new story

Other bodily fluids and excretions and anything else gross in, on and around shoes and boots. Pee in shoes, pee on shoes, etc.

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new story

Post by owlman »

Hi everyone, I've written another story, this time its a bit more detailed, feel free to read it and give me your comments, its a little longer than usual as I wanted to make it more detailed, I hope some of you will enjoy reading it and give me some feedback, many thanks.

Eastern Promise

It had been a busy time over the last year, busy and not without its difficulties for the girl who having just turned twenty-one waited eagerly in the departure lounge of the airport, for the first time in 5 years she was going on holiday and for the first time in her life she was going abroad.
Life hadn't been easy for Diane, coming as she did from a fairly poor background she'd done well to get the job she had, working as a typist in a large office, in fact she'd done well to find a job at all, most people in the town she came from had taken one of three paths, unemployment benefit, crime or prostitution in fact it was a standing joke in the area that the best way to catch up with old schoolfriends was not on one of the social media sites but to search for them on the prison services list of inmates.
She was an attractive girl, not stunning by any means but at five feet six inches tall with her long dark hair and slim figure she was guaranteed to get noticed, throw a pair of long slender legs and thirty six inch breasts into the equation and the look was usually followed up by the offer of a date, somewhat disappointingly for her admirers Diane never took up any of their offers.
When she'd first seen the advert in a magazine for the weeks holiday in a small eastern european city she'd been a little uncertain about going but having listened to the other girls in the office it seemed almost like a right of passage, a defining moment in the transition from being a girl to a young woman, she'd moved out of her parents home because despite her age they insisted on treating her like a child, so that was a good enough reason in itself to take the trip.
In the weeks before the trip Diane had spent hours on the computer looking at pictures of the night life in the city she was planning to visit, they all seemed to show pictures of girls in short skirts and revealing tops partying in the many clubs and bars. She took some of her savings and spent an entire Saturday scouring the shops in search of suitable outfits for the trip.
Standing in the queue waiting to board the plane with her fellow passengers she rubbed her hand across the pale blue denim of the jeans stretched like a second skin across her pert buttocks the tight denim clung to her legs before disappearing into a pair of black leather overknee boots with a two inch heel, her tight white T-shirt showed the outline of the white silk bra below it, she caught her reflection in a mirror and smiled, for the first time in ages she felt good about herself, and thought about the special little item inside her suitcase, an item which although she'd longed for for ages she'd never dare to wear in the clubs at home.
The flight didn't take long and it semed as though she'd only just boarded the plane when the pilot requested everyone to fasten their seatbelts and put their seats upright, in a short while they'd be landing, the weather was warm and dry, she looked at her watch it was just after six pm.
Going through customs she'd noticed that the guard seemed to take quite a long time looking through her suitcase, each pair of her carefully folded panties was unfolded had held up and carefully examined, each of her small, skimpy bra's attracted the same keen examination, she was told to remove her boots and hand them to the guard, he seemed to take a long while feeling the soft leather and after feeling around inside them he placed them on the table in front of her, another guard came over and smiled at her, the two guards chatted for a few minutes and she heard the first one mention something about a strip search, the second one shook his head, turning to Diane he ordered her to spread her legs and raise her hands above her head. She noticed he paid quite a lot of attention to her breasts and the area between the legs of her very tight jeans, eventually he declared her 'clean' and told her to put her boots back on, handed her back her case, stampen her passport and told her she was free to leave, she caught a taxi to the hotel, checked in and headed up to her room

