A story in several parts

Other bodily fluids and excretions and anything else gross in, on and around shoes and boots. Pee in shoes, pee on shoes, etc.

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A story in several parts

Post by owlman »

Ok, so most of us are in lockdown and probably pretty bored, so I'm going to post a few of my stories, most have been on other sites so I can't promise you've not read them, but not everyone will. Let me know what you all think.

Alisons new job
part one

Alison had been out of work for several months and her bills were mounting, she'd applied for lots of jobs, but hadn't been offered any work, and now she was getting desperate, her savings were fast running out, and when they did she knew she faced losing her home.
She'd been offered a weeks trial with a construction firm, not in the office, but out on one of the sites, at the interview the manager had gone out of his way to make it clear to her that being on-site meant she'd not have all the facilities usually available when working in the main office, but if she wanted a job, that was all that was available, she gladly accepted.
Monday morning arrived with the loud beeping of her alarm, it was six AM, she showered, did her hair and makeup, then spent about 15 minutes scanning through her wardrobe wondering what to wear, normally it would be a skirt, blouse, and heels, but she didn't think that suitable for being on-site and settled for a smart top, black leggings and a pair of knee-high black leather boots with a sensible heel.
She had her breakfast, and a coffee before jumping into her car and driving the short distance to site where the site manager showed her into his office, there were 2 desks, one for him that appeared a bit untidy, covered in all kinds of construction items, and one for her, all nice and neat with a phone and a computer for her to do her job. He handed her a coffee in a large mug, explained her duties, mainly answering the phone, typing up reports and ordering materials, then he asked her to type out an order for some timber while he dealt with a problem on-site before disappearing out of the office.
Alison typed the order and e-mailed it to the supplier, also sending a copy to head office, each e-mail she sent had to have a copy to the main office so they knew exactly what was happening at all times, it was pretty standard practice in the construction industry. She'd just finished when the door opened and in walked the site manager, John, he smiled, asked if she'd managed to sort the order, then, without asking if she wanted one, poured 2 cups of coffee, and placed one on her desk, "people say I drink far too much coffee" he said, then added, "mind you, it's a good job the toilet is not far away". Alison nodded and took a gulp from the coffee mug, suddenly she felt a slight pressure in her bladder and remembered that she herself hadn't used the toilet since leaving home, and that was before breakfast.
John chatted to her about nothing in particular while they drank their coffee, then he said he'd take her for a tour of the site and handed her a hi-viz jacket and a hard hat,he glanced at her leggings and boots, "should really be wearing safety boots, but we haven't ordered yours yet, so just watch where you walk" he told her, she nodded adding, "ok I'll keep my eyes open".
They left the office and began a walk around of the site, it was still in the early phase of construction, the concrete slabs for the buildings were in, but they hadn't started erecting them yet, in parts the ground was quite muddy and she felt glad she'd opted for the boots, if she'd worn her heels they'd have been covered in the thick grey mud by now.
He showed her the stores, the drying room where the men hung their damp clothes in bad weather, the tool store, and the materials store, finally they came to the mess cabin, "this is where the lads come to eat their meals, most bring sandwiches, or go to the local chippy, but you don't need to eat in here, we eat in our office" he told her, finally there was one last cabin, a small blue fibreglass structure about 2 metres tall and 1 metre square, he opened the door and she looked inside, "this is the men's toilet, rather basic isn't it?" he told her, and so it was, it was a typical site portaloo, a chemical toilet and a small sink with a foot pedal that you pressed to get cold water to wash your hands.
They headed back to the office, Alison felt another twinge and realised that she'd soon need to relieve herself, but where was the ladies toilet? surely there must be one". She asked John about this and he replied that, as yet, there wasn't one, she was the only woman on site and they'd ordered a portaloo for her, but it was only arriving on Friday, he jokingly replied that he hoped she'd be ok 'til then, at least she hoped he was joking, another twinge hit her and she crossed her legs slightly, hoping he wouldn't notice, but he had.
She sat behind her desk trying not to squirm, as, for almost the next hour John chatted about his time in the construction industry and all the projects he'd worked on, pausing only once, and that was to get them both another coffee, her bladder was almost screaming for relief and she was amazed she had managed to hold on for this long when John suddenly stood up and excused himself, “all that coffee has gone right through me, god knows how you're managing to hold on for so long” he chuckled as he headed off to the portaloo. Alison squirmed and crossed her legs, ' yes, I was wondering that myself' she thought, 'and I really don't know how much longer I can hold it in'.

Several minutes later the door opened and John walked back in, “god I so needed that, I was pissing like a racehorse” he chuckled, “there's nothing like a good piss when you're desperate”. Alison looked at him across the desk, “I know what you mean” she found herself saying, somewhat unexpectedly, “ I'm already dribbling in my panties”, she blushed when she realised what she'd said, and what made it worse was she'd said it, not only to her boss but to a comparative stranger!

John handed her another coffee, “hope you've got room for this then” he grinned,then added, “if not, you can always make some room”, Alison blushed and replied, “I hope I don't have to, at least not in the way I might, these boots were rather expensive, plus I don't fancy sitting here in wet pants for the rest of the day”

John leaned over her desk and looked at her, there was something about the look that Alison found rather unsettling. “well, we do have the drying room, and I'm sure a bit of water wouldn't irreparably damage such a sexy pair of boots, are they genuine leather?” Alison nodded, “they certainly are, I bought them when times were better, I could afford decent stuff back then”. John smiled, “and you will again, trust me, you could be here for a long time if you play your cards right, and as I said, we do have the drying room, and there's always the heater beside your desk, so why worry, now relax, and drink your coffee”.

She slowly sipped her coffee as the pressure in her bladder increased, at 25 years old she'd not wet herself since she was a small child, well apart from once a few years ago when she'd missed the last bus after a night out and had to walk home, but then she'd been alone and nobody had seen her as she'd stood by the roadside and flooded her tight blue jeans.

