How your taste in boots and shoes/feet evolves over time

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How your taste in boots and shoes/feet evolves over time

Post by bootjobfan »

I was recently thinking about how my taste in boots, and shoes/feet in general has changed over the years, and thought i'd write about it to see if anyone else has had a similar experience.

Looking back, I guess i've always been interested in boots, for as long as I can remember, but thats as far as it went, i'd never been in to feet or any other shoes for that matter, nor had I every considered or known to combine boots with bedroom activities. I guess you could say I was a combination of naive and unimaginative.

That all changed one day around 2004 when I was doing a bit of a porn browsing session, and I stumbled upon a clip from, where a pretty chinese woman with dyed hair and wearing an orange sweater, tight leather pants and knee high leather boots gave a guy a bootjob. I was blown away, instantly hooked and rushed over to my girlfriend's place and begged her to try it on me. She was sceptical about it, but after I found the clip again and showed her, with enough coaxing we gave it a try. Upon reflection, my first bootjob it was nothing to write home about, but at the time I was in heaven. We used a lot of oil, it was fairly messy, she wasn't all that good at controlling the cock (probably because of the oil) but we got there, and we repeated this many times, each time getting a little better.

My taste in boots was fairly strict - I love them knee high, pin heel, point toe, and made of black leather, an ideally very tight fitting on the legs. I loved it when she wore them with jeans tucked in, and it was so tight she almost couldn't zip them up, sometimes that was the start of the foreplay, her draping them across my lap while I wrestled with the zips to get them up.

This pattern didn't change for well over ten years. I ended up having hundreds of bootjobs over this time with various women (some great, some not so great) , and several things remained consistent - knee high, tight leather, pin heel, and lots of oil. I had zero interest in loose fitting boots, flat boots, different material boots (eg I hated suede, PVC, faux leather etc), or other coloured boots (although I do have some fond memories from that period where dark brown boots did the job well). Worth noting that my interest remained fixed on boots, I never once wanted to try a footjob or shoejob with any other type of shoes.

Then my boot fetish took a back seat for a few years. A series of uninterested girlfriends (one was particularly repulsed by the idea and it ended up causing the friction that ended the relationship) meant that I went without for quite a while. Others seemed okay with the idea, but it never really happened (eg they didn't have a pair of boots that I liked, or it was always for "another time"). So I went for a while without having any fun, just watched a bit of porn sometimes, or fantasised.

Then in 2017 my life changed for the better with a double whammy - 1: I moved to a BIG city with a thriving massage shop scene. 2: I stumbled across facebook marketplace and other buy/swap/sell sites which i'd been fairly ignorant of until that point.

I have never had any interest in having sex with a prostitute, and still don't. But one day not long into my stint in the big city, I booked into a nearby massage shop as a way to kill a bit of time one afternoon, and turned up, naively thinking that I was going for a massage only. The place was staffed by mostly beautiful young asian university students - a mix of Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, Hong Kong, etc etc. Needless to say I left that massage feeling pretty happy.

Not long after my massage experience, I was browsing facebook marketplace for furniture for my new place and I noticed that one of the sellers I was viewing was also selling some boots. BINGO!!! I had a light bulb moment, I could pick up some really nice boots at a very reasonable price, take them to the massage shop and for less than $100, get an hour long bootjob from a gorgeous Chinese university student!!!

I set my plan in motion, I bought a pair of boots that matched my preferences where'd left off a few years earlier, and after booking a massage session, set off with the boots in a bag. The first few times were actually very nerve racking. I was so shy, so scared to ask the girl, so worried that she'd think I was weird, or would deny my request. I'd lie there on the massage table trying to pluck up the courage to ask her. Turns out I didn't ever really have much to worry about it, most of the time they were absolutely fine with it, some even seemed to enjoy or were quite curious about it. A few were indifferent, or or two refused, a few seemed to find my enthusiasm for boots and bootjobs kinda cute.