Diane felt rather grubby from her airport experience, not so much from the actual search more from the way the guard seemed to be enjoying it and also the way the other guard stood and watched, she unpacked her case stripped out of her clothes and stepped into the shower emerging five minutes later feeling a lot better.
She dried herself off using one of the soft fluffy hotel towels, blow dried her long dark hair and after spraying on some of her favourite perfume began to get dressed. First the small black silky panties, she didn't like thongs and was delighted to have found a matching bra and brief set in a local store, under the right circumstances it could easily be mistaken for a bikini, after putting on the panties and bra she paused to admire herself in the mirror and smiled, she looked good but she'd already decided that nobody else would be seeing her in just her bra and panties that night, well at least that's what she thought!
After the panties came a black leather bustier top that fastened with a zip up the middle, then came the leather mini skirt that ended six inches above the knee finally she slipped the boots back on her slender legs looked at herself in the mirror and a pleasant shiver ran through her, for the first time in her short life Diane felt sexually attractive!
With no shoulder straps to hold up her top and her toned midriff on display she wondered if perhaps she was showing a shade too much flesh, 'no' she thought to herself, she'd seen lots of women dressed like this in the pictures she'd seen on the internet. Throwing her small bag over her left shoulder she stepped out of her hotel room and closed the door, her high heels clicking on the tiled floor as she headed toward the lift.
Heading out of the hotel into the night she realised the temperature had dropped from earlier and she let out a little gasp as the cool air hit the exposed parts of her body she felt her nipples harden slightly and seconds later her panties felt a little damp. She headed downtown and went into one of the many small bistro style eateries, picked a table and sat down, the waiter came over and asked if she'd like a drink while she looked at the menu, she ordered a beer and sipped it slowly as she scanned the menu and decided what she would eat. Diane decided on a jacket potato with chilli and a side salad it didn't take long to arrive and when it did she was very pleased with it, she was even more pleased when at the end of the meal the waiter presented her with the bill, it was less that ten pounds and that included not only the meal and the beer she'd had when she entered, but also the large vodka and lemonade she'd finished off with.
She made her way along the street and visited several bars having a small beer in each, she intended on visiting one of the many clubs and didn't want to get drunk early on, in fact she wasn't planning on getting drunk at all.
One am found Diane in a nightclub, not one of the bigger ones admittedly but a club none the less, she sat on a high stool at a small table that was built around one of the columns that supported the roof, there were many of these columns, at some people were standing chatting, others just held the drinks of people on the dance floor, Diane had been warned not to leave her drink unattended, in her own town several younger women had been the victims of 'spikings' where somone had drugged an unattended drink, there had she'd heard been several women who'd woken up to find their clothes had been tampered with, the last thing they'd remembered was being in a club dancing, Diane finished her drink, used the ladies room and then ordered another drink before returning to her table.

