Other bodily fluids and excretions and anything else gross in, on and around shoes and boots. Pee in shoes, pee on shoes, etc.

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Joined: Tue May 25, 2010 11:58 pm


Post by owlman »

Well I havent wrote anything for a while so i thought it was time i did, its one of those stories that can either end where it is or i can carry it on if people like it, just let me know.

I'd decided when I started the firm that I wasn't going to be a 'boss' boss, I'd had enough of them over the years, men who owned the firm you worked for and took great delight in letting you know it, the smart suits and shiny shoes and manicured nails, all these things combined to tell you two things, one the man had never been 'on the tools' , and two, had absolutely no intention of going on them. I had very little respect for men like these, how could they possibly understand the complexities of a job if they hadn't actually done it?
My best ever boss had been a man who was often thought of as a bit odd, but also a very clever man, clever not in the academic sense, but in the practical sense, you couldn't get one over on him for one simple reason, he did get his hands dirty, if he said a job could be done in four hours then it could, and he knew this because he'd done it!
Hanging on the back of his office door was an old dark green boiler suit, covered in oil and grease stains it was worn quite frequently. I remember the first time I worked with this guy, I'd been at the firm a few months when a particularly difficult job needed to be done, normally it was a two man job, this day I was on my own and the job was being a right bitch!
I remember lying under this machine in a puddle of oil and god knows what trying to heave this big lump of metal back to where it belonged, ' hang on lad, let me give you a lift' a voice said from somewhere behind me. The next thing I knew a pair of hands was helping me lift the part back into position, 'ere, pass me that adjustable spanner pal' I asked, a hand slid under the machine and passed me the spanner, and it passed it to me the right way around, whoever it was at least had an idea of what they were doing. 'shall I go throw the bolts in the other end for you?' the voice asked, 'aye you can do mate' I replied, 'it's a right cow this job'. 'yeah but you've got it cracked now, lets wrap it up and go grab a brew' he replied.
Finally the job was done and I hauled myself out from under the machine, oil soaked into my overalls, all over my hands and in my hair, god I felt grubby. I made my way down to the washroom to clean up, I was stood over a washbasin scrubbing the oily gunge out of my hair when I heard the voice again, 'soon as you're done we'll have a drink I think' , I looked up to see who it was that had helped out and got the shock of my life, it wasn't one of the fitters, it was the managing director!
I decided there and then that if I ever ran my own firm I was going to be like him, I'd wondered from the outset why everyone liked and respected him, now I knew why, respect is something you have to earn, and his way of earning it was to muck in and give a hand.
Several years later I had my own firm and was sitting in the cabin on site when my phone rang, it was the client, 'why am I paying you good money to have your staff playing in the mud?' He asked, sounding rightly pissed off, I enquired as to where on site this person was allegedly playing and jumped in my pick up to investigate.
I'd quickly established that the offender was actually the only female I employed that worked outside the office, 18 years old and partway through a college course on surveying I'd brought her to site to perform a simple task, all she had to do was sit and watch a slurry outfall pipe that was in the process of having a damaged valve replaced.
At the far end of the site was a large concrete lined pit approximately one hundred feet long, seventy feet wide and four feet deep, pointing into this were four heavy steel pipes about four inches in diameter, emergency outfalls from the slurry tanks. The pit was never designed to be filled, it was simply a precaution so that in the event a tank was ever overfilled the excess would run into the pit rather than contaminating the ground or finding its way into the water course and causing an environmental issue.
Several times as I drove over I'd attempted to call her up on her personal radio, an item of kit I'd issued to every member of staff, not only to be able to contact them, but also as a safety device, if anything went wrong it was far quicker to press one button than to pull out a mobile phone and start dialling a number.
I parked my truck and got out, walked slowly up the grass embankment that surrounded the pit and looked down into it. The first thing I saw was a personal radio stood on the wall of the slurry pit and there in the pit was my errant member of staff, I watched intently, to see what she was doing, so intent was she on what she was doing that she'd neither heard my truck arrive or noticed me stood looking down on her from my vantage point.
