Women with shoes step on bare feet

Girls who love to kick and trample guys you know where.

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Re: Women with shoes step on bare feet

Post by Footstomplover »

Last year of school (Part 8 )

After returning from the excursion, the cold time of the year began so there were no opportunities where I could be barefoot in school. When it became warmer next spring, I could go to school in flip-flops again.

On one day when it was already quite warm, I was in art class. We were all painting by ourselves and some of the 'cool' guys made a big deal of taking off their shoes and walking around in socks. Of course, this was perfect for me as then I could also take off my flip-flops with no questions asked. We were painting with water colors so we sometimes had to go to the sink to clean the brushes and get fresh water. Also, we regularly went to the teacher to check the progress of our paintings. And now the interesting part: superstar girl was in that class with me and she was still wearing her white superstars with light blue stripes! And even better: like all the other girls in the class she was not impressed by the 'cool' guys taking off their shoes -- all girls kept their shoes on. Now I just had to wait for an opportunity. And this came up when superstar girl got up and discussed her painting with the teacher. I waited a bit and then also made my way to the teacher's desk -- barefoot of course! As superstar girl was still discussing with the teacher, I waited for my turn. For this I chose a position where superstar girl would have to pass by me to get back to her desk. And as the desks were quite close, she would have to squeeze through there. It did not take long and her discussion with the teacher was finished. Superstar girl wanted to go back to her desk and when she noticed me, she stopped. I looked at her, said 'sorry' and turned at bit to give her more room to pass by. While doing so, I made sure that I did not pull back my left foot (the one closer to her). Of course it was risky to leave my foot in the way rather obviously, but I figured that as she had to balance her still wet painting in front of her, she would not be able to see the ground right in front of her. With me a bit out of the way she started moving. Slowly of course, so I did not expect her to lift her feet very high. With this she did not step on my foot with her right superstar, but at least she bumped against it. Quite hard, but she was concentrated on her painting, so she did not look down, but did say 'sorry'. Then she brought her left foot forward and when it was again the turn of the right one, she again did not lift it very high so that the sole of her superstar was dragged over my instep. Only slightly, but still a great feeling! With this, the moment was over and I did not get any other opportunities that day.

A few weeks later in art class, we started a new topic: photography. For this we went to a special room which had the required equipment. It was again a hot day, so I took off my flip-flops. Superstar girl was present and she was again wearing her white superstars. The class began with the teacher explaining the technique of developing photos. After the theory it was time to see these things in practice and this involved going to the dark room where the teacher would show the development process. Unfortunately, this day no one else had taken off the shoes. This made it more difficult for me to go over to the dark room barefoot, but I eventually managed to convince myself to do so. The dark room was directly adjacent to the class room and as we all walked over there, I already tried to position myself close to superstar girl. Once inside, we gathered around the teacher with the lights still on. With me being rather tall it was easy not to be in the front row and with my previously prepared position I was able to get the place behind superstar girl. To avoid suspicion, I did not go too close to her yet and I also did not dare to look down at her superstars as there were other people facing me. Instead I waited for the lights to be turned off to be able to make my move without being detected. But first the teacher was still explaining and showing stuff with lights. After some more minutes it was showtime finally! The lights were turned off and I waited a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the relative darkness. In the residual light it was still possible to see the other people so I had to be careful. When I had the opportunity, I looked down to identify the position of superstar girl's feet relative to mine. I could not see too many details, but it appeared that I still had some room, so I stepped forward a bit and also to the right -- pretending to be interested in what the teacher was showing. In this position I could bring my left foot behind the right superstar. So I slowly moved my foot until I felt the heel of the superstar sole with my middle toe. I assumed that the touch was not strong enough for superstar girl to notice. At some point the teacher had to go to a different position and this causes people to shift a bit. Even though superstar girl did not have to change her position, she just used the break to move. And as I had hoped for, she stepped back and her right superstar landed on the outer part of my left foot. The sole was pressed into my skin quite hard and I could feel the its fine thread. But even though she did not step on the thickest part (big toe), she felt it, stepped off and apologized. After that I did not dare to attempt another foot trample by her that day.

The last experience in my school life began in literature class. I hated that class and the only good thing about it was that superstar girl was also in it. The worst thing of that class was the teacher, a short, fat, ugly woman. But even though I hated her, I must thank her for one thing: for the final exam, she divided the class into groups which should prepare different contents and she recommended that the people in one group should do the preparation together. And now the good thing: she put me in a group with superstar girl! Also with two guys, but that was no problem, they were ok. After class the four of us came together to decide on how we want to handle the preparation. One of the guys immediately said that he would not join, so I discussed only with the other guy and superstar girl. We decided for a date on a weekend and as I was the only one without an own car, we would do the preparation at my house.

When the day of the preparation finally arrived, I was really excited. It was hot so I was barefoot around the house. A few minutes before the agreed time, the bell rang. I saw from the window that it was superstar girl and that she was wearing her white superstars again! I opened the door for her, but unfortunately did not immediately guide her to the living room where I had prepared the table. Without that guidance she went straight for the stairs, sat down and was about to take off her shoes. But I had luck, my mother who also had welcomed superstar girl, said:

- You can keep your shoes on.