As she stood watching the young women gyrating to the music on the dimly lit dance floor she felt something brush softly against her thigh, glancing down she relised it was a mans hand, its fingers probing into the space at the top of her soft black leather boots! Before she could say or do anything the hand had found its way under the back of her short leather skirt, her initial instinct was to slap it but she hesitated, this had never happened to her before and something inside her made her wait to see what the 'hand' would do next.
Before long the hand began to move up her thigh then across onto her buttocks, still she made no attempt to stop it, as if emboldened by the lack of resistance a long finger began to probe between her buttocks, Diane let out a stifled gasp as over the top of her black silk panties the finger found its target!
Instinctively and ever so slowly she moved her booted legs apart allowing the finger easier access, it began to rub her anus over her panties, still she offered no resistance, then she felt a soft silkiness as the finger pushed inside her tight anus taking the panties with it, she gasped slightly as she felt the crotch of her panties start to moisten
Sevarl panty dampening minutes later she felt the finger withdraw, it slipped inside the now very wet panties and headed forward, at the same time as it entered her moist vagina, she felt something slightly thicker enter her anus, it was a thumb, she parted her legs wider and moaned softly as the finger and thumb moved slowly in and out of their respective holes.
This went on for quite some time and at one point Diane even reached out and took a sip of her drink, she still had no idea what the owner of the hand either looked or sounded like for in all the time this had been happening he'd not said a word, for her part she hadn't exactly bothered to look around to she who the owner of the hand was. Shortly after the had removed itself, it appeared to be joined by another hand and ever so slowly her short leather skirt began to ride up her thighs, eventually when I was bunched around her slender waist she felt her panties being pulled gently to one side and something fairly thick and quite long begin to slide into her moist vagina, although she'd not had a lot of boyfriends she was sufficiently experienced to know that whatever it was that was sliding inside her it was at least covered in a condom.
The hand made another appearance, this time it took hold of the zip on her bustierre and began to pull it downwards, eventually the top was wide open, Diane took another sip of her drink as the hand began to slip inside her bra, she moaned softly and instinctively pushed backwards against the throbbing cock that was sliding slowly in and out of her vagina, for a split second she thought about the state her panties must be in before dismissing the thought from her mind and sipping the last of her drink.
Several minutes had passed and Diane had orgasmed twice as still the throbbing cock slid slowly in and out of her, occasionally it would speed up a little then slow back down, sometimes it would almost stab deep inside her. She was just thinking how she could do with another drink and a wee, however she was in no position to go to the toilet and collect her drink from the bar on the way back, suddenly a barman placed another drink on the small table and without saying a word disappeared, 'its ok, do what you have to do baby' a soft voice whispered in her ear, maybe it was the drink, maybe it was what was happening to her but suddenly Diane felt like being very naughty.
Taking a long sip from the glass she tensed slightly then relaxed, there was a slight gasp from behind her as she began to urinate into her panties, she could feel it running down her slender thighs and knew that some if not all of it would end up in her long black sexy boots, 'oh my god, I'm pissing into my fuck me boots' she gasped as a massive orgasm tore into her body, as she did this there was a hard thrust and a grunt behind her, even with the condom on she could tell that her lover had ejaculated also, as the last of the urine dripped out of her she felt the hard cock soften before slipping out of her soaking wet vagina.
The pair of hands returned and fastened up the zip on her black leather top smoothed down her skirt and slowly turned her around to face their owner, face to face with him at last Diane was pleasantly surprised for he was an attractive man, not only attractive but also quite a bit older than her, she estimated he was in his mid-forties.
He was about 6 feet tall with medium length dark hair, what some people called 'salt and pepper', he introduced himself then after placing both hands around Diane's slender waist he lifted her up and placed her on the tall stool, he pulled the other one over and sat down, a click of his well manicured fingers saw a waiter hurrying to the table with another round of drinks.
As they sat, they chatted and drank their drinks, he introduced himself as Dave and told her he worked in the film business, Diane told him that she was a typist in an office and said she wished that her job was more glamourous, he smiled and said that perhaps one day if she ever wanted, he would see if he could find her some work in the film industry. Finally it was closing time and as they left the club he insisted on walking her back to her hotel cautioning her that it wasn't safe for an attractive young lady to wander the streets on her own late at night. After a gentle peck on the cheek he bade her goodnight but not before asking her if he could take her out the following day,Diane smiled and agreed, he arranged to meet her at her hotel at ten am, as he left he turned around, ' oh, I don't suppose I could be a little cheeky?' he asked, Diane smiled, 'sure go for it' she replied a little shocked at the way seemed to be flirting with him, 'well, I don't suppose you'd wear that outfit tomorrow for me would you?' she smiled and flicked up the short skirt slightly exposing the top of her thigh and a flash of her panties, ' oh I think I can manage that for you, goodnight' she turned on her booted heels and skipped up the steps into the hotel.
Back in her room she poured herself a drink and laid back on the bed then she remembered something, her panties needed cleaning, she gave them a wash in the bathroom sink, hung them on the radiator and laid back on the bed as she sipped her drink, the next thing she remembered was waking up still lying on the bed and still wearing the leather outfit, she hadn't even removed her boots!
