another new story

Other bodily fluids and excretions and anything else gross in, on and around shoes and boots. Pee in shoes, pee on shoes, etc.

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another new story

Post by owlman »

Well everyone I'm really on a roll this week and have been working on another story, again its one in several parts.

Silicone Suzi

Suzi had worked at SPS since leaving school, she worked in one of the offices attached to the research and development department, R&D as it was commmonly known. Now although she was by and large a polite and helpful 18 year old she had two major failings, one, she tended to exagerate things, and two, she was incredibly nosey, now on their own any of these faults could be tolerated, perhaps even accepted, after all none of us is perfect, however with Suzie, these two faults combined created a person who at best could be a source of great amusement, at worst a nuisance.
Lets take her job in the R&D department for example, to the company Suzie was a runner, her job was to take stuff to and from the department, a new material for testing, or the results of a test to the manufacturing department for example, however to hear her talk you'd be forgiven for thinking she was a research scientist. During the day between running she'd hang around asking questions or watching the scientists at work, a lot of her evenings were spent reading books on technical or scientific matters related to the industry.
Now, I'm sure you'll have heard the old saying, 'a little knowledge is a dangerous thing' well this was especially true in Suzi's case, not exactly blessed in the intelligence department, this was more than made up for in the curiosity department, ever since she was a child she'd poked into things to see how they worked, or why something did what it did, often this was just a source of annoyance like the time her parents came home from work to discover that at the age of ten she'd dismantled the new TV set to work out where the pictures came from, on another occasion when she was a little older she'd drained the oil from her fathers car because it was 'dirty', if dirty oil wasnt going to do the engine any good you can imagine what happened when her dad started it and left it ticking over in the garage! The result was a repair bill of several thousand pounds for her dad and as for Suzi, well her bottom was so sore that sitting down was rather uncomfortable for a week after the event, sadly this had done little to curb her enthusiastic curiosity.
SPS, or Specialist Protective Solutions, to give the company its full title had been in business for around twenty years and was a forerunner in the manufacture of personal protective equipment for use in various industries ranging from simple rubber gloves for handling anything wet and dirty right up to Hazmat suits for dealing with major chemical incidents.
Suzi had watched with great interest as the latest piece of equipment had been installed in the department, resembling a cross between a shower enclosure and a spray tan booth she'd been fascinated as she watched the team of engineers building it, if that was exciting then the discovery that it was controlled by a computer made her determined to discover exactly what it was for.
One day not long after it had been installed Suzi was returning early from lunch when she saw something that really peaked her curiosity, she'd gone into the laboratory section where the machine was sited to see if anything interesting was happening and indeed it was, one of the younger lab assistants, a slim dark haired girl a little older than Suzi emerged from a small store room wearing the tightest tiniest white bikini that Suzi had ever seen, the outline of her pubic mound could be clearly seen as could not only her prominent nipples but her dark aureola also, the only other thing she wore was a pair of very tight white boots that fitted tightly to her legs and came to just below her knees. in any other situation this would have had the men positively drooling, here however she barely rated a second glance as she walked across the room and stepped into the 'shower', one of the scientists closed the door and went to a computer, 'hmmm, strange lot these scientists' Suzi, thought as she silently watched the proceedings, it was one of the only times she was quiet, something told her she was about to witness something that was probably very secret.
