from me again. She was now standing a bit in front of me, so I glanced at her shoes which were quite close to my foot, but I did not dare to attempt another collision. When all people had passed, I slipped on my flip-flops, grabbed my backpack and also left the bus. We were dropped off at a train station outside of town and from there we walked about 10 minutes to some kind of campground area where we resided in small wooden cabins on wheels. Each cabin was for 4 people and I was in one with 3 other guys. It was still early in the morning and I was really tired, so I went to bed as soon as I could.

To be continued...
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Re: Women with shoes step on bare feet

Post by ovebe »

Nice. :)

Here is another experience I posted on an other board a couple of years ago. The event took place 8-9 years ago I believe.

"This week I had a couple of days off from work and yesterday I helped a friend of mine move some furniture to her apartment.
Afterwards we drank some beer and I something about the couch being nicer to my back now than when we carried it up the stairs.
My friend said: "I could walk on your back if you like". I was a bit surprised but of course I agreed to that. One does not turn down a backwalk even if my feet and hands are the parts I enjoy the most putting under a female foot.

Apparently she used to walk on her older brother "all the time" when they were younger. Anyway, I laid down on the floor and she stepped up. She asked if she was heavy, to which I answered "No, not the least."
As she weigh 48 kilos that is completely true. She is 162 cm with a slim figure and cute size 37 feet, which at her age of 33 are soft as a babies cheek.
She walked around for about five minutes - she was barefoot and I kept my shirt on - sometimes standing on her heels and tiptoes. That felt awesome.

"Better now, ´cause I´m thirsty?", she asked and I thanked her for the massage. She giggled a little and stepped down. I quickly put my hand where her feet would land so she stepped full weight on my left thumb.
"Oh shit, did I hurt you?", she exclaimed. I saw my chance and said "No, I´m fine. I have always had very tough hands... and feet actually. You know, you could stand on my foot with heels and it doesn´t hurt at all."
She gave me a funny look and asked: "You want me to step on your foot? I might break something".
I assured her that she wouldn´t hurt me and that it would be my fault anyway if anything happened.
"Haha, I need a drink first", she said and added: "have some you too, for your foot..."
She went to her closet and fetched a pair of strappy sandals with a rather narrow heel, about 12 cm (4 inch). "I´m a Convere-girl normally, but I bought these on second-hand for a party last year. They're cute, but I can barely walk in them".

I had a hard time hiding my excitement when she put them on. She then walked up to me, put the front part of the shoe on my toes and asked: "are you sure?". Of course I was sure so she moved all her weight onto me.
"No hurt?" she asked and I replied: "What, have you already stepped on me?"
"Haha. Ok, you asked for it", she said and put her heel down on my foot, just above the toes. "I´ve had a lot of beer now so here comes at least 52 kilos".
She then slowly transferred all weight to the heel and remained there for a few seconds. As I stood silent she moved the heel to my big toe and stepped down again.
"Holy crap, your toe must be made of rock" she said when she got off and turned to me. "Told you so", I answered.
"Well, these shoes seem to hurt me more than you", she said as she kicked them off and added "You are strange".

Well perhaps I am, but I didn´t have the courage to take pictures of her stepping on me. My intuition told me that it would have been a bit "over the line" with her. But when she went to the bathroom I slid off my sock and took a picture of the marks she left, and one of the shoes.
A nice experience. :) "
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Re: Women with shoes step on bare feet

Post by Footstomplover »

@ovebe: cool experience! Sounds like a dream girl when she immediately offered to step on your foot. I find it particularly hot that she identified herself as a converse girl. Did she step on your feet with her converse (on another occasion?)? And was she wearing them the day you helped her moving? Or was that not relevant to you because you prefer heels?
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Re: Women with shoes step on bare feet

Post by ovebe »

@Footstomplover: Well, she was a bit tipsy there... :)
As I recall she wore some trainers that day, and I believe I´ve never seen her in anyting but Nike and Converse.
Anyway, she met a dude and moved to another city 5-6 years ago and I havent seen her since.
Pity, I´d like some more... :)
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Re: Women with shoes step on bare feet

Post by Footstomplover »

Last year of school (Part 4)

I could sleep a bit, but after a few hours, the program continued: we all went back to the train station to go to town from there. The weather was good, so it was no problem for me to wear t-shirt, shorts and flip-flops. On the way to the train station, I was chatting with another guy and we were not walking too fast. This caused that at some point superstar girl walked passed us as she was faster. This was a good opportunity for me to look at her shoes, but unfortunately there was no chance to get my feet close to hers. The same also for the train ride. When we arrived in town, we started the sightseeing: at first, the entire group went together. I tried to stay close to superstar girl, but again there were no good opportunities for foot tramples. After we visited some places, the sightseeing continued in groups: each student went with his/her teacher. As superstar girl had a different teacher, I could not go with her anymore. Nothing interesting happened in my group and once we were through with this part, we could continue on our own in groups of three to five students. I went with some guys, so again nothing interesting to tell here. Doing the sightseeing in small groups went on for the rest of the stay.