- Ok, thanks.

I was relieved that superstar girl accepted that offer and did not just take off her shoes anyway because it was more comfortable for her. So she got up again and walked past me as I indicated that she could go first. I pointed her to the living room and offered her to pick a chair. I had prepared three chairs -- one at the end of the table and one on each side. She picked one on the side, so I picked the one in the middle. With this, she was sitting on my left side -- perpendicular to me. I put my glass to my spot and offered her something to drink also. She chose water, so I took one of the other two glasses and got her some water from the kitchen. When I returned, I had the chance to look at her feet. She had them crossed under the chair, so I even saw one of her superstar soles: it was a bit grey due to the dirt, but the tread was still ok. The table and the chairs around it were on a carpet, which was now getting a bit dirty due to superstar girl putting her shoes on it. I sat down and immediately brought my left foot close to her.

As we still had to wait for the third participant, we did not start studying yet. I cannot remember what we talked about during that time, but at some point the event occurred that I had hoped for: superstar girl brought her right foot forward and bumped against my left one. Her shoe also slid up my foot a bit and slightly pressed on my pinky toe. An amazing feeling again, but of course she noticed it, so she looked under the table and said:

- Sorry.

I smiled and replied:

- No problem.

I was too nervous to say anything else, so this incident was over. A few minutes later, the guy who studied with us arrived and we began our preparation. During that time, I kept bringing my left foot close to superstar girl and she kicked it a few times. Great thing was that she did not apologize anymore -- possibly either because she was too absorbed in the work or she figured that it was no problem for me. At one occasion she even left her shoe in a position where my pinky toe was under it. That was of course jackpot and I am still wondering if she was aware of it of if my toe was small enough so she did not recognize it as an obstacle under her shoe.

When our preparation was over, I went to the door with superstar girl and the other guy and we said goodbye. They both left the house and when walking away, I had another chance to see the superstars from behind. What a great day!

The end.
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Re: Women with shoes step on bare feet

Post by nextGenForum »

this is hot, could you post this on https://shoesfeetnjizz.net - the new forum?
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Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2021 2:58 am

Re: Women with shoes step on bare feet

Post by Footstomplover »

nextGenForum wrote: Sun Sep 18, 2022 1:44 pm this is hot, could you post this on https://shoesfeetnjizz.net - the new forum?
I haven't decided yet whether I will open an account on that site. But if I do, I suppose I could replicate the content there.
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Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2021 2:58 am

Re: Women with shoes step on bare feet

Post by Footstomplover »


Before I continue with the events in (more or less) chronological order, I would like to share a rather recent experience: it was fall and some days were already quite cold and rainy. My office offered vaccinations on site, so I booked an appointment. It was a few days later and one day before, I checked the weather forecast: it would be rather warm on the day of the appointment, so this could be an opportunity to wear sandals.

Next day in the morning I already saw that it was sunny, but I also went outside to check the temperature: it was still a bit chilly, but nevertheless I decided to wear sandals. Flip-flops were not an option as I had to drive, so I chose my white birkenstock floridas and even wore them without socks.

When I reached the office, I made my way to the building where the vaccination took place. The actual room was rather big and had a glass door through which I could see that the staff still seemed to be preparing the vaccinations. I carefully opened the door and one guy approached me. I was informed that it would just be a few more minutes and I could wait in the hall. So I went back and sat on one of the chairs in the hall. I had noticed a few women in the vaccination room, but there had been no time yet to check their shoes.

While I was waiting, more people with appointments arrived an sat on the other chairs. Other people just passed by and one of them was interesting: a tall, rather formally dressed woman. She was wearing a skirt with nylons, a coat and boots -- everything black. The boots had a maybe 10 cm block heel which was roughly 3 - 4 cm wide. The sole was not too thick and had clearly visible tread. I could not see any tread under the heel. If I remember correctly, those boots also had some kind of gold decoration, so these ones may come quite close:

https://www.buffalo-boots.com/en-us/p/s ... 43917.html

I already saw her from a distance and also heard her as these heels were clicking very loudly on the stone floor. Unfortunately she was alone, so she could leave enough distance to me when she passed. If she had been walking next to someone, I could have thought about taking off my birkenstocks and moving my bare feet a bit into her way -- the hall was not too broad, so she might have stepped on them then.

A bit later the door of the vaccination room was opened and the guy I had talked to before indicated that people could enter. I went in and did the paperwork with another guy. After that I was told to wait in a certain spot to be called to the actual vaccination. It did not take long and a tall woman asked me to follow her. I would say she was in her thirties. When I walked behind her, I risked a glance at her feet and saw that she was wearing lime green boots with gigantic block heels -- maybe 7 cm in all dimensions. When she went around a corner, I could see her boots from the side for a short moment. But that was enough to recognize that they had black platform soles with extremely deep treads - at least 1 cm, also under the heel! Due to the platform soles, her feet were not tilted that much as one would normally expect with such a heel, so she could obviously walk comfortably. There was no heel clicking on the floor, instead she made squeaking noises, so probably the soles and heels were rubber. Here is a model that comes close to these boots (different color though):

https://www.amazon.com/-/us/dp/B0B2DDDQ ... uage=en_US

Of couse I wanted my feet under these boots -- ideally with my birkenstocks taken off. I followed the lady to a small "cabin" -- an area which was separated from the rest of the room with divider walls. There was a small desk with a laptop on it. She sat down on the chair which was in front of that desk and indicated to me to sit down on a second chair which was perpendicular to hers. So while sitting, I was facing her and if I had stretched my legs, I possibly could have touched her boots with my feet. I did not dare to do so, but I positioned my feet a bit forward. She was working on the laptop for a few moments, then she got up, excused herself that it took so long and went away. I thought "now or never", slid off my birkenstocks and pushed them behind my feet under the chair.