As he punched buttons on the keypad the scientist, explained to the girl in the 'shower' what was about to happen, 'ok first you'll be scanned by the laser, then you'll be sprayed with a fine mist, dont worry, just think of it as perfume' he joked seeing the slightly nervous expression on her face, she smiled, 'oh well I hope its something expensive then' she replied. A red laser lit in the enclosure firing a small dot midway down the girls slender neck, slowly the girl began to rotate, clearly she was stood on some kind of turntable, as she turned around and around the laser beam moved slowly down her body all the way to the bottom of the tight white boots, then there was a buzzing sound the laser turned off and a jet began to cover the same area with a fine mist, when it came to her legs it went to the bottom of her boots then the turntable stopped, the jet came back up to her crotch, turned slightly and sprayed the inside of her left thigh, then repeated the procedure on her right one, 'ooh it feels like I wet my panties' giggled the girl,' just stand very still' replied the scientist, not even smiling at her comment.
'Now, the important bit, lets see if this works' he told her, he punched another button on the keypad and the machine began to spray the girl once more, this time with a glossy black liquid that seemed to dry as it made contact with her skin. This time the process took a while longer but within 15 minutes she was covered from her neck to the bottom of her boots with what looked like shiny black rubber, the machine stopped, a purple light came on and a few moments later the door clicked open, 'mmm, that light must be ultra violet, maybe to cure the rubber' Suzi thought, on that part she was actually correct.
The girl emerged from the 'shower' and looked at herself in the mirror, 'wow, I bet i'd go down a treat in this at the nightclub' she giggled as she sat down and drank the coffee the scientist had just made.Another scientist appeared and the three of them discussed the 'thing' the girl was wearing, Suzi looked at it and pondered, after all it couldnt be called a suit, for one thing you couldnt see any way of getting it off which raised another question, if it was some kind of a suit what happened when you needed the bathroom? Another thing, why was a company that produced protective equipment making something that looked like it belonged in a fetish movie than a workplace?
Suzi made her way across the room fascinated, she knew she was seeing something special, she just didnt know what it was, 'if you want to watch sit there and be quiet' said one of the scientists, clearly this was not the time to be asking questions, Suzi thought and sat down on a lab stool.
A large tank was opened and the girl climbed into it, it appeared to contain a very thin white liquid, not unlike emulsion paint, it came just below the black rubber on her neck and the girl spent the next 20 minutes moving around in it, finally she climbed out and stepped into the decontamination shower in the corner, she turned it on and the water washed the white liquid from the shiny black suit.
If this seemed a little strange to Suzi the next bit must have seemed positively bizarre, one of the men took a pair of round ended scissors and slipped the blade into the neck of the suit, slowly and carefully he cut it all the way down to the boot, then repeated the procedure on the other side, finally he peeled the suit from the girls body, as he pulled it below her waist he coughed, 'oops sorry' he said as he realised that not only had he cut through the suit but also the thin sides on her bikini bottoms, eventually the suit was off, all the girl was wearing was the bikini top and the boots, despite the fact her lower half was totally naked and the two men were watching, the girl seemed not to be embarrassed.
Taking a piece of white material that had been previously coated with the white liquid, one of the scientists began to spray it with liquid from what looked like a simple garden sprayer, almost immediately the material turned bright green, 'thats what we dont wat to happen' he said outloud, he dropped the item into a waste tub then after placing the girl back into the decontamination shower he proceeded to spray her with the sprayer, all the way from her neck to the boots, after several minutes, still nothing had happened, she'd not changed colour!
' it works it works' exclaimed the scientist excitedly Suzi had never seen them get excited and realised that what she'd witnessed was clearly of some scientific and no doubt financial importance. Without prompting he explained to her that what they'd just tested was a new design Hazmat suit, a special suit worn when dealing with spillages of dangerous chemicals.
Hazmat suits as anyone who's ever worn one will tell you have a couple of major issues, firstly they're incredibly bulky, one size fits all, not exactly the best thing to work in, secondly they're rather expensive and have a limited lifetime, and thirdly you get so hot and sweaty wearing one, this product he explained was a game changer.

