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New member and intro (from UK)

Posted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 3:16 pm
by asianguy12
Hi. I'm an Asian male, 37, living in Greater Manchester, UK. Because I grew up in a conservative family throughout my youth, I didn't explore much - in short, I've missed out on a lot, and there are many things I'm yet to experience.

Anyway, every time I see a woman wearing a pair of few-inch-heel stilettos, especially when I see a woman dangling her stilettos, I get very aroused! I imagine she would give me various types of shoe jobs, such as sticking a hard sausage in the small space between the sole of her foot and the insole inside the shoe, where she would trample, or I would ram a sausage in and out until it squirts. Alternatively, I would ram a sausage onto the top of her foot while she wears stilettos until it fully squirts.

I find taller women wearing stilettos even more arousing.