request for a story

Other bodily fluids and excretions and anything else gross in, on and around shoes and boots. Pee in shoes, pee on shoes, etc.

Moderators: Richie, Jess, minni, cumheels, Mrs.HB, redwedge, Heelexploder, german bootlover, heelbone,

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request for a story

Post by owlman »

Following a request from a member about a story with certain specific things in it, here is one I wrote this morning, hopefully it will be enjoyed by you all.

Her heels clicked on the wooden floor, all heads turned to see who had entered the bar room, in her tight white jodhpurs and crisp white blouse she looked every inch the world reknowned horse woman that she was, still in her twenties she'd competed in almost every equestrian competition there was and had at one time or another won almost all of them.
She had gone into the bar on her way home from the stables, purely as an act of rebellion, fed up with the 'pretty boys' she always seemed to meet at the parties her parents and their wealthy friends held almost every weekend during the summer months, bored with the polite gentlemen the type of person who'd ask before he even kissed her what she longed for was a 'bit of rough' the sort of man who'd rip open her blouse and then ask if she wanted her tits fondled!
The only problem, as she was soon to find out, was that almost all of the men who hung out in these bars had girlfriends, and these girlfriends had very little, not for them the expensive designer outfits or expensive cars, the only thing most of them had which they placed any value on was their boyfriends, and whilst it was not only true, but also widely accepted that most if not all of them were not averse to having a quick one night stand, usually a 'back alley fuck', the girlfriends accepted this, not only because they didn't really have a choice but also because they knew that ultimately the boyfriends would at some point always come back to them.
She walked to the bar and ordered a cold beer, she opened her small handbag to take our her money, 'no need miss, it's been paid for' said the bartender, turning to her left she noticed a tall muscular man in a pair of faded jeans, a tight white T shirt and leather biker vest smiling at her. He picked up his glass with one hand and reached out with the other and placed it around her slender waist, he hooked his thumb into the waistband of her tight white jodhpurs, 'cheers, baby, nice ass by the way'. He took a deep swallow from the glass as the hand on her waist cupped her buttock and began to massage it, 'well sexy, either you aint wearing panties or they're real tiny, how 'bout you let me find out?' he leered. Slipping his hand from her waist he took her hand and led her further back into the depths of the dimly lit bar, in one of the corners was a dark alcove and she offered no resistance as he led her into it.
Once in the alcove he began to unbutton her crisp white blouse, there was no preamble, no asking, he simply began to undo the buttons, then finally with a sharp tug he yanked the blouse out of her jodhpurs, slid it down her arms and dropped it onto the floor, 'hmm, nice tits, I think they need letting out though' he said as he roughly reached around and unclipped it, seconds later this joined her blouse on the floor, his hands cupped her tits as he roughly bit her nipples, she felt her crotch becoming wet in a way it had never done before.
After a few minutes work on her pert breasts his hand went down to her jodhpurs, found the clasp and yanked them open the zip slid down with the force of his roughness, the hand went inside her thin white panties and almost instantly she felt rough fingers probing inside her wet hole, he spun her around and placed her hands on the wall before yanking her jodhpurs down as far as they would go, which considering the length of her boots, wasn't very far.
She gasped as she felt the panties being pulled to one side and a finger being rammed into her anus, 'fuck bitch, thats one tight shitter you have there' he grunted as he forced his finger deep into her anus, it was at almost the same time that it dawned on her that his other hand was on her crotch, three fingers being driven deep into her wet love cave.
The hand left her vagina and she became aware of him undoing his jeans, then she felt her panties being pulled aside and a large thick cock probing to enter her soaking pussy, suddenly she gasped as she felt it enter her, he thrusted away and grunted loudly as he pounded her, there was nothing romantic about the procedure it was purely animalistic, he rode her like an animal would grunting and groaning as he pounded her, 'have this bitch' he grunted as she felt him fire his load deep inside her, a few seconds later she felt the crotch become soaking as to her amazement she actually squirted into her panties.
Picking her clothes up from the floor he dragged her back to the bar as she struggled to fasten her jodhpurs, he threw her bra and blouse onto the bar, 'two beers mate' he called out to the barman, she became aware of people staring at her then suddenly it dawned on her that she was naked from the waist up. ' well bitch, you enjoy that?' he growled, ' notice I left your panties on, woudn't want all that mess dripping out of those nice riding pants would we' he laughed as he looked at the wet patch clearly visible on the crotch of her tight jodhpurs, there was so much that it had left two very visible wet streaks leading down into her boots. She struggled to replace her bra and blouse under the gaze of the other men drinking in the bar.