There were some minor hiccups. Every now and then you'd end up with a girl who's legs were too chunky to fit in the boot shafts, or who's feet were too big for the particularly pair of boots you'd bought (although I got pretty good at managing this - i saw primarily asian girls who all generally had pretty small feet), but 95% of the time it was smooth.

It was during this period of my life that I noticed my tastes start to change. I think I have pinpointed it to one particular experience where I had this gorgeous Taiwanese masseuse. By now i'd gotten pretty confident in asking, so sometimes i'd skip the massage and just get straight into the boot play, which i'd done in this case. She was fascinated by my love of boots, and went on to tell me how she owns several pairs, and that she had actually worn boots to work that day. I asked her where they were, she said in her locker in the back room. By this stage she was already wearing the ones I'd brought, but the idea of her in her own boots got me really excited so I convinced her to go get them, and she did. She came back with them, they were quite long, over the knee, flat sole, no heel, and the type where the foot and front of the shaft was leather, but the rear of the shaft was made from that stretchy neoprene type material. These were completely unlike anything i'd ever been interested in, yet I found myself aching to be beneath them. So again, after a bit of convincing she put them on and gave me a great bootjob.

Since then, my variety has opened up, and i've enjoyed many fun sessions under boots of all shapes, colours and styles. I still have some fairly rigid criteria for what I like, but these days its a bit easier logging onto marketplace or similar, knowing that I have a lot more to choose from. A summary of what I like and dislike is below:

Likes - Long boots (I actually much prefer over the knee style these days, rather than knee high. I would go out of my way for overknee boots, I love the way they look when a girl is wearing them an sitting down). I still have a strong preference for leather, black or any shade of brown. I've got a growing obsession for flat boots - where they once turned me off, they now tick a lot of boxes for me. I still enjoy a stiletto boot session, but sometimes a good pair of flat boots is just what you need for session involving trampling - more pleasure, less pain and none of the marks. Low profile sole, ideally fairly smooth. I like "girl next door" kinda boots, the ones that you see women wearing in public. I don't necessarily like designer boots, but I like slightly more expensive ones. The reason for this is that cheap boots are generally not made from leather, and honestly it'd be a bit of a turn off being beneath a pair that you knew came out of a musty smelling discount shoe warehouse. I never tried really expensive designer boots (eg Jimmy Choo), i'd love to but am realistic. They're too expensive; either $1000 brand new, or still $500 on marketplace. And i've given up hope of meeting a girl that owned a pair and would be willing to use them for a bootjob. So for that reason, my ideal pair are ones that cost around $300-$400 brand new. Expensive enough that you can be guaranteed real leather and good quality. Most large shopping malls have at least 3-4 shops that sell boots in this category. They're expensive enough that the women who buy them take really good care of them, but they end up selling on marketplace for $100, or maybe less! I've also grown a bit more of an interest in female feet in general, and have since enjoyed a number of amazing footjobs, plus shoejobs with various types of heels, sandals, even a pair of sneakers! I guess I get a bit influenced by the things i'm seeing online, and also by the actions and suggestions of the few massage girls that I regularly saw or built a rapport with.

Dislikes - Boots made from anything other than leather. Still not into suede etc. I hate the typical stripper or dominatrix boots - PVC, faux leather, platform or chunky soles you name, I find it a complete turn off. As I mentioned above, if women can't generally wear them out and about in public (shopping, work etc), then I don't want them touching my cock haha. This extends to most clothes actually, the best bootjobs haven't been my women in lingerie and costumes, its been by masseuses in the clothes they wore to work (jeans, dress, whatever), a girlfriend who's just come home from the gym and slid a pair on over her gym tights.