Diane woke up and looked at the clock, it was a shade after 9am, she undressed and showered, did her hair and applied a little make up and some of her favourite perfume, she picked up her panties off the radiator, they were dry thankfully. She slipped into her bra, zipped up her little black leather bustierre and pulled the short leather skirt up her slender thighs, then almost as an afterthought she slipped on her panties, picking up her boots from the floor where she'd left them she placed her nose cautiously into the bootshaft and inhaled deeply, despite the previous nights events all she could smell was the odour of new leather, she smiled to herself and slid her leg into first one then the other, they were still a little damp and smiling to herself as she remembered the previous nights events she slowly and seductively pulled up the long zips.
At ten minutes to ten she left her room, walked along the corridor and stepped into the lift, moments later as the lift doors opened in the hotel lobby she saw Dave waiting for her, his eyes lit up and he smiled as she approached him.
They chatted for a few minutes before he announced that he had to meet a couple of business colleagues in half an hour, however after that he was free all day, he invited her to come with him while he met them, and she happily agreed, he had he said his car outside and he escorted her to his expensive looking black Mercedes, opened the passenger door and when she was seated inside he gently closed the door, he got into the drivers seat, started the engine and headed off along the road through the city and into the suburbs, in no time at all they were driving along a quiet tree lined country road.
Presently they arrived at a dirt road and the car turned onto it, after about a quarter of a mile they arrived at a large set of electric gates, he pushed a button on a handset and the gates opened, they drove through and the gates closed behind them. After a few hundred yards drive along a tree lined driveway they arrived at a very large house, what in England would be called a stately home, Dave stopped the car and stepped out, he walked around to the passenger side and opened the door to allow Diane to exit, she swung her long booted legs out, smoothed down her short leather skirt and stepped out.
Dave led her up the four stone steps to the front door it opened with a gentle push and he slipped his hand into hers and led her inside,once inside she notice the entrance hall was quite large and a large metal and glass chandelier hung on a long chain from the high ceiling, a wide staircase swept down on one side and in her mind Diane could imagine ladies in ball gowns descending the staircase at one of the parties that had doubtless been held here in times gone by.
He led her into a large room expensive artwork hung on the walls and the ornaments that adorned the shelves were doubtlessly also expensive, as she stood admiring a painting of a horse a door opened and three men in suits entered the room. One of the men came over and introduced himself and his two colleagues, his accent was clearly eastern european and despite the expensive clothes he wasnt as refined as Dave, Diane felt a little uncomfortable by his manner, not least by the way he appeared to be almost drooling over her.
The man pointed to a chaise lounge and asked her to make herself comfortable on it while he and his colleagues went to the other side of the room and began to chat in low voices, Diane found it impossible to hear anything that was said, periodically the conversation was interrupted by sniggers and the occasional glance at Diane.
After around ten minutes the men returned and sat down on the other chairs, one handed Diane a large glass containing a clear liquid, 'please, put your feet up, lay back and relax, I think you'll enjoy this its the finest vodka available in our little country, taking the glass from him she took a sip and shivered slightly it had a kick with it and was obviously a lot stronger than the stuff she'd drank the previous evening.
Diane went to swing her legs onto the chaise longue and then remembered her boots, she hesitated for a moment wondering if she should remove them as it looked like an expensive piece of furniture as her hand went out to take hold of the zip on one of her boots the man spoke again, 'please, dont worry, there's no need to remove those boots, they look perfectly clean to me', Diane smiled and trying as best as she could to avoid revealing her little black panties swung both legs in one smooth movement onto the seat and lay back, taking another longer sip of the drink she found herself giggling a little as she imagined herself laying there in times long gone as young men paid court to her at a gathering of important and wealthy people.
Diane woke up with a start, she didn't remember dropping off but she must have done, the first thing she noticed was that her top was undone slightly and she felt a little sore between her legs! Dave was sitting in a chair looking at her and the other men were drinking and laughing and speaking in a language she didn't understand, on seeing she was now awake the man who'd spoken to her earlier came over and handed her another drink, this time he didn't seem as friendly.
' drink it slut, it will make what is about to happen less of an ordeal for you' he growled, as Diane took the glass he pulled down the zip on her top and thrust his hand roughly inside. She glanced across at Dave, he just grinned and watched in silence as the man forced his had inside her bra and pinched her left nipple between his finger and thumb, Diane let out a yelp of pain!
' shut it bitch, I havent even started yet' the man growled, he moved his hand over and did the same to her other nipple, took his hand out of her top and smiled, 'lift that skirt and part those legs you whore'. Diane froze and looked across at Dave hoping he'd come to her rescue, to her dismay he simply poured himself another drink and settled back to watch the unfolding events. ' I said part those fucking legs I wont tell you again' he snarled and as if to reinforce the statement he gave her a hard slap on her cheek, she hurriedly hitched up the skirt and spread her legs revealing the tiny black panties beneath, he laughed and reached out a hand pulled them roughly to one side and thrust a finger roughly inside her, she squealed as not being wet it hurt, the mans reply chilled her to the bone, ' that's nothing compared to what you have to look forward to you little slut' he told her.

