Other bodily fluids and excretions and anything else gross in, on and around shoes and boots. Pee in shoes, pee on shoes, etc.

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Post by owlman »

Hi guys, I havent wrote anything for a while its been a bit busy here but I managed to find time to write a short story for you all, like most of my other stuff it is based around a stables and was inspired after a member contacted me to say how much he liked my work and missed reading any new stuff. Anyway here it is and Merry Christmas everybody.

An Error Of Judgement.

I watched with interest as the horse trotted through the gate and into the stable yard, I'd worked at the stables for a number of years and had seen all sorts of things happen over the years, but this was different.
Amanda trotted the horse into the yard and came to an abrupt halt, she paused for a moment and then swiftly dismounted, I saw the grimace on her face as her booted feet hit the concrete of the yard floor. Letting the reins of the horse drop she almost broke into a sprint as she headed towards the rear of the stable block, a pained look on her face.
Now for as long as the stables had been there we'd had an unwritten rule that under no circumstances was any horse to be left untethered in the yard under any circumstances, this was due to a rather nasty incident that had occurred at another yard when a horse that had been left untethered had wandered into the road and collided with a speeding car that had been coming a shade too fast around the bend. The outcome was a dead horse, a car that was written off and a large bill for the owner of the yard who, after a rather expensive court case was deemed liable for the incident.
Just as she was about to disappear around the corner I called out to her, “Amanda, come here please”, she glanced over her shoulder and for a second or so I wondered if she was going to stop, or keep running. She decided to stop and turned around, with a rather pained look on her face she walked slowly back across the yard towards me, to be honest I thought she actually looked to be in some sort of pain or discomfort. “yes, did you want me?” she asked, she sounded a little irritated as she asked and I instantly felt a little annoyed by the tone in her voice.
“Amanda, how long have you kept a horse on this yard?” I asked, she hopped from one booted foot to the other and gave me what I could only describe as an irritated look, “ oh it must be at least 6 years, I remember daddy buying me a horse for my 15th birthday, and I'm 21 now” she replied, and once again she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, she looked increasingly uncomfortable as she stood there.
“well in that case you'll be well aware of the rule regarding not letting horses be left untethered when in the yard” I continued, almost subconsciously she crossed her long slender jodhpur clad legs and bobbed up and down a little. “well, it was an emergency” she replied trying to justify why she'd just dismounted and ran across the yard without either securing the horse to one of the many tie up rings, or even putting it into its stable.
“well I think it would be a good idea if you put the horse away before you continue with whatever it was that you were so keen to do, after all, I'm sure nothing is more important than tying up the horse first” I went on, she let out a little gasp and muttered under her breath, something which sounded suspiciously like 'don't you believe it'.
I handed her the reins of her horse, “well come on, you might as well take of the saddle and put him back in his stable” I went on. She groaned slightly and taking the reins from me she hobbled off across the yard towards her stable, I followed behind her watching her shapely rear as she walked across the concrete yard, most of the girls wore dark jodhpurs for their day to day stuff but not Amanda, her tight beige jodhpurs were always spotlessly clean and her long leather boots always well polished, to be honest she looked better turned out on an ordinary day than a lot of the girls did when they were dressed up for a show, and when she did dress for a show her pristine white jodhpurs were almost dazzling to the eye, she certainly got a lot of looks from the men who attended the shows and I often wondered just how many of these men had a genuine interest in the equestrian world, or just got aroused by the sight of a well toned pair of thighs and a shapely bottom encased in a pair of tight jodhpurs.
Amanda led her horse into its stable and bent down to undo the girth strap that secured the saddle, she let out a gasp as she bent down and seemed to be having difficulty undoing the buckle, when she'd done it she gritted her teeth and heaved the saddle from the horse, she looked distinctly uncomfortable as she flung it onto the saddle stand she let out a little squeal as she did this and looked down at the crotch of her jodhpurs, apparently seeing nothing she let out a relieved sigh and began to remove the headcollar from her horse.
Suddenly she gasped and froze, her legs crossed tightly one over the other as she stood with a horrified look on her face, looking over I saw her legs shaking slightly. “Amanda, are you ok, is something the matter?” I asked, realising for the first time that she seemed to genuinely be in some form of discomfort.
