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Fox hunting hotties

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 5:24 am
by showjumper112
I live in a fairly rural area. My local pub is run by a bloke who has two daughters, I think one’s at sixth-form and the other is at a local uni. I know they both ride and I’ve seen them both wandering about the pub in riding clothes (they live upstairs). It’s really distracting but as they’re both so hot I can’t resist going in to see whether they’re there.

I don’t really have an opinion on hunting. Although I’ve ridden I’ve never done it but there is some local hunt a few miles from where I live. I had no idea there was a meet the other weekend so I went to the pub on a Saturday lunchtime to meet a friend for a few drinks.

The pub has a back door and as my friend smokes we stood outside the back door for a few minutes.

Have you ever been in the situation where you’re with someone and see a woman in riding clothes and have to pretend everything’s normal and you don’t want to bust a nut on the spot?

Well the younger daughter (who I think is about 17) had ridden out with the local hunt and had been given a lift back by the mum. Suddenly as my friend was talking about his relationship going south I was standing next to two hot teenage girls wearing hunting clothes; black tall boots, cream jodhpurs etc etc. This was January so it was muddy; both girls had mud all over their breeches and boots. What also really turned me on was that one of them had a brown leather riding crop in her hand. The girl from the pub knows me as she’s seen me around for years now, so she started chatting about her day, just as she bent down and unzipped her muddy leather boots. I could see that her long blue riding socks were damp with sweat as she stepped out of them and into some old trainers. She then picked up her sweaty riding hat and crop before going upstairs to get changed with her friend. Her friend was also hot but she had mud on the back of her breeches which just highlighted her tight little arse.

My friend thought nothing of this but of course I was so turned on I felt a little weak, so went to the gents and in the cubicle had the most urgent wank of my entire life.

Re: Fox hunting hotties

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 9:23 am
by showjumper112
Just in case anyone things I'm going mental I have no idea why this posted three times. Hoping it was a dodgy wifi connection rather than my own mental state!