It did not take long and boot lady came back with some vaccines. She went to the laptop again and I risked to glance down to notice that her boots passed very closely to my now bare feet -- but unfortunately without stepping on them. After a few clicks she got up again and asked me in which arm I wanted the syringe. I told her the side -- it was the one on which the desk was. So she squeezed herself between the desk and my legs to reach my arm so that she could spray it. As there was not so much room on that side of my chair, she did not stand exactly on my side, but a bit in front of me. This meant that she probably did not see my feet at that time, so I used the opportunity to bring my foot on that side a bit outwards: I slightly moved my entire leg and additionally turned my foot. After the spraying she stepped back and turned around to get the syringe. She turned in such a way that she was facing my feet and what I wanted to provoke happened: apparently she was not paying attention to the floor, so she stepped right on my foot. My pinkie toe, the two next toes and part of my instep ended up under the deep tread of her boot sole. Not expecting my foot there she put considerable weight on it so the sharp edges of the cleats really cut into my skin. And even though they were rubber, they were really hard and it felt like they had no give at all. So this was quite a painful crush, but of course I did not show that. Unfortunately -- but not surprisingly -- she immediately noticed that she had stepped on my foot, but only casually said 'Sorry' and then picked up a vaccine. I replied with 'No problem' and was amazed that it did not seem to be a big deal for her that she had just stepped on my bare foot with this brutal platform boot. Maybe because she did not feel too much?

While she was performing the vaccination and giving me the patch afterwards, I did not dare to attempt another foot trample by her. When everything was done, I slipped my birkenstocks back on, left the office and went home. Not too much action that day, but still very worth it!
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Re: Women with shoes step on bare feet

Post by Footstomplover »

Amusement Park (Part 1)

Here is another great experience that happened last summer: a family with whom I am friends invited me to spend a day in an amusement park with them. Of course I agreed as I figured that on a hot summer day there would be many people -- and in particular women with nice shoes -- and I could be barefoot. When the day came, it was indeed very hot, so I was pretty excited when I left the house and entered my car. Also that day I was wearing my white birkenstock floridas instead of flip-flops so I could drive. When I reached the parking lot of the amusement park, I was intrigued to put my birkenstocks in the backpack and enter the park barefoot immediately, but in the end I was too afraid to do so. So I kept them on and headed to the entrance where we had agreed to meet. As I did not spot the others, I figured that I was there first, so I tried to find a spot where I would be well visible. While I was waiting, I checked out the shoes of the women passing by: I do not remember too many interesting views at that time, just one tall girl with short jeans and white/black checkerboard vans slip-ons:

https://www.zappos.com/p/vans-comfycush ... ?zlfid=191

When she had walked past me, I looked at her shoes from behind to see their orange/brown soles with waffle tread. They were dark and had some pieces of dirt stuck into them. I became hard immediately when imagining that she would step on my bare toes as careless as she had probably stepped into that dirt with these hard soles. But of course, there was no chance of provoking such an event at that moment as there was enough space and people did not pass directly next to me.

To be continued ...
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Re: Women with shoes step on bare feet

Post by Footstomplover »

Amusement Park (Part 2)

It did not take long until I saw the family with which I met arrived: mom and dad with three kids. When they looked in my direction, I waved. They saw me, waved back and headed towards me. I also started walking and while we were coming closer to each other, I tried to get a glance at mom's shoes. This was not so easy as she was wearing long and wide turquoise pants which covered a huge part of the shoes. At the first look I could only see that they were pretty bright, somehow a mix of rose and silver on the top and a white sole. When I was bit closer, I looked again and noticed laces and some decorations on the instep which made the shoes look rather formal. At first this view reminded me at mens' shoes so I was disappointed, but then I saw that the shoes had a bit of platform soles with deep treads, so my hopes came back that they would be attractive after all. But for the moment I did not have the chance for further looks as the others were too close already.