He swallowed his beer and dragged her roughly into the middle of the floor where everyone could see her, he glared at her standing there in her tight white jodhpurs and expensive thigh high boots, the bottom half still looking pristine, the top half dishevelled, her blouse stained from something it had landed in when he'd thrown it to the floor. He took her glass of beer from her and poured it slowly into the top of one of her boots, ' another beer mate' he called, people laughed and cheered, a rough biker looking man stepped forward and poured what was left in his glass into her other boot, he growled in the back of his throat and coughed up a huge wad of phlegm and spat onto the leg of her boot, she looked at it as the sticky green mess slid slowly down her boot, he reached out and grabbed her crotch, it felt soaking wet and he massaged her pussy roughly through the jodhpurs, 'feels like the bitch pissed her pants' he chuckled before pushing her roughly towards the exit.
The following morning she was at the stables when she heard an engine and walking into the yard she saw a battered old van standing there, alongside it her gleaming 4X4 made it look even scruffier than it was.
The doors opened and two women got out, slightly younger than her but heavier built and dressed in scruffy T-shirts and torn jeans they looked distinctly out of place, although they were both wearing boots these too were well worn in fact as she looked at them she remembered that she'd thrown boots away that were better than the ones these women wear wearing, looking back later she realised it was an odd thing to think.
' you the bitch from the bar last night?' one of the women snarled, ' well I was in a bar last night yes, although wether it was the bar to which you are referring I really have no idea' she replied. Within seconds the women grabbed her arms, 'don't get fuckin' smart bitch' growled the woman, ' I heard about you trying to steal me fella, walking around in those tight pants and those slut boots'. She was dragged roughly into an empty stable and had her hands tied to a ring on the wall.
One of the women produced a sharp knife from her belt and cut her blouse from top to bottom then tore the remains from her upper body, 'here look at these tits' she sniggered, a quick flick with the knife and her bra was cut in the middle, the cups parted allowing her pert breasts to fall out, a quick slash to each shoulder strap and her shredded bra joined her blouse on the dirty floor of the stable, the knife then trailed down her stomach and poked into the top of her white jodhpurs. 'I think we'll leave these for now, laughed the woman, as she tucked the knife back into her jeans.
Finally the other woman spoke, 'pity the slut aint wearing her boots isnt it' she sniggered, 'but she is' replied the other woman, 'not those, I meant the slutty ones the bitch wore yesterday' the second woman added, 'oh yeah, those, now where are they bitch! ' the first woman snarled
' they're in the boot of my car, the 4X4 in the yard' blurted out the woman in the jodhpurs, 'go get them, the woman said to her friend, she hurried outside and returned minutes later with the boots in her hand, ' very expensive looking aren't they, I wonder who made them? ' she said, 'louboutin,and they are expensive, probably more than you earn in a month' the jodhpur clad woman answered, then instantly regretted her outburst.
Her two assailants looked at each other, the one holding the boots, threw them onto the dirty concrete floor and laughed as they landed in a puddle of horse piss, 'well I hope they are tough because we're going to have a little fun with them' she giggled. The two assailants left her tied up inside and wandered out into the yard, the horserider looked down at her expensive boots and stretched out her leg to try and push them away from the puddle in which they lay, it was a futile attempt, she was unable to reach them.
'What time do the others arrive bitch?' asked one of her assailants, 'I'm alone all day, it's my private yard' the horserider replied, 'oh good, well at least you wont be alone today then, isn't it nice we popped by to visit' she sniggered.the other woman untied her, ' over here' she ordered, pointing to where the boots lay on the floor, 'get those on, and be fucking quick about it' she snarled.
The horserider stepped forward slowly as she tried to avoid stepping in the small pile of horse muck that lay on the floor, even though she was wearing her rubber riding boots she was still reluctant to get even those dirty, one of her assailants laughed as she noticed this, ' I wouldnt worry about a bit of horse shit bitch, thats nothing to whats coming to you'
She shot forward grabbing one of the boots off the floor, 'got the camera?' she asked her partner in crime, 'sure have, ready to roll?' she replied, the first woman nodded and the other picked up a small video camera and began to film. The first woman held the boot at arms length, ' ok bitch, fill it' she snarled, the woman in the white jods looked at her, 'with what?' she asked, ' with the shit, now pick it up, use your hands' she ordered, camera girl sniggered as horserider picked up a handful of soft manure and dropped it into the boot, the woman shook the boot to make sure it fell to the bottom, ' now fill the other one' she ordered, horserider bent down to pick in up, ' get down there slut, in the piss puddle, now' she snarled, horserider grimaced as her jodhpur clad bottom made contact with the wet concrete and the foul smelling urine began to soak into her tight white jodhpurs, her assailants sniggered as she began to stuff the rest of the manure into the other boot, finally it was all gone, nestling at the bottom of her expensive boots, 'now pick it up and come here' .