The 'shower enclosure' could be made as a portable unit capable of being moved around, not only that but staff required to handle these incidents , quite often firefighters, could be 'suited up' at the station and driven to the incident ready to go, all they'd need to do was put on their breathing aparatus, no need to buy and store suits that may go out of date before they were needed, no more cleaning suits after use, and each worker had a suit that fitted perfectly.
Suzi listened with interest, then wanting to learn more she asked him to explain how the machine worked, typical scientist, he was more than willing to explain and spent twenty minutes showing her how to operate the machine, yes Suzi was interested, but not for the same reasons as the scientists were.
For several days Suzi couldnt get what she'd seen out of her head, it was something the girl had said that had really intrigued her, the bit about going to the club in a suit like that and how the men would admire her, the one thing Suzie really wanted was men drooling over her, she'd never been one to attract men, it wasnt that she wasnt pretty, she had a decent figure on the whole, it was one simple thing, when it came to conversation she was, to put it simply, bloody boring, having the suit even for one night opened up a whole range of possibilities, Suzi decided to act at once!

A search of an online shopping site soon gave her a very skimpy bikini and a pair of very slutty looking boots with a high spiked heel, perfect! All she needed now was someone to help her operate the machine, there was only one choice, the girl in the laboratory. It took a few days for her to talk the girl into helping her and on the following Friday she arrived at work with a bag containing the boots and bikini, she left these in her car for later.
Around 3 pm everyone had gone home, everyone except her and the girl, this wasn't unusual as she often worked late clearing up the lab and often Suzi stayed to help her, she popped out to her car and retrieved the bag, once back in the lab she quickly changed into the bikini, slipped on the boots and was ready.
'are you sure about this, I mean really sure, we could lose our jobs over it' the girl said as Suzi waited impatiently for her to operate the machine, 'look nobody will find out, besides if they did I'd keep your name out if it' she promised the somewhat nervous lab assistant. Finally convinced the girl agreed, Suzi stepped into the machine and the girl pressed the buttons, shortly after Suzi emerged from the machine coated in gleaming black rubber, slipped back into her clothes and hurriedly left the building, the only thing anyone would have noticed had anyone seen her was the gleaming black boots emerging from the legs of her baggy jeans.
Suzi had a great night at the club, she was easily the most popular girl in the place, with her entire body clad in skin tight rubber that hugged her every curve, men were queing up to dance with her and buy her drinks, not to mention have the occasional grope when they thought they could get away with it.
Sitting at the bar having a drink, she was about to enconter her first problem of the evening, one that due to her excitement at her new found popularity hadn't occurred until now. A man approached her and sat down beside her he introduced himself then began to chat to her, the conversation was going along the lines it had with most of the other men that evening, how stunning he found her, did she have a boyfriend? The usual stuff, then he said something that broke the spell, and brought her back to reality!
'may I ask you something, something a bit, well, personal? ' he asked, Suzie stretched out a long rubber covered leg, parted her thighs slightly and smiled, 'of course, ask away' she replied, the man paused for a minute as if unsure, then spoke, 'well, its just that to be honest I have what you might call a fetish for outfits like yours, I mean i've had a few girlfriends that wear them and seen hundreds in shops and stuff ' he paused momentarily, 'well its just that yours is so tight and well, I was wondering, how do you get it off? ' realising how what he'd said might be taken and indeed hoping that he'd be in with a chance later he hurriedly added, ' I don't mean like how do you take it off, well for that, I meant well, how do you go to the bathroom in it?'
Suzi knew full well what he meant but decided to have a little fun with him, 'hmm, well, I generally find its best not to drink too much, or like me, have a strong bladder' she giggled. He smiled, 'oh I see, well yes I could imagine it wouldnt be much fun trying to use the loo in here with that on' he replied, it was at this point Suzi felt a twinge in her bladder and realised she hadnt used the loo all evening, she also suddenly became aware of exactly how much she'd drunk. 'of course, there is another solution' she said as she finished her drink and stood up as if she was about to leave, 'buy me a drink and I'll tell you' the man couldn't move fast enough and once again Suzi was holding a free drink, in fact she'd only bought one all evening and if any of the men were expecting to help her out of the suit at the end of the evening, they were all to be sadly disappointed, Suzi intended to go home as she'd arrived, alone!