On one day, after coming back from sightseeing and after taking a shower, I sat on the porch of our cabin and played cards with some other guys, partly from my cabin. It was still quite warm, so it was no problem for me to be barefoot with shorts and t-shirt. It was a bit late already so it started to get dark. At some point, I saw superstar girl approaching. As always during the trip, she was wearing her superstars, so I became excited immediately. She went to the neighboring cabin and knocked on the door. After a while without anyone opening the door, she headed towards us. At the lower end of the stairs to our porch, she stopped and asked:

- Hi, do you know when they will be back?

With "they", she meant the guys from the other cabin. We did not know and I said:

- If you want, you can wait here and play cards with us.

- Thanks, but I just come back later.

Then she left and we went on playing.

After maybe 10 to 15 minutes, she came back -- together with some of the guys from the neighboring cabin and a few more girls, including converse girl (who was also wearing her converse again). The guys from the cabin went inside (maybe they took a shower) and the girls waited outside chatting. By that time, it had not gotten completely dark yet, but enough to make playing cards difficult. So one of the players suggested:

- Shall we see what the others are up to?

One of guys from my cabin preferred to keep chilling on the porch, but the rest -- including myself -- was about to join the group of girls. The other guys went in the cabin to bring back the games and to put on shoes. My heart was racing as I wanted to approach the girls barefoot, but I could not decide whether I should really do it. The area in front of the cabins was only soil and especially on the paths where people walked to and from the cabins, there was hardly any grass left (the parts without grass defined the paths). The girls were standing on a bit broader part without grass which was roughly in the middle between my cabin the neighboring one. Especially this part was a bit muddy due to some recent rain. This fact increased both difficulty and excitement for me to go there barefoot. Not knowing how to proceed, I just remained sitting on the porch with the other guy. It did not take long and the others came out again, ready to go. One of them asked me:

- You also stay here?

- No, I was waiting for you.

With this, I got up and took a step towards him to indicate that I was ready. He looked at my feet and asked:

- You don't need shoes?

- No, I find it comfortable without'em.

- Ok, then I guess we can go.

I was glad that he did not ask further questions. We went down the stairs of our porch and approached the group of girls. I felt the soil under my feet, it was a bit cold and moist. When we reached the girls, we all said 'Hi' and arranged ourselves in a circle. Luckily, I managed to stand next to superstar girl, but unfortunately not also next to converse girl. Of course, it did not go unnoticed that I was barefoot, so one of the girls asked:

- Why aren't you wearing shoes?

- It's comfortable like that.

- But your feet are getting all dirty in that mud.

- That's no problem. I can wash them later.

Then superstar girl asked:

- And are you only walking barefoot around your cabin here or do you do it anywhere?

- I probably wouldn't go into the city without shoes, but here on the campground it should be fine.

As I was still looking at superstar girl, she continued:

- Well, we'll all go dancing in the canteen tonight. Are you also coming ... barefoot?

Dancing with superstar and converse girl? Barefoot and possibly in a place with low light? This was getting better and better. But at the same time, I felt more and more uncomfortable as the other people were listening the entire time to this conversation about me being barefoot. Luckily, superstar girl asked the last question in a somehow challenging way, so I could easily answer:

- Sure.

- Whoa! That's brave. Then you really have to pay attention that you don't get your feet stepped on.

Before I could say anything, superstar girl's best friend jumped in:

- Haha yeah, especially around [superstar girl] because she can go quite crazy on the dancefloor and then she doesn't notice anymore what she steps on. I can tell from experience!

Superstar girl said:

- I know, sooorry. I just love dancing!

I entered the conversation again by saying to superstar girl:

- Sounds like you are really able to get the maximum out of the music.

- Depends on the music.

With this, the attention was drawn away from my feet and the conversation continued with different topics. More people joined, including the guys from the neighboring cabin. Luckily, no one asked about my bare feet again. At some point, we decided to go. The way to the canteen was not long (maybe 5 minutes), but there were parts with gravel which were quite challenging for me. I had to walk carefully on that, but my bare soles still hurt. At the same time, it made me hot as I could see how superstar girl carelessly walked over the gravel with her shoes on. I was a few meters behind her, so I had a good view on her shoes: there was some mud stuck to the soles -- not surprising after what we had just stood on.