She stood up for a minute, in an attempt to ease the pressure on her bladder, it didn't work, John glanced up from behind his desk, he could obviously see she was struggling to hold on, “Tell you what, lets walk over and check if that delivery has arrived yet” he told her, adding, “ and if it has, we can check it's all there”.

Alison stepped nervously toward the office door, deep down she'd resigned herself to the fact a wetting was imminent, she'd just hoped it would happen whilst she was alone, John, however, seemed to be doing his best to prevent this.

They walked across the site, several of the workers gave her more than a cursory glance as Alison walked rather awkwardly beside her boss, hoping that she'd hold on until she was alone, she let out a stifled gasp as first one, then another, slightly longer spurt shot into her red silky panties and she began to wonder, if the worst did happen whether he'd really expect her to sit at her desk in her panties whilst her leggings dried out over the heater, the way things were going she didn't think she'd have too long to wait until she found out.

The order had not arrived so John said they'd have to go back to the cabin so she could ring the supplier and chase it up, she felt happier hearing this, at least when she was sat down the urgency wasn't as great. She entered the office as John followed behind, sat back at her desk and picked up the phone,she dialled the number, and, just as it answered, John, placed another cup of coffee on her desk, “drink up before it gets cold” he said with a smile, Alison slowly sipped her coffee as the man on the other end of the phone did his best to find out why the order had not arrived, by the time he'd done she'd finished her coffee and was squirming quite visibly.

She hung up and explained to John that the order was late due to a breakdown, but would, the man assured her, be arriving before 8.30 the following morning. He held out a sheet of paper and asked her to type it up and e-mail it to head office, she stood up to walk the short distance to his desk when another spurt leaked into her panties, “oops, almost lost it then” she exclaimed blushing, John smiled, “never mind, you have your heater don't forget, and besides, the workers never come in here, its just us, so what happens in here stays in here”.

There was something about the way he said this that made Alison begin to wonder about things, he'd known well in advance that she'd been working there, so why had the portaloo not been ordered earlier, and why did he keep mentioning the heater, or the fact that no-one else came into the office, and now she came to think about it, the statement he'd made earlier, about how she could be there a long time if she played her cards right, what exactly did 'playing her cards right' actually mean?

She pondered this in silence for several minutes, finally she spoke, “John, are you actually expecting, possibly even hoping I'm going to wet myself today? “ she asked, John smiled a wry smile, “well Alison, we work until 4.30 and it's only 2 o'clock now and you're really struggling, so unless you are able to hold on for the next two and a half hours, then, as I see it, you don't really have many options,do you?”

She couldn't really believe what he'd just said, he was hoping for she'd do it, it was all too clear, “and would that be part of 'playing my cards right?” she inquired, he nodded his head, “well, you keeping your job all depends on how satisfied I am with your performance, sadly the other 2 previous young ladies were not up to my standards, so head office let them go, now you on the other hand, given your financial situation, well, I feel you'll give much better service”

Alison sighed to herself, so that's how it was, running the office was not all she'd have to do to keep her boss happy! She stood up and walked toward the door, turned the key and locked it, then she headed over to the window and looked outside, everyone was busy working, nobody was likely to come to the office, at least not for a while. She turned her back and leaned her shapely bottom against the wall, looked firmly at her boss, then, “ look, John, I'm very sorry, but I really do think I'm about to have an accident at any minute, I don't know what you're going to think of me, if I'd thought about it I'd have brought a change of trousers, or at least not worn my sexy red undies, I imagine you're going to find it a terrible distraction, me sat behind my desk with just my top, boots and wet panties on”, she smiled as she saw the look on his face, “did you say red panties, Alison?” he asked, “yes, I'm afraid so, you'll have to put up with knowing I'm wearing no trousers behind my desk, unless you'd like me to put my coat on?” she replied, “oh no, I don't think you need to do that, besides, you won't feel the benefit of it later, when it gets cold going home” he replied, smiling.

Alison relaxed and there was a soft hissing sound as her bladder began to empty, soaking her red panties, pouring down her black leggings, some went over, but most went into her long black leather boots! “oops, told you I couldn't hold it much longer” she giggled, “oh dear, you'd better take those wet trousers off and hang them on the heater, let me help you” replied John, feigning concern, he stepped towards her and pulled off one of her long black boots, tipping it upside down he chuckled as warm wet liquid poured out, then he did the same with the other boot. Alison slowly pulled down her wet leggings and hung them over the heater before stepping back into her damp boots, she could feel Johns eyes staring at her as she walked back toward her desk and at this point she stopped and bent over to pick up a paperclip from the floor, she heard him gasp as her wet panties clung even tighter to her pert bottom.

She had been sat at her desk for barely 5 minutes when John asked her to come and sit on the edge of his desk while he dictated some letters, his eyes kept wandering down to the floor, then up, past the long black boots, over the shapely thighs and up to the damp red panties, oddly enough rather than drying they remained damp, probably due to the fact that, if the truth be known Alison was beginning to find the whole thing quite a turn on.

Eventually the letters were dictated and once more she returned to her desk to type them and send them off, and once again, John began to bring out the cups of coffee, by 4.30, she was once again finding the urge to relieve herself was becoming stronger, this time she decided to seize the initiative and be in control of the situation.

“John, would you bring me the wastebasket” she asked, rising from her chair, John picked up the metal basket and brought it to her desk. “good, now just place it beside my chair” she instructed, then with a cheeky smile added, “I'm so desperate for a wee, and I don't think I should do it on the floor, do you?” John shook his head, “I guess not” he replied, wondering what was about to happen.

Alison stepped to one side, one leg either side of the basket and relaxed allowing a couple of drips of warm piss to drip from her red panties, then she stopped, “no, I don't think I should wet my panties so close to home time, pull them to one side please John”.