Diane was ordered to finish her drink and immediately handed another one, this time she did not feel drowsy she just began to feel a little drunk, it dawned on her that the first drink had been spiked with something, the question was what, and more importantly, why! The man sat on the end of the chaise and with the press of a button one of the large pictures slid downward to reveal a very large flat screen tv that had previously remained hidden behind it, he pressed another button and the screen began to flicker, ' I think you'll enjoy this, its only a short movie, but very entertaining' he sniggered.
Diane saw an image of herself lying on the same chaise she was lying on now, she watched in horror as the events unfolded, first of all she introduced herself then gave the name of her employers and the name and contact number for her manager.While she was pondering what had happened things took a more worrying turn as to her complete disbelief she watched herself on screen as she hitched up her skirt and slipped out of her panties, she parted her booted legs as wide as she could and then a hand appeared holding a large dildo which she took from it and began to force it into her vagina, when it was deep inside she let go of it and then began to insert her index finger into her anus, after a few minutes of this the hand appeared once more and this time it held a smaller thinner dildo, she took it and after sucking on it she spat on it and inserted it into her anus, as she forced it deeper inside she made a series of filthy crude comments about herself and the sex acts she was performing, she took one dildo in each hand and began to move them in and out of her holes swearing and moaning as she did so, the most humiliating bit for Diane occurred several minutes later when she heard herself cry out in a loud voice, ' oh fuck, I'm cumming, I'm creaming my nasty little cunt hole' , Diane closed her eyes as she realized that all the men In the room were looking at her. Then to heap more humiliation on her she pulled the dildo out of her pussy and licked it before throwing it on the floor, next she pulled the one out of her anus, Diane watched in disbelief as her on screen self looked at the dildo and smiled, 'ooh look it's covered in my nasty shit' and then began to suck on it, the mere thought of herself performing this disgusting act made her retch causing the men to laugh loudly.
The film ended, much to her relief and she drained the contents of her glass which was soon refilled, the man with the eastern european accent began to speak once more, 'well young lady, or may I call you Diane, after all I feel I know you quite well you could almost say intimately despite our only having met a short time ago' from across the room she heard the other men sniggering at this remark. 'you see the man you know as Dave, the man who brought you here wasn't lying when he said he worked in the movie industry, its just not the sort of movies I expect you normally watch, his job is to find women to act in these movies, I suppose you could call him our procurement manager' more sniggering from the other men.
He went on to explain to her that mostly the' actresses' in the films were women from the poorer sections of the community, they were paid the equivalent of around fifty pounds per film and the films were sold across the world generating thousands of pounds of profit.Besides the normal stuff they also made films involving animals, dogs, horses etc, these while illegal in a lot of countries had a ready market in such places as Saudi Arabia, the rich Arabs seemed to enjoy the filtier and more extreme films, for her he informed her he had a special film in mind, one he assured her would not be sold outside his own country, he then made her an offer, she could either agree to take part in the film or if she declined, he'd make sure that the short film she'd made whilst drugged would find its was into the UK, more importantly he'd make sure her bosses saw it
Diane took another gulp of the drink as if trying to numb herself against what was happening, basically she was in a lose lose situation, it was just a matter of limiting the damage. He then outlined the plot of the film to her, well if you could call it a plot. In simple terms she was to play the part of the daughter of a wealthy English family, as he put it a rich spoilt bitch, she'd go from a smartly dressed prim young lady to a filthy slut woh'd perform whatever sex acts she was asked to do, ' I suppose its just like the situation you find yourself in at the moment, except that you are clearly not from a wealthy background' he sniggered, and besides you'll be getting paid for your trouble, its not like we're asking you to do it for nothing.
After a short discussion she reluctantly agreed, in fact she had no other option really, she was then fed a meal which was nothing like the food she was used to, this was not particularly nice and apppeared to consist mostly of some sort of stew with vegetables and gristle, she had to force herself to eat it.
Meanwhile the four men were sitting at the dining table eating a large roast dinner with all the trimmings, whilst once again she was given a glass of the vodka, they appeared to be drinking a rather expensive wine with their meal, after it was done the men got up and she was told to follow them upstairs.
She was led into what looked like a normal bedroom, the centrepiece was a large wooden four poster bed, high on the wall opposite this bed was a large camera mounted on a gimble which allowed it to move up and down.As the men sat down in chairs beneath the camera, Diane was told what to do, she was to strip naked and climb into the large bed and lie there pretending to be asleep, at a given signal she was to awaken and get out of bed naked and walk over to the wardrobe on the shelves she would find the outfit that she was to wear for the first part of the film.
Reluctanly Diane slowly stripped out of her outfit, the men leered at her as she undressed, the final item to come off was her panties and one of the men came over and took her clothes from her, he held her panties under his nose and inhaled deeply, then laughed, ' dirty little whore' he said giving her a rather sinister smile.
