The Slippers Kingdom

Sneaker Jobs and sneaker cumming including Keds, Converse, Nikes, Vans, and all other brands of athletic shoes. Ugg Jobs Croc Jobs, Flip Flop Jobs. Now slippers too!

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Re: The Slippers Kingdom

Post by kaiserwoods982 »

The Slippers kingdom - chapter 14

After a whole day in the snow, they were all tired. They changed slippers and found that their feet had remained dry all this time: the snow was cold enough that no moisture had penetrated.
Outside it was a real snowstorm, and Mike was glad they had arrived at the refuge early enough. They spent the rest of the afternoon talking and then ate. After lunch, Sandro wanted to take a few steps outside to breathe. Cindy went with him, wearing her black ballerina slippers. They walked into the fresh snow.
The wind was still blowing strongly, forming high snow drifts. Sandro said:
- I loved seeing you walking in the snow with your slippers and crampons! I must say it was very exciting. Before I discovered the Kingdom of Slippers, I never thought we would do this.
- Neither did I, said Cindy. And the craziest thing was that my feet didn't get cold. Why do people bother with heavy walking shoes, when you can be so much more comfortable and light with slippers! I think even with these I could have done it, she added, pointing to the pair she had on her feet but could no longer see, sunken in the snow.
- And tomorrow we should find some mud on the way down, according to what Mike said, said Sandro.
- Yes, I'm looking forward to it! said Cindy.
They went inside and all went to bed early, it had been a long day.
The next day they got up later than the day before. The snow had stopped and the sun had returned. As they ate breakfast, Rachel told them that earlier a group of hikers had set off for the summit. The climb would be more difficult for them with all the fresh snow.
It wasn't that cold, and they were going down, so they didn't need to dress as warmly as for the summit climb. Mike was reluctant to put the crampons back on for the start of the descent. He went out to assess the situation, with his mules on his feet. When he returned, he tapped his slippers on the ground to shake off the snow and said:
- There's about 50 centimetres of fresh snow here, but it's already warm. As we're getting deeper into the snow, I'm not sure if crampons are necessary. And I warn you, further down, the snow will melt and we'll all get our feet wet.
They packed up and put on their «hiking slippers». Sandro chose not to wear socks, feeling that he would be warm enough and preferring to be barefoot in his slippers to feel the water and mud.
Mike led the way. They were the first to leave the cabin on the way back, so they had to make the trail. They were up to their knees in snow, so it was not possible to slide. Some snow got between Sandro's trousers and slippers, directly against his bare skin. It was cold, but bearable.
The path was steeply downhill. With the snow, they weren't moving very fast and there was no danger of slipping. After a few minutes Mike asked if anyone wanted crampons, but it was obvious to everyone that they were not needed.
After less than an hour's descent, the snow cover was already much lower - only about ten centimetres, and the path began to descend more gently. With the sun, the snow was beginning to melt. Cindy announced that her feet were wet. They descended further, and the snow was only in places, melting and mixed with dirt. It was almost like walking through water, and eventually they all got their feet wet.
Walking briskly in the sunshine, they were getting warm. Cindy stopped to take off her spats, and they opened their jackets. They took a short break, hydrated and resumed their walk.
Sandro admired his companion's slippers as they sank into the wet snow and mud with each step. John's brown slippers, which had been new at the start of the trip, were wet for the first time. They looked comfortable, but Sandro wasn't sure how sturdy they were. Jane still had her ballerina slippers with the big elastic strap that held her foot well and seemed to be made for this kind of terrain. As for the two guides, Rachel had her black closed slippers and the outer fabric was smooth, which meant that the soil did not stain. They always looked almost clean. And Mike had very sturdy but already worn out closed slippers, and they had seen more.
As they continued downhill, they left the snow behind them. The path was rocky and wet, so they had to be careful not to slip. They slowed down a little to avoid falling or twisting an ankle. Fortunately, they made it through this passage without a hitch.
The path then crossed a pasture, and was full of puddles. No one paid any attention and they all walked through the puddles, even the guides. A little further on, Mike stopped and said to them:
- Normally there's just a little trickle of water here that you can step over. But with the melting of the snow above it, it has become a small stream, which you will have to cross. Be careful not to be thrown off balance by the current.
He crossed in three steps, and got his trousers soaked. Then Rachel came forward and, as on the first day, stopped in the middle of the torrent, looked for a stable position and held out her hand to the four hikers to lead them across. Thanks to her, they all crossed safely, but their legs were soaked by the icy water.
Soon after, they crossed more small rivers, which regularly cleaned their feet. Mike decided it was time to stop for lunch. They found a dry spot on some large rocks and sat down. Cindy removed her slippers and took off her socks, followed by Jane. Sandro was very excited at the sight of those beautiful, wet, muddy slippers drying in the sun.
Then they set off again and came to a flatter spot. Rachel told them that they were going through a swampy area and that it must be particularly wet at the moment. At first it was just a little mud on the path. Then they began to sink with each step, the mud reaching higher than the soles of their slippers. And higher and higher, until it covered them completely. They moved slowly, their feet being sucked into the mud with each step. Cindy, in particular, had to make an effort each time to keep her ballerina slippers on her feet. The mud came up to their ankles, their feet were covered in it.