Just below the four pipes was a pool of thick black smelly ooze, one of the pipes, the one being worked on was dripping, and below it was a puddle about six feet wide and a foot deep of foul smelling slurry, if you thought that the slurry off the floor of a pig sty smelled foul, you needed to smell it after a month in a holding tank, it was ten times worse.
I watched with a mixture of anger and curiosity as she paddled in the thick black foul smelling slime, using one of her knee high black rubber boots she spread it all over the other boot then used that boot to cover the other one, it was almost going over the top of her boot and onto her tight dark blue jeans, suddenly a strange thought entered my head, was she getting some kind of sexual gratification from this? I'd heard of people with strange fetishes, but had never encountered one, well not until now.
I stood for several minutes watching her then picking up a small rock threw it into the slurry, it landed with a loud 'plop' causing her to turn around suddenly, seeing me she gasped and her face flushed red, clearly embarassed at being caught. I stepped down into the concrete pit and made my way slowly towards her not exactly sure at this point how to handle the situation, had it been one of the lads I'd have probably given him a bollocking for fucking about, with her however I thought it needed handling differently.
'I,ve been calling you on the radio for about ten minutes, why didn't you answer?' I asked her, she looked down at her slurry covered boots, she'd been caught out and was clearly thinking of a way out of the situation. 'well, I was watching the pipe and it started to leak so I thought I'd take closer look at it in case there was a problem' she replied not very convincingly. 'oh I see and what about the radio, where is that?' I asked, she pointed to where it stood on the wall of the pit, 'over there I didn't want it to get damaged if anything happened' she replied. I nodded my head, 'oh I see, you didnt want to damage the radio, but you weren't bothered about damaging the boots though' she didn't reply so I carried on, 'I don't suppose you wondered why your boots are different to everyone else's boots, why they all have ordinary wellingtons but yours are a fitted boot and I dont suppose it occurred to you that your boots cost a lot more than theirs did it? ' She shook her head, 'no, I guess I didn't sorry' she answered looking a little bit guilty by now. ' well let me tell you this young lady, I had those boots specially made for you they're rather expensive and are not normally made with a protective steel toecap, normally they're very expensive fashion boots, waterproof yes, but at the price they cost they're normally worn by wealthy ladies to go out in, not for young girls to go paddling in pig shit!'
I explained to her that the only reason I'd gone to such lengths was the fact that she'd be wearing them almost all the time and I thought it would be nice for her to look smart and feel more comfortable than she would in wellingtons, after all if we had to go to a meeting wellingtons were hardly the footwear to turn up in.
looking at my watch I saw it was almost knocking off time, in another half hour everyone would be going off site, so I decided that then would be the time for whatever punishment I was going to deal out, 'come on, get in the truck, lets head back to the office' I watched as she climbed up the wall out of the pit, the way her jeans clung tightly to her shapely rear and the boots clung to her long legs, all in all she looked quite sexy and although I knew I shoudn't, at that point i'd made up my mind, her punishment would be something that would not only humiliate her but give me some form of sexual gratification as well.
Back at the portacabin that served as my office I picked up a hose and cleaned the slurry from her boots then told her to go inside and sit at her desk, there was some paperwork needed going through and since she'd been arsing about playing in the slurry, we'd go over it now rather than tomorrow, I rang the client to inform him i'd dealt with the errant mud paddling worker, he'd already left site and gone home, he made it clear that he didn't want to see a repeat of the incident on his next visit.

I gave her some paperwork to look over, in reality this was just an excuse to make sure that everyone else had left site before I did what I had decided to do by way of a punishment for her earlier actions.
I asked her why she'd done what she had, at her age surely she was beyond playing in mud patches and I certainly didn't expect to find her doing it in an expensive pair of boots that the company had provided for her. I pointed out that what she'd done had not looked good in the eyes of the client and that in my opinion she at least owed me an explanation for her behaviour.
To my complete amazement she informed me that she didn't think she had to explain her actions, she was keeping an eye on the pipes and if she wanted to do something else at the same time then in her opinion there wasn't an issue, to say I wasn't impressed with this attitude was an understatement!
