Fur Rugs and Shoes

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Fur Rugs and Shoes

Post by uggs123 »

Does anyone like real (i.e. not faux) fur rugs and/or fur rugs with women's shoes ON them? This includes sheepskin rugs, alpaca rugs, deer skins, and other animal skin rugs.

I have had a fetish for real fur rugs and women's shoes on fur rugs ever since I was a kid around 4 or so. As kids, many of us were told by our mothers to keep our shoes off the bed or furniture, and to NEVER touch the bottom of shoes because they are dirty. So one day at a furniture store with my parents, I saw real fur rug on the floor made from animal skins patched together which seemed so soft and furry as a stuffed toy and "clean" as a bed; thus I dared not step on it with my shoes on...UNTIL I saw a pretty female employee walk right on it with her shoes on, only taking them off (and leaving her shoes on the fur rug) to stand on a sofa in her socked feet to reach high above. And it was at that very moment I develop a fetish for shoes on fur rugs while thinking about how a fur rug, being so soft and "clean" can have shoes on them while at the same time, they must stay off the sofa and other furniture, and how the dirtiest part of shoes - the bottoms - should never be touched with your hands yet they come in contact with "clean" fur rugs.




Image Sources:
https://www.flickr.com/photos/uggling/26658158706 or https://www.instagram.com/p/BLrH7Q2AN4e/
https://www.flickr.com/photos/uggling/26079185764 or https://www.instagram.com/p/BMFU-VugIGZ/
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