They loved the feeling: the mud seeping into their slippers, the sucking, the sound of their footsteps in the swamp. Suddenly Cindy stopped: her left slipper had been sucked into the mud. Part of the inside of her ballerina was still red, the rest was completely covered in a thick brown layer. She turned around, lost the other slipper, and found herself barefoot in the mud. She exclaimed:
- It's cold!
She bent down, freed her slippers and dipped her dirty feet into them.
- But it's not unpleasant, she added with a big smile.
- Yes, lots of people like to walk in mud with slippers on, confirmed Mike.
- Where we come from," said John, "people wear rubber boots, walking shoes or maybe trainers to get in the mud. But not slippers. People think of them as flimsy shoes made for inside the house.
- It's true that some pairs are fragile and don't stand up to this kind of treatment," says Rachel. But others are extremely sturdy and much more comfortable than anything you've mentioned. Mike's slippers have been in the mud and snow over a hundred times. And mine have already been through dozens.
Sandro noticed that Rachel's slippers always seemed almost clean, the mud not sticking to the smooth fabric. They continued walking through the thick mud for many minutes. Then they saw a group of five people coming in the opposite direction, three men and two women, laughing as they walked through the mud. They approached the group of hikers.
One of the men was wearing high felt slippers, zipped up at the ankle, so he wouldn't lose them. The other two had classic closed slippers with elasticated sides like Mike, Sandro and John. But it was impossible to recognise their colour, as they too were covered in brown mud. One of the two women had light Isotoner ballerina slippers on her feet, which she had already lost several times in the mud, which amused her greatly. Finally, the last woman was wearing pink woollen bootie slippers that went up to the middle of her calves. But only the top was still pink, the rest was a wet brown mass.
They passed each other in greeting and continued on their way. As they went on, the mud became thinner but deeper, until they found themselves walking through a swamp 40 centimetres deep of water mixed with earth. The water was cold, but as they walked their slippers kept their feet warm.
Finally, they reached the end of the swamp, the water became a thick, shallower mud, and the path began to descend again.
As they came within sight of the cable car station, which was the end point of their hike, they began to pass more walkers, obviously still wearing various kinds of closed slippers. Shortly before arriving, Mike stopped at a small stream. A bridge provided a dry crossing, but he went down into the water to wash his slippers.
- As there should be less mud now, I'm doing some cleaning here, so I don't come back to the station covered in mud.
- Are you going to keep this pair on your feet?
- Yes, but you can change if you want.
John's other pair was ruined, so he had no choice. He cleaned his feet and legs as best he could and kept his brown slippers. Sandro, Cindy and Jane also cleaned their feet, but took the opportunity to change pairs. Sandro's other slippers were practically the same, so it didn't make much difference, except that they were dry and clean. Cindy's black ballet flats and Jane's Isotoners had thinner soles and they noticed the difference on the rest of the trail: they felt a little bit the pebbles, but thought about the girls who hike all the way in slippers like theirs, and admitted that it was nothing.
There was still some water and even a little mud in places, but nothing like what they had been through earlier. They finally arrived at the cable car station with their feet almost clean and more or less dry. They found other hikers, some with very dirty feet, some with mules they had taken as spares. They saw a woman with closed slippers whose soles had come off, like John's first pair.
A few moments later they were back at Mount Slippers, and had a beer together on a terrace, then said goodbye to Rachel and Mike.
On the bus back to the village they had left from, they felt the fatigue of the hike.
- We had a great hike, I didn't think I would be so tired," said Sandro.
- Yes, it was tough. But I loved doing it all in my slippers!
- Me too," added John. And I think my new pair of slippers is already well named," he said, looking at his brown, still-soaked slippers.
- Yes, it was great!" agreed Cindy. I enjoyed walking in the snow in my slippers, and I was surprised that I didn't get cold in mine. I'm looking forward to this winter! And I loved the walk through the swamp.
They didn't stop in the village and quickly took the small path towards the gate that would take them back to Cindy and Sandro's house. It hadn't snowed here, it had rained. And of course, the path became muddy again just as they left the forest. They did nothing to avoid the mud, on the contrary. Cindy was the first one to venture into the mud, grabbed Sandro and started to kiss him. Then, without letting go of her, she stepped on his feet, wiping the mud from under her slippers onto Sandro's. He let her do it, savouring it. He grew weary of this, savouring the feel of his companion's ballerinas against his feet and ankles.
As for Jane, she began to gather a pile of mud with her feet, which were quickly covered with it. Then she took John by the hand and made him walk in the middle of the little mound, splashing all around him and getting himself bogged down. And she kissed him elusively.
They played in the mud for a while and then finally went inside. They walked through the gate, their feet covered in mud. They kept their slippers on, leaving some traces in the house, but immediately went out into the garden. Sandro took the hose and began to aim it at his companions' feet to clean them.
Finally, Jane and John left, leaving Cindy and Sandro to their games.