As you can see, things were going fairly well for a while there. I'd built up really great working relationships with a handful of girls. It was great, we had each other's personal phone numbers and I could text them and say that i'm booking in with them tomorrow, and request that they wear a certain outfit (eg tight jeans), and they always would. It was always business, not friendship, never got anything for free but it worked really well. COVID ended all that though, with most of the girls either finishing their studies and returning to their home country, or just having to leave due to the financial hardship arising out of lockdowns etc. My acquaintance that i filmed with earlier in the year is from that network, probably the last one remaining and even that is crumbling. So my network has dried up, and despite open borders, we are nowhere near back to the level of talent that was once in the massage shops, and are in desperate need of a flood of fresh overseas university students.

Anyway, that is a summary of how a chance stumble across an old bootjob clip sparked a fire in me that has burnt at various intensities for almost 20 years!
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Re: How your taste in boots and shoes/feet evolves over time

Post by bootjobfan »

One thing I’d planned to write about but forgot is how I’ve basically phased out oil or any kind of lubrication when I get a bootjob. I don’t really get much out of it - it just makes it harder for the girl to control. I’ve found that with girls that are inexperienced or have poor techniques it can be quite painful, sometimes excruciating. In these cases oil can alleviate the pain but really there’s bigger issues at play that need to be addressed. The great thing about finding a regular bootjob partner is that she very quickly learns exactly what to do and what you like, and i find that once you reach this level, the absence of oil can actually heighten the experience, the controlled friction she can skillfully apply can result in much more explosive ending
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Re: How your taste in boots and shoes/feet evolves over time

Post by qazwsxedcrfv »

I've experienced something similar. The first boots I remember having a thing for were a pair of brown leather low-heeled knee-high boots my mom owned. I jizzed and pissed on them many times. I've always loved that style of low-heeled knee-high riding boots. But when I was younger I didn't see many women wearing those types of boots. Usually I saw them wearing high-heeled knee-high stiletto boots, so that's what I mostly fantasized about. When I was in college I was around a lot more girls wearing cowgirl boots, rain boots, Uggs, and the leather boots that zip up in the back, so that's what I started to appreciate. I don't care as much for rain boots or Uggs anymore, but that's not to say I dislike them either. (I have fond memories of fucking girls wearing both.) Most of the women I see nowadays wearing boots have the knee-high low-heeled riding-style boots I've always liked, and that's my favorite style for fucking/fantasizing. Almost all of the bootjobs I've received were with that type of boot. I still have a thing for cowgirl boots as well. I don't see women wearing them as much now, probably mostly because of geography, but still see them from time to time or at concerts. The first bootjob I ever got was actually with a pair of cowgirl boots.

I also have a thing for heels, but whether heels or boots my preference has always been for the types of shoes I see women wearing out at work or in the store. I think it's hotter to receive bootjobs from women in their normal clothing than with weird shoes they would never actually wear in public. I've never had a thing for just feet, always been about the shoes for me. But even with shoes I don't have a preference for, I still find the idea of a woman touching my dick with her shoes amazing.

Boots I like:
Riding-style boots
Cowgirl boots

Boots I don't have a particular thing for but still find attractive:
High heels
Rain boots
No heel
Ankle boots

Boots I don't care for:
Platform boots
Open toe boots
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Re: How your taste in boots and shoes/feet evolves over time

Post by boot.perv »

@bootjobfan That's quite a tome you put out there, and enjoyable to read.

I've had a fetish for female footwear as early as I can remember. I remember how in kindergarten I would ogle the girls who wore strappy Mary Janes, particularly the shiny black ones with the buckles. As I got older, girls wore Mary Janes less and less, but one day in 5th grade a girl named Brenda wore a pair of white knee-high cowgirl styled boots and my eyes were glued to her feet. Soon after that, the hormones started kicking in, and more and more girls (and teachers!) were wearing knee-high boots, mostly low-heeled or block-heeled, but occasionally high-heeled. I had a crush on my friend's little sister, and one day she wore a pair of black front-laced knee-high boots, and that started my love for front-laced styles of boots. That same friend shared some porn from his dad (my dad didn't buy porn) and there were pictures of naked women in boots giving blowjobs, so that connected boots with sex even more for me. In high school I was surrounded by girls in boots, and it was awesome.