Due to covid we only fist-bumped for greeting, so no hugging which could bring my feet close to mom's shoes. Probably better, as otherwise I would have regretted not to have taken off my birkenstocks before. When going the rest of the way to the entrance, I stayed behind to get some more views on mom's shoes. And what I saw, made me incredibly hot: the shoes had indeed a platform sole which was flat on the ground with ~ 3 cm in front and ~ 4 cm at the heel. The tread was ~ 0.7 cm deep and consisted of a ring of hourglass-shaped cleats which went around the entire sole and several cross-shaped cleats under the center of the forefoot. What I especially liked was that there were two more cross-shaped cleats under the heel. I considered these shoes a jackpot: platform lug sole with deep tread and the whole thing in white (of course already dark due to the dirt at that time)! These shoes could be the ones that mom was wearing, but I am not entirely sure:

https://www.ebay.com/itm/384672862237?v ... Ys0Q%3D%3D

"Womens Brogues Round Toe Lace Up Oxfords Wedge Heels Platform Shoes Creepers"

Needless to say that I badly wanted to be barefoot around mom and her awesome shoes so that she could step on my toes. We could enter rather quickly, so I did not have too much time to think about a strategy to take off my birkenstocks. Once inside the park, mom wanted to go to the restroom. This caused the rest of the family to also go so I waited for them outside of the restrooms in the entrance area. There were some shops, so looked through the windows what was sold there. But it did not really matter, I could only think about whether I should take off my birkenstocks while the others were gone. I did not have much time and my heart was hammering. In that state, I took the backpack from my shoulders, opened it and took a sip from my bottle. After putting back the bottle, my backpack was still open, so in that moment it was "now or never": without further thinking, I slid my feet out of the birkenstocks, picked up the latter and put them in my backpack. Then the backpack on my shoulders again and I continued looking through the shop windows barefoot. The concrete floor was warm, but not too hot, so I would not get a problem walking on it for a long time. After a short while the kids returned from the restroom. As they found something interesting in the shop windows, they were concentrated on that and did not approach me. A bit later, dad came and waited with the kids. I decided to join them, so I went over and we chatted a bit. Great thing: no comment about my bare feet! During the conversation, I looked around -- again at the shoes of the ladies who were passing by, but also in the direction of the restroom to see if mom was coming back.

To be continued ...
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Re: Women with shoes step on bare feet

Post by Footstomplover »

Amusement Park (Part 3)

Eventually I saw mom leaving the restroom and noticed that she was (of course!) still wearing her shoes. I thought how she carelessly stepped on the dirty restroom floor and how this caused her originally white soles to get even darker and how she could press all that grime into my foot without even thinking about it! When mom reached the rest of us, she also did not say anything about me being barefoot. Now with everyone being ready, we discussed what to do first. As no one really had a plan, we just ended up walking around to see what was there. Besides rides and shows there were also areas where one could simply look at some fun stuff behind low fences at the sides of the paths. We stuck with the latter as the waiting times on the rides we saw were too long for us. Even though there were many people, the area was also rather wide, so the people density was not too high. This made it difficult for me to bring my bare feet close to any women's shoes. I pretended to be interested in something at which a woman with nice shoes was already looking so that I could position myself behind her hoping that she would eventually step back -- right on my feet. I tried this approach with both mom and any of the other ladies -- a lot of them wore attractive shoes like birkenstocks, converse, flatform sandals (some of them had deep treads) and there were even a few with adidas superstars. But I had no luck -- it appeared that people seemed to tread particularly careful around a barefoot person.

After maybe half an hour, we left that area and saw a restaurant. The others suggested to have lunch already as they had skipped breakfast. So we entered the restaurant and as it was still quite early (11:30 or so), there were almost no people. We approached a waiter who guided us to a table. It was at a window and the two youngest kids immediately took the chairs next to the window. Mom sat next to the youngest kid and the oldest one took the chair on the other side of mom. My heart jumped: this allowed me to sit opposite of mom! I picked that chair and dad took the one next to me. When sitting down, I placed my backpack under the chair and used that opportunity to look at mom's shoes: she had her feet in the back with the heels in the air so they were rather far away from mine. This was the perfect chance for me to bring my feet into her space so she would inevitably kick them when she brought her feet forward. I was so excited that I even went all-in: I stretched my legs as far as I could with my toes still on the ground. This was pretty bold as I then occupied her complete foot space.

After a while a waiter came and brought the menus. I could decide rather fast what I wanted to eat, but the others had a longer discussion. This involved that mom had to help all three kids in making their choices. At some point she returned to look at her own menu and in that moment she also changed her position such that she brought both her feet forward. The front of her platform soles bumped against my toes and even though I was just waiting for exactly that, I could not resist the reflex to pull my feet back a bit. Mom noticed that collision, looked under the table and said:

- Oops, sorry.

I also looked briefly under the table, then back to mom and said:

- No problem. Sorry for having my long legs in your way.

With this, I pulled my legs back even further.

- That's ok. You can stretch your legs. There is enough space for both our feet, I just wasn't expecting yours.

- Ok, thanks! Then I will be careful that I don't move too much so that I don't kick you.

I looked under the table and brought my feet forward again. Mom had hers crossed under her chair. She also looked under the table again and said:

- And I will be careful that I don't step on your bare feet with my shoes.

That was of course not what I wanted to hear, so I went with the following response:

- Yeah, but even if you did, that wouldn't be too much of a problem.

And with a smile I added:

- We would then simply be sharing the EXACT same space.

- That kind of sharing - she made quotes with her hands - sounds rather painful to me.

