!!High Heels!! for sale Australia!

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Moderators: Only Pumps, Richie, Jess, minni, cumheels, Mrs.HB, redwedge, Heelexploder, german bootlover, heelbone, HighHeelFetish.org, Bound&Milked, Tamaris

youngcrossdresser :3
Posts: 124
Joined: Sat May 03, 2014 11:48 am

Re: !!High Heels!! for sale Australia!

Post by youngcrossdresser :3 »

the blue pair are the gorgoues with next to the red one :'( ?
youngcrossdresser :3
Posts: 124
Joined: Sat May 03, 2014 11:48 am

Re: !!High Heels!! for sale Australia!

Post by youngcrossdresser :3 »

Don't but anything for this prick! after week of fucking dealing with his shit and actually manage to set the shoes i was taking and he did fucking paypal account something that someone normal would have to begin with but then suddently out of no were he cancelled on me and tells me he wont sell them to me unless i do another payment which would most likely would be his chance to rob me blind because i am not idiot i didn't accept but the worst part is this . this asshole took my money and said he refunded it but the minute i told him that i would like him to messege paypal himself because ofcourse his the one who fucking doing the refund in the first place (but again you can't deal with idiots.......) he blocks my email......... not only is this the most insulting service i ever got but not only that his transphobic asshole well..... on Friday if i don't get my money i will report you on paypal and i will get my money back but just remember this.... you are class a asshole... jsut piece of fucking shit on my shoe. nothing more. can't even sell pair of shoes correctly pfffffft

ps reported you to the site admins pushing to remove your account. i got all the our emails . and i got proof that i paid you. once i show them that. they will surely remove you or your posts at-least
youngcrossdresser :3
Posts: 124
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Re: !!High Heels!! for sale Australia!

Post by youngcrossdresser :3 »

Just a update, i got a full refund of the money i paid . so he wasn't lying about doing the refund after all but this doesn't change the fact that it his fault this got so complicated in the first place. if he agreed to keep contact with me until it was confirmed i had the money we wouldn't be here in the first place ! and i can't deny the fact that he gives shit service. one of the most insulting and most pure disgusting services i had in my life..... and i dealt with homophobic and transphobic people before..... but him just being an ass an denying my gender to him cancelling the order because he couldn't wait a couple of day and if h3e actually check his PayPal account the money was transfer after a day so he didnt even need to wait those days to receive it in the first place but no.. he cancelled on me and then just blocked me from emailing him and telling me that if something is wrong with the refund fix it yourself..... WTF ? But he didnt scam me..... so for some reason you are so desperate for these shoes that your willing to deal with his shit and who knows maybe it was the fact that i was transgender that poke him in the butt so much(which is plain moronic/idiotic/transphobic/ignorent/uneducated in the first place ) but who know maybe he turns out to not be a total asshole. good luck with selling your shoes, stop being transphobic jack ass and learn how to deal with people before you actually try to sell something, okay ? anyway thank you for wasting my time but i am sorry i accused you of robbing me which is technically your fault to begin with . bye bye you wont hear from me ever again and i hope then i never hear from you ever again in my entire existence.
youngcrossdresser :3
Posts: 124
Joined: Sat May 03, 2014 11:48 am

Re: !!High Heels!! for sale Australia!

Post by youngcrossdresser :3 »

The admin of shoe session messaged me and laughed about what you said.

No offence but since you offered your faggot ugly body to me I had no interest in dealing with you, I have pooftas and faggots like your self. Let me put it straight "LOL" I'd rather fucking kill my self then become a tranny cross dressing softy.

So please take your business elsewhere your making to many people laugh, how hasn't your dad knocked you out for being a pussy little bitch

this is a message i received from this seller : you can easily see that first he is uneducated,ignorent,homopobic,transphobic and class as asshole.. so would you really want to spend your hard earn cash on someone this stupid ?! i am not going to tell you what to do but this guy is just plain disgusting in every way and for him to tell you can buy the shoes and the randomly say he change his mind and blocked you it nto big thing.... so shop at your own risk people ...... but again just toxic person...
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Re: !!High Heels!! for sale Australia!

Post by Sharp0 »

God you never stop whining don't you

Can you please fuck off I've stopped replying so you'd get the hint I have no interest in you, god I wish I never attempt to make a sale to you.

Take a glass fill it with striaght vodka, light a cone and calm the fuck down.
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