But then I went to college, and things dried up boot-wise. I was studying at a famous technical university near Boston, and there weren't very many women there. The women who were students there rarely ever wore boots. But there were a few women on campus who weren't students, and they were happy to wear boots. I was getting really friendly with Kathleen, and she asked me what really turned me on, so I told her I really like boots. She laughed, but the next day she showed up wearing a white dress and a pair of black knee-high high-heeled boots, and no panties, and she flashed her pussy at me. Instant boner. She came back later, and I got to fuck her wearing those boots, and it was the first time I ever came in a girl's pussy. I'd fucked a few girls before her, and they always had an orgasm, but I never did. It was the boots that put me over the edge.

At the time, I was rather cagey about admitting to my boot fetish, thinking I must be weird. Then I came across an issue of Penthouse in which the model was fully dressed and wearing a pair of black riding boots with her foot in the guy's lap, teasing him through his pants. That got me really horny! I hadn't even considered a bootjob before, and this was way before the Internet. I trekked over to the "Combat Zone" where the dirty mags were sold. In one store, I found a single copy of "Boot Lovers' Digest" (which later transformed into and later There were pictures of women in thigh-high PVC boots, stepping on cocks and jacking them off onto their boots. It was amazing! They never had any boot action like this in Playboy or Penthouse!

In grad school, I was dating a girl who I would later marry and have kids with. I didn't bring up my boot fetish until about a year into the relationship. Now I think it's important to be open about it once a relationship gets physical, as soon as possible. We were both in the shopping district in downtown Chicago when I confessed it to her. She said, why don't we buy a pair. So, we went shopping for boots, but most of the boots wouldn't fit over her calves. Wide-calf boots hadn't been invented yet. We almost gave up, but we finally found a pair of black leather low-heeled knee-high boots with lacing both inside and outside the calves, and belts and buckles around the ankles that looked like spurs. When we got home, we went straight to the bedroom, and she wore one of my dress shirts and her new pair of boots. I fucked her so hard, her eyes rolled back, and she had a squirting orgasm. She'd wear those boots almost every day just to tease me. After we got married, I bought her a few pairs of thigh-high high-heeled boots just for sex.

Then the Internet happened. Even before there were any boot-related web sites, I found a tiny grainy video of a girl wearing black KHBs stroking a guy's cock with her boot and making him blast. It was only 30 secs long, so I had to loop it in my video player. Then came, a site with models wearing boots, but no nudity or sex. Then came the porn sites, but models rarely wore boots, so it was mostly uninteresting to me.

Around 2007, I met a girl in one of the forums who would post pictures of her avatar wearing riding boots. She told me about IMVU, so I checked it out for myself. It's a 3D chat app where you can design and wear custom clothing. I met a female avatar there who showed me around, and she liked to tease me with her thigh-high boots during chat. Sex with my own wife was nearly non-existent, you know how that goes. I tried to spice things up with the wifey by inviting her to IMVU, but she thought it was too risqué and never got into it.

So, I created a female avatar in IMVU and adorned her sexy outfits and boots. I now had the ability to create my own porn, and I've been doing so since 2010. My female avatar is my waifu, and she's the proud owner of almost 900 pairs of boots and shoes of all colors, styles and shapes. Here are a couple pictures of her teasing my cock with her white cowgirl boots and sucking my cock. They don't really allow sex in IMVU, but where there's a will, there's a way.


If you'd like to see more, visit

I actually met my last GF in IMVU back in 2012 and we moved in together in 2014. I also let her know about my boot fetish early on in the relationship, and found she already had a sizable boot collection, and she was curious about my fetish. Before she left this world, she had over 30 pairs of boots in real life, and hundreds online.

Here's a pic of us doing a little slave girl role play in IMVU, wearing a pair of brown thigh-high boots I made for her. I wonder how many black women have this as a fetish. It's too taboo to talk about. She used to love it when I called her my little slave girl and ordered her to wear high-heeled boots so I could fuck her.