She looked at me and I noticed her lip quivering, she squirmed again and looked down at the floor, “ I was rushing because I had somewhere to be urgently, thats why I didn't tie up my horse” she mumbled almost beginning to sob, “well there you go, I'm sure that wherever you had to go could wait a few minute and you're all done now, so you can go ahead and carry on” I replied. She shook her head, “no it's too late now, far too late” she replied softly, her body seemed to tense then relax and I heard a faint hissing sound, I instinctively looked at her crotch and to my amazement a dark patch was beginning to spread over her crotch and down the thighs of her tight beige jodhpurs, I felt my cock begin to stiffen as I watched as this attractive girl relieved herself into her jodhpurs, I watched transfixed as the streams of steaming urine ran into her long leather boots
“well Amanda really!” I exclaimed, she looked up suddenly and she seemed a little embarrassed, not unexpectedly under the circumstances. “I'm sorry, but thats why I got off the horse so quickly, i'd been needing the loo for about half an hour before I got back, thats what I meant when I said I had somewhere to go urgently” she replied in hushed tones.
I looked at her and realised that I was more aroused by seeing her urinate in her jodhpurs than I first realised and my erection now strained uncomfortably inside my jeans, I suddenly became very conscious of my predicament and as she glanced away from me I hurriedly ran my hand over my jeans in an attempt to move my erection and make it less obvious.
I stood silently looking at her for a few moments, I was wondering how to handle the situation, part of me said to just tell her to go and clean herself up, the other part however was telling me to have some fun with her, after all a situation like this didn't present itself every day.
I gave a little cough to clear my throat and she turned back around to face me, “Amanda, how old are you now?” I asked, despite already knowing the answer, she looked down at the floor again, “I'm twenty one” she replied in a low voice, “mmm, I see, and do you think it's appropriate for a twenty one year old to go around using her jodhpurs as a toilet?” I asked harshly, Amanda shook her head, “no I guess not” she replied, “exactly, you should have gone to the toilet before you went out shouldn't you?” I said in as stern a voice as I could manage. Once again she nodded, “yes I suppose I should, it's just that I dont really like using that toilet around the back, and to be honest I didn't think I needed to go as bad as I did” she answered. I looked at her in disbelief, “so, you knew you needed the toilet before you left yet you decided not to go, and how long were you out riding for?” I asked, “about an hour and a half” she replied somewhat sullenly, to be honest at this point she sounded more like a sulky child that a twenty one year old woman.
“Amanda, how old were you last time you did something like this?” I asked, she thought for a few moments before answering, “ well I was eleven years old, I remember it clearly” she replied looking down at her boots. “oh and why do you remember it so clearly then?” I asked, “well, we were on a day trip my parents and I and before we set out my father told me to use the toilet, I said I didn't need to and i'd been earlier, it was a long journey anyway and then we got stuck in traffic, I said I needed the toilet and he said i'd have to wait, I should have gone before we left like I was told to do, I did my best but my best wasnt enough and I ended up weeing myself in the back of his new car and he wasn't happy” she explained. I nodded and then replied, “and thats why you remember it so clearly, because you did it in your fathers new car is it?” I went on, Amanda shook her head and blushed, “er no, I remember it because I had to sit there in my wet panties and leggings and when we did find somewhere to stop the first thing he did was to spank me for wetting myself” she replied.
I felt myself stiffen a little more at this, the thought of spanking her now in her tight jodhpurs was more than flesh could stand, to be honest i'd fantasized for a while now about putting my hands on her pert jodhpur clad behind and the thought of spanking it was even better.
“ I see, and if your father was here now what do you think he'd do ?” I replied, “well knowing him he'd probably spank me again” she said almost instantly, “what, even at your age, he'd still give you a spanking?” she nodded, “yes, he always said if you behave like a child then you'll be treated like one”.
“well perhaps we should ring him and see what he says then” I suggested, Amanda
went pale, “oh please no, I know thats what he'd do, he'd insist on spanking me, besides I dont want to wait in my wet jodhpurs 'til he gets here” then she added, “couldn't you do it, I mean a spanking is a spanking isnt it, and besides at my age it would be really embarrassing being spanked by my father”
on hearing this I began to wonder, was it more embarrassing being spanked by her father rather than a relative stranger, or was there some sort of sexual thing about it,”so you want me to do it then?” she nodded, “if you dont mind, but can we not do it here please, i'd hate someone to see it” she asked.

