A farm story

Other bodily fluids and excretions and anything else gross in, on and around shoes and boots. Pee in shoes, pee on shoes, etc.

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A farm story

Post by owlman »

A fictional story in several parts about the adventures of a man who carries out repairs at a riding stables

t was the middle of winter and what a winter, every day seemed colder than the one before, I normally enjoyed farm maintenance, there was something about being outside in the middle of summer, enjoying the sun on your back and the smell of new mown hay or wildflowers, while most other people were stuck indoors. Oh yes, it was great, in winter however it could be a nightmare, everything was cold and damp and in a winter like this burst pipes were an everyday occurrence.
By and large all the machinery was fine, all the tractors and the telehandler had been checked, antifreeze topped up and any failing batteries replaced, any equipment that was not needed over winter had been well lubricated and put under cover in a shed, the other machines were always parked in one of the barns at night, ok they weren't heated, but at least it kept the frost off.
Each morning seemed to bring yet another burst pipe, the farmer had an attitude of fire fighting rather than fire prevention when it came to maintenance, rather than in this case spend money insulating the pipes, he'd leave them and just repair them when they burst, or rather I would!
For the last few years his theory had paid off, it hadn't really been cold and I doubt if he'd had more than 1 burst a year, in his mind this justified not spending money on insulation, this year however he'd been well and truly caught out.
Ice was everywhere, the drinks troughs for the animals were frozen, the pipes were frozen, even the puddles of water on the floor were frozen the once muddy soil was frozen into hard spikes that hurt like hell if you slipped and landed on them.You could tell it was cold, the horses all had big coats on and the young women who rode them who normally spent every free minute they had at the stables were coming down in a morning, turning their horses out into the paddock, mucking out filling the hay nets and going home, they'd return last thing and bring the horses in from the paddock for the night.