I reminded her just how fortunate she was to be working for the company, her qualifications or rather lack of them had prevented her from getting the job she wanted at all the other firms she'd applied with and it was only the fact that I believed that academic qualifications were not the be all and end all that she was now working for our company, I decided to teach her a lesson she'd not forget in a hurry.
' ok lets go' I told her as I got up from behind my desk, we exited the portacabin and I walked over to the gates and secured the padlock, nobody could enter the site now, we were alone. I got into my pick-up truck and she climbed into the passenger seat, I drove back to the slurry tank and saw that the pipe was still dripping slurry. We got out of the truck and I walked to the rear, opened the tailgate and took out my wellington boots before swapping them for my regular work boots. 'ok you sit there and wait for me' I told her indicating for her to sit on the trucks tailgate, she sat down and her booted feet dangled a good distance from the floor, reaching down I pulled of her left boot, then her right boot, 'I think I'll take these if you dont mind, won't be long' I told her as holding the soft rubber boots in one hand I headed up the small embankment and down the other side, by now the slurry puddle had grown slightly and the pipe was still dripping it's foul smelling contents onto the concrete of the tank.
I took one of the boots and placed it on the floor in a clear area, then still holding the other one I walked into the slurry, it was thick like black cream and extremely foul smelling. I held the boot under the dripping pipe as a mixture of lumpy gunge and smelly liquid seeped out, when I had collected around a pint of the evil sludge I placed the boot on the clean concrete, picked up the other one and repeated the action, when both boots contained slurry I picked them both up and headed back to my truck, she was still sitting on the tailgate, this time she was watching something on her mobile phone.
'here we go, you can have your boots back now' I said holding one out so she could slip her foot into it, she slipped it in and grimmaced slightly, before she could do anything else I slipped the other one onto her other foot and gently pulled her to a standing position, there was a loud squelching noise as the slurry slid up inside the boot, 'perhaps that will teach you not to play in slurry in future' I said, she just looked at me and giggled, 'mmm, it feels so strange in my boots, not as nasty as I'd imagined, in fact its quite pleasureable' and with that she walked slowly up and down in front of me, a strange smile on her face and each time the boots squelched she let out a little giggle, clearly my plan hadn't worked.
We got back in the truck and headed back to the cabin, to be honest my original plan had been to make her walk back the quarter mile thinking that it would be an unpleasant reminder for her not to repeat her earlier actions, however having seen the grin on her face I decided against it. After collecting some things out of the office I got back in the truck and dropped her off as usual at the train station, told her not to be late tomorrow and drove home alone.
Sometime during the early hours it must have rained heavily and arriving at work I discovered that the only bit of soft surface adjacent to the office had changed from being rough loose soil to a thick clingy mud and in the middle of it, the mud halfway up the calves of her boots was a certain young lady, seeing me arrive, I expected her to be rather embarassed being caught playing again especially after yesterday but oh no, she smiled and waved cheerily, 'morning boss you should put your wellies on and have a paddle, its really quite fun'.
I pointed to the hose on the floor, 'get over here, clean that mud off then get in the office' I opened the office door, walked in slamming it behind me, switched on the kettle and sat behind my desk, five minutes later she walked in, saw the kettle boiling and made two cups of coffee before sitting quietly at her desk.
Looking across at her I was suddenly annoyed at the state of her boots, dirty and scuffed, at this rate they wouldn't last a month let alone a year, it was obvious to me that she'd no idea that I had bought them to make her look more presentable than she would in ordinary wellington boots, either that or she just didn't care about the expense i'd gone to.
I noticed that today instead of jeans she was wearing a pair of clingy black leggings and a black polo neck jumper instead of the jeans and jumper she'd worn yesterday, in fact she looked more like she was going on a night out than a day at work.
I decided that today we'd sort out the store cupboard, when a cabin gets moved from site to site it invariably accumulates all sorts of stuff left from the previous job, its also very rare for it to get sorted out and any unwanted or broken items disposed of.
I began by emptying all the stuff out of the cupboard onto the office floor and eventually all the shelves were clear, I got a large plastic dustbin and placed it on the office floor and began sorting out the leftover items that had accumulated over the last few jobs.