Please, don't hesitate to comment and make some suggestions for the next chapters!
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Re: The Slippers Kingdom

Post by kaiserwoods982 »

The Slippers kingdom - chapter 15
On that Saturday, Cindy and Sandro had decided to go shopping in a large furniture shop to complete their home. As they were doing more and more in the normal world, they decided to go with their slippers - they found that no one ever remarked on them and they felt more comfortable that way. Cindy had her black ballerina slippers, which looked very much like classic ballerinas, with an elegant black dress. As for Sandro, he had his usual pair of closed slippers, the black canvas ones, with blue jeans. He was not wearing socks.
Once they had finished shopping and put their purchases in their car, they went back to the restaurant's cafeteria to eat something. It was very crowded, but they found a table with four seats that was free, put their tray down and started to eat. Then they saw a lone man looking for a place to eat. Cindy motioned for him to join them. Smiling, he sat down next to Sandro and began to eat. At one point he dropped his napkin and bent down to pick it up. As he stood up, he looked at Sandro and asked him:
- Are those slippers on your feet?
- Yes," said Sandro, "but I use them like shoes.
- Me too," added Cindy, "my ballerinas are actually slippers.
Sandro looked at his neighbour's feet and saw that he too was wearing slippers, like his own, but made of blue corduroy, with a thick sole, covered in places with a little dust. He said:
- You wear slippers too! Do you often wear them when you go out?
- Yes, often," said the man. I feel good like this and I don't care what people think. By the way, I'm Mark.
- Nice to meet you, I'm Sandro, and this is my partner Cindy.
They greeted each other and continued eating. Mark told them that he had a very large collection of slippers of all kinds: fancy pairs of plush, many mules, several pairs of closed slippers, which were more suitable for outdoor use. Then he asked them:
- Have you ever walked in puddles with your slippers on?
- Yes, yes," Cindy immediately replied with a knowing smile, "we've been in the water with our slippers on. And even in the mud. The good thing is that they are easy to clean and we have found that our slippers are much more durable than we thought. Nothing damages them, apart from the normal wear and tear of walking.
Mark was very interested in this explanation. He thought for a moment before continuing:
- This is great. I've been in the mud with my slippers too, precisely with the ones I have on my feet. It feels great!
Sandro and Cindy had agreed that they would only tell their close friends about the Slipper Kingdom and they did not yet know Mark well enough to tell him about it. But Sandro replied:
- Yes, we found out. We have a female friend who has started jogging in the forest with slippers. I wonder how many people share this interest.
- There can't be many of us, but that's a shame. Ah, it make me think of a friend who loves to be in slippers and sometimes, discreetly at night, goes for a walk in the mud with his. But he doesn't dare wear them in public, it's sad. His name is Mick.
- He doesn't dare wear his slippers in public? It's a shame he doesn't, if he'd like to. It's true that it's a bit weird at first to think that you're out in your slippers, but once you get over it, it's just more pleasant, sometimes even fun.
- Do you think we could convince him to come with us if we went for a walk outside together with our slippers?
- Yes, that's a great idea! I've never managed to do it, but if there are a few of us, maybe it will change his mind. He doesn't live far from here, I'll send him a message.
Mick quickly replied that he was at home and that they could come and visit him. Mark, Sandro and Cindy finished eating and left the shop. The two lovers followed Mark's car to Mick's house. They parked in front of a small three-story building and followed Mark inside.
Mick opened the door, greeted his pal Mark and welcomed Sando and Cindy. He was wearing grey plush mules. His eyes were immediately drawn to their slippers. He offered them coffee and they chatted for a while. He seemed very friendly. Soon they were talking about slippers. Mark told Mick how they had met at the shop, and how the couple liked to walk around in slippers. Cindy spoke up:
- And I hear that you like to go in the mud with your slippers on, but you only do it at night when you are sure you won't run into anyone. It's a pity you don't wear slippers all the time. To go to work, I can understand, but to go for a walk, you shouldn't hesitate. We do it a lot, Mark does it too if I understand correctly, and nobody ever says anything. Most people don't even notice we're in slippers!
- I know it's silly but I just don't dare answer Mick. Every time I say to myself that I have to find the courage to keep my slippers on to go shopping or for a little walk, and at the last moment I put on shoes anyway.
- So I suggest that the four of us go for a walk in the forest now, with our slippers on," said Sandro.
- Erm... Mick hesitated. Now? Are you sure?
- Yes," said Mark, "come on! We'll be the four of us in slippers, you won't be alone. You wrote me that you weren't doing anything special this afternoon.
At the urging of his guests, Mick finally agreed. They got up and prepared to leave. Mick went to his shoe cabinet, in which was a huge collection of slippers. He chose a pair of black corduroy closed slippers and... slipped them into a small bag. And he bent down to put on his trainers. Mark interjected:
- Uh, what are you doing now?
- I'll put on my slippers when we get to the car park.
- No, no, we're all in slippers already, there's no way you're going in trainers. What are you afraid of?
- What if I run into the neighbours on my way out of the building?
- What do you want them to say to you? You just say hello to them, that's all!
Mick hesitated again, looked at Sandro's and Mark's feet (which seemed to interest him more than Cindy's), and finally took his slippers out of the bag and put them on his feet.
- There, are you happy like that?
They left the flat, went down the stairs and out of the building. In the car park, as he had feared, Mick came across a couple living in the building. They said to him:
- Hello Mick. Nice day, isn't it?
- Yes, it is. Beautiful," he replied, his voice troubled. He walked behind his friends, hoping to hide his feet. And the neighbours came in.
The four walkers decided to take only one car, that of Sandro and Cindy. Cindy was the driver. Sandro liked to see his ballerina slippers pressing on the pedals.
They arrived at a car park on the edge of a forest where Mick sometimes went at night. But it was daytime and there were several cars there. He said:
- I hope we don't run into too many people.
- What does it matter?" replied Sandro. You'll see, nothing will happen to us and you'll enjoy this moment!
They got out of the car and walked along the path. It had rained a few days earlier, so the path was a bit wet but not really muddy. Mick was not very reassured, but seemed to enjoy the sight of his companions' slippers treading on the damp earth. Suddenly a group of four walkers with a dog appeared at the corner of the path. They were all wearing trainers. Again, Mick passed to the rear of the group. When they reached them, the walkers said "hello" to each other, and simply passed each other.
A little further on, they passed a couple, whose wife was wearing black leather ballet flats with a bit of dirt on them. Again, they just exchanged "hello". The woman stared furtively at Cindy's ballerina slippers, perhaps to confirm her own choice of footwear. Mick relaxed a little. And he also thought that Mark had the most obvious pair of slippers, since they were light blue corduroy. But Mark didn't care at all about being seen in slippers.
Mick led them down a small side path that would lead to a muddy area. Soon the ground became softer, but their feet were still dry. In front of them came a lone man wearing large muddy boots. When he reached them, he stopped, wished them good morning and said:
- I warn you, the path becomes very muddy in this direction. I'm saying this especially for you, madam, with your little shoes", looking at Cindy.
- Thank you, but don't worry, I'll be fine," she replied. Have a nice day.
And the man continued on his way. Ahead of them, the four friends noticed that the ground was getting wetter and wetter. Suddenly Cindy started to run: she had seen a puddle of them and stopped in the middle of it. The water quickly soaked into her slippers, much to her delight. Sandro quickly joined her, put his feet in the water and kissed her. Mark came up to them and dipped his slippers as well, which turned a darker colour. Mick was fascinated by the sight, but was still hesitant to indulge in the pleasure of wetting his slippers in front of his companions. Finally, he took the step and joined them in the muddy puddle, wiggling his toes in his slippers. A big smile came over his face.
They continued along the path with their soaked slippers and arrived in a much muddier area. The tracks of the man with the boots they had passed shortly before could still be seen. Mark offered Mick the chance to lead the way.
Mick walked slowly over the drier parts of the ground, then carefully pushed his right slipper into the mud, which covered it almost entirely. And he did the same with the other foot, under the amused gaze of his three friends. He turned to them and said simply:
- This is incredible!
He walked a little further into the mud, and was followed by Mark, then Cindy and finally Sandro. The mud was thick and held the slippers. Cindy, with her ballerinas, had to be particularly careful not to lose them. But she was used to it by now and managed it very well. They walked around in the thick mud for a while, dipping in and out of their slippers whose original colour was no longer visible. Mick took out his phone and started taking pictures of his feet and those of his friends. All four of them were very excited.
They came to a place where the path was wider. The four of them stood in a circle, which allowed them to see each other's feet still in the mud, and jumped together with both feet, causing big splashes. Suddenly Cindy's right slipper stuck in the mud and she found herself jumping with one bare foot. She burst out laughing. A bit of black fabric was still visible inside her ballerina, so she quickly found it and put it back on.
The four of them had fun for a while and then set off for home. They were covered in mud up to their ankles. They tried to get some of it off by walking through puddles, but there was no stream where they were.
It was not possible to see whether they were wearing slippers or trainers, as their feet were still covered in mud. They returned to the main path, and passed some walkers, who looked at their feet. The walkers greeted them. And Sandro answered:
- Good morning. Be careful, if you take the path that goes down to the left a bit further, it's a bit muddy.
And the four friends exchanged a smile. They arrived at the car park and got back in the car. Cindy was driving again, with her muddy ballerina slippers, and they soon arrived in front of Mick's house.
As they got out, Mick looked at his feet and hesitated, as if he didn't dare to go home. Then he took a deep breath and said:
- I thank you all three for this moment, it was wonderful. To do this during the day, and especially to share this with you, was crazy!
- Yes, I loved it too," said Mark.
- So did we," says Sandro. And next time we'll invite you to our place. We have something to show you. But only if you come with your slippers!