And here she is in real life, wearing a pair of Guess OTKs I particularly liked.


And here she is at work wearing a delicious pair of KHBs with buckles, straps, studs, zippers and a 3" cowgirl heel. Also, she's laughing about the prospect of stepping on my poor boner with them.


And here she is in IMVU teasing my cock and balls with her silver OTKs.


So when it comes to likes and dislikes about boots, I'm pretty open minded. Boots have to look feminine, and if they're a style that men can wear too, I'm not as interested.

Any material, even PVC.
Knee-high or higher. Crotch boots are instant boner for me.
High heels (up to about 6")
Round or Pointed toe.
Front lacing is always a plus.
Belts, buckles, studs, zippers.
Boots worn with skirt or dress or shorts, extra points for thigh high stockings.

Here's a pair I really like - black leather, high heels, over the knee with front lacing with D-hooks.

Calf boots
Low or flat heels. Exception made for THBs though.
Square toes, with same exception.
Lacking embellishments
Most rain boots, but my GF had a sexy shiny black pair that I liked.
Boots worn with pants

Ugg boots. They call them Ugg for a reason.
Frumpy ankle and calf boots.
Platforms bigger than 2" or lacking a heel.
Most Goth style boots, but exception for THBs or front-lacing
Open toe boots.
And if it doesn't cover your ankle, it's a shoe, not a boot.
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Re: How your taste in boots and shoes/feet evolves over time

Post by tenaciousPT »

boot.perv wrote: Mon Jul 04, 2022 11:10 am @bootjobfan That's quite a tome you put out there, and enjoyable to read.

I've had a fetish for female footwear as early as I can remember. I remember how in kindergarten I would ogle the girls who wore strappy Mary Janes, particularly the shiny black ones with the buckles. As I got older, girls wore Mary Janes less and less, but one day in 5th grade a girl named Brenda wore a pair of white knee-high cowgirl styled boots and my eyes were glued to her feet. Soon after that, the hormones started kicking in, and more and more girls (and teachers!) were wearing knee-high boots, mostly low-heeled or block-heeled, but occasionally high-heeled. I had a crush on my friend's little sister, and one day she wore a pair of black front-laced knee-high boots, and that started my love for front-laced styles of boots. That same friend shared some porn from his dad (my dad didn't buy porn) and there were pictures of naked women in boots giving blowjobs, so that connected boots with sex even more for me. In high school I was surrounded by girls in boots, and it was awesome.

But then I went to college, and things dried up boot-wise. I was studying at a famous technical university near Boston, and there weren't very many women there. The women who were students there rarely ever wore boots. But there were a few women on campus who weren't students, and they were happy to wear boots. I was getting really friendly with Kathleen, and she asked me what really turned me on, so I told her I really like boots. She laughed, but the next day she showed up wearing a white dress and a pair of black knee-high high-heeled boots, and no panties, and she flashed her pussy at me. Instant boner. She came back later, and I got to fuck her wearing those boots, and it was the first time I ever came in a girl's pussy. I'd fucked a few girls before her, and they always had an orgasm, but I never did. It was the boots that put me over the edge.

At the time, I was rather cagey about admitting to my boot fetish, thinking I must be weird. Then I came across an issue of Penthouse in which the model was fully dressed and wearing a pair of black riding boots with her foot in the guy's lap, teasing him through his pants. That got me really horny! I hadn't even considered a bootjob before, and this was way before the Internet. I trekked over to the "Combat Zone" where the dirty mags were sold. In one store, I found a single copy of "Boot Lovers' Digest" (which later transformed into and later There were pictures of women in thigh-high PVC boots, stepping on cocks and jacking them off onto their boots. It was amazing! They never had any boot action like this in Playboy or Penthouse!