Its amazing what people decide to keep, empty aerosol cans, a few broken tools, worn out gloves, even a few extremely dirty old work jackets, one by one they were thrown into the dustbin. Other items such as boxes of screws, tins of spray paint, barrier tape and bags of new gloves began to go back on the shelves in the cupboard. 'hmmm, I wonder what these are?' she asked, I turned around to see her holding a sealed clear plastic bag containing a shiny black rubbery looking item. 'open one and find out' I replied.
She opened one of the bags and on unfolding the item inside her eyes lit up, 'ooh I like this' she gasped, I looked over and saw what it was that she was holding, a rubber protective suit one of a number left over from a job we'd done on a sewage farm about a year ago.
Now these suits resembled a boiler suit except for a number of crucial differences, firstly rather than being made of cotton, they were made of some type of rubber, secondly they were extremely tight and thirdly, rather than having a full length zip at the front they had a shorter zip at the rear of the neck, this zip was also watertight.
I distinctly remember ordering these on the last job, we'd had to have them as a safety precaution in case anyone was likely to come into contact with untreated sewage as it can carry some pretty nasty diseases. Rather than being worn over the normal clothes these were designed to be worn under them, the idea being that if someone were to fall into one of the tanks they would not get the sewage all over their body.
Having explained the reason for them to her she replied with a giggle, 'hmm well I thnk I could find a use for one' I told her she was welcome to one if she wanted one, as I remembered, the only reason they'd not been used was they were much too small to fit the well built lads who worked on that site.
I'd gone into the store cupboard to put some stuff on the shelves and when I came out I could scarcely believe my eyes,she was stood in the middle of the office and had stripped down to her underwear, a shere black pair of panties and matching bra! ' she was halfway into one of the tight rubber suits and appeared to be having difficulty getting completely into it, 'give me a hand will you? ' she giggled.
Stunned at what was happening I went over and helped her into the tight black rubber suit, finally when she was inside I pulled up the zip at the rear, it fitted like a second skin, 'hand me my boots will you' she said, I handed them over and perched on the edge of the desk she slipped them back onto her legs, the look was amazing, like a tight black rubber skin, it was all so tight you could hardly see where the boots ended and the suit began.
' oh yes, I like this, would you like coffee, its almost break time' she said as she switched on the kettle. After it had boiled she placed a cup of coffee on my desk, 'won't be long' she said then as she opend the office door added, 'oh you did say we were alone today didn't you?' I nodded, 'yes just us the other staff don't work on the weekend'
I sat listening to the radio as I drank my coffee,still trying to come to terms with what had happened earlier, I couldn't believe that this girl had stripped to her underwear in my office and then asked me to help her into a rubber protective suit, even harder to accept was the fact she appeared intent on keeping it on.
Thirty minutes had elapsed and she'd still not returned to the office, I wondered if she'd perhaps gone to the toilet and was having difficulty getting out of the suit, perhaps I had better go and see if she was ok.
Exiting the cabin I was greeted with a sight that shocked me, she wasn't in the toilets having difficulty with the suit, she was actually crawling through the thick mud she'd been paddling in earlier, she was covered from her shoulders to her feet in the sticky mud, not an inch of the suit or boots was clean, only her hair and face remained free of the thick sticky mud, 'OUT NOW' I yelled and pointed to the hose, 'NOW GET OVER HERE' , she headed slowly toward me and turning on the hose I began to wash the sticky mess off her body, the boots were covered in deep scratches from rubbing against stones and bits of gravel in the thick gloop. While they may have still been waterproof they were no longer suitable for wearing off site, boy was I pissed off!
Opening the tailgate on the pick up I reached in grabbed my wellington boots and put them on before jumping into the drivers seat, 'get in now' I yelled as I started the engine, she'd barely sat down and clsed the door and I tore off across the site heading for the slurry tank, I hoped that pipe was still dripping.
When we arrived at the pit I got out of the truck and told her to follow me, arriving at the pit I saw the pipe was still leaking and jumped down into the pit, she followed me as I stepped into the slurry and waled over to the pipe. 'right, get those boots off now' I ordered, she slipped them off and handed them to me, handing her one back I ordered her to wade ofer to the pipe and hold the boot under it, when it had about 2 pints of slurry in it I told her to put it back on before hading her the other one and making her repeat the procedure.