He could hardly believe his luck and gently slipped a finger into the crotch of her panties and was about to pull them to one side when she began to piss, it soaked her panties and sprayed onto John's hand, she heard him gasp as it happened, and wondered what other effects it was having on him, she noticed the growing bulge in his trousers and realised that if she played it right, she would be the one in control!

The following morning she arrived in the office at the usual time, but what she was wearing was certainly not usual, well not for work anyway, the black knee-high boots had gone, replaced by some long shiny red ones that disappeared beneath her long black coat, John gasped audibly, when, on removing this, he caught sight of what she was wearing beneath!

When she took off the coat he could hardly believe his eyes, the boots went all the way up to her crotch and along with that, all she was wearing was a white lycra catsuit, and beneath this, some skimpy black panties!

Alison smiled, she knew by the bulge in his trousers that she had him where she wanted him, and sat seductively on the edge of her desk, one long booted leg swung over the other. John walked over to the corner and rather predictably poured 2 cups of coffee and handed one to her, taking it from him she smiled, “better not have too many of these today, after all we wouldn't want a repeat of yesterday would we, or maybe we would.

There wasn't much work to be done that day and the two of them spent most of the morning chatting, Alison asked if he wanted her to ring the hire company and ask if the toilet could be delivered earlier, he said it was best to leave it as arranged. Shortly after she laid back in her chair, parted her legs and pissed into her pants, John was only aware of this when he heard the pattering sound as the urine hit the floor, “oops, I did it again” giggled Alison, as she stood up to reach a file from the shelf, giving him a long glance at her black panties, clearly visible now through the tight transparent material.

Several cups of coffee later and it was lunchtime, John rose from his seat and told Alison that he was popping to the sandwich shop, adding that he would have to pop to the loo first as he was, 'on the verge of pissing himself' he was just about to leave when she stopped him and locked the office door!

“you really got off on making me piss myself yesterday, didn't you?” she asked, John nodded, “yes, it's always been a fantasy of mine to see an attractive woman wet her pants” he replied, Alison smiled, “I thought so, well now I think it's time I watched you piss, come over here and get your cock out”. He stepped toward her and she stepped from behind her desk, “seeing the excited look on his face, and the bulge in his trousers, she decided to take things further, “now, get your cock out, and hurry, before I piss myself” she encouraged.

He pulled out his semi-hard cock and aimed it toward the waste bin, “no, not in there, in here” she ordered, pointing down at the top of her left boot. He stepped closer, the tip of his cock less than two inches from the top of the shiny red boot, she could see it growing stiffer, much longer and he'd not be able to piss, she thought to herself, “ that's right, piss in my long sexy boot, fill it with your hot steaming piss” she encouraged.

John began to piss, slowly at first then harder, it sprayed onto the thin white material above her boot and ran into it, he corrected his aim and soon was pissing directly into the long red boot, after what seemed like ages he was finished. Alison then closed her legs and relaxed, piss ran down her thighs and into her boots, none went onto the floor when she'd finished the crotch of the suit was soaking wet and transparent, her black panties clearly visible.

She sat back on her desk and ran one of her booted legs up Johns's thigh, stopping just below his still exposed cock which began to harden almost instantly, she rubbed it with the pointy toe of the boot, “now lets see you wank off, nice and slowly, I want to see you splatter my sexy boots with your cum” she instructed, John began to stroke his cock, slowly at first, then faster, a few minutes later and a hot sticky load hit the top of her boot and began to trickle down the shiny red leather, she smiled as she watched the warm sticky white fluid make its way down the outside of her boot. “that's made a mess hasn't it?” she said, looking at John, he nodded, “now go and get some lunch for us and we'll see about doing the other boot later” she said, then added, “perhaps I'll have a wander around the site later, you know, just to check on the deliveries, or would you rather I stayed here?”.John said it would probably be best if she remained in the office given what she was wearing, he left the office saying he'd go and get lunch and would be back in about ten minutes.

When he returned he was shocked to find Alison sat in his chair with her legs spread wide apart on his desk, her left hand was frantically rubbing her soaking crotch through her suit, her panties had been pulled to one side by her right hand, she smiled when she saw him.

“good, you're back, now get that cock of yours out and give my other boot a good coat of your hot sticky spunk” she told him, he hurried to obey and began to wank frantically, he had found the earlier experience of wanking off over her sexy boots very arousing, but this was something else, wanking off over a sexy young woman's long boots, as she wanked herself off was the stuff of dreams, but this was reality, he let out a loud grunt as once more he dumped a sticky load over her long red boot, she let out a long sigh, climaxed into her panties, then relaxed and pissed in her pants, and all over his chair.
end of part one
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Joined: Tue May 25, 2010 11:58 pm

Re: A story in several parts

Post by owlman »