Without having the possibility to overthink, I gave the following bold response where I acted seriously surprised:

- It does? I would have thought that with your shoes on it would in the worst case be inconvenient to step on my feet due to the uneven ground. Or possibly you don't feel it at all? But pain, that would surprise me!

Apparently she did not notice that I was just joking, so she replied:

- Oh that's very considerate, but actually I meant painful for YOU when I step on your feet. For ME it would be no problem -- especially with THESE shoes as they have thick soles so I can comfortably walk without feeling every roughness on the ground. So I might indeed not feel your feet under them.

- Ok, looks like you're fine then. And don't worry about my feet, they can take quite a bit.

- Alright, I guess we're all set.

With this she looked again at her menu. Eventually she also started to discuss with the rest of the family again how to combine the choices. For me this meant that she was probably not paying attention to her (and my) feet, so I turned mine outwards that they used more space. With that I hoped to increase the chance that mom steps on them in case she brought her feet forward again.

Before everyone had made the final decision regarding the food, the waiter returned and was ready to take the order. This lead to a quite chaotic discussion with a lot of back and forth where mom turned to all the kids several times to ensure that they get what they want. And what I had hoped for, happened: in all that chaos, she brought both her feet forward and bumped against my big toes. She was about to lean forward, so I guess she was looking for some stability and she brought her feet forward for that reason. Possibly due to that, she wanted to move her feet further which caused her to step on my mine -- jackpot! And the best thing was: she left her feet on mine! I felt the inner edges of the soles on my insteps and the tread on my big toes. Maybe one of those cross-shaped cleats was just pressed into them. And mom did apply quite some pressure so that the edges of the tread cut painfully into my skin. I cannot tell whether she really did not feel my feet under her platform soles (maybe she was to concentrated on the interfaction with ther waiter) or she did not care or she crushed by feet on purpose to test how much I could take. All of these scenarios were fine with me and guessed that the last one was the least probable because if she really wanted to test me, she would have probably looked at my reaction (which she did not) and increased the intensity by doing mean things like lifting her heel to increase the pressure under her forefoot, press the heels into my feet or twist her feet while pressing down the nasty lug soles. But all of that only happened in my imagination.

When we finished ordering, mom retracted her feet, but did not look down nor mention anything about my crushed feet. I used the opportunity to go to the restroom. There I inspected my feet and could indeed recognize the tread pattern of her soles being imprinted into my feet. This surprised me a bit as she did not crush my feet that long, but apparently she had applied enough pressure and the treads were sufficiently sharp to produce some clear imprints in my skin: the hourglass-shaped cleats had left their marks on my instep and each of my big toes had a mark of a cross-shaped cleat on it. It was very exciting for me to see these great tread marks of mom's shoes on my skin and of course also to think about the possibility that I could get more of that.

When I returned to the others and sat back on my chair, I glanced under the table and noticed that mom had stretched and crossed her legs such that only her left foot was on the ground. More precisely, the edge of the heel was on the ground such that the sole was facing me. When I brought my feet forward, I started with only my right one which I moved under her upturned sole. I did this slowly and repeatedly raised my toes to probe whether I could touch her sole. Finally I felt it so I moved my foot even more carefully from that point on until my big toe touched the sole and the ground at the same time. It was only a slight touch so I hoped that mom would not feel it through the thick sole. After having reached this position, I started moving my left foot forward. My plan was to bring it to the side of mom's feet -- the place where she would potentially bring down her right foot as soon as she uncrossed her legs. First I moved my foot next to the right one that was already in place, again touching the sole of mom's left shoe with my big toe from below. Next I moved sideways until I did not feel the shoe anymore and then forward.

While we were waiting for the food and beverages to be served, mom did not change the position of her feet. But it did not take long until the things came so we were ready to start eating. To put the napkin on her thighs, mom had to pull her legs back, so she uncrossed her legs and -- as I had hoped for -- her right foot landed on my left one. At the same time she also lowered her left foot a bit so that my right one was crushed a bit. For a short moment I felt the sharp cleats being pressed into my big toe and then mom retracted both her feet dragging the rough shoe soles over my feet. I assumed that she must have felt this, but I did not observe any particular reaction from her.

We all started to eat and while doing so I began to extend my legs again so that my feet would be in position in case mom brought hers forward again. But not surprisingly, this did not happen while she was busy eating. When I finished my lunch, mom was not done yet. Without my napkin I could stretch my legs even more which I did slowly until my toes touched the tips of mom's shoes again. I left them there hoping that mom would bring her feet forward again, but unfortunately this did not happen. But at least I could feel some small movements of mom's feet.