Please, don't hesitate to comment and make some suggestions for the next chapters!
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Re: The Slippers Kingdom

Post by kaiserwoods982 »

The Slippers kingdom - chapter 16

Two weeks later, Cindy and Sandro were waiting for Mark and Mick to show them around the slipper kingdom. The two men had really enjoyed their impromptu mud ride and the couple thought they would like to visit the Kingdom. Cindy had also suggested that Jane join them - John was on a business trip and couldn't come with them.
The couple still hadn't bought any more slippers. They said they didn't have time, but the truth was that they were very happy with the ones they had and wanted to see how long they would endure the mud baths and other torture they regularly put them through. For the moment, their slippers were holding up well, although you could see that Cindy's red ballerinas were no longer new. It must be said that she hardly ever wore anything but slippers any more: when they were clean, her black ballerina slippers looked so much like city ballet flats that she would wear them to work. And the red velvet ones were on her feet the rest of the time, including gardening, walking in the rain, and sometimes even in the shower to clean them.
Sandro didn't wear his black slippers to work, but he wore them all the rest of the time. He preferred the smooth canvas pair, but put on the corduroy ones when the other dried.
Jane arrived first. She had on her feet her little black Isotoner ballerina slippers, which were lighter than the "hiking slippers" she wore regularly, especially when running in the forest. Then Mark arrived, accompanied by Mick. Mark was wearing a new pair of black corduroy slippers without elastic on the sides. Mick was wearing woollen slippers with a black and grey grid pattern and elasticated sides. They greeted each other, introduced Jane, and Mark said:
- I really had to insist that Mick come straight in with his slippers. But you did say it was important.
They started by drinking something in the garden. Everyone was already excited at the sight of their slippers in the grass. Then Cindy asked everyone to follow them inside. They went upstairs, entered the room where the gate was and said:
- You are about to see something incredible: at the back of this cupboard is a door to another world. And you can only get there if you have slippers on. This is the Kingdom of Slippers, where everyone wears slippers.
Mark and Mick looked at each other in disbelief. They, who more or less secretly loved to walk around in slippers and who spent hours on the internet looking for photos and videos of other people in slippers, this was their dream come true!
Cindy went through the gate first and waited for the others. It was autumn, and it was drizzling in the English style. The ground was damp. When they had all arrived in the Kingdom, they set off. The small dirt road was a bit slippery. Sandro said:
- We'll take you for a walk in the village, let's try to keep our feet clean until then,
This was not easy, especially as they approached the usually muddy area just before entering the forest. Apart from Mick, who was still intimidated by walking outside in slippers in broad daylight, the others were just waiting for the first opportunity to wade through the mud. But they were wise, and when they reached the forest, only Jane announced that her feet were wet - with her little ballet slippers, it didn't take much for the moisture to penetrate over the soles. The others had just a little mud under their feet.
This time they didn't pass anyone in the forest and soon arrived at the entrance to the village. Mick was not very reassured by the idea that a lot of people would see his checked slippers: although Sandro had told him several times that everyone was wearing only slippers in this place, he needed to see it to believe it. And a few moments later, he had to admit that it was true: in the village square, dozens of people were walking, chatting and shopping with slippers on their feet, despite the light rain that was falling.
Mark and Mick couldn't believe it and couldn't take their eyes off the feet of the passers-by, some of them walking in puddles or in a strip of wet grass without paying attention. Jane, Cindy and Sandro were no longer surprised, but still enjoyed watching.
Mick suddenly felt more comfortable in his slippers and suggested to his companions to have a drink on the terrace. It wasn't very warm, but it was covered and it allowed them to continue watching people go by. As they sipped their beers, they saw a group of six people with their slippers covered in dirt. Sandro thought that these people were working in the nearby fields.
- So it's true?" asked Mark. Do people here wear only slippers all the time? Even when working in the fields?
- Yes, even the military or the construction workers only wear slippers.
Cindy and Sandro recounted the adventures they had already had in the kingdom, including cross-country and high mountain hiking. Mark concluded that he wanted to move here.
When they had finished drinking, they went around the village. Mark was the first to start voluntarily stepping in the puddles, soon to be followed by the others, so that they all soon had wet feet.
They headed for the sports fields by the lake. Cindy explained that there were often sporting events or games on Saturday afternoons. And indeed, on this day there was a lot of activity: next to the football field there was a tug-of-war competition. Two teams of five people had to pull the rope to their side, with the public cheering. The competition had been going on for some time and with the rain the field was a muddy mess. They approached and watched as the participants dug their feet into the earth, looking for the best support to be able to pull as hard as possible.
All had their slippers covered in mud within seconds, and were stomping back and forth until one team managed to get the rope five metres in their direction. The five visitors could have watched this spectacle for hours.
Some teams took the event very seriously, while for others it was an opportunity to have fun. One group of girls all had fluffy slippers on their feet. With no solid soles to stand on, they slipped badly, lost quickly, and ended up with their butts in the mud, with a lot of laughter.
Sandro noticed that it was still possible to sign up to participate and asked his friends if they wanted to try. They were all waiting for it. And as there were just five of them, they signed up for the "male&female" category.
When it was their turn, they stepped onto the field, which had become even muddier after the last participants. Their slippers were sinking into the mud, much to their delight. They grabbed the rope, dug their feet in to get the best support and, at the signal, pulled back with all their strength. They were surprised by the faster start of the other team and started to lose some ground, slipping in the mud. But they managed to stabilise the situation and regain the lost ground. Their slippers were ploughing the ground and it was no longer possible to see their original colours.
They redoubled their efforts and began to move in the right direction. At one point Mick, who was second to last in the rope, noticed that he was stepping on something: it was Jane's slipper, who was behind him, and which she had lost it in the mud.
And finally they won their duel, after a long struggle, to the cheers of the audience. They congratulated each other, Jane found her mud-filled slipper and put it back on her foot. They were all covered in mud up to their knees.
Having won, they were allowed to play a second game later. They caught their breath and went to wait a little further on. They were all terribly excited about the experience. Cindy kissed Sandro, deliberately stepping on his feet with her muddy slippers.
Jane apologised for losing one of her slippers. She thought her other pair would have been more suitable for this kind of event, but she thought it was more fun this way.
They had their second tug-of-war. But this time they had come up against a stronger team than they were. Despite their best efforts, they kept losing ground and were defeated after barely a minute. Jane fell into the mud in frustration. Cindy threw herself on top of her to comfort her - and for the pleasure of rolling in the mud - and Sandro joined her. Mark and Mick didn't dare, but they threw mud at them with their feet.
The contest was over for them. Jane suggested that they go and rinse off in the lake next door. The water was a bit cold, but they went in up to their thighs to get most of the dirt out. Mick and Mark had never swum in their slippers and promised themselves they would try it one day.
The five friends then set off for home. And when they arrived at the muddy spot just before the gate, this time they made no effort to avoid the mud. Cindy proposed her mud-sliding contest, as she had done with Sandro a few weeks earlier. The idea was simple: take a run-up, lock your feet in the mud and make the longest skid possible. The mud was very liquid and slippery.
They each made several attempts, covering their slippers again with brown mud. Jane won this game, helped by the fact that the soles of her Isotoner slippers had very little relief. But everyone had a great time sliding.
Mark and Mick were particularly thrilled, they had discovered this incredible world where it was normal to put slippers on outside, even to drown them in mud.
A few moments later they were through the gate and back at Cindy and Sandro's house. Very happy with their day, Jane, Mark and Mick went home with their muddy slippers still on their feet.
Alone, Cindy and Sandro kissed again. Sandro had changed his slippers and put on his clean black corduroy pair. Cindy still had her dirty ballerinas on. She stepped on his feet again and proceeded to wipe the mud from her slippers onto his. Sandro pretended to be angry, even though it turned him on even more, took one of his muddy slippers in one hand, one of Cindy's clean slippers in the other and began rubbing them together. Cindy's black ballerina was soon covered in mud as well. Cindy looked scandalized and said with a smile:
- Oh no, my beautiful shoes! What am I going to wear to work?
And for all answer, Sandro took his other dirty slipper, Cindy's other clean slipper and started again. She did nothing to stop him.
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Re: The Slippers Kingdom