In grad school, I was dating a girl who I would later marry and have kids with. I didn't bring up my boot fetish until about a year into the relationship. Now I think it's important to be open about it once a relationship gets physical, as soon as possible. We were both in the shopping district in downtown Chicago when I confessed it to her. She said, why don't we buy a pair. So, we went shopping for boots, but most of the boots wouldn't fit over her calves. Wide-calf boots hadn't been invented yet. We almost gave up, but we finally found a pair of black leather low-heeled knee-high boots with lacing both inside and outside the calves, and belts and buckles around the ankles that looked like spurs. When we got home, we went straight to the bedroom, and she wore one of my dress shirts and her new pair of boots. I fucked her so hard, her eyes rolled back, and she had a squirting orgasm. She'd wear those boots almost every day just to tease me. After we got married, I bought her a few pairs of thigh-high high-heeled boots just for sex.

Then the Internet happened. Even before there were any boot-related web sites, I found a tiny grainy video of a girl wearing black KHBs stroking a guy's cock with her boot and making him blast. It was only 30 secs long, so I had to loop it in my video player. Then came, a site with models wearing boots, but no nudity or sex. Then came the porn sites, but models rarely wore boots, so it was mostly uninteresting to me.

Around 2007, I met a girl in one of the forums who would post pictures of her avatar wearing riding boots. She told me about IMVU, so I checked it out for myself. It's a 3D chat app where you can design and wear custom clothing. I met a female avatar there who showed me around, and she liked to tease me with her thigh-high boots during chat. Sex with my own wife was nearly non-existent, you know how that goes. I tried to spice things up with the wifey by inviting her to IMVU, but she thought it was too risqué and never got into it.

So, I created a female avatar in IMVU and adorned her sexy outfits and boots. I now had the ability to create my own porn, and I've been doing so since 2010. My female avatar is my waifu, and she's the proud owner of almost 900 pairs of boots and shoes of all colors, styles and shapes. Here are a couple pictures of her teasing my cock with her white cowgirl boots and sucking my cock. They don't really allow sex in IMVU, but where there's a will, there's a way.


Here a few stills from a video I'm making, where my waifu is teasing my cock with her crotch-high gold high-heeled boots, and then jerks me off onto her boots.


If you'd like to see more, visit

I actually met my last GF in IMVU back in 2012 and we moved in together in 2014. I also let her know about my boot fetish early on in the relationship, and found she already had a sizable boot collection, and she was curious about my fetish. Before she left this world, she had over 30 pairs of boots in real life, and hundreds online.

Here's a pic of us doing a little slave girl role play in IMVU, wearing a pair of brown thigh-high boots I made for her. I wonder how many black women have this as a fetish. It's too taboo to talk about. She used to love it when I called her my little slave girl and ordered her to wear high-heeled boots so I could fuck her.


And here she is in real life, wearing a pair of Guess OTKs I particularly liked.


And here she is at work wearing a delicious pair of KHBs with buckles, straps, studs, zippers and a 3" cowgirl heel. Also, she's laughing about the prospect of stepping on my poor boner with them.


And here she is in IMVU teasing my cock and balls with her silver OTKs.


So when it comes to likes and dislikes about boots, I'm pretty open minded. Boots have to look feminine, and if they're a style that men can wear too, I'm not as interested.

Any material, even PVC.
Knee-high or higher. Crotch boots are instant boner for me.
High heels (up to about 6")
Round or Pointed toe.
Front lacing is always a plus.
Belts, buckles, studs, zippers.
Boots worn with skirt or dress or shorts, extra points for thigh high stockings.

Here's a pair I really like - black leather, high heels, over the knee with front lacing with D-hooks.