She hurriedly got into the bed and the man pressed a button making the room light up a little and the camera start to run, she lay there for several minutes pretending to be asleep and wondering how the hell she'd gotten into her current situation. An alarm clock began to sound and Diane' awoke' slipping naked from the bed she walked slowly over to the wardrobe and opened it, inside she found a white basque, some small with panties, white stockings,a pair of high heels and a white silk dress that could easily pass for a wedding dress, she removed the items and placed them on the bed before slowly dressing, once dressed she felt a lot better as she no longer had several pairs of eyes staring at her naked body.
The lights went out and the camera stopped filming, she was led out of the bedroom and back downstairs and out into the garden where she was told to walk over to what looked like a garage as a man holding a camera filmed her. She walked carefully on the soft grass her heels sinking into it slightly, after about a hundred yards she stopped and turned around the man waved to her and she walked slowly towards the door, on reaching it she took hold of the handle and then the man shouted 'CUT'
Diane was then led into the building and told what to do next, on her cue she was to walk around the corner and slowly begin to strip out of her clothes and after placing then on a table dress in the clothes she would find there. Given the cue Diane emerged into the dimly lit room and looked around, it resembled a medieval torture chamber, chains hung from the ceiling and against one wall was what she recognised ass a whipping board, hung on the wall alongside it was a selection of canes, whips and lashes, she made her way over to the old wooden table and slowly began to strip, she hoped she looked seductive although deep down she felt anything but. After she'd undressed she noticed that the clothes she was to wear were in fact her own, the ones she'd arrived in, hopefully the end was in sight she thought, how wrong could she be!
Once dressed in her own clothes the man stopped filming and she was told what was to happen next, and it wasnt her being taken home. In the next scene she would not be alone, one of the other men would be with her and she was to do exactly as he told her, 'the more cooperative you are the quicker it will all be over' he told her, Diane looked at the man and squirmed slightly, 'please, can I use the loo before we start?' she asked, the man shook his head, 'sorry, you'll have to hold on, we need to get this done' he replied, Diane nodded and tried not to think about the growing pressure, not only in her bladder, but also in her bowels.
Standing in the middle of the 'dungeon' Diane glanced around her hoping she wouldnt get to sample any of the equipment, the door opened and in walked one of the other men from earlier, only now instead of the suit he was wearing a T-shirt and some rather grubby jeans, the expensive leather shoes had been replaced with a pair of dirty trainers, in his hand he held a large glass of vodka and appeared rather drunk.
He glared at Diane and then after a few minutes silence he spoke, 'come her slut, now' , Diane walked slowly across the floor towards him as the camera rolled, he reached out and squeezed her firm breasts through the leather top, 'take it off slut and be quick about it, show me those tits' he growled, Diane undid the zip and allowed the black leather bustierre to fall to the floor, her pert breasts now exposed invitingly he reached out and roughly pulled on her nipples, she yelped in pain, 'shut the fuck up slut and kneel' he ordered, she fell to her knees and the man undid his zip, took out his semi erect cock and slapped Diane across the face with it, 'make it stiff bitch' he snarled, she reached out to take hold of it and received a slap across the face for her troubles, 'use that fucking mouth you whore' .
Diane slowly began to lick his cock with her tongue it tasted foul but slowly it began to stiffen, 'good slut, now suck it' he went on, fearing another slap she took him between her sof lips and began to suck gently, 'harder you cow' he snarled, 'make me cum'. As she began to suck he took hod of her long hair and began to roughly face-fuck her she struggled to breath as he rammed his cock deep into her mouth, it was hard not to retch as the foul tasting organ hit the back of her throat, to add to her discomfort the urge to use the bathroom returned with a vengeance.
Despite her best efforts and probably due in no small part to the fact the guy was obviously drunk a good five minutes had elapsed and there was still no sign of him ejaculating,he pulled out of her mouth and glared at her, pathetic bitch, concentrate why don't you?' he growled, Diane spoke nervously, 'please sir I need to use the bathroom' she replied in little more than a whisper.
'you need what slut, speak louder' he snarled, 'please sir I need the bathroom' she replied, he leered at her, 'please sir I need the bathroom' he mimicked, clearly enjoying the situation, 'what do you mean you need the bathroom?' Diane blushed, 'well sir I need a wee' she answered, 'oh, you need a piss?' he replied, Diane nodded, 'well say it then' he went on, she blushed again, 'please sir, I need a piss' she told him, he laughed and grabbed her hair pulling her up from the floor, 'and what happens if I say no?' Diane looked down at the floor, 'well I think i'll wet my panties' she answered, ' wrong answer' , he replied slapping her face, 'try again', ' well I think i'll piss my panties' she answered, the man smiled, 'ok take off the skirt' she reached around and undid the short leather skirt allowing it to fall to the floor, she stepped back a little and bent to pick it up, leave it slut' she stood up and waited to be told to use the bathroom, her legs closed tightly to avoid wetting herself. 'ok do it, piss your panties' she opened her mouth to speak and instantly felt his hand slap her, 'piss slut' he snarled, she opened her legs slightly and let her bladder open, a large stream of urine poured out of her panties, ran down her thighs and into her boots, the man sneered at her, 'little miss pissy boots' he chuckled before pushing her down to the floor and ordering her to suck his cock.