To be continued ...
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Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2021 2:58 am

Re: Women with shoes step on bare feet

Post by Footstomplover »

Amusement Park (Part 4)

After we were all done with our lunch, we paid the bill and left the restaurant -- of course I remained barefoot! On our way out I went last and had a good position to look at mom's shoes, in particular the mean soles with the deep treads. We had already decided that next we wanted to see a movie. There were still around 20 minutes until it began, but we already went to entrance. When we approached, a group of people entered directly in front of us: three girls with three guys, all probably in their twenties and a bit punkish. The girls were not that pretty in my opinion, but one of them wore interesting shoes: black platform converse hi-tops.

https://www.converse.com/shop/p/chuck-t ... cgid=shoes

We came closer and I managed to position myself behind converse girl. I stood sideways so that she was right to me and I slowly started to bring my right foot closer to her converse. Whenever I had the opportunity, I glanced down to see how far I was away. At first there was still a large distance to go, so I pretended to look around, turn and move a bit just to return to a position that was a bit closer to converse girl than before. When I was close enough, my toes finally (slightly) touched the heel of her converse. I pulled my foot back a tiny bit and then waited for her to move. It did not take long and she did: while shifting her weight from one leg to the other, she also moved her feet and the one she then put weight on landed on my toes. Ouch! The platform sole of her converse was really hard and crushed my toes mercilessly. But only short, the girl stepped off immediately. There was no further reaction from her -- she looked neither at me nor down which was of course great for me as then I could simply leave my foot in the exact same spot. This did not help though, she did not step on it again and eventually the cinema opened and people went in. Of course I would have loved to sit behind converse girl, but there was no chance as the kids picked the seats. Unfortunately, I could also not sit next to mom.

When more and more people entered, another family sat down in the row in front of us and luckily the mother took the seat right in front of me. When the lights were still on, I tried to get a look at her shoes, but failed as my view was always blocked. Nevertheless, when the lights were turned off and the movie started, I stretched my legs as far as I could under her seat. There was not so much space, so I could not stretch too much. And so there was no foot trample from that woman. After leaving the cinema, I had a chance to look at the shoes of that woman and recognized that they were boring to me anyway, so I had missed nothing!

Being outside again we discussed what we wanted to do next and as there was no real plan, we just kept walking around exploring more parts of the park were we had not been yet. In front of the cinema there was a huge open area with some water fountains in the concrete ground where kids could have fun getting wet. Around these fountains the ground was of course also wet with really a significant layer of water, but most people did not care and simply walked through that instead of going (the only slightly longer way) around it. And now we also headed for that direction. For my bare feet it was of course a great refreshment, but more importantly I could enjoy seeing mom stepping carelessly in the water with her platform shoes and when she reached the dry part again, she left some impressive wet lug sole prints on the ground. And I did not only observe this with mom, but also two other women: one rather tall one was wearing completely white converse hi-tops:

https://www.converse.com/shop/p/chuck-t ... cgid=shoes

The other woman was pretty short and wore black birkenstock milano (barefoot):

https://www.woodhouseclothing.com/en-gb ... 34791.html

These two women also walked through the water and left great wet sole prints on the ground afterwards!

To be continued ...
Posts: 69
Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2021 2:58 am

Re: Women with shoes step on bare feet

Post by Footstomplover »

Amusement Park (Part 5)

We kept walking around until we came to an aquarium. After a short discussion we decided to enter, so we approached the queue. In front of us there was a family where the mother was wearing black birkenstock arizona:

https://www.woodhouseclothing.com/en-gb ... 18659.html

As the lady with the birkenstock milano, this one wore them barefoot. But now the lady was significantly taller, so her birkenstocks were quite big. Again I was lucky that I could get the spot behind her. The path to the entrance was narrow and went uphill with several u-turns. On both sides were guardrails where people could lean against. Birkenstock lady did not do the latter, instead her back was facing me. This was good, then I could stand behind her leaning against the guardrail while bringing my right foot close to her right birkenstock. Unfortunately, she only moved when the queue moved and then she went forward of course. This did not happen continously as people were let in the aquarium in groups, so she remained in one spot for more than just a few moments. I made sure to stay behind her and in the last u-turn before the end of the queue I managed to bring my foot close enough that it touched the heel of her birkenstock. I left my foot in that position maintaining a slight touch. When looking around, I spotted a young couple that was waiting further ahead. The girl was wearing black converse high-tops:

https://www.converse.com/shop/p/chuck-t ... cgid=shoes

When the queue continued the next time, birkenstock lady again did not step back on my toes, but at least she slightly bumped against them when she started to move. We did not have to wait longer and entered the aquarium in the same group as birkenstock lady and converse girl. There was room with two rows of simple benches where people were sitting down. Apparently a movie would be shown here. We entered on the right side and at that point in time the benches were already almost fully occupied. The were a few free spots in the first row on the right side (close to us) and one all the way on the left in the second row. And I recognized: the latter was right behind converse girl! So I suggested to the others:

- The kids can sit here. I try to get that spot over there in the second row so that I don't block the view.

Mom and dad acknowledged that and stayed with the kids while I walked to the other side to position myself behind converse girl. When I arrived there, I encounterd a problem: there was no free spot on the bench in the second row -- this bench was a little shorter than the one in front of it. There was a guy sitting on the outmost spot of the bench and there was a bit of space left next to him, so I asked him whether he could move over a tiny bit which he then did. I put my backpack on the floor and sat down. The benches were completely open so that I could easily stretch my legs to come close to converse girl's feet with mine. But at first I stretched my legs only a little bit to avoid suspicion.