Post by kaiserwoods982 »

The Slippers kingdom - chapter 17

One day, Cindy and Sandro wanted to visit a farm near their home, which they had heard about because the farmers offered direct sales of their produce. They were environmentally conscious and buying locally produced, organic food fit in well with their values.
They decided to cycle to the farm, which was only a few kilometres from their home. Cindy had on her black ballerina slippers, which she wore most of the time, and Sandro had on his usual black closed traditionnal slippers. They had already been cycling in their slippers and found it very pleasant. Wanting to avoid the main road, they took small paths through fields and a stretch of forest. They paid no attention to the big black clouds that were filling the sky from the west.
They found the farm, and a sign saying "direct sales" at the entrance of a small room. They entered and discovered a small stall where vegetables, meat and dairy products from the farm could be purchased. A woman in her forties came in from the back door and presented them with their produce. The two lovers noticed that she was wearing a pair of dusty blue mules. They went shopping, happy with their finds. And when they asked for eggs, the farmer noticed that there were none left, but that there must be fresh ones in the henhouse. She suggested that they wait until she went to get some.
She went to the back of her shop. Cindy and Sandro hadn't noticed a pair of heavy rain boots covered in muddy streaks and... a pair of very dirty, purple, closed slippers with a thick sole and fur all around the shoe. It must have been white at one time, now it was grey with a brown tinge. The woman left her mules and put on her slippers. She was about to go out, when she turned to them and said:
- If you wish, you may accompany me. And I'll show you around the farm at the same time.
- With pleasure," Cindy and Sandro replied, in one voice.
- But I warn you, it's quite messy.
She looked at their shoes, and added:
- I'm not sure your little ballerinas appreciate it much. What about you? But! Do they look like slippers?
- Actually, yes, we do have slippers on our feet," said Cindy. "But I think you do too."
- Yes, but they're my 'farm slippers', I only wear them outside when it's not too muddy or I don't feel like putting on my big boots. It's more practical and more comfortable. These have been through it all.
- Ours too, don't worry," replied Sandro. Let's go.
And they followed the woman outside. They walked through a dirt courtyard and into a freshly ploughed garden. Sandro and Cindy watched the woman sink into the soft earth with her slippers without hesitation and followed her. Beyond the garden, next to a field in which a tractor was turning the soil, was a large chicken coop with a fence to prevent the chickens from escaping. The woman opened the door, entered and turned around, not knowing if her guests wanted to follow her. The inside of the henhouse was covered in mud and chicken droppings in places. The two friends decided to follow her, and closed the door behind them. They walked to the back of the coop, where the hens rested and laid their eggs, making their way through the hens that were running around. The three of them walked through the mud, not paying attention, the soles of their slippers leaving shallow tracks.
The woman took an empty egg carton from a shelf and filled it. On her way out, she asked the couple if they wanted to visit the rest of the farm. They said yes.
They walked around the chicken coop, past a shed with tractors and farm machinery, and then came to the goat pen. The woman couldn't help but swear when she saw that the door was badly closed and that two animals were missing.
Just then there was a flash of lightning, followed shortly by a rumble of thunder. A few seconds later it started to rain heavily.
- I have to find them, I don't know where they went! Go and take cover!" she exclaimed.
- No, we'll help you," Cindy said immediately.
They started to walk around the buildings, looking for the goats. The rain quickly created puddles, and Cindy's slippers were soon soaked. She admired the peasant woman who walked briskly, not bothering to avoid the puddles or the mud. Her farm slippers must have really seen a lot.
She walked to the edge of the field and waved to her husband, who was approaching with his tractor. A few seconds later, he stopped at their level and learned what was happening. He turned off the engine and got out of his vehicle.
To Cindy and Sandro's surprise, he was also wearing slippers on his feet. They were an old pair of classic green tartan slippers with elastic bands on the sides. They were well worn, and the soles were full of dirt. He jumped into the field, approached the small group and greeted the two guests. He noticed their slippers, but said nothing, thinking of finding his goats. Then the four of them started to look for them.
Eventually they found them a little further on, in a carrot field, eating the stalks. With the rain still falling, the place had become a muddy field. The farmer explained that he was going to try to get behind the goats, so that he could catch them when the two strangers approached. He was sinking into several inches of mud, his slippers disappearing with each step. His wife went the other way, not hesitating to plunge her slippers into the soggy earth either. Once they were positioned behind the goats, they beckoned Cindy and Sandro forward, which they did, holding hands, enjoying the delicious sensation of the mud surrounding and penetrating the inside of the slippers.
After a few steps, the goats noticed the intruders and went backwards, as expected. This is how the farmers were able to get their goats back. Everyone got out of the field, escorted the runaways back to their pen and went back to dry land.
- Thank you very much," said the man once they were under cover. You are very brave to have given us this help.
- And I'm really sorry about your shoes, or rather your slippers," she said, looking at their feet, which were so covered in mud that you couldn't see the original shape or colour of the slippers.
- It's really nothing," said Sandro. We wear these slippers outside, we've been in the mud with them before, and we have to admit that we find it quite pleasant. And they are very easy to wash afterwards.
- How often do you get into the mud with your slippers on? asked Cindy
- I often wear my slippers in the fields, because they are more comfortable and flexible than my big boots," explained the farmer. They're an old pair that's safe. But it's true that when I went to the field in the storm, I would have worn my boots if I had had the time.
- And I, as I told you, these are my farm slippers. But I don't think I've ever been in so much mud before. I have a feeling they will survive this treatment.
The couple finished their shopping, including the eggs, paid and left. It was still raining. The farmers had offered to wait until the storm was over, but they had used the excuse of an appointment to get back on their bikes in the rain.
On the way back, Cindy rode past and deliberately drove through the puddles to further drench her companion. He stopped in the middle of a large puddle, waited for Cindy to notice that he had stopped and waved her over back to him. When she reached him, she was forced to step into the water as he had done. He looked angry, leaned over and kissed her fiercely.
They arrived home completely soaked. Their slippers had been cleaned a bit by the rain and the water from the road. They decided to stay as they were, and cook the good things they had brought from the farm, while their clothes and slippers dried on them.
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Re: The Slippers Kingdom