Spending so much time outside I'd taken to filling an old oil drum with waste wood and leaving it burning in the yard, at least it gave me a way of keeping my hands from freezing, even with gloves on, the girls too would come and stand by the fire to have a warm as they cleaned their stables. The only thing that seemed warm was the muck heap, a large pile of rotting straw bedding and horse manure which came out of the stables, it was left to rot down and in the spring it was put onto the fields as a form of nutrient, for some strange reason the colder the weather the hotter this thing got.
On this particular day it was absolutely freezing, I'd got so many burst pipes I didn't know where to start and I'd had to send someone off to get more fittings, the small stock we kept on the farm just wasn't going to be enough.There was hardly anyone about, most of the girls had been and gone by 9.30, and I envied them being sat at home in front of a nice warm fire, I remembered the old saying about only mad dogs and Englishmen going out in the midday sun and grinned to myself, I wondered what apart from poor bloody maintenance men went out in the freezing cold, even the farmer seemed reluctant to drag himself away from his nice warm Aga in his farmhouse kitchen.
As I turned the corner by the muck heap I noticed one of the girls emptying her wheelbarrow, oddly enough she didn't seem bothered about the cold, she wasn't even wearing the thick warm boots like the other girls, just a pair of cheap rubber wellingtons. "freezing isn't it?" I remarked as I walked past, she smiled, "oh it's not too bad, it's amazing how much heat you get from a muck heap" I nodded, "yeah, but your feet must be bloody freezing in those wellies", she gave me a friendly grin, "like I said it's amazing how much heat a muck heap produces. I carried on and went to fix the next burst pipe on my list, and then onto the next one, and the next and the next, pretty soon it was lunchtime and I retreated to the relative warmth of my van, I had this habit of starting it up on cold days and letting it warm up while I washed my hands and cleaned up, at least that way it was quite a warm place to sit and eat lunch, better than a cold draughty stable.
I'd just sat in the van and was about to open my lunch when I noticed the girl from earlier approaching, I opened my door and called her over, "hi, what are you doing for lunch?" I asked, "oh, I've got some sandwiches and a flask of coffee, as a matter of fact I was just going to sit in my stable and eat it" she replied, "go and get it and join me in here, it's much warmer" I told her, she looked down at her dirty black wellies, "it's ok, my boots are filthy and I can't take them off" she answered, sounding a little uncomfortable. "don't worry, mine aren't clean either, that's why I have the rubber mats, I just hose the mess off them later", she smiled, "ok then if you're sure" I nodded, "I am". She went off and returned shortly after with a plastic sandwich box and a small flask, she opened the passenger door and got in, "ooh it is nice and warm in here isn't it" she smiled, stretching out her legs.
We chatted as we ate our lunch, about work, about the weather and about her favourite subject, horses, she was horse mad, she didn't have a boyfriend, she hadn't time, if she wasn't working she was with her horse.unusually today there was rather a strong smell of horse manure in the van, I sniffed the air, "oh I'm sorry, that must be my wellies warming up, I said I should have stayed in the stable" she said, blushing, "don't worry, I'm used to it, it just seems stronger today" I replied.
Lunch over she thanked me for letting her sit in my warm van, I told her it was a pleasure, it was nice to talk to someone and to be honest she was quite a pleasant young lady, put it this way, I'd spent time with worse people.She went back to her stable and I went back to my pipes, a short while later I'd been fixing quite a bad burst and had to cut out a section of pipe, I remembered I'd left one of my cutters around the back where I'd been working earlier and went to retrieve it. As Iheaded towards the muck heap I noticed my horsey friend standing in the muck heap and wondered what she was doing, she seemed to be sort of paddling, when she'd turned some of the steaming manure into a sort of mush she bent down and removed one of her wellies, as she turned it upside down something fell out of it, I was intrigued and watched quietly and unobserved.
She ten picked up a small trowel and put several scoops of the mushed manure into her boot before stepping back into it, then she did the same with the other one. Suddenly she turned around and spotted me, she looked horrified, I walked over to her, "lost my trowel earlier and came back to find it" she said, her cheeks reddening as she spoke. I smiled, "I see, and it was in your wellie was it?" she looked horrified again, "how long were you stood there then?" she asked, "oh long enough, I was wondering why you were putting that stuff into your boots" I answered, "come here, I'll show you something" she replied, indicating for me to climb onto the muck heap, I did as she asked and ended up stood in a pile of soft muck that came halfway up my boot,"now what?" I asked, "wait a minute, you'll see" she replied, I felt a right fool and hoped that nobody came into the yard, I couldn't think of any plausible explanation as to why two grown adults were standing in a muck heap on a freezing cold winters day, "can you feel it yet?" she asked several minutes later, "feel what?" I asked, "the warmth on your feet", she was right, my feet were several degrees warmer than before I stepped into the heap. "come on, before we get spotted, people will think we're mad" I told her.
She followed me to where I'd left my cutter, "look, please don't tell anyone what you saw, I'd die of embarrasment if it got out" she begged, "ok, but tell me why" I replied, she went on to explain that there were two reasons, the first, it kept her feet warm, and secondly, ever since an incident a few months back she found it turned her on,also the fact that she was walking around with a load of manure inside her boots without anyone knowing only added to the thrill, or it did, but now I knew about her little kink.
She begged me to say nothing about what I'd seen and said she'd make it worth my while if I promised to keep quiet, offering to buy me some beer or some of my favourite cigs, anything to keep quiet.I told her not to worry, her little secret was safe with me, I told her to meet me again in my van tomorrow, I wanted to discuss this, to be honest it interested me.
The following day I was back again to finish the work from yesterday, and so was she, oddly enough it was the first time I'd looked at her properly and to be honest she was quite a good looking girl, about 19 years old, around five feet four inches tall with long dark hair and quite slim, as for her tits, well I couldn't really tell, hidden as they were under her old wax jacket.
She walked past the van completely unaware I was sat in it, her pert little arse encased in a pair of rather badly stained beige jodhpurs that clung to her shapely arse and accentuated her long legs and toned thighs, I felt something start to stiffen inside my jeans. I watched as she disappeared into her stables and then headed to the barn to finish off something from yesterday, it was not until almost lunchtime that I bumped into her as she crossed the yard wheeling a barrow full of manure, she'd obviously been cleaning out her stable.
We chatted as I accompanied her to the muck heap, or rather she chatted and I listened, she told me how she was terribly worried about what had happened yesterday and how she had dreaded me telling anyone about what I'd seen her doing, I told her not to worry and asked her to join me in my van again for lunch, I walked back to the barn and as I passed my van I started the engine, it was only ten minutes to lunchtime and I wanted the van to be nice and warm by then. I opened the bonnet and taking a foil wrapped package from inside the van placed it on the exhaust manifold,the package contained a couple of Cornish Pasties, and by the time I returned they'd be nice and warm.