'Ok stay where you are' I told her and walked slowly toward her, I turned her around so the pipe was behind her and quickly pulled open the back of the tight rubber suit, then, before she could react I pushed her gently backwards, just as the pipe disgorged a thick blob of foul smelling slurry, straight into the back of the tight rubber suit, she gasped and let out a squeal, one which sounded more of pleasure than of shock!
She made no attempt to pull away as several more large wet slimy globs of slurry fell into the open back of the suit, I turned her around, told her to tilt her head back and yanked open the front, after three good sized lumps of ooze had fallen inside I spun her around and in one swift movement did up the rear zip, she was now not only totally encased in the tight rubber, but also covered in slurry.
I decided to make her walk back to the cabin, and as I drove away I told her not to mess about, I wanted her back there in less than fifteen minutes, when she arrived I made her remove the boots and hosed them out along with all traces of mud and slurry from the outside of the suit.
Leaving the boots to drip dry I ordered her back into the office and told her to get dressed into her normal clothes, she asked me to help her out of the suit, I shook my head and told her to keep it on under her top and leggings, finally when she was dressed I went outside and retrieved the boots which once again she slipped her long slender legs into.
As the suit was so tight it was not possible for any air or liquid to escape from it and being so thin it was undetectable beneath her top and leggings, perfect for the next part of my plan.
After locking the office we got into the truck and drove into town, I needed some shopping and she could come with me, I kept looking at her as we walked around the busy supermarket, a few people looked at her in the tight leggings and long rubber boots, she on the other hand seemed totally unfazed by the experience.Next came lunch, I drove to a local pub and we had a pub meal, burger and fries and a cold beer, still she seemed totally relaxed, by now the slurry must have found its way into even the most intimate areas of her body and given how thin her panties were I had no doubt that she was feeling the slimy ooze even on her most intimate places.
Finally, meal over we got back in the truck and headed off to my home, a smallholding out in the sticks, little did she know what I had planned once we arrived.
On the way there among the general conversation I casually asked if she'd ever ridden a horse, she said she had, but it was a long time ago when she was much younger. We soon arrived at my home and I took her into the yard, it also had a stables where I kept a horse, I used to ride a lot and so did my ex, so after we'd split I ended up keeping the horse, I soon had it saddled and for the next hour or so she trotted, cantered and galloped the horse around the paddock, several times I made her tackle a series of jumps which she cleared with ease, by the end she was hot and sweaty, but also seemed rather aroused.

To be continued!
Posts: 53
Joined: Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:22 am


Post by derfranz »

Great story. Can't wait to read more. Thank you.
Posts: 389
Joined: Tue May 25, 2010 11:58 pm


Post by owlman »

I instructed her to come back to the side of the paddock and dismount, as she swung her leg over the saddle to climb down from the horse I caught her leg and slid my hand up it from the bottom of the boot all the way up to her crotch, everything felt warm and I could feel the slurry all warm and soft slipping around inside the skin tight rubber.
once on the ground I removed the saddle from the horse and allowed it to run free, then I turned my attention to the girl, I slowly pulled off the long rubber boots, then the leggings, finally the top came off, all she was wearing now was the thin black rubber suit.
I told her to follow me across the yard and I picked up the hose, washed out the boots and then proceeded to spray the hose on the suit, removing all traces of the mud she'd rolled in earlier, she squealed as the ice cold water hit the thin soft rubber, finally satisfied all was clean I told her to step back into the boots once more.
I took her into the house and poured a couple of drinks for us both, after a large warming bourbon she seemed to relax more, 'I almost did a wee in my suit when you sprayed me with the hose' she giggled, 'it was bad enough that the water was icy cold but when you haven't had a wee for hours, well I came close put it that way' she continued. She stood up and leaned her hands on the back of the dining chair, 'by the way, I still need a wee and that drink didn't help matters' she said, blushing slightly. I got up and smiled, 'oh well, allow me to help you do something about that then' I replied, topping her glass up with more bourbon.