After a few minutes a lady from the staff went to the front and introduced the show. Then she left, the lights went off and the movie began. Now was the time to move my feet forward completely! I carefully did so until I touched the heel of converse girl's right shoe. She sat turned to the right to cuddle with her boyfriend and had the left leg crossed over the right one. So I placed my right foot behind her heel and my left one on the left side of her foot hoping that she would step on it when she would uncross her legs. But during the movie she did not change her position, so to get something out of the situation I had to leave my feet in position even after the lights were turned on again. I was too excited to miss this opportunity, so I risked it and left my feet where they were. People stood up and headed towards the actual aquarium part. Converse girl did the same: she uncrossed her legs and stood up in one move. While doing so, she not only stepped on my left foot, it also felt like she was putting the majority of her weight on that side to push herself up from the bench. What a heavenly feeling that was when that young lady pressed the tread under the heel of her hard converse sole into the skin on my toes with so much weight! Without any further reaction she stepped off my foot and followed the other people.

To be continued ...
Posts: 69
Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2021 2:58 am

Re: Women with shoes step on bare feet

Post by Footstomplover »

Amusement Park (Part 6)

I also went to exit of the movie room and waited there to meet with my friends again. When they came, we continued to the next part together. There, one could look at the fish through glass panes. It was a linear path and the lights were low. For me, this was a perfect environment as it offered small groups of people in close space. In particular around the smaller panes it would easily be possible to bring my feet close to women's shoes without raising suspicion. I looked around for women with nice shoes, but did not see any new candidates. Converse girl was a bit ahead already and I could not see birkenstock lady at that moment. So I decided to try my luck with mom first. Her stepping on my feet in the restaurant was already awesome, how great would it then feel if my feet ended up under her lug soles while she was standing (and with this applying more pressure)? I decided not to stay with my friends all the time and wandered off independently, pretending to be interested in the fish that one could see through the various panes. Of course my real focus was on what mom was doing and also the other women -- in particular I looked out for birkenstock lady.

At some point I noticed that mom and the kids were heading towards one of the smaller panes where already some people were looking and some others were also going there so this promised to be really crowded. I walked around a bit more looking at other panes with the goal of staying out of mom's view so that I could eventually sneak up to her. There were some kids and adults right in front of the pane and those adults were blocking the view, so mom stayed in the back for the moment. As soon as the adults moved away, mom went a bit closer, but let some kids go first. At that point I started to slowly approach mom -- still hoping that she would not notice me. When I reached her, she was still not yet directly in front of the pane. I positioned myself behind her and a bit to the right as I anticipated that mom would go in that direction (her own kids were to her left). I tried to bring my right foot forward, but did not dare to look down. Probably I did not bring it that much in front that it ended up on the right side of mom's right shoe. But it did not matter: when a spot in the first row became free, mom stepped forward and not sideways. Now the problem was that the spot next to mom was also free, but I did not want to go there -- I wanted to stay behind mom. Fortunately, there were enough kids left that had not been in the front row yet and one of them was next to me so I indicated that he could go first. With this I stayed back, pretending to look at the fish between mom and that kid. Again, I brought my right foot forward, close and next to mom's right one. At the same time, I tried to have my left foot closely behind her feet -- in case she stepped back. It did not take long and mom wanted to give her own spot to her kids, but for that she needed to move away. The kid I let in front was still there, so mom could only go backwards. Apparently not expecting anybody behind her, she stepped back and -- jackpot -- her right foot came down on my left one. Not with as much force as I would have wished, but still the lugged platform sole hurt quite a bit (nasty treads also under the heel!) as mom pressed down a little before she realized that she had stepped on my foot. She stepped off, turned around and said:

- Oh, sorry.

- No problem.

I gave her some room so she could move out of the way. When a spot at this pane became free, I took it and watched the fish a bit. Then I moved away to other panes in the vicinity that I have not look at yet. I even read the information posts next to them. Reason: I had noticed that there were still more people coming from behind and I expected that birkenstock lady would be among them. And indeed, it did not take long and I spotted her. Now I had to repeat the same procedure as with mom: wait until birkenstock lady was at a pane with preferably several other people so that I had a reason to come close to her and her movements options would be limited. At first this was rather hard as birkenstock lady went to the less crowded panes. But eventually she was in a good position. Even though she was at a pane that I had seen before, I figured that the people who came later would not know and -- even more probable -- no one cared about my movements anyway. So I casually approached that pane where birkenstock lady was in the front row with other people on both sides of her. I went behind her and a bit to the left trying to position my right foot behind her birkenstocks. I even looked down and noticed that my foot was already quite close. Looking at the fish again I moved my foot further until it touched the heel of her left birkenstock with my big toe. This was so exciting and even more when I looked down again and acutally saw it! Again I only looked for a short moment and after that I retracted my foot a bit and also turned it such that my pinky toe pointed in the direction of the birkenstock. With this I wanted to give birkenstock lady a better chance to lift her foot and land on mine. And this worked -- after some moments she stepped back and my toes and part of my instep were caught under her birkenstock. The hard sole came down heavier than expected -- apparently she was busy with her kid and did not immediately realize the bump under her shoe. She remained on my foot for maybe three seconds, printing the birkenstock sole pattern into my skin. This was absolutely amazing as she really pressed the hard sole on my foot. Then she stepped off, turned around and looked at me, but did not say anything and quickly turned back. From the previously overheard conversations of that family I concluded that they were from another country, so maybe because of this birkenstock lady was too shy to say anything. For me it was more comfortable anyway not to have any further discussions about such an incident. It seemed that birkenstock lady had not intended to move away from the pane, so I also stayed a bit longer to avoid suspicion.