Post by kaiserwoods982 »

The Slippers kingdom - chapter 18

Cindy and Sandro were invited to the wedding of an old school friend of Sandro's, with whom he got on well but had lost touch a little. Apparently his family were quite wealthy, and the party that would follow the wedding was to be held in a hudge mansion by the sea, with music and a swimming pool until the end of the night.
Cindy had bought a blue dress, with a few sequins on the front and an open back, which suited her perfectly and showed off her curves. On her feet, she decided to wear pumps in the same colour as the dress - but she took her black ballerina slippers with her to change into when her feet got too sore. She also wore black stockings. As for Sandro, he was dressed very conservatively: white shirt, black jacket and trousers, bow tie, and black lace-up leather shoes. He also took his slippers, so that he could drive more comfortably - they had several hours' drive ahead of them.
Once there, they attended the wedding ceremony. The groom was happy to see Sandro again and to meet Cindy, but he had little time for them, and the couple hardly knew anyone else.
After the meal, everyone started dancing and drinking. The mood was upbeat and Sandro and Cindy chatted with a few of the other diners. At one point, Sandro noticed that his sweetheart had put away her heels and was wearing her ballet flats. With the dress and black tights, it was impossible to tell that they were actually slippers. He was a little jealous: in his leather shoes, his feet didn't hurt as much as hers in her pumps, but he would still have preferred to wear her slippers.
It was long after dark. Sandro and Cindy, who had been chatting to other people for some time, met up again. Cindy said to him:
- It's a nice party, but it's so crowded and noisy, I need some fresh air. Will you come with me?
- Of course," says Sandro. I was thinking the same thing: if I'm going to last a few more hours, I need to stretch my legs for a while. Where do you want to go? Cliff or beach?
- Cliff!" Cindy replied quickly. With the full moon, it's going to be very romantic!
The little road they had taken to get here went down to the level of the house, where there was a car park for the guests' cars. From there, a small path led down to the beach, about ten metres below, and another zigzagged up to the top of a small cliff overlooking the whole area.
They discreetly left the party and headed for the path.
- Wait a minute, since we have to go through the car park, I'll take the opportunity to change my shoes," said Sandro.
A few seconds later, he had put on his slippers and said:
- They're much more comfortable! I think I'll even keep them on for the rest of the party, I don't think anyone will say anything to me.
- Two women saw me putting mine on earlier and thought it was a great idea. And they thought they looked as smart as heels, so what's the point in hurting your feet? And I'm not going to do that kind of trail in pumps!
The couple began the climb. It was dark, but as Cindy had noticed, the moon showed them the way, which was quite steep. They reached the top in a few minutes and admired the moon reflected on the sparkling sea. The distant sounds of the party mingled with the sound of the waves crashing on the beach.
Sandro took Cindy in his arms and they enjoyed the calm, then kissed.
- It feels good," said Cindy. But I don't want to go back down just yet. Shall we take a walk along the cliff?
Sandro, too, preferred to prolong this little romantic break.
They walked along the cliff, hand in hand. There wasn't really a path and, to be on the safe side, they kept well away from the edge. The moonlight didn't allow them to see exactly where they were going. Suddenly, Cindy let out an exclamation:
- Damn, I'm sinking! It's so soft.
Sandro looked down. Cindy, who was standing on the ground side of him, looked smaller than usual. He took a lighter out of his pocket and saw that his girlfriend's feet were stuck in ten centimetres of mud, completely covering her slippers.
- Thanks for the light. It's only mud! I was afraid I'd stepped in cow dung.
She carefully took out her right foot, with its slipper, and moved it towards Sandro, on the dry earth, and did the same with the other foot.
- Well, I'll have to clean my feet before I go back to the party - or put my heels back on, damn it," she said.
- Do you want us to go back?" asked Sandro.
- Well, while we're at it, we can carry on! I'll have to wash my feet anyway. And you're still clean, it's not fair!
They continued on their way, which descended slightly and became increasingly muddy. Sandro, in turn, gradually sank into the thick mud, although his feet did not immediately get wet. Cindy, who was leading the way, turned round and said to Sandro:
- I love walking in mud, especially with you! And with slippers, of course.
And she kissed her companion, who replied:
- I love that feeling too. And you're terribly exciting, with your beautiful dress, your tights and your sexy ballerina slippers!
In response, Cindy lifted her left foot and rubbed her slipper full of dirt against Sandro's still-clean trousers.
- Stop it, this isn't a game! he said.
And he gently pushed her away. But she came back to him, looked defiant and pushed him, trying to knock him down. They grabbed each other and struggled to bring the other down, sliding their feet through the mud. Finally, Cindy managed to free herself and took off running, pursued of course by Sandro. The slope became steeper and steeper. Sandro was just about to catch up with Cindy when she lost her balance, slipping first on her bottom, then rolling further down and stopping a few metres below in fifty centimetres of mud. She was covered from head to toe.
- I've won!" she shouted triumphantly.
- Did you hurt yourself?" asked Sandro. Are you all right?
- No, I'm fine. But you've got to help me get out of here. Come on, I'll wait for you.
Sandro was well aware that Cindy wanted him to join her in the mud and that she could have got out on her own if she wanted to. He hesitated, as he had no other clothes for the evening. Then he thought that Cindy's situation was the same, and that they would have the opportunity to take a midnight dip in the sea. So he moved cautiously along the path, managing to keep his balance, and approached Cindy, sinking deeper and deeper into the mud. Cindy, who was sitting down, was having fun getting her feet out and plunging them back into the mud, making as many splinters as possible. When Sandro got close enough, she offered him a hand to help her up. But she suddenly grabbed his hand and made him fall on top of her. Up close, he could see that she had mud all over her face, her hair, everywhere. She made him lie down on top of her, then they rolled around in the thick brown substance and found themselves as dirty as each other. It was the first time they had rolled around in the mud like that, and in nice clothes at that!
They stayed there for a while, very excited, then got up and thought about the party.
- We're still going to have to go back, aren't we?
- Yes, but we'll have to get cleaned up. Although! It would be funny to see their faces if we turned up as we are now.
- Yes, no, I've got another idea: let's go swimming in the sea, it'll clean us out. We'll be soaked, but just about clean.
As they continued to descend in the same direction, they realised that they could reach the sea from the other side of the cliff. They found themselves on the beach and stepped into the water, which was a pleasant temperature. They sank completely into the water, rubbing themselves to remove as much earth as possible. It was dark and they couldn't see what they were doing. They swam under the cliff, getting closer to the party, which was still going on. Cindy was surprised to find that she was able to swim in her slippers, which held her feet well enough.
Then they returned to the beach, walking in knee-deep water. Seeing the lights and hearing the music, they started to run. Then, just below the car park, Sandro suddenly stopped, turned round, spread his arms and grabbed his companion. He lifted her up and carried her into the deeper water. She let out a few cries, which attracted the attention of the other guests.
Some went down to the beach and recognised Sandro and Cindy playing in the water, fully dressed.
With the help of alcohol, other guests stepped into the water. Some were careful to take off their shoes, others not. And so it was that around half the wedding guests took a night swim in the sea!
They were then able to take a shower by the beach to wash off the salt and sand. Cindy and Sandro returned to the park where the party was taking place, had a drink and, a little later, jumped into the pool, still wearing their clothes and slippers. Many other guests followed suit.
Nobody noticed that they were wearing slippers, or even knew that they had rolled around in the mud in the middle of the party.
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Re: The Slippers Kingdom

