Diane's day of desperation

Other bodily fluids and excretions and anything else gross in, on and around shoes and boots. Pee in shoes, pee on shoes, etc.

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Diane's day of desperation

Post by owlman »

It was get a 7.30 am and Diane was awakened by the sound of the alarm on her mobile phone, almost immediately after it there was a loud 'ping', indicating a text message, 'oh sod it' she thought as she turned over, she'd been out the night before and only got back in the early hours, 'it's only a text from one of the girls about last night' she thought, she turned over and promptly fell back asleep.
She felt as though she'd only been asleep for five minutes when her phone rang dragging her from a deep sleep, she reached out and snatched it from the bedside cabinet, 'hello, Diane here' she said sounding more asleep than awake, 'hey babe, congratulations' squealed a voice on the other end of the phone, Diane, still half asleep paused for a moment trying to work out tow things, A, who it was and B, what was she being congratulated on? ' I just heard the news about you getting that job in the bar down the road' the voice informed her. Suddenly the fog in her head cleared, it was one of her friends, ' what job, what are you going on about?' she asked, her friend giggled, 'the job, you know in that bar, well the owner has just been in and he told me you'd asked about a job the other day, well he's seen a few people and apparently he likes you the best so he sent you a text first thing, if you're down there for eleven o,clock the job's yours' and with that she hung up.
Diane looked at the time on her phone, 9.45, jesus, she'd never get a shower, get dressed catch the train and be there on time, damn! She leapt out of bed trying to gather her thoughts on the go, a quick wash, spray on some deodorant, get dressed and catch the train, she might just make it. she switched on the coffee maker and dropped a couple of slices of bread in the toaster before running into the bathroom, five minutes later she was washed and heading to the bedroom to grab some clothes.
She looked through her wardrobe and realised the outfit she wanted was in the wash, damn it, she grabbed a black polar neck jumper, a short black skirt and her knee high boots and then opened her undies drawer, again things were going against her, no matching undies, she grabbed a black bra, thank god she had one, a white one would show under the jumper as not only was it thin, but also very tight. the only panties she could find were white ones, normally she wore matching, in this case it wouldnt matter nobody would be seeing them. She hurriedly dressed and ran into the kitchen, grabbed a coffee and buttered the toast, she glanced at the clock, she'd just have time to eat the toast and gulp down the coffee giving her 10 minutes before the next train, the station was 5 minutes away from home, she could do it, only just but she'd get there.
The heels on her boots made a clipping sound on the pavement as she ran to the station, she just made it in time, leapt aboard the train and it was off, the train was quite busy, unusually so for that time in the morning and Diane couldn't find a seat, she ended up stood in the entrance by the doors, with each stop more people got on, it was now quite full.
It was around this time that Diane realised she'd missed an important item from her mornng routine, every morning she got up and before she did anything else she went and relieved herself, this morning she hadn't. Well you know what its like, the minute you realise you havent done something you really need to do it, she clamped her thighs shut, it was pointless, the protests from her bladder only grew stronger, she was still 3 stops from her get off point and she felt a spurt into her panties quickly followed by a warm sensation on her slim thighs, comfirmation that she was wetting herself came moments later when her feet began to get wet, she glanced down and was relieved not to be standing in a puddle, it had all run into her boots, she only hoped it stayed there.
As the train pulled into the station she had planned to run into the ladies room and deal with her little problem, it was at this point she discovered another one, the train was 5 minutes late and the ladies room was at the opposite end to the exit, 'bugger it' she thought and ran for the exit. At the side of the station was a narrow alleyway, she ducked into it and slipped out of her boots, 'nobody around perfect' she said to herself as she emptied her warm piss out of the boots before putting them back on, yes they were damp but at least it wasn't sloshing about in them any more. She emerged from the alley and headed to the bar, it was at this point she felt another sharp twinge, this time from her bowels!
Arriving at the pub she hoped that one of the cleaners would let her in, she'd run to the 'ladies' deal with her imminent movement and then see the bar owner about the job. Diane knocked on the door and to her horror the owner opened it, 'aah yes Diane, do come in' he led her to a small office and asked her to wait he'd only be a minute or two, Diane was too embarrased to ask to use the loo so went in and sat down.
The five minutes turned into ten and by now she could feel her ass starting to twitch, she hoped to god it wouldnt decide to open during her interview, she waited and the urge got worse and still he hadnt returned, by now she was sure it was poking its way into her panties, a movement was imminent, 'think girl think' she said to herself, she stood up and reached a hand under the back of her skirt, there it was a small bulge, it was beyond holding, should she try and find the toilets or wait, if he came back and she'd gone he might think she didn't want the job plus how embarrassing would it be to tell your new boss that you had to go and have a poo!
'Dear god, please dont let this go wrong, please dont let anyone walk in' she thought to herself as she raised her bottom from the seat and slid her skirt up exposing her white nylon panties, she stepped out of her boot, lowered her panties and squatted over it, this was the crucial point, if the door opened now, she'd had it, she'd either have to pull up her panties and she knew that if that happened she'd carry on filling them, or even worse carry on with filling her boot, she gave a hard push and gasped as she felt her ass open, seconds later there was a dull thud as something large and fairly solid hit the bottom of her boot, panties up she was just smoothing down her skirt when the door opened, and in he walked.Diane stood there, one boot on and one off, on the floor at te side of her boot she spotted a small stone and picked it up, ' flaming thing, i wonder how that got into my boot' she said, then added 'no wonder my foot hurt walking from the station' He smiled at her, 'my goodness, I never noticed how attractive your legs were before, and those boots really suit you, I do hope you'll wear them for work' . Diane smiled as she slid her foot back into the boot hoping she could push the contents into the toe, it would be bad enough there without having to stand in it. luckily for her it rolled forward as she lifted the boot to slip her foot in, she felt it squash into her toes as her foot settled in place.
'well Diane, there was a reason I asked you to come in at this time' he said, Diane noticed he kept looking down at her slim booted legs as he spoke, 'you see, one of my staff has rung in sick and i need cover, plus I thought it would be an ideal opportunity for you to get to know the place, it's only til 3 pm, so not a long shift' . Diane nodded, ' ok sure, no problem' she felt the load squash even more under her foot as he indicated for her to follow him out of the office and to the bar, fortunately although it was a busy lunchtime shift there was very little odour from her boot, only once did the owner comment on a 'hint of drains' which he put down to the grid in the cellar.
Finally it was 3 pm, shift over, Diane declined to stay for lunch instead she made an excuse about having to go to the shops, 'well thanks for today I think it went rather well, i'll see you at the same time tomorrow' he said as he followed her to the door, she was just about to walk off when she felt a hand gently pat her bottom, it was the boss, 'oh and dont forget to wear those sexy boots will you'
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Re: Diane's day of desperation

Post by italianboots »

:D :D :D
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