Alisons new job, part 2

she was beginning to enjoy the wetting, and the effect it had on her boss cheating After seeing the effect the catsuit had on him, Alison decided to have some fun and went to work the following morning wearing her horse riding attire, white semi-transparent blouse, tight beige jodhpurs, and long black leather riding boots, and underneath this some white silky underwear.
She climbed the steps to the office and noticed a couple of the male site workers stood watching her, she smiled at them and bent down pretending to pick something up from the floor, causing her tight jodhpurs to cling even tighter to her shapely bottom.
Once inside the office she made coffee for her boss and herself and sat down to do her work, her boss had clearly taken a good look at what she was wearing, and liked it, it wasn't long before he asked her to look in the filing cabinet for some paperwork, and although she couldn't find it he insisted she kept looking, she was bent over for a good ten minutes, and all the while his eyes remained firmly fixed on the rear of those tight beige jodhpurs.
Sat at her desk the sun streaming through the window and she began to get very warm, " gosh, it's so hot today" she said, out loud, then unbuttoned her white blouse and removed it, hanging it on the back of her chair, her boss gasped when he saw her pert breasts barely encased in the white silk half-cup bra. "we have some visitors coming over later, so you'll have to put your blouse back on before they arrive" he told her, then added "unfortunately". she smiled and nodded, "ok, I guess I'd better make sure I don't end up wetting my pants today either" she giggled, "oh I wouldn't say that, you'll just have to be discreet, don't do it when they're here" he replied
Alison looked at him, "what time are they coming? " she asked, he looked at his watch, "i about an hour and a half" he told her, she walked over to the coffee machine and poured 2 more mugs, "well, I'd better have another drink before they arrive, I suppose if I have to do anything I'd better get it done soon" she replied, he nodded, "I suppose you'd better, anyway I think I'd better lock the door, wouldn't want any of the workers walking in with you with no top on, would we?"
He walked over and clicked the latch, locking the door, Alison slowly removed her long leather boots, stood up and unfastened the button on her jodhpurs, slid down the zip, and began to lower her jodhpurs, pausing for a second to pull up her white silk panties that had begun to slide down along with the jodhpurs, taking them off, she folded them and placed them over the back of her chair, stepping back into her boots she commented, "may as well have them off, just in case of accidents", she giggled, her boss smiled and nodded, she turned and bent over to put something in the lowest drawer on the filing cabinet, giving him a clear view of her pert panty-clad bottom. "mmm, very nice" he said, adding, "imagine those sexy little undies all wet and clinging to your sexy little bottom", she turned and smiled, " if I drink much more of this coffee, you may not have to imagine it" she giggled, draining the contents of her coffee mug, "allow me to get you a refill" he answered, taking the cup from her and heading over to the coffee machine.
About an hour later, Alison looked at her watch, "I suppose the visitors will be here soon" she announced, looking at his watch her boss replied, "yes, in about twenty minutes, they're very punctual, these people". Alison stood up, "better have a wee before they arrive then, don't want me having an accident while they're here do we?" she giggled, "true" he replied.
She bent down and removed one of her boots, looked at it and stroked the soft shiny leather, " I always feel so sexy when I wear these, do you think they're sexy?" she asked, handing him the boot, he took it from her, his hand shaking slightly and felt the soft leather, "yes, they look really good on you, and I love the feel of the soft shiny black leather" he replied, she reached out her hand, took the boot from him and placed the mouth of the boot against the front of her panties and rubbed it slowly up and down, " this feels so good, would you like to do it?" she asked, he took hold of the boot and began to rub it slowly up and down against the front of her tight panties, "ooh, careful, you'll make me mess my panties if you carry on" she giggled, he pressed slightly harder and continued to rub the boot up and down, her panties moistened slightly, giving a clear view of her puffy pink lips, "oh well, I've messed them a little, may as well make it a lot" she laughed, there was a slight hissing that became louder, as to her bosses amazement she began to relieve herself into the long black leather boot.
She glanced out of the window and saw a car approaching, "shit, they're here, early" she said, she snatched the boot from her boss and stood it back beside the other one, pulled on her blouse and hurriedly fastened it, followed by her jodhpurs, she had just got them fastened when there was a knock at the door, "it's them" exclaimed her boss, what about the boots?" she stepped forward and slipped her feet into the boots, firstly the dry one, then the one she'd relieved herself into, "quick, open the door" she giggled, sitting back behind her desk.
He opened the door and was surprised to find that stood outside the office was not only the man he was expecting, but a slim dark haired lady, in her early twenties, "this is my PA," announced the visitor, ushering her into the office.
Once inside he took a long look at his visitors PA, quite tall and very slim with long dark hair, she wore a tight black sweater, a pair of tight blue jeans, and a pair of black overknee boots with a 3 inch heel. "she's quite a looker isn't she? " said the visitor, Alison's boss nodded, "indeed, it would seem we have similar tastes" he replied, beckoning Alison to step from behind her desk, "my latest secreteary" he replied, as Alison stood in front of her desk, the visitor looked her up and down, he seemed very interested in the tight beige jodhpurs, "very nice, very nice indeed, but surely a distraction" he chuckled, her boss nodded, "it can be, Alison, fetch the file we were looking at this morning" she made her way to the filing cabinet and bent over before opening the bottom drawer, the visitor gasped, "very nice, very nice indeed" he commented.