Post by kaiserwoods982 »

The Slippers kingdom - chapter 19

With the adventure of the wedding, Cindy and Sandro had discovered the pleasure of being covered entirely in mud, and not just their feet or legs as they had been doing for a long time.
One late afternoon, they had gone back to the Slippers Kingdom just to play in the mud. She had put on a red dress, open at the back and down to her knees, black stockings and her red ballerina slippers. Sandro was wearing black trousers, a striped shirt and, of course, his usual black closed-toe slippers, without socks.
They had finally found a very interesting spot, towards the edge of the forest, in the opposite direction to the one they usually took to go to the village. There, a small stream was running through the earth, forming a thick mud, obviously about thirty metres wide and a length they couldn't estimate. This muddy area slowly descended under the trees towards the river below.
Cindy and Sandro held hands and approached the mud. They each plunged a slipper into the brown mass and sank a few centimetres. Then they placed their other foot in the mud, which sank a little further. They had to work hard to get the first one out and keep going, especially Cindy: her ballet flats tended to get sucked into the mud. Fortunately, she had a bit of experience in this, and still managed to get her shod foot out and into the mud a little further on.
They progressed a few metres until they were knee-deep in mud. Cindy said to her companion:
- I think I'm stuck, I can't lift my feet!
Sandro went over to her, took her in his arms and lost his balance. They both fell into the mud, Cindy's feet free.
- My slippers are at the bottom! said Cindy. Come and help me find them.
On all fours in the mud, they plunged their hands into the place where Cindy's feet had been a few seconds earlier and soon pulled out the mud-filled slippers.
- Oh, your poor slippers are full of mud! said Sandro, holding them in his hand with a sorry expression.
He emptied the contents onto Cindy's chest, but she didn't protest. Then he moved to the feet of his darling, who was sitting in the mud, and gently handed her her shoes.
- Thank you, my love," she said. But it's not funny: you never lose your slippers in the mud.
- No, mine fit my feet really well. And when they're wet, they're even hard to take off. It's practical, but you're right, it's not as much fun.
She leaned over to Sandro's feet and began to remove his slippers, which finally came off with a loud sucking sound. She was surprised to notice that the inside of the shoes was wet but still clean. She stood up, dropped Sandro's slippers in the mud and started stamping on them with her own, which particularly excited Sandro. Then she knelt down again, retrieved her companion's slippers and filled them completely with mud. She went over to her darling's bare, dirty feet and dipped them into the mud in his slippers. The thick brownish liquid poured out around her foot as it sank into the shoe. Sandro got bored and just wanted to make love to his partner, right here, right now.
- There, that's fairer," she said when she had finished.
Sandro leaned over and pulled her close. Her red dress was almost completely covered in mud, as was his shirt. He loved feeling her warm, slippery body against his. They played in the mud for a long time and eventually emerged. Cindy had to be careful to keep her ballet slippers on her feet. As for Sandro, it was the first time he had walked in slippers that were actually filled with mud, and he loved the feeling. When he got to the path, he noticed that a little mud was still coming out of his slippers as he walked.

