biker meet boot piss

Other bodily fluids and excretions and anything else gross in, on and around shoes and boots. Pee in shoes, pee on shoes, etc.

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biker meet boot piss

Post by owlman »

At the weekend my wife and I attended a biker rally we'd been invited to, we arrived on the friday afternoon and on the saturday after a ride out there was an evenings entertainment, bar, barbecue, disco, basically a large party. The wife dug out her old 'rock chick' outfit, one of those picture T-shirts with wolves on it, black leather jeans and black boots that came just below the knee. The idea was to take minimal clothing and we'd decided to wear one set of clothes to drive there, change into our party stuff on the saturday and wear the stuff we went down in to come home on the sunday.
It was all going well until the saturday morning, when the wife made a discovery, she'd forgotten to pack spare underwear, oops! Oddly enough though she had packed a black one piece swimsuit, so with no clean undies she decided she'd have to wear that, it turned out to be rather appropriate for the ned of the evening!
We had a great night, drank lots, ate a good bit, hell I even got up and danced, now that was a first. By about 1 am, we were all rather drunk and staggered back to the caravan, outside the caravan i realised that thelast pint was a pint too far, I threw up and at this point the wife began to retch, she cant stand vomit, she let out a squeal and froze, I finished throwing up and turned to the wife, she was standing totally still her legs slightly apart, i asked if she was ok and she just nodded, a few minutes later we went into the caravan and decided to get undressed for bed, it was at this point that i realised why she'd stood as still as she had.
It turned out that we'd left the bar which was only a short distance to our caravan and despite knowing she needed to relieve herself she decided she'd use the loo in the caravan rather than one in the bar, unfortunately my throwing up had made her retch, putting all her concentration into not being sick she'd forgotten about her bulging bladder and lost control.
The upshot was she'd released a full evenings liquid into her swimsuit, it poured into her leather jeans, down her legs and into her boots. it was funny watching her tip them out outside the caravan. She was a bit upset about this however i made her laugh when i pointed out that at least she was wearing her swimsuit which is after all meant to get wet, panties however are not. This at least made her laugh and she felt less embarrassed, although to be honest, it was pretty arousing the following day knowing she was still wearing the boots she'd pissed into the night before.
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Re: biker meet boot piss

Post by nico0071998 »

Did you have pics from her boots?
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