Calf boots
Low or flat heels. Exception made for THBs though.
Square toes, with same exception.
Lacking embellishments
Most rain boots, but my GF had a sexy shiny black pair that I liked.
Boots worn with pants

Ugg boots. They call them Ugg for a reason.
Frumpy ankle and calf boots.
Platforms bigger than 2" or lacking a heel.
Most Goth style boots, but exception for THBs or front-lacing
Open toe boots.
And if it doesn't cover your ankle, it's a shoe, not a boot.
You and I got the same exact current taste here. Not trying to shame on other people's boot preferences but there's not enough recent forums that fit both of our boot tastes. In my opinion on the ones that you think that are "not as good" and "worst", I would agree on it because it just feels too casual to be used for the bedroom since they're pretty common in public. Knee high or higher with a pretty high heel and pointed toes feels hyper feminine and exotic because you don't really see it often in public and when you do sight one (like I do very occasionally) it's like catching a rare Pokemon which adds up excitement in our minds.
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Re: How your taste in boots and shoes/feet evolves over time

Post by boot.perv »

Updated images. Bump.
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Re: How your taste in boots and shoes/feet evolves over time

Post by bootjobfan »

Hi boot.perv somehow I missed your post/reply on this thread, but have just read it and wow!!

I really enjoyed reading about your journey, its been very interesting and enjoyable, with a lot of ups and downs.

Thank you for your contribution
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Re: How your taste in boots and shoes/feet evolves over time

Post by pink_tongue »

This a cool thread! Here is my take:

My attraction to boots can be split into looks, how they feel when touched, and how they make the woman who is wearing them feel. I am also into the wet and messy thing, which affects how I am attracted to boots as well. I will concetrate on just boots, but I may bring the wet and messy aspect in a little.

I cannot pinpoint a moment when I started being attracted to women wearing boots. It has always been there. When in my teens-early 20s, I was pretty obsessed with high heels. A pair of knee high, black, shiny boots on stiletto heels would probably be all that I could ask for. I recall a college friend who wore a pair just like that, but the intriguing thing is that she would wear them with just jeans and a hoodie. That clash of sexiness with boring practical clothes is something that excites me. As I was getting through more shoe and boot adventures, I have realized that I started growing away from high heels. Yes, they are sexy, they are a lot of fun in bed, however I got enticed by the flat boots. It is that combination of sexiness and practicality, just like that outfit my friend was wearing sometimes...soon I was all about flat boots.

Flat boots are a whole world of their own to me. Leather is amazing, either black or brown, or combination of the two. Other materials are fun too, it goes towards the way it makes the woman wearing them feel. A lot of women I interacted with would feel about them as just shoes, or they would like the way it makes them feel "tucked in" or warm, but the most exciting are the ones who saw their arousing appeal themselves.

Speaking of practical, during my post grad time in college, I saw a lot of undegrad girls wearing Dr. Marten boots. At first I was meh, I did not find them attractive at all. However I ended up hooking up with a girl who had a collection of those, and we ended up briging them into our playtime and I realized that they were growing on me quite a bit!

Okay, so likes and dislikes as of now:

Full leather flat boots, knee high or over the knee. Buckles and zippers are a nice bonus but not required. The shinier the better.

Combat style boots, Dr Marten or similar.
Knee high boots that are not leather, either faux leather or faux suede.
High heel boots, I am not into high heels anymore, but they are still boots and can't deny the sex appeal of a high heel.

Hiking, utilitarian, work boots, Timberlands etc. Can't say much about them other than they don't float my boat.

I am not much of a story teller, so here is some brief vignettes:

* Remember that friend that wore stiletto boots with jeans and hoodies? One night we hotboxed a car and I ended up rubbing my face all over her boots, and then taking them off and sucking her toes. We never fucked, playing with her shoes and feet was enough for me.

* On a roadtrip with a girl who I was dating at the time, she was wearing knee high faux leather boots. Every stop we made she would give me bootjobs and by the end of the trip, they were stained with my cum inside and outside. We later destroed that pair in a wet and messy session, they got covered in oil and eggs. Good times!

* Dr. Marten boots of my undergrad friend...I licked a nice worn pair of black 10 holes, came all over them on a few other occasions, and then poured a diet coke into a pair of her brand new Jadon's on the first time she was wearing them. She wasn't too thrilled haha
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