A few days later, Cindy did some shopping on her way home from work, and came back after Sandro. She had her black ballerina slippers on, as usual for going to work. She approached Sandro, hands behind her back, and said:
- Surprise!
And he held up a pair of black corduroy slippers with elasticated sides, just like the ones Sandro already had.
- Are those for me? Thank you, sweetheart," he replied.
- No, they're for me," replied Cindy. I know they're men's slippers, but they were my size. I tried them on: they're very comfortable, they feel like trainers but without the seams or tongues, so that's even better. I thought they'd be more practical if we wanted to go back where there's a lot of mud.
And as she spoke, she quickly put them on. She was wearing a grey skirt and black stockings.
- That's a good idea," says Sandro. As long as they're your size, you won't risk losing them. Well, they look good on you, but it's still a bit less cute than your ballet slippers.
- I'll keep wearing them too, don't worry, I'll wear these just to go and play in the mud - it's mostly just to try them out.
They decided to try out Cindy's new slippers straight away. Sandro put on his corduroy pair, identical to Cindy's - but a little bigger and obviously not new any more.
They went through the gate. It was raining in the Kingdom of the Slippers, but that wasn't going to discourage them. They took a few steps along the narrow path and Cindy stopped in the middle of a puddle, wearing her new men's slippers.
- What are you doing?" asked Sandro after a few moments.
- I'm checking how long it takes for the water to get into these slippers. With mine, especially the red ones, it would have taken a long time, but now my feet are still dry.
- Yes, they hold water well, but they're not totally waterproof," confirmed Sandro.
He joined his darling in the puddle and looked at the four slippers immersed in the water. They kissed as they waited for the water to sink into their shoes. Finally, after almost two minutes, Cindy announced that she could feel water seeping in.
They continued on their way and reached the famous mudfield, which was wetter than usual because of the rain. They made their way through the mud, making much faster progress than last time. Sandro watched his companion's closed slippers slip in and out of the mud with ease.
- It's true that they hold up really well - they're very different from mine! You can sink into as much mud as you want, you don't lose them. It's great.
Still, she stopped to take a slipper off her foot. Like Sandro's last time, the inside of the shoe was still black and clean. She bent down to fill it with mud and used it to throw the mud at Sandro. Sandro tried to dodge her and retaliated by sending mud flying towards her with his feet. They played like this for a while, until they were both covered in brown stains.
Then they took the opportunity to explore further down the mudfield, which sloped down to the river. At first, the slope was gentle, but it became steeper and steeper. Several times, they had to hold on to the trees in the middle of the mud to avoid losing their balance. Finally, they arrived just above the river, and it was steeper.
- I think we have two options," says Sandro: "either we turn around here, or we go down on our backsides, like in a mud slide, and to get back up, we follow the river to the little path we know, a little further downstream. What do you think?
Cindy preferred the second option. She sat down in the mud and let herself go down about ten metres to where the mud field met the river. She arrived in fifty centimetres of clean water, and turned to look at Sandro. He followed her lead, slipped through the mud and into the arms of his companion.
The river water was cool, but not unpleasant. They cleaned themselves up and walked into the river, following the current. Sandro looked at his companion's feet. It felt strange that she was wearing the same model as him, but after all, they were slippers too, and he knew they would be more practical than his ballerinas in certain extreme conditions - even though his red pair had already survived a lot, from cross-country running to mountain hiking to tug-of-war.
After about a quarter of an hour's walk in the water, they recognised the spot where they had landed on one of their first visits to the kingdom. This time, the fishermen weren't there. They got out of the water and took the small path back up to the forest.
- The sole is a bit thicker too, so I feel the stones less with these ones," said Cindy. But I'm telling you, I'm still going to wear my ballerina slippers," she added, afraid that Sandro would be disappointed. I know they're sexier.
Sandro kissed her back.
When they reached the forest, they set off for home. In the usually muddy part of the path at the edge, Cindy tried a few skids, as she had become accustomed to doing.
- Hmm, it's nice because they hold the foot better, but my black ballet flats slide much better," she commented.
And they ended up going home, soaking wet and with muddy feet again. The two of them took a hot shower to warm up and clean up, with their clothes and slippers, of course.
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Re: The Slippers Kingdom

Post by kaiserwoods982 »

The Slippers kingdom - chapter 20

That evening, Cindy and Sandro were glad to be in the warmth of their home: a storm was brewing, the temperature had dropped sharply and it was late autumn. They spent a quiet evening, built a fire in the fireplace and listened to the wind crashing against the walls of their old house.
Cindy wore her men's slippers, closed and corduroy, sometimes using them as slippers and wearing them around the house. Her pair of black ballerina slippers were wet because she'd worn them to work and had come home in the rain, and the pair of red velvet ballerinas were full of dirt because she'd worn them to garden and hadn't had time to garden yet.
Sandro was wearing exactly the same model as her, a pair that was just a little bigger and a little less new, because hers had already survived numerous trips through water, mud and snow. Although he didn't find this pair as sexy as the others on his partner's feet, he was amused that they were wearing the same slippers.
By the time they went to bed, the storm had begun. Lightning illuminated the ceiling of their bedroom at irregular intervals. They curled up together in their pyjamas, warm under their duvet, and soon fell asleep despite the sound of the rain hitting the windows and the creaking of the old beams supporting the roof.
Suddenly, a commotion woke them up. It took them only a few seconds to realise that the wind had partly torn off the plastic roof of their garden shed, which was banging against the wall of the house. Various objects were flying around their garden. Immediately, they went out into the downpour, armed with torches, still wearing only pyjamas and slippers. Braving the elements, they did their best to secure what they could.
Within moments, they were both soaking wet, their light pyjamas clinging to their skin. Cindy's pyjamas consisted of a patterned dark blue top and light blue trousers. Sandro was wearing a simple white T-shirt and grey pyjama trousers. They lit the courtyard of their house with their torches and sheltered what had flown away. The garden chairs had ended up in the middle of the vegetable patch that Cindy had ploughed a few days earlier. Sandro set off to retrieve them and, seeing that Cindy had put away what she was holding, he shouted at her to come and help. Despite the sound of the wind, she heard him and came towards him. Their lamps were shining on the chairs and they couldn't see where they were going. It was only when Sandro was bending down to take the first chair that he noticed that his feet were sinking into five centimetres of wet mud. His feet were still dry. He turned to Cindy and said: "It's full of mud here, I'll take care of it if you like". But no sooner had he finished this sentence than he realised that, on the contrary, it would convince his wife even more to come.
Bringing the first chair to safety, he passed her walking in the opposite direction. He let down his torch to light his feet and saw his slippers sinking into the mud. This night vision excited him. She went a little further than far to get the second chair, and sank a little deeper. She loved this feeling. She had to pull hard on the chair to get it out of the mud, then set off in the opposite direction with the object. When she got back to where the remaining chairs were, she joined Sandro, who was busy turning over the two remaining chairs. The mud was almost up to the top of their slippers. "It's amazing, I still don't have wet feet," she said. "For me, it's starting now. But it's true that these slippers resist water for a long time."
Cindy noticed that Sandro had turned one chair the right way round and was in the process of clearing the last one. To watch him do it, she sat down on the wet and partly muddy chair, dipped her feet in the mud and shone a light on her darling. When he managed to get the last chair out of the mud, he turned to her and saw that she was looking at him, comfortably seated, and saw that she had made a small pile of mud with her feet. She plunged her slippers into it. He sat down opposite her, still in the pouring rain, and followed her lead.
Soaking wet, they amused themselves by gathering more and more mud at their feet, and finally it was Sandro who drew first: he shot into the pile of mud towards Cindy, who was copiously sprayed with it. She burst out laughing and immediately retaliated, and a mud fight ensued, with kicks into the mud. Their pyjamas, dripping with rain, were covered in mud stains which dripped onto their chairs. Then Cindy moved up a gear: she pulled off one of her slippers with difficulty, bent down to fill it with mud and used it to bombard her darling, who then did the same. They laughed like crazy, covering themselves in mud in the middle of the night and the storm.
When they calmed down, Sandro got up, put the muddy slipper back on his foot and went over to Cindy to kiss her. She pulled him towards her, they kissed, and they both fell into the mud, still in their pyjamas and slippers.
They were beginning to get cold after all. They got up, grabbed the chairs to keep them safe - which was the first reason for their night out - and headed back to the shelter. In the light from inside, they burst out laughing again at how dirty they were. They took a hot shower, cleaned their slippers and pyjamas and made love in the shower.
Then they went back to bed. As their pyjamas dried, they slept naked. And Cindy noticed that, of her three pairs of slippers, one was drying from the day's rain, the second was dirty from the garden and the third had just been used... so she had to buy another pair (or more).
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