They all sat down to discuss the reason for the visit, which was to organise the supply of some materials, Alison's boss handed them all a mug of coffee which they drank slowly, about an hour later and the meeting was coming to an end, he poured more coffee and handed them out, " I hope you have a toilet here for the ladies" the visitor said, then added, "it's quite a drive back and well, I'm afraid her bladder control isn't all it should be" he said, pointing to the girl in the tight jeans, "we've had a couple of, lets say, incidents on long trips" he chuckled, "haven't we young lady?" he went on, looking at the young girl who by now had gone slightly red, "Mind you, I can't say I don't enjoy watching her struggle" he laughed, " part of the reason I employed her was for her looks"
At this Alison's boss smiled, he was begining to think there was an opportunity here to get a good deal on the stuff he was ordering, "I know what you mean, Alison has had a few 'incidents' herself, haven't you young lady" Alison nodded, "yes, that's right, but my boss was very understanding about them" she replied, wondering where the conversation was going.
"Are you in a rush?" her boss asked the visitor, the man looked at his watch, "not really, have you something in mind?" he asked, her boss handed out more coffee, "well perhaps I can help you with your little problem, or more accurately, your young lady's little problem" he chuckled, "ok, that sounds good, it would be an advantage if we didn't have to keep stopping on long trips" he replied, sounding very interested.
It wasn't long afterwards, maybe 30 minutes or so that the young woman began to squirm slightly, "see what I mean, now if we'd left earlier, we'd be halfway up the motorway now and I'd have to find a services, god only knows what would happen if we were caught in a jam" he said, looking straight at his somewhat uncomfortable PA.
Alison's boss looked at her, "and what about you Alison, are you feeling the need to relieve yourself?" she nodded, "just a little, but I can hold on" she replied, "oh there's no need to be embarrassed, tell the young lady how you cope when you're in the office" he continued, she looked at him, "what, the bin you mean?" "yes. for starters, what did you do the other day when you had to relieve yourself?" Alison looked at the young girl, "well, I really needed a wee, so I did it in the bin, I just pulled my pants down and did it" the young girl looked at Alison, " what in front of your boss, didn't it worry you, him seeing you naked?" Alison giggled, " oh no, I only pulled down my trousers, I left my panties on, they dried pretty quickly" she laughed, "and besides, it's better than being uncomfy trying to hold it".
Her boss smiled, "that's right, she did, and tell them what you did this morning Alison, when you couldn't use the bin" Alison glanced at the group, the young girl, her boss, and the visitor, and then she noticed it, the visitor, and her boss, both had bulges in their trousers!
"Well, since I had to go, I had to go, and since I couldn't use the bin, I had to do it somewhere else" she replied, quite matter of factly. "and where would that have been, young lady, purely out of lets say 'professional interest' queried the visitor, "well, I did it in my boot" replied Alison, and yes, I took down my jodhpurs, but kept my panties on, in fact it was just as you were arriving". The man gave a little cough and the bulge in his trousers twitched, "may I ask what colour they are?, the panties, the boots are black obviously, and may I say, very sexy looking" Alison looked at him, "white, white silk actually", the man gave a little gasp, "so you were sat in our little meeting with your little panties all damp then were you, how naughty of you" he giggled, "if you were my PA, I'm afraid you'd have to take a spanking for that, do you like your little bottom spanked?" she smiled, "occasionally, anyway the day isn't over yet" there was a slight whimper from the young PA, who by now was having obvious difficulty keeping control of her bladder.
" I do hope we don't have to stop on the way home young lady" the man said rather sternly, "can you hold it?" she looked at him, "I'll do my best, I just hope we don't get delayed" she whispered, "I hope so too, I don't want to stop, and I certainly don't want any accidents in my new car, perhaps you'd better go before we leave" she looked at him, "but where, you know there isn't a ladies toilet here" she replied.
Alison's boss spoke, "well, it would seem you have a real problem, perhaps Alison could help you, do you mind Alison?" She shook her head, "not at all, here, let me show you what I do, and it works if you are in a car too" she told the girl, "in fact, it's one of the reasons I always wear boots, they're so practical, come on, follow me" she stood up and headed to the other side of the room, the young PA followed, "now, take off one of your boots" she instructed, noticing that they had no zippers to be undone, the girl removed her boot and held it in her hand, "looks like an expensive pair, did you buy them?" she asked, "no, my boss did" replied the PA, "Now, unfasten your jeans, and lower them a little, I hope you're wearing panties" she added with a giggle. she lowered her jeans to mid-thigh, Alison took the boot from her and pressed it firmly against the front of the young lady's tight black panties, "there you go, now relax and let it out" she instructed, after several seconds there was a familiar hissing sound as the girl began to relieve herself into her boot, after what seemed ages, she stopped, "all done?" asked Alison, the young girl nodded, Alison placed the boot on the floor, the young girl looked at her, "what now? she inquired, "just fasten your jeans again" Alison told her, "And what about my boot?" she asked, "oh, just pop it back on, you can deal with it later, that's what I do, listen" she shook her left leg and you could hear the piss sloshing about in her boot, she bent down and removed the right one, "hold this" she said, handing the long leather boot to the girl, she slowly unfastened her tight beige jodhpurs and lowered them to her knees, her white silk panties were still damp from the earlier wetting, the PA, stepped forward and held the boot between Alison's thighs as with a loud hiss she began to piss into her boot, when she'd finished she lingered slightly before pulling up her jodhpurs, acutely aware that the visitor was looking at her wet white panties, and judging by the growing bulge in his trousers, he was enjoying what he saw.
Finally, she pulled up her jodhpurs and fastened them before slowly slipping her foot back into the boot, the warm wetness began to soak into her jodhpurs and she smiled, "See, easy as that, and you can do it in the car" she told the young girl. Her boss smiled, "here, have one more coffee before you go" he said, the visitor smiled, why not, in fact, I may have a couple now, seeing as there's no need to worry about stopping on the way home, don't you agree young lady?" The PA smiled, whatever you say, you're the boss.
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Re: A story in several parts