After what seemed like agesmuch to the relief of her aching jaw she felt the first tell-tale twitches and realised he was about to ejaculate, he took hold of the back of her head and rammed it hard into her mouth as he shot his thick load into her mouth, it tasted vile and It was all she could do to stop herself retching, 'swallow it bitch' he snarled keeping a firm grip on her head.
When he was sure she'd swallowed every last drop he yanked her roughly to her feet, 'drop the knickers bitch' , not wanting another slap she tore them down and stepped out of them, 'over there, lean on that bench facing me' ,she walked quickly to the bench turned around and leand her buttocks against the rough wood, he walked over and kicked her one of her boots causing her legs to open wide, taking his cock in his hand he turned to face Diane and pointing his cock at her vagina he began to piss, a hot strong stream, he guided it slowly up and down 'part those lips slut, enjoy it', reaching down she parted her vagianl lips and stood silently as the hot stream hit her clit, to her shame she found she was becoming aroused, finally he was done and ordered her to turn around and bend over the bench then spread her buttocks, she'd no sooner complied than she felt a thick finger enter her anus and it was far from gentle, 'does that hurt slut?' she nodded, 'yes sir'. He pulled out his finger, spat coursely on her anus then inserted his finger, it was a little easier, 'better bitch?' she nodded, 'thank you sir' after a few minutes he took out the finger and pushed it into her mouth, 'clean it' he ordered, she was struggling not to throw up as she tasted the shit in her mouth, shit was shit the fact it was hers made no difference whatsover.
Suddenly Diane felt a rumble in her stomach, please no, she thought to herself as she felt something move inside her, seconds later a loud thundering fart escaped from within her, the man laughed, 'hmm sounds like my slut needs to shit' , 'no sir' she replied, he picked up her panties and told her to put them back on, he then ordered her to shit in her pants, she shook her head, 'please sir, not in my panties, I just cant'
A hard slap across the face soon made her realise that the man didn't like being answered in the negative, in an urge to end her torment she tensed up her stomach and pushed, all that emerged was another massive fart, 'seems you need some encouragement bitch, get over there' he said, pointing to the whipping board, she cringed as she saw the leather whips, she didnt have a high pain tolerance and had a feeling that this drunken brute wasn't going to be gentle with her, she placed her arms above her head and leaned against the board, the thin leather lash that landed across her buttocks hurt so much she was convinced it had slashed through her panties, a spurt of urine came out into her panties but that was all. Well apart from her blood curdling scream that is.
The second stroke landed before she'd got over the first one and another fart left her anus, this time it made more of a popping sound, Diane gave a push and felt something move inside her, 'ok ok, I'll do it' she yelled 'please no more' , 'holding the whip ready to swing again he stayed his hand, 'you'll do what slut?', Diane was almost sobbing by this point, 'please sir, I'm ready to shit my panties for you' she blurted out, he shook his head, 'its beyond that now my filthy little slut' he told her, Diane, fearing more whipping cried out, 'please sir no more I'll do whatever my master wants, I am his dirty little slut', he pointed to the middle of the room, 'over there, and strip'. Diane moved as quickly as she could into the centre of the room and almost tore off her piss soaked panties, 'boots too, slut' he growled, in a flash she was totally naked!
Allowing a few minutes for the fear to sink in he stood for a while silently staring at her, for her part Diane felt her anus begin to open, 'please sir your slut really needs to shit' she told him, he smiled, 'excellent, now pick up a boot and use it' he said, now thoroughly enjoying the power he had over the girl, he knew her boots were a prize possession and making her do this was not only degrading for her but also adding more humiliation, she could possibly go home minus her panties, her boots on the other hand were a different matter!
Diane picked up one of her boots and holding it between her legs she relaxed and gave a little push a slight grunt escaped her mouth as her anus began to open, it was at that point she realised that she'd not relieved her bowels since arriving, by the time she'd finished the boot held quite a load, once done he indicated for her to put it back on, she grimaced as her foot made contact with its soft warm contents.
After she'd replaced both boots he dragged her roughly to the bench and made her lean over it, once more he spat on her puckered little anus and then slowly pushed his cock inside her, she gasped as she felt him fill her up, he made several long hard thrusts slid out and slid straight into her vagina.
'there we go bitch, I bet thats the first time that shitty ass has had a cock in it' Diane nodded, he rode her hard for several minutes then went back into her anus, wanting to end things Diane spoke, 'hmmm, please master, fuck my shitty little asshole' she pleaded, seconds later she felt him cum in her ass, then a warm different sensation and she realised he was pissing into it, despite her disgust she decided to encourage him, ' oh fuck yes master, piss in my dirty little ass fill it with your hot nasty piss and fuck my dirty ass', he felt his cock harden again as his filthy whore pleaded with him to degrade her, he fucked her hard and smiled as a smelly nasty liquid ran out of her between strokes, finally done he pulled out and watched smiling as a runny brown liquid streamed from her tortured anus, hit the floor and spattered all over her long black boots, even better was the fact that it had all been recorded on film for him to watch over and over again.