When we reached the canteen, we did not immediately enter, but stayed in front of it (I do not remember why, but possibly because some people wanted to smoke). I was relieved that the ground in that entrance area was concrete and no gravel anymore. The walls on that side of the canteen were completely made of glass, so we could already see other people dancing inside. Also the music was loud enough to be hearable outside. Again we formed a circle and some people -- including superstar girl -- started to dance in its center. Being shy and without any dancing experience, I did not dare to join, so I stayed in the circle around the dancers. Of course, I only had eyes for superstar girl: she was indeed quite crazy as she moved around a lot. At some point, she was directly in front of me, so I thought about how to get my feet under hers. Even though she had her back turned to me, I did not dare to look down, but I knew that my feet were only a few centimeters away from her moving superstars. While I was still thinking whether I should bring one of my feet forward, she stepped back and her right superstar landed squarely on my right foot. Ouch! As she was in full movement, she crushed my foot with quite some impact. The hard superstar sole was pressed on my toes and instep, but unfortunately only for one moment as she stepped off immediately. The good thing was: she did not say anything or even looked at me, so either she did not notice or did not care that she stepped on my foot and both these options were attractive for me. We stayed outside a little longer and then -- between two songs -- proceeded to go inside.

To be continued...
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Re: Women with shoes step on bare feet

Post by Mr.Alex »

Footstomplover wrote: Thu Oct 14, 2021 6:08 am Last year of school (Part 4)

I could sleep a bit, but after a few hours, the program continued: we all went back to the train station to go to town from there. The weather was good, so it was no problem for me to wear t-shirt, shorts and flip-flops. On the way to the train station, I was chatting with another guy and we were not walking too fast. This caused that at some point superstar girl walked passed us as she was faster. This was a good opportunity for me to look at her shoes, but unfortunately there was no chance to get my feet close to hers. The same also for the train ride. When we arrived in town, we started the sightseeing: at first, the entire group went together. I tried to stay close to superstar girl, but again there were no good opportunities for foot tramples. After we visited some places, the sightseeing continued in groups: each student went with his/her teacher. As superstar girl had a different teacher, I could not go with her anymore. Nothing interesting happened in my group and once we were through with this part, we could continue on our own in groups of three to five students. I went with some guys, so again nothing interesting to tell here. Doing the sightseeing in small groups went on for the rest of the stay.

On one day, after coming back from sightseeing and after taking a shower, I sat on the porch of our cabin and played cards with some other guys, partly from my cabin. It was still quite warm, so it was no problem for me to be barefoot with shorts and t-shirt. It was a bit late already so it started to get dark. At some point, I saw superstar girl approaching. As always during the trip, she was wearing her superstars, so I became excited immediately. She went to the neighboring cabin and knocked on the door. After a while without anyone opening the door, she headed towards us. At the lower end of the stairs to our porch, she stopped and asked:

- Hi, do you know when they will be back?

With "they", she meant the guys from the other cabin. We did not know and I said:

- If you want, you can wait here and play cards with us.

- Thanks, but I just come back later.

Then she left and we went on playing.

After maybe 10 to 15 minutes, she came back -- together with some of the guys from the neighboring cabin and a few more girls, including converse girl (who was also wearing her converse again). The guys from the cabin went inside (maybe they took a shower) and the girls waited outside chatting. By that time, it had not gotten completely dark yet, but enough to make playing cards difficult. So one of the players suggested:

- Shall we see what the others are up to?

One of guys from my cabin preferred to keep chilling on the porch, but the rest -- including myself -- was about to join the group of girls. The other guys went in the cabin to bring back the games and to put on shoes. My heart was racing as I wanted to approach the girls barefoot, but I could not decide whether I should really do it. The area in front of the cabins was only soil and especially on the paths where people walked to and from the cabins, there was hardly any grass left (the parts without grass defined the paths). The girls were standing on a bit broader part without grass which was roughly in the middle between my cabin the neighboring one. Especially this part was a bit muddy due to some recent rain. This fact increased both difficulty and excitement for me to go there barefoot. Not knowing how to proceed, I just remained sitting on the porch with the other guy. It did not take long and the others came out again, ready to go. One of them asked me:

- You also stay here?

- No, I was waiting for you.

With this, I got up and took a step towards him to indicate that I was ready. He looked at my feet and asked:

- You don't need shoes?