Then I went to some other panes which were generally in the direction forward. I only stayed at them briefly as my goal now was catch up with converse girl. On the way I saw my friends, but they were focused on watching the fish, so they probably did not even realize that I had been behind them at first and was all of a sudden in front of them. The distances in the aquarium were not really that large, so it did not take long for me to spot converse girl again. She and her boyfriend were alone at a pane, so no chance of scoring for me there. I slowly went to a different pane -- one where I could watch them. Eventually they moved on and headed towards a pane that was inside a small alcove. There were already some kids watching, so converse girl stayed behind them at first. I waited a few moments and then slowly went over to position myself behind converse girl. When the opportunity was there, I looked down and brought my right foot behind her left converse. Eventually the kids in front of her left and she moved forward -- unfortunately without stepping on my foot. But I stayed behind her, again bringing my right foot into position while looking past her on the left side. This time without looking down as more people had arrived in the meantime and they were standing next to me. Instead I slowly moved my foot forward until I felt the heel of the converse and then a bit back again. After a while she wanted to leave that pane. She turned around to see where she could pass, but luckily she already took a small step back and that one landed on my foot! She did not apply as much pressure as the last time, but of course it was again a great feeling being stepped on by her converse! She stepped off immediately and without looking down apologized with a quick 'Sorry'. I replied with 'No problem' and gave her some room to pass. Then I took her space directly in front of the pane and looked at the fish for a few moments.

Up to now the aquarium was an amazing success for me -- all the interesting women I saw had stepped on my feet. Of course I was on fire, so I wanted more. So I went on a bit faster as I figured I could find more women. And indeed, as I progressed further through the aquarium, I noticed people that I felt like I had not seen before. Possibly they were from the previous group that had entered? I scanned the women's shoes, but saw nothing interesting. So I continued and it did not take long to already reach the exit. The room right before the exit contained a couple more panes, but it was not as dark as the previous ones. When I entered that room, I immediately noticed two women -- both moms which were busy with the respective child. To my left I saw a good looking blonde who was wearing a light-yellow top with white 3/4 pants and matching white supergas:

https://www.zappos.com/p/superga-2750-c ... ?zlfid=191

To my right it was a huge (a bit fat, but not too ugly) woman who also wore 3/4 pants, but in dark grey. On her feet she had some kind of tan hiking sandals with sturdy black soles, similar to these:


I wanted both these women to step on my feet, but now I had to decide which one to approach first. I picked superga lady as I identified that she was in a promising position: with her child she was in front of a small pane which was close to the ground. Due to this superga lady was crouching: her left heel (the one facing me) was in the air and her right foot was flat on the floor. So I directly approached her and -- as usual -- positioned myself behind her and a bit to her left. I glanced down and slid my right foot under her lifted left superga heel. I bent forward to look through the pane as well. It did not take long and she stood up and by doing so lowering her shoe right on my foot! As she had to push herself up, she put considerable weight on her foot (and mine!) so that the pebble sole of her superga was really pressed into my skin. I was caught a bit off guard as her superga sole was harder than expected, but of course a very nice feeling and the best thing was that she completely came up before she stepped off my foot! Then she turned around and said to me very friendly:

- Oh, I'm sorry.

I smiled and replied:

- That's ok.

She moved on and, as usual, I stayed at bit longer at the pane and looked at the fish. But not for too long as I also wanted to get my feet stepped on by hiking sandal lady. She was currently at a special aquarium with her child: one could go around it, but also "inside" by first crawling from one side and then standing up again. The child was currently inside and she was outside bending down to talk to the child through the crawling passage. She was standing a bit to the right of that passage and turned so that her left foot was in front of the passage and her right one was next to it. My idea was that she might step back with her left foot as soon as her child would be coming back through the crawling passage. Unfortunately, no one else was close so it would have been too creepy when would have remained in foot-stepping distance for a longer period of time. So I just went around the aquarium pretending to watch the fish. But in reality I watched the child through the aquarium to see when it would get out again. Eventually it was about to do so and as I had never been too far away from hiking sandal lady, I could approach her sufficiently slow. She was in a similar position as before, so I tried to position my left foot left to her right one while facing the aquarium. I was even bold enough to look down for a moment and I noticed that my foot was significantly in her space, so I was very excited as I expected her to step on it in a few moments. And indeed she moved, but not as imagined: instead of clearing the exit of the crawling passage, she went right in front of it to welcome her child. This caused her to step on my left foot with the heel of her right sandal -- with quite some pressure (she had considerable weight), so I could really feel the sharp treads under the hard sole. She stepped off immediately and apparently she was so concentrated on her child that she possibly had not noticed my foot as she did not react further. So it had payed off for her to wear these hiking sandals with which she could comfortably step on bumps.

To be continued ...
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