'well go on tell me then' the man asked excitedly, Suzi placed her drink on the bar and leaned in close to him, 'well I suppose if a girl really had to then she'd have to be really naughty and have a wee in her suit wouldn't she? ' she replied, the man gasped and Suzi was convinced she saw his cock twitch in his trousers, she placed his had on her crotch and relaxed, ' I suppose it would feel a little like this' she giggled as her bladder released into her suit, the nan gasped as he felt warmth and a slight vibration in her crotch, 'you mean you're' he paused looking for the right words, 'hmmm, having a little wee, or would you prefer if I said pissing myself' Suzi interjected, she reached down and gently rubbed the bulge in the mans pants, 'hmm yes I think pissing myself turns you on doesnt it' she purred into his ear as she rubbed the growing bulge, she was also aware that he still had his had between her thighs, 'ooh err yes, I do like it when you tell me you're pissing yourself' he said, almost as though he was struggling t get the words out.
Suzi drained her glass, she knew that if she kept rubbing his crotch she could probably drain his balls too in a short while however enjoying her new found power she decided to play a while longer. 'well get them in, make mine a cold pint of beer this time' she said, then whispering in his ear added, ' I shouldnt really, cold beer goes right through me, and I might piss myself again' she headed towards a dimly lit alcove and as she glanced over her shoulder the man was carrying two drinks and closing quickly behind her, she slipped into the alcove and leaned seductivley against a small shelf the jutted out from the wall, he placed the drinks on it and smiled.
'Well, how about you giving my tits a rub then?' she giggled, the giggles turned to moans of pleasure as he began to knead them through the thin rubber, her nipples responding almost instantly by poking even further through the suit, 'mmmm keep going' she encouraged as she felt a warm wetness between her legs only this time it wasnt piss.
Suzi was well into her role now, enjoying her power over him and taking his cock from his trousers began to slowly wank him, precum began to ooze from the tip and she responded by giving it a tight squeeze, 'ah ah ah' not so fast, it limpened slightly and she began to stroke slower, 'besides I dont need to piss yet, and you do want me to piss again dont you?' he said nothing just nodded. Suzi slowly drank her beer and felt more pressure in her bladder, in the dim light she could also see more precum oozing from his now fully erect cock, 'hmm, I wonder what would happen if I was to piss on this, would you like it, me pissing on your hard cock, pissing in my tight rubber suit as you're hard cock rubbed against my pussy?' every time she said piss she felt him twitch, she had him, she parted her legs and moved in close, he was standing right between her thighs now, only a few millimeteres of shiny black rubber between his cock and her wet pussy.
Suzi began to rub it up and down between her legs, tracing the outline of her vulva which was clearly visible, more precum exuded from the tip of his cock, not long now!
'hmmm, looks like you like this doesnt it, feeling the rubber against that hard cock, rubbing it against my rubber covered pussy, imagine if I were to piss right now, imagine me pissing inside the rubber as you probed it with thar hard cock, pissing, pissing just like this' She relaxed her baldder and pushed, the force of her hot piss could clearly be felt on his cock, he coughed a little then spluttered as if looking for the right words, the only thing that came out was a thick stream of spunk from his cock, it hit the shiny black rubber and began to trickle down Suzi's thigh, still she pissed, she could feel it partway up her thighs, almost to her crotch, and as a second spurt emerged from his cock Suzi creamed the inside of the suit. 'oh dear, I think you've had an accident' she giggled as she looked down at the two thick white trails one running down each thigh, she pecked him on the cheek, drained her glass and headed for the exit she didn't care about the cum on her thighs in fact it only made people look at her more, and she enjoyed it, she jumped into a taxi outside the cluband shortly after arrived home tired, she climbed the stairs and was about to head to the bathroom, 'oh fuck it' she said to herself, changed direction and entered the bedroom, she lay on the bed and not for the first time that night pissed herself.

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