She was told to replace her panties and top and follow him, he led her into another room containing a double bed, some chairs and a drinks trolley, he told her to sit on the bed and relax, he turned his back to her and went to the drinks trolley, after pouring two large drinks he handed one to her and told her to drink up, she swallowed it greedily desperate to get rid of the taste in her mouth.

Diane opened her eyes, her head felt slightly muzzy and as they focused she realised she was back in her hotel room lying on her bed and fully clothed. She realised that her vagina and anus were both very sore as were her nipples, she felt something strange in her boots and remembered what she'd been forced to do, then remembered she'd only used one boot, so why did they both feel strange?
She got up slowly off the bed and headed into the bathroom, she turned on the shower and unzipped the black bustierre, looking in the mirror se couldn't believe how badly scratched and bruised her poor breasts were, she undid her skirt and allowed it to fall to the floor, several angry red marks could be seen above her panties and as she took these off she realized they were stained with a mix of urine, faeces, and a large amout of cum, there were also several cum trails down her boots, she unzipped one and saw it was badly stained from where she'd been made to soil it earlier, as she removed the other it was in the same condition, she felt sick as she realised that the shit in this boot was not her own and it looked like it was the product of more than one person, she was just about to step into the shower when she noticed a crumpled envelope on the floor, obviously it had fallen out of her clothes as she undressed, she opened it and inside was a note and some folded banknotes. 'dear cumslut, you were a really filthy bitch as you'll find out when you see the video, it will be waiting at your house when you get back, I've also included your fee for the film' Diane opened up the folded banknotes, adding them up she realised it was the equivalent of £50 uk money.

Posts: 38
Joined: Mon Jan 26, 2004 10:31 am

Re: new story

Post by Thighbootsector »

Love the story, thank you! If you have time, could you do an all girl story with thigh high and crotch high boots? The boots getting abused with all kinds of gross stuff?
Posts: 389
Joined: Tue May 25, 2010 11:58 pm

Re: new story

Post by owlman »

Thighbootsector wrote: Wed Apr 13, 2022 7:44 pm Love the story, thank you! If you have time, could you do an all girl story with thigh high and crotch high boots? The boots getting abused with all kinds of gross stuff?

Sure, will see what I can do shortly,thanks for the comments
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