Post by owlman »

part three

The Christmas holidays were approaching and Alisons boss announced that they were going to be having a party for the staff, and he wanted her to be there, as a sort of attraction, he'd even ordered her a new outfit for the event which she'd be required to wear, it was more an instruction than a suggestion!
She was kept busy over the next few days organizing the event, she had several wet incidents but didn't really have the time to enjoy them.
one day a courier arrived with several packages, one of which was a fairly large cardboard box,she placed them on her bosses desk and waited for his return, more than a little curious as to what they contained, several hours later he returned and on seeing the boxes smiled, "put the 'do not disturb' sign on the door would you, oh and better lock it as well".
She put out the sign, stepped beck inside and turned the lock on the door, she noticed he'd closed the blinds too, nobody on site would think anything odd about this as it was fairly common practice when they were holding meetings.
He looked at Alison as she stood there, today she was wearing a pair of very tight pale blue jeans, a tight white top and white overknee boots, he was tempted to have a bit of fun with her, but wanted to see how she looked in the new outfit he'd bought her for the party." would you undress please Alison" he told her, she pulled off the tight top and her boots, finally she wriggled out of the tight jeans, she stood by her desk in only her bra and panties, he glanced over at her and smiled, "those too, if you don't mind", she slowly removed her underwear as he began to open the parcels.
He smiled as on opening the first one he handed the contents to Alison, a red shiny spandex bikini, very silky looking and very thin, "put that on please", she complied and looked at herself in the office mirror as he opened another package, the material was so thin that it clung to her every curve, the panties did their best to bury themselves between her legs, creating a visible cameltoe, and the thin top did very little to hide her firm pointy nipples, he smiled when he saw how she looked, "mmm, very nice, I can see you'll be a real hit at this years party" he said, smiling.
Alison was feeling slightly concerned at this comment, she wasn't looking forward to attending the party wearing just a bikini, after all some of the workmen were a little crude and she could imagine what would happen after they'd had a few drinks!
He had opened the second parcel and handed it's contents to her, it was a shiny red spandex catsuit, to give it a festive look it had a white fake fur trim at the colar and cuffs, she slipped it on, it was extremely tight! finally he opened the largest box and smiled when he loooked inside, he took out the contents and handed them to Alison, they were shiny black boots that came just above the knee, the tops of them were trimmed with the same white fur as the catsuit, she slipped them on and stood waiting his instructions.
" Oh, yes, very sexy, and festive, I can see some lucky boy's going to be really happy with his present from Santa this year" he laughed, Alison was becoming worried, what did he mean by 'some lucky boy being happy with his present' ?
He beckoned her towards his desk and as she stood in front of him he ran his hands all over her body, he kicked her booted feet apart, rather roughly she thought, and began to rub his hands between her legs and over her shapely rear, she could feel herself getting wet, nodoubt he could feel it too. he smiled and began to rub his index finger rather forcefully into her crotch, it began to get seriously wet.
"you know, you really are a dirty little cow aren't you" he said, still rubbing his finger between her legs, she trembled slightly, knowing she wasn't far from a massive orgasm. "well, you've only got to look at the state of your new outfit, to see how dirty you are, your crotch is soaking, and you've not pissed your pants have you?". she shook her head, "exactly, now feel how wet yor suit is" he instructed, she slowly placed her hand between her legs, the crotch of the suit was soaked, "and you've still not cum have you?" he asked, she shook her head, "no" she replied, "well, lets get it over with then, make it happen " he told her, slowly, nervously, she began to rub her index finger up and down her wet slit, over the soaking red spandex, it didn't take long before she was breathing heavily and she was totally surprised when, a minute or two later she actually squirted into her suit, she smiled when he saw this, good, now squat, he ordered, placing the waste bin between her legs. she lowered herself over the bin and waited for the next instruction, despite knowing what it would be. "that's it, now piss!" she did as she was told and relieved herself into the bin, by the time she'd finished he'd took out his cock and pointed it at her face, she took it in her mouth and began to suck slowly.
"that's it, excellent, suck my swollen prick, make me cum" he told her as she bobbed her head up and down, his hand reached out and lowered the zip on heer suit a little, exposing her straining tits in the bikini top. She felt his cock twitch in her mouth, he was on the verge of cumming, just as she was preparing to swallow he pulled out and shot his load deep into the cleavage between her pert tits, she gasped as she felt the warm sticky fluid trickle down between them, he pulled up the zip and smiled, "perfect, just perfect".
She remained in the office for the rest of the day, she also remained in her sticky damp outfit, just before going home time he told her to strip out of it and put her own clothes back on, he'd take the outfit and have it cleaned before the party, after all, she couldn't wear it with all the mess over it could she, he reasoned. She agreed and after getting changed said goodbye and headed home.
The day of the party arrived and after helping her boss to set up the tables with the food and drink in the staff canteen, they returned to the office, once there she was instructed to undress and put on her 'Christmas outfit', he smiled when he saw her in it, "oh yes, you're going to make some lucky fella's day" he said, she still had no idea what he meant, perhaps if she had, she'd have had cause to worry!
At lunchtime they headed over to the canteen, work had shut down for the day and after cleaning themselves up the men began to arrive, there were gasps and a lot of comments when they saw what Alison was wearing, someone switched on a cd player and Christmas music began to play, the men helped themselves to food and drink and the place took on a party atmosphere.
It wasn't long before one of the men approached her and asked her to dance, "go on, enjoy yourself" her boss told her, they began to dance and pretty soon it became clear that her dance partner was enjoying himself a lot more than she was, his hands were everywhere, he groped her shapely rear, ran his hand over her thigh, and even had a grope of her tits, her boss looked on and smiled, yet said nothing. Seeing this several more men asked her to dance, and each one took turns to feel her up, one even went so far as to finger her through the thin material, she had to move his hand to prevent herself from cumming.
She had been partying now for several hours and naturally having had several drinks, needed to relieve herself, she broke free from her latest dance partner and was about to head to the toilets when her boss stopped her, "where d'you think you're going?" he asked, she explained her situation, he shook his head, "no, carry on as normal" he told her, she looked at him in shock, "but I can't hold it all day" she replied, "oh I know that, just do your best" he replied.
She made her way back to the party and one of the men hhanded her a drink, the last thing she needed! they danced and he began to grope her, just as the others had, she felt him slip a finger into her crotch and begin to rub slowly up and down, maybe it was the drink, but she did nothing to stop him, emboldened by this his probing became more forceful, and not long after she realized that she was about to cum in her pants, the pleasureable feeling soon subsided as she remembered the growing pressure in her bladder, no doubt as soon as she had cum, she would 'go'!
It was too late at this point, she shuddered and deposited a load of her cum in her pants, the man could obviously feel the sudden wetness and smiled, " I knew I could make you do it, I've wanted to do that since the first time I saw you" he whispered in her ear. ' maybe you did, but I bet you didn't expect this' she thought as her bladder began to empty, running down her legs and soaking her boots. Her dance partner gasped as he realized what she was doing, "my you really are a dirty little bitch" he smiled as he glanced down and saw the piss running down her thighs.
Posts: 389
Joined: Tue May 25, 2010 11:58 pm

Re: A story in several parts

Post by owlman »

part 4

The party had been in full swing for several hours now and quite a few of the men had left, many more were thinking about leaving. As Alison stood sipping her drink one of the junior managers made his way towards her, he took her almost empty glass from her hand and replaced it with another very full one, then he led her out of the main room, apparently un-noticed by the remaining partygoers.

He led her into a small toilet and locked the door behind them, almost immediately he began to grope her pert breasts through the thin material, “now listen to me, I know what goes on in that office, and so do a few other people, now if you want to keep your job, and the gaffer to keep his then I suggest you start by giving me a bit of what he's been getting, understand!”