“follow me, I know just the place” I replied as I headed out of the door and across the yard, she looked out to see there was nobody around and then followed me around the back to my workshop, we went inside and I closed the door and bolted it from the inside.
She stood there in the middle of the workshop, I went over to the corner and pulled out a chair that I sometimes sat on when I was working, “over here please” I told her as I sat down on the chair, she walked slowly over and I could hear the liquid sloshing inside her boots, she'd clearly done more than I first thought.
Her hand went to the front of her jodhpurs and without looking down she felt for the fastener, “what are you doing Amanda?” I asked, “undoing my jods to take them down” she replied, “father always spanked me in just my panties”. This was just too good to be true, not only was I going to spank the girl, but she would be in her panties while I did it, a note of caution sounded in my head, was it really a good idea to make a girl of her age lower her jodhpurs for a spanking, if someone were to find out then there could be allegations of a sexual nature and that was definitely something I could do without.
“ I dont think that will be necessary, over the jodhpurs will be fine, just bend over my knee will you” I said, patting my thighs to indicate where I wanted her, she nodded and laid herself across my legs as I sat in the chair, her long bron hair almost touching the floor as her head hung down. I asked once again if she was certain this was what she wanted and she replied that it was, anything so long as her father didnt find out.
I ran my hand across her pert buttocks then raised it and brought it down hard on her left cheek, she'd barely time to register before I landed one on her right cheek, “six of the best I think” I told her as number two landed heavily on her already stinging left buttock, I could imagine how red they'd be when I'd finished and wished I could find some way to see the resultys of my handiwork.
Number three had bairly made contact with her right buttock when suddenly she let out a loud wail “noooo” she cried, number four landed and as it did the centre of her tight jodhpurs shot up about 3 inches, it increased a little more after number five and as number six made contact, the small bulge in her jodhpurs had grown to a slightly bigger mound that sat squarely in the middle of her pert buttocks.
There was a gasp, another wail then a crakling sound as the bulge began to grow bigger, I couldnt believe it, Amanda was actually soiling her jodhpurs in front of me. I looked down at the growing mound, it looked firm, well it was more pushing the fabric out rather than being squashed by it, “Amanda, did you just shit yourself?” I asked in a harsh tone, “yes, just like last time, thats why I didn't want my father to spank me” she replied. I gently ran a hand across the bulge in her jodhpurs, my god this was starting to get a bit sexual now, i'm sure she could feel my erection poking into her as she lay across my legs. “ I see, so you did this last time then did you?” she nodded again, “yes, but it was worse this time because I knew I was going to do it” she continued, “you knew you'd do it, how?” I replied, “well thats why I was rushing to the loo earlier when you stopped me, I needed to go then thats why I was rushing” she answered.
“so you knew you'd do that when you were spanked, well why didn't you say something then?” she looked up at me, “simple, I thought you'd not let me go to the loo if you knew I was so desperate, and besides I thought I could hold on to it, clearly I couldn't” she sobbed. “and now look at me, father's going to go mad when I get home”.
I helped her to her feet while I gave the matter some thought, clearly she was most distressed at the prospect of her father finding out what she'd done, more I thought than she was at the prospect of having to drive home in her rather full jodhpurs.
“are they badly stained?” she asked turning her back to me so I could see the bulge, “no, no damage at all” I replied truthfuly, then added, “but I dont think the same can be said for your panties”
“yes, it looks like he's going to find out anyway doesnt it, there must be something we can do so he doesn't” she said pleadingly and she took a step towards me and reached out her hand, “that bulge looks uncomfortable, I could feel it when I was across your knee, how about I take care of that and then you take care of my dirty panties” she offered, before I could respond she'd undone my jeans and eased my erection from inside them, she squatted down and as she did so I heard a soft crackling noise, clealry the seat of her jodhpurs was no longer clean.
She took me erect cock into her mouth and began to perform oral, and my word she was good at it, having my cock sucked by this beauty was a dream come true, add to this she was on her knees in a pair of shit filled jodhpurs in my workshop sucking away like a common whore took things to a new dimension, I knew that I wasnt going to last for long before I shot my load.
I gasped and grunted as I tried to hold out a little longer, it was pointless and I felt my cock twitch, when I did cum she didn't retch or gasp or anything, she simply swallowed and carried on sucking until I was once again limp, limp but very happy.
She took hold of my now limp cock and carefully put it back inside my jeans, “there thats one problem dealt with, only my underwear now” she said as she rose to her feet.
I stood behind her and there was now a little bit of staining on her jodhpurs, but it would wash out, I lifted her leg and removed one boot followed by the other, then undid her jodhpurs and gently lowered them, she lifted one foot at a time to enable me to remove them completely.the staining was minimal, her panties on the other hand were trashed, I instructed her to remove them and throw them into the large oil drum that I used for a rubbish bin, after that I told her to replace her boots and follow me, once again the yard was clear as with her jodhpurs in her hand she followed me over to the house, once inside I directed her to the shower and put her jods in the washing maching, in about an hour they'd be washed and dried and as good as new
The sound of boots on the tiled floor made me look up from what I was doing, I turned around to see Amanda stood in the doorway, once again wearing her boots but still minus her jodhpurs that were inside the washing machine, her jumper was too short to cover her bottom and I was treated to a view of her tight little pussy as she walked toward me, she sat in the chair and crossed her legs, if it was an attempt to make her look less arousing it failed miserably. “your jods wont be long and then you can get dressed again” I replied sitting in the chair opposite to maximise the time I could admire this erotic vision. “listen Amanda, I've been thinking, if you ever find yourself in that position again just pop over here and use my bathroom, ok? Amanda smiled, “sure, and likewise if you ever need any help with that nasty uncomfortable bulge then you let me know”, I said I would and we sat and chatted until the washing machine had done its work,
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