- No, I find it comfortable without'em.

- Ok, then I guess we can go.

I was glad that he did not ask further questions. We went down the stairs of our porch and approached the group of girls. I felt the soil under my feet, it was a bit cold and moist. When we reached the girls, we all said 'Hi' and arranged ourselves in a circle. Luckily, I managed to stand next to superstar girl, but unfortunately not also next to converse girl. Of course, it did not go unnoticed that I was barefoot, so one of the girls asked:

- Why aren't you wearing shoes?

- It's comfortable like that.

- But your feet are getting all dirty in that mud.

- That's no problem. I can wash them later.

Then superstar girl asked:

- And are you only walking barefoot around your cabin here or do you do it anywhere?

- I probably wouldn't go into the city without shoes, but here on the campground it should be fine.

As I was still looking at superstar girl, she continued:

- Well, we'll all go dancing in the canteen tonight. Are you also coming ... barefoot?

Dancing with superstar and converse girl? Barefoot and possibly in a place with low light? This was getting better and better. But at the same time, I felt more and more uncomfortable as the other people were listening the entire time to this conversation about me being barefoot. Luckily, superstar girl asked the last question in a somehow challenging way, so I could easily answer:

- Sure.

- Whoa! That's brave. Then you really have to pay attention that you don't get your feet stepped on.

Before I could say anything, superstar girl's best friend jumped in:

- Haha yeah, especially around [superstar girl] because she can go quite crazy on the dancefloor and then she doesn't notice anymore what she steps on. I can tell from experience!

Superstar girl said:

- I know, sooorry. I just love dancing!

I entered the conversation again by saying to superstar girl:

- Sounds like you are really able to get the maximum out of the music.

- Depends on the music.

With this, the attention was drawn away from my feet and the conversation continued with different topics. More people joined, including the guys from the neighboring cabin. Luckily, no one asked about my bare feet again. At some point, we decided to go. The way to the canteen was not long (maybe 5 minutes), but there were parts with gravel which were quite challenging for me. I had to walk carefully on that, but my bare soles still hurt. At the same time, it made me hot as I could see how superstar girl carelessly walked over the gravel with her shoes on. I was a few meters behind her, so I had a good view on her shoes: there was some mud stuck to the soles -- not surprising after what we had just stood on.

When we reached the canteen, we did not immediately enter, but stayed in front of it (I do not remember why, but possibly because some people wanted to smoke). I was relieved that the ground in that entrance area was concrete and no gravel anymore. The walls on that side of the canteen were completely made of glass, so we could already see other people dancing inside. Also the music was loud enough to be hearable outside. Again we formed a circle and some people -- including superstar girl -- started to dance in its center. Being shy and without any dancing experience, I did not dare to join, so I stayed in the circle around the dancers. Of course, I only had eyes for superstar girl: she was indeed quite crazy as she moved around a lot. At some point, she was directly in front of me, so I thought about how to get my feet under hers. Even though she had her back turned to me, I did not dare to look down, but I knew that my feet were only a few centimeters away from her moving superstars. While I was still thinking whether I should bring one of my feet forward, she stepped back and her right superstar landed squarely on my right foot. Ouch! As she was in full movement, she crushed my foot with quite some impact. The hard superstar sole was pressed on my toes and instep, but unfortunately only for one moment as she stepped off immediately. The good thing was: she did not say anything or even looked at me, so either she did not notice or did not care that she stepped on my foot and both these options were attractive for me. We stayed outside a little longer and then -- between two songs -- proceeded to go inside.

To be continued...
where is the continuation?
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Re: Women with shoes step on bare feet

Post by ovebe »

A couple more on the topic. :)
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Re: Women with shoes step on bare feet

Post by Footstomplover »

Great pictures, as always. Thank you!
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Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2021 2:58 am

Re: Women with shoes step on bare feet

Post by Footstomplover »

Last year of school (Part 5)

In the canteen we went through the hall and onto the dance floor. The lights were dim and moving, so the vision was rather limited. This was good for me as then my bare feet would not be as noticable so people would be less likely to ask about them and it would be easier to bring them close to girls' shoed feet. The first point with getting asked about them was probably not relevant anyway because the music was too loud for a meaningful conversation. The place was already quite crowded -- mostly with other guests from the campground.