Alison nodded, “good, then we understand each other” he replied, with one hand he roughly pulled and squeezed her nipples through the thin material, the other went down to her crotch, expertly his fingers forced aside her panties, now only the thin red material stood between her tight little cunt and his probing finger. Forcefully he pushed his finger into her hole, taking the material with it, he began to finger her, smiling as he felt the soft fabric become wetter and wetter, eventually he pulled it out and began to rub her clit, despite the roughness of his actions she could not help becoming aroused and with a gasp and a shudder, she creamed her suit.

“That's it, that's what I want to see, now turn around and bend over”, she turned away from him and leaned against the cistern, instantly his hand was groping her pert rear as once again after pushing her panties to one side, a probing finger found it's target, her tight little anus!

Within seconds it was inside, taking the thin material with it, he continued to push until she thought the suit would tear, it didn't and eventually his finger was up as far as it would go, he laughed as he probed her roughly. “oh yes, that's one tight little shitter, not had much up there have you” he commented not expecting a reply. Alison just stood there as he probed around inside her bottom, eventually, seemingly satisfied he pulled his finger back out, saw the stain on the material and smiled, “looks like you've shit your pants” he chuckled, Alison shook her head, “no I haven't” she protested, “I know, but it's going to look like it to everyone else” he laughed, “fancy that eh, little miss perfect is actually a dirty little tart with a dirty little arse”.

He told her to stand up and turn back around, he unzipped his pants and took out his semi erect cock, “now, I made you cum, so you make me cum” he instructed, she began to wank him slowly but her attention was distracted by something else and he sensed it, “what's the matter, can't you concentrate?” he growled, Alison shook her head, “I need to wee” she replied “may I use the toilet please?” he shook his head, “no you may not, you can hold it, or better still, piss your pants, that's what you do for the gaffer isn't it!”

Alison looked at him in shock, how the hell did he know?, the toilet was tantalizingly only a couple of feet away, but it might as well have been at the other end of the building, it was a he knew she knew situation, he knew she desperately need to relieve the pressure in her bladder, and she knew he wanted to see her piss herself!

She sighed softly, closed her eyes and relaxed, she felt the warmth as her piss poured out of her and ran down her legs before pooling inside her boots, “that's better isn't it, and so sexy to watch, you didn't get a drop on the floor, is that how you do it in the office, I bet it is” he leered, “imagine how the gaffer feels, watching you piss yourself and then knowing you're spending the day with it slopping around inside your slutty boots, I bet you have to wank him off don't you?” he placed his hand against her wet crotch, then added, “or maybe you prefer him to fuck you, I bet he's had his cock up your arse too hasn't he?” she shook her head, “no never, he's never touched me” she lied, hoping she sounded convincing.

“Well, now you've relieved yourself, perhaps you can relieve me” he replied, placing her hand back on his semi hard cock, she worked on it for the next 5 minutes until suddenly he splattered her left thigh with a massive load of thick white cum, “oops, best get that off hadn't we” he chuckled, and before she could say anything he began to empty his bladder down her leg, washing the sticky white mess down into her boot.

When he'd finished he led her back into the canteen, by now the only people left were her boss, 4 other men, and the junior manager. She went to get another drink and as she was making her way back to her boss she noticed the junior manager talking to him, her boss didn't look very happy, but the junior manager had a rather smug look on his face, as Alison returned to his side the junior manager turned to his boss, “I'll give you a few minutes to try and make her see your position, and if she doesn't, well, you know how it's going to end”

He walked across the room to the other men and said something, there was a chorus of crude comments in response to whatever it was. Alison's boss looked at her with a grave expression on his face, “I,m afraid we have a real problem, somehow he's found out about what we've been getting up to and has decided to inform head office, so we're both going to be out of a job by next week, unless he can be persuaded not to”.

Alison looked at him, she too had a worried look on her face, “how are we going to do that, what's he after, money I suppose?” he shook his head, “no I'm afraid it's not that easy, there's only one thing he wants in order to not report us, and well, I'm afraid it's you!” She looked at him in amazement, “what do you mean, they want me?” she asked, “exactly what I said, the only way he'll keep quiet is if they can have you, not permenantly, you understand, just once, each”.

Alison's face paled as she hoped against hope that he didn't mean what she thought he meant, “you mean they want me to” he interrupted her, “yes, I'm afraid that's exactly what I do mean, they have spent months watching you come and go in your sexy outfits, and now they want to, well, see if you're as good as you look”. Alison thought for a moment, “oh I see, and when do they want me?” he looked towards the group of men, “well that's the thing, now, tonight”. She looked over at the men, they were watching her intently, one smiled at her and made a rude gesture, she realised she'd no option, other than to meet their demands. “ok, lets get it over with” she replied, and began walking across the room towards them.

One of the men handed her a large glass of Brandy, “here you go, you're gonna need this” he said, smiling as he ran his eyes over her slim body. She drank the contents of the glass in one and it was immediately taken from her, the junior manager stepped forward, “right, this is how it works, for the next couple of hours we own you, you will do exactly as we tell you, any hesitation, any refusal, and head office will hear about exactly what your job as 'personal assistant' to the gaffer entails, undertand?. She nodded her head, yes, I understand” she replied, looking down at the floor and wishing it would open up, unfortunately for her, it didn't!

She was instructed to kneel down in front of the table, with her back to it, one of the men stepped forward and undid his zip, he took out his semi erect cock and held it inches from her pretty mouth, “you know what to do with one of these I assume?” he said, she moved forwards slightly and began to lick the tip of his cock until it was fully erect, then she opened her mouth and took it inside, geipping it between her lips she slowly moved her head up and down along the shaft, the man took hold of her hair quite roughly and began to face-fuck her, a few minutes later an he fired his load into her mouth, holding her head tightly, forcing her to swallow, silently he stepped back, then just as she thought he'd finished, he bent down and lowered the zip on her suit, exposing her pert tits encased in the skimpy bikini bra, he smiled when he saw them and then to her horror, began to relieve himself, spraying his warm piss onto her cleavage, she could feel it running down her cleavage and soaking her suit from top to bottom, seemingly satisfied he took a step back and another man took his place, he didn't say a word, simply pulled out his cock and pointed it at her face, once again she took him in her mouth, once again she was forced to swallow his cum, and once again he relieved himself over her tits before walking away laughing.