She got to her feet and still holding the boot slowly approached her tormentor, 'hurry bith, don't make me piss myself' her assailant snarled as she began to unfasten her jeans. Horserider watched in shock as she undid her jeans and dropped them to mid thigh revealing a rather grubby pair of white panties beneath, she indicated for her to hold the boot below her assailants crotch then to her horror, the woman began to relieve herself into it, horserider didnt know which she found more shocking, the fact she was pissing into her expensive boots, or the fact she was pissing thru her panties, finally she was done, she took the boot from her and shook it, a sloshing sound told her it was reasonably full, ' you need a piss too?' she asked her friend, the girl nodded, 'yeah I pissed a bit watching you then' she replied, after pulling up her jeans her friend took the camera and carried on filming, 'ok slut, get on with it' she ordered as she snatched the boot from horserider, who bent down and picked up the other one, as she turned around the other woman had already lowered her jeans and wasnt wearing any underwear. She held the boot out and stood patiently waiting for the woman to beging pissing, she let out a loud fart, then started, 'lucky for you its only a piss I need you slag' the woman growled as she pissed long and hard into the boot, her piss was darker in colour and had a strong smell to it, finally she was done and after pulling up her jeans snatched the boot from horserider.
'get those fucking boots off bitch' she ordered, horserider pulled off her boots and stood on the wet floor, grateful she was wearing socks, ' and the socks' she heard one of the women yell, so off they came, then she was made to slip her feet into the dirty thighboots, the piss soaked into her legs and the manure oozed between her toes, ' walk up and down' she was ordered, the camera rolled as horserider walked slowly up and down the stable, ' now, start mucking out, and I want loads of shit on the boots, or else' one of the assailants ordered.
For the next hour horserider mucked out the entire stable block, then hosed it down, her expensive boots were splattered in horse piss, horse shit and whatever else had happened to be on the stable floor, bits of straw stuck under the arch of the foot and the leather was badly scuffed on the heels.Finally the stable was clean and she was ordered out into the yard, she was made to clean this too and they took great delight in making her tidy up the manure pile, she sank up to mid calf in the slurry that oozed from the pile and she felt it begin to seep into the boots through the zips, all the while the camera kept rolling and her assailants kept sniggering as they came up with new ways to humiliate her.
As she shovelled the soft slurry back onto the pile horserider was hit by a sharp pain in her stomach, to her horror she realised that she hadnt used the bathroom that morning and it was becoming painfully obvious to her that a bowel movement was becoming imminent, 'move bitch, keep working' one of her assailants yelled at her, she pushed the shovel deep into the thick slurry and gasped as she felt her anus opening, 'please I need the bathroom' she wailed, ' no way slut' came the reply, followed by loud laughter. ' in your pants you bitch'!
Realising she was going to be humiliated whatever happened horserider pushed the shovel into the slurry with her boot and relaxed as her bowels forced their contents into her thin white panties, her tormentors laughed hysterically as they realised what was happening, 'over her slut' one called, she walked stiffly over to them as her bowels continued to empty into her panties, 'up slut' said one, pointing to a metal five barred gate.
She climbed the gate and as she swung her leg over the top bar a loud crackle indicated her bowels were empty, sadly the same couldnt be said for her jodhpurs, they now had a good sized bulge in the back! She was ordered to sit on the bar and slide forwards and backwards on the thick round bar, squashing the load into her pants, 'make yourself cum slut, lets see how dirty a little slag you are' one of them yelled, she began to slide slowly and gently along the bar as she felt her firm load begin to squash into her panties, 'harder slut, work that cunt' she was ordered, she rubbed harder and faster, then to her horror realised she was beoming aroused, she rode the bar hard, moving from sliding along it to pounding up and down her pussy moistening as the load in her pants got pushed into it, she began to pant and moan, finally she threw back her head and cried out as her body shook as the orgasm tore through her.
' told you she was a nastly slut, no wonder my fella fucked her' she heard the girl with the camera tell her friend, suddenly as she sat on the gate coming down from the orgasm she was dragged roughly of it, she landed on the floor on her backside, the load that squashed into her rear no longer feeling as arousing as it had done minutes earlier, 'over there bitch' screamed the woman with the camera as she pointed back to the manure heap.
Horserider walked slowly back across the yard, 'get in there, in the soft bit' one of the girls screamed, she walked into the softest part where the manure has the consistency of soft mud and was about twelve inches deep, 'sit in it' screamed the girl, she sat instantly, the foul smelling ooze soaking into her now filthy jodhpurs, 'open them bitch, ansd start filling them' the voice ordered, she undid the clasp, pulled open her jods and began to push handfuls of slurry inside, praying her ordeal would be over soon, it wasnt to be however.
She watched as the other girl walked into the stables and emerged carrying her riding boots, she pulled of her own boots then stepped into the riding boots, 'hmmm, perfect fit, I think I'll keep these, she smiled, stepping into the slurry she sank until it was up to the calf on the boots, 'fasten those pants you nasty whore' she ordered, horserider did them up and felt the foul mess bulging inside them, her tormentor them pushed one of her boots into horseriders crotch and began to rub, squashing the foul contents through the panties and into horseriders pussy, 'loving it arent you, now get some on those tits bitch' she growled, horserider had no option but to pick up handfulls of slurry and rub them ito her tits as the girl used her boot to massage her pussy through the jodhpurs, to horseriders shame she realised her nipples were becoming erect and she was starting to feel a warm wetness in her panties, she was about to cum again!
Finally she was ordered to get out of the slurry and