I stuck with the group around superstar girl assuming that she would soon start to dance (like crazy?) again. We headed towards a free spot on the dance floor and the others began to move their bodies. Due to my limited dance experience, I was pretty nervous as I did not know how to act in that situation. Strangely, this feeling was somehow compensated by my excitement of being barefoot around the dancing girls with nice shoes. I observed what the others were doing and tried to do the same. At the same time, my focus was on staying close to superstar girl. This was not easy as she was surrounded by some of the other girls. They were all moving, so after a while, superstar girl was next to me. As the other people were more interesting for her, she was facing them instead of me. This was good for me as then I could bring my foot into position without her noticing. To do so, I turned such that she was on my right side, a bit in front of me. I observed my surroundings and in a good moment, I dared to look down: I saw my bare feet and how these awesome superstars were moving really close to them. My excitement grew as I now started to dance in a way that I directed my steps more and more to the right. This brought me even closer to the superstars and at some point I could feel slight vibrations in the floor when one of those superstars landed next to my foot. I quickly looked down again and could also see that the superstar was only a few centimeters away. Not much more and my toes would be crushed again! As I kept closing in, superstar girl started to slightly tap my foot with her outer part of the sole of her left shoe. It seemed that she did not notice as I could not observe any reaction from her. It was not too surprising as she was dancing again pretty wildly. So it happened several times that our feet collided. But I wanted more: I wanted her superstar again ON my foot and really crushing it. To facilitate that, I turned my foot such that it pointed towards her with my pinky toe so that she would not have to lift her foot too high to land on mine. And of course I moved yet another bit closer. This was sufficient -- it did not take long and I felt the superstar sole on my two outer toes. Again the combination shoe on bare toes + dancing motion was quite painful, but on the other hand exactly what I wanted. And again there was no reaction from superstar girl. Now the problem was: I could not get enough. I wanted her to step on my vulnerable toes with her unforgiving superstars again and again. But should I really push my luck that far? I decided to go for a compromise: I kept dancing, but did not bring my foot close to her with each step -- only from time to time. I started out rather defensively, so she did not step on my foot for quite a while. But then my excitement grew again over my fear and I moved my foot closer. I had to move it quite a bit, but finally she brought down her superstar squarely on my instep and toes. This was amazing as I could even feel the fine tread of her sole. Unfortunately, this was an uneven ground for her so she stepped of, looked down and then at me. My face and ears were boiling as I realized that she had noticed my foot under her shoe. She brought her hands up to her shoulders as a gesture of apology (it was too loud to say anything) and I answered by raising one hand in front of me and with a calming face. Then she turned away again and I was angry with myself because I missed the opportunity to smile at her. At the same time, it was clear to me that I should not risk any more foot tramplings from superstar girl at the moment. It was time to look for another girl which could step on my feet. An obvious candidate was converse girl. However, she was dancing at a distance of a few meters from me and there was no free space next to her. So I decided to keep dancing next to superstar girl for the time being, this was better anyway to avoid any suspicion from her.

At some point, I needed a break so I went off the dance floor. As I could not see anyone I knew and who was also off the dance floor, I stayed there alone and observed the crowd -- especially converse girl and whether there would be an opportunity to dance close to her. But there was none. When I had caught my breath again, I could still see no good opportunity on the dance floor (I did not dare to approach girls I did not know), so I stayed off and kept waiting. While doing so, I also checked the entrance for new arriving people. And after maybe 20 minutes, I saw a group of girls entering which also belonged to my class. They were not the most popular or prettiest ones, but two of them were promising with regards to shoes: one -- who was one of the prettier ones among them -- was wearing yellow converse hi-tops:

https://www.drestige.com/product-CONVER ... e9bf2d8f02

I assumed that those were rather new as the first time I saw her wearing them was during the trip -- even on the bus she wore other shoes. So I imagined that her converse would still have hard soles with sharp treads -- perfect for stepping on my bare feet! The other girl was rather ugly, but also wearing converse. Hers were black hi-tops with black toe caps and with white stripes on and over the side of the sole (style 168710C seems to come close):

https://www.butsklep.pl/trampki-convers ... 499e7a886e

I liked neither this style nor the girl too much, but in that moment I really wanted her to step on my bare feet with these shoes. As the group of girls entered, they did not go straight to the dance floor, but around it instead. This caused them to head into my direction which raised my excitement when I realized it. Of course I also became nervous again as I potentially had to explain my bare feet again. I looked at the girls from time to time and they were indeed coming closer to me. Unfortunately, I could not see their shoes yet as they were covered by the crowd. When the girls were close enough, they spotted me and when I looked back them, yellow-converse girl waved at me. I waved back and they approached me directly. Luckily, there were still people between me and the girls, so there was a good chance that they would not spot my bare feet right away.

To be continued...
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