' exactly how will drinking more bourbon help with me needing a wee then? ' she asked as I handed her the glass, I moved behind her as she took a long drink from the glass and shuddered slightly, 'mmm well it won't but this might' I replied slipping my hand between her thighs, her legs opened automatically and using my right hand I began to gently massage the area over her crotch through the tight thin rubber. 'mmmm, I see what you mean' she purred opening her legs a little wider allowing me unrestricted access to her crotch, I applied a little more pressure and allowed my index finger to trace its way between her pussy lips, knowing that inside the suit they'd be very wet under her thin silky panties, yes they'd be wet and I'd bet anything it wasnt just the slurry that had made them that way.
I slipped my left hand around her slender waist and pulled her back towards me applying a little more pressure to her bladder, 'ooh stop it, no don't stop' she giggled as she pushed that shapely rear into my crotch. I felt the temperature rise a little as i gently massaged her crotch and knew instinctively that in those few moments I'd solved the problem of her needing the bathroom!
'well who's a naughty girl then?' I asked as I moved my hand onto her pert buttocks and began to massage them, a hand on each cheek, She looked over her shoulder seductively at me, 'well it's not my fault, I mean you knew I needed a wee and all you did was rub my pussy and squeeze me' she giggled. Placing my hands on her slender waist I gently pulled her back from the chair before placing her hands on the table top,this meant that although she was leaning against the table she was bent over slightly giving me a clear view of that perfectly shaped pert little bottom, it was at this point that scenes from the 'fifty shades' films flashed into my head.
' if you'd wet your panties when you were young I bet you'd have got a spanking wouldn't you? ' I asked, she took another sip of her bourbon, 'oh god yes but I don't think it would have the same effect on me now as it did back then' she giggled, 'why are you going to spank me now?' I spotted the fly swatter on the shelf, 'oh I think you deserve it don't you?' I replied as I reached out and picked it up. I tapped her gently once on each ass cheek, 'ooh do it harder' she purred, I stepped back a little and took another swing, she let out a little yelp as the swatter made contact with her left buttock, by the time I'd finished she'd be used to it I thought to myself.
I'd administered four slaps to each cheek and as I went for number five I noticed that something appeared to be moving beneath the tight soft rubber. I gave her one more slap on each cheek, the movement became more obvious and a bulge began to appear between her legs, she let out a little gasp then appeared to tense slightly before relaxing with a loud contented sigh. 'well apparently not everything has changed since I was younger' she giggled 'I often did that during a spanking, although I must admit I never found it pleasureable' she added.
Obviously I knew what she'd done but I decided to play dumb and see how she'd react, ' oh, and what did you do back then but you still do but now find it pleasurable then? ' I asked. Turning her head to face me she blushed a little, 'well you know you must have seen something' she giggled, 'no go on, tell me, tell me exactly what you did' I replied as she blushed even redder. 'mmmm well, lets just say I wont need the bathroom again tonight, but I don't think it's done my panties any good' she giggled, 'on the other hand my bum is nice and warm now' .
She turned around to face me, 'I suppose you could say I really am a dirty little girl now' she purred 'but how are you going to punish me for that I wonder? ' she continued, a little smile playing on her lips as for the first time that day I realised just how attractive she really was in a cutesy sort of way. I felt my cock stiffen inside my jeans, 'well I'll think about that for a minute while I deal with my own needs' I told her as I turned to head for the downstairs toilet. In one smooth fluid movement she'd turned me back to face her and ddropped to her knees, 'oh why walk all that way when I'm here' she purred as she reached out and began to unzip my jeans, in a matter of seconds she'd took out my cock and slipped her lips around it and began sucking greedily!
A few moments later she removed my cock from her mouth and looked up at me, 'well go on then, piss' she said as she wrapped her lips tightly aound my cock once more. I relaxed and tried to do as she asked although being semi hard it wasn't easy, eventually I felt myself start to do it and she swallowed greedily as the contents of my bladder trickled into her pretty mouth, the last few drops trickled down her chin and landed on the shiny black rubber as she pulled her mouth away, 'mmmm, feeling better now, I know I am' she purred as she slipped my cock back into my jeans and slowly did up the zip.
to be continued
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