Eventually she'd performed oral on all four men, the only one left was the junior manager, he stepped forward and took his place in front of her, he was rougher than the rest and seemed to be doing his best to make the experience as unpleasant for her as possible, he took much longer than the rest to ejaculate, and when he did, he held her head forcefully, he didn't release his grip even after she'd swallowed, and with good reason. Before she knew what was happening he began to relieve himself into her mouth, she gagged and coughed and struggled, but he held her firm, what she couldn't swallow escaped her mouth and ran down onto her now sodden red catsuit. Finally he stopped pissing, looked down at her and laughed, “bet you need a piss yourself now eh bitch?”,Alison nodded, “great, now stand up and lets see you do it then” he told her.

She stood up and began to lower the zip on her suit, despite the fact it was already soaked with the mens piss, she really didn't want to let them see her piss in it herself.

He grabbed her hand roughly, pulling the zip back up, “oh no, piss in your pants, that's what you normally do isn't it!”. She sighed softly, resigned to her fate and under the laughing gaze of the group of men, she pissed herself, there were cheers, catcalls and crude comments as it ran down her legs and into her already quite full boots, more laughter came as finally they began to overflow, leaving her stood in a puddle of warm piss.

She glanced across the room at the clock on the wall, still an hour to go, what, she wondered was next, she didn't have to wait long to find out.

She found herself being lifted onto the table, face down, her hands were stretched out in front of her and tied to the table legs, at the other end her booted feet were pulled roughly apart and they too were tied down, she was spreadeagled face down totally helpless!

She felt hands all over her body, someone was rather roughly forcing his fingers into her wet cunt, well forcing the flimsy material into it at any rate, the same was happening to her rear, she could feel a thick rough finger forcing the material deep inside her anus, more hands squeezed her tits roughly, as she was taking all this in someone stuffed his cock into her mouth and began to fuck it, she had something in every hole and all she could hear was the laughter from the group of men.

The one fucking her mouth soon shot his load and was replaced by the one who'd been fingering her arsehole, the fingers came out of her sopping cunt and almost immediately planted themselves firmly up her arse, she gasped, much to the appreciation of the group, one by one they took their turn, fingering her arse and cunt, feeling her tits and fucking her pretty mouth, she glanced up at the clock, still thirty minutes to go!

She felt her bonds being untied and once more was handed a large glass of Brandy, this time by the smirking junior manager, “here, slut, you're going to need this” he leered, handing her the glass. She'd barely had time to drink it when she felt herself being pulled down the table, her feet landed on the floor and were tied roughly one to each of the table legs, her hands were tied together and then tied to one of the opposite legs, she was now bent over the table, legs apart.

She felt a hand groping between her legs, surely not more fingers up my arse, she thought, and she was right!An unseen pair of hands began to pull roughly at the thin material of the catsuit, this was followed by a tearing sound as the material gave way, exposing her shapely buttocks, she felt a stiff cock thrusting roughly at her sodden cunt hole and she yelped slightly as it rammed deep inside her, for the next five minutes, she was roughly fucked by one of the men as the others yelled out encouragement. Finally, he gave a hard thrust and she felt him unload inside her, before it had fully registered he'd pulled out and was replaced by another, and another and another, all the while the junior manager stood by watching, and smirking.

Finally it was his turn, he rammed his cock deep inside her, then to her shock, he pushed two fingers deep into her tight little arsehole, this drew cheers from the men watching, “go on, do her,”called out one of the men, “how's her arse” yelled another, he carried on slowly fucking her sopping cunt as he slowly fucked her tight arsehole with his fingers.

“how's her shitter, is it full?” someone called out, “not completely, but it soon will be” replied the man, pulling his fingers out of her arse and replaceing them just as quickly with his hard cock, he could feel it pushing against the contents of her bowels, “jesus, if she was any more full I wouldn't have gotten my cock in, still it's a tight little arse” he laughed as he pounded away she suddenly felt rather uncomfortable and knew it wasn't just the fact he had his cock rammed up her arse, ' oh god no' she thought, as the sudden realisation hit her, she needed to empty her bowels!

She looked at the clock, just over 5 minutes to go, he was still pounding away, obviously intent on using up all of the agreed two hours, she felt the familiar twinge in her bowels once more, 'please no, let me hold it' she thought to herself, and instantly began to piss herself, it poured onto the floor making a sound like heavy rain, once again this drew laughter from the group, once more she looked at the clock, just over a minute to go, and still he pounded away at her ever slackening arsehole, finally as the second hand on the clock indicated the end of the two hours he let out a grunt and fired his spunk deep into her arse, he pulled out and silently walked away, his entourage followed leaving her tired and wet, she suddenly farted and the spunk he'd deposited inside her moments earlier spurted from her well used arsehole, realising what was happening she clenched her buttocks in an attempt to prevent the escape of anything else.

A few more minutes went by and she heard someone else enter the room, whoever it was began to untie her, and she realised to her relief, that it was her boss, he helped her to her feet and looked at her, she was a right state, he poured a couple of drinks sat down at a table with her and handed her a drink, “you look like you need this” he told her, then added, “thanks for what you did, I only hope it wasn't too much of an ordeal” she sipped the drink and smiled,”no I'm fine, and don't worry, because by the end of next week I'll have worked out a way to get rid of him, and his mates, after all, it's me that handles all his paperwork isn't it” she said, a wicked grin appearing on her face.

The end
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