At lunchtime i went back to the van and took the package off the manifold, the pasties were nice and warm, I closed the bonnet and climbed into the drivers seat took off my coat and sat back in the nice warm cab, a few minutes later the girl arrived and I told her to jump in, she sat on the passenger seat and I told her to take her coat off before handing her one of the warm pasties. We ate and drank coffee and chatted about nothing in particular, she seemed keen to avoid mentioning yesterday but I wanted to continue where we'd left off.
The vans heater was very good and the warm air blowing into the footwell warmed my feet up in no time, I looked down at her boots, "if your feet are cold, slip the boots off, the heaters lovely and warm" I told her, she blushed slightly, "I'm ok, honest" she replied, I smiled, "oh I see, so you've warmed them already then" I replied, then added, "like you did yesterday"? she blushed and nodded, "yep, you got it" she answered. I reached across and placed my hand on her thigh, "there's something incredibly sexy about a woman in jodhpurs" I said, she just nodded, "how old are you by the way"? I went on, she smiled, "nineteen" she replied, then quickly added, "I'm twenty at the end of the month".
I stroked her thigh, gently, "I've always found a woman in jodhpurs sexy, even more so when I know she's got a naughty side too" I told her, she looked at me a touch puzzled, "a naughty side"? she replied, squirming slightly. "yes, you and your naughty side, putting manure in your boots", she smiled, "that's not naughty, I'm just trying to keep warm" she giggled. I smiled at her, well I bet people wouldn't see it as just keeping warm if they knew, would they"? I replied, smiling. she looked uncomfortable at this point, "it's ok I'll not tell anyone, so you can relax" I told her, trying to calm her down a little, she laughed, "oh it's not that, it's just I need a wee,and the toilets frozen again" she groaned squirming slightly in her seat. "carefull, we don't want a wet seat now do we"? I said, wondering how she'd react, "well I cant hold it much longer you know" she replied, at that point I had an idea, one that would let me know just how far I could go with her.
I smiled at her, "well this isn't going to be much fun for you is it, spending all afternoon with a wet bum" I said with a chuckle, "a wet bum, why will I have a wet bum then"? she asked, "well you said the toilets frozen and you need a wee so it's obvious whats going to happen isn't it"? I replied, she giggled and squirmed a little, "oooh don't, you'll make me do it" she jammed a hand in between her legs as if to emphasise her predicament.
I looked at her and laughed, "whats so funny then"? she asked, sounding a little annoyed, "I don't think me sitting her trying not to wee myself is anything to laugh about" she went on, "sorry, it's not that, it's just that here I am with a good looking girl sat in my van, a girl who's about to wet herself and I don't even know your name" I told her, she let out a giggle, then winced, "it's Linda, and if we don't do something I really will wet myself" she replied.
I gave her thigh a squeeze and she let out a gasp, "ooh, a bit came out then", I looked at her crotch but couldn't see anything, "quick Linda, undo your pants for me" I told her as I reached down and took hold of one of her grubby wellingtons and slipped it from her foot, she was barefoot and her slim foot was covered in soft warm manure. "now what, I've undone my jods"? she asked, squirming, "quick pull them down" I told her she let out a gasp and tore them down to her knees, "ooh hurry, I can't hold it much longer" she wailed, looking over I saw she was wearing a pair of white panties and they were damp at the crotch.
"do it in this" I told her handing her the boot, she looked at it, "I can't it'll feel awful" she moaned, "maybe, but it'll be worse if you wee in your jods, won't it" I replied, she nodded, placed the boot between her legs and began to piss, when she'd finished she handed the boot back to me, "oops forgot my panties and they're all wet now" she giggled, "I'll have a cold bum later". I smiled and as she pulled up her jodhpurs I leaned over and slipped the boot back on her foot, it made a loud squelch as her foot hit the bottom, "oooh thats nice and warm now" she giggled"pity the other one isn't the same". I grinned at her, "well take it off then I can sort that for you" I told her, she bent down to pull off the boot and I unzipped my jeans, took it from her and began to piss into it, "there we go, problem solved" I replied, handing it back, she giggled and hurriedly slipped her foot back into it, "mmm, that's better, now I'm being naughty" she replied, giving me a dirty smile, I finished my coffee, "yes you are, and if that tight little bum gers cold later just let me know and I'll soom warm it up for you" I chuckled, "mmm, going to spank it then"? she asked, "maybe, but I've an even better idea first" I answered.
She giggled, gave me a dirty smile and got out of the van, I watched her arse wiggling in the tight jodhpurs as she headed back to her stable, now we had a secret between us only us knew about her damp panties and what was now sloshing about inside her dirty wellington boots.Several hours had passed before I saw her again it was almost time for me to go home and I'd packed my gear away when she appeared behind me, "you getting ready to go then"? she asked, I nodded, "yeah me too, thank god, my bums freezing, and you said you'd do something about it" she laughed. I shut the doors on my van, "follow me" I told her as I headed back towards the muck heap. She ran to catch me up and when we reached the heap I took a shovel and plnged it deep into the pile, it was quite hot and the stuff that came out on the spade was quite firm and at just above body temperature, "undo those jods and turn around" I told her, she did as I'd asked and I pulled them down a little at the back, exposing her damp white panties, taking a gloved handfull of the warm muck I placed it gently into the seat of her jodhpurs, "there, now pull them up" I told her, she gasped as the warm muck made contact with her panties, "ooooh now who's being naughty, I've messed my pants" she giggled, " I can hardly walk home like this can I "? she added, "it's ok Linda, I'll drop you off" i replied.
We arrived at her house just before 4 pm, "coming in for a coffee, mum and dad won't be home for at least another hour and besides you can help me clean up" she said, I got out of the van and followed her up the drive, rather than go into the house she led me into the garage, "better clean up in here" she opened the garage door and bent over a small bench, "besides, you owe me a spanking yet" she giggled.
I went up behind her and gazed at her ass, somehow it looked even sexier now, the manure had stained her jods and left a slight bulge, I closed the garage door and ran a hand across her ass, the soft manure yielding slightly to my touch.I Sspanked that sexy little ass several times and she began to squirm, "oooh, I'm getting all wet again and it's not wee this time" she giggled, she wasn't the only one getting turned on, I was struggling to hide the bulge in my jeans by this point. she undid her jods and pulled them down exposing her badly stained panties, "look at the mess in themand it looks like yours will be messy soon if we don't do something" she giggled reaching around to undo my jeans, having took out my stiff cock she guided it towards her panties,"pull them to one side and I can slip this in there" she said, giving my cock a playfull squeeze. I didn't need telling twice and it wasn't long beofre my balls were banging agaist her soiled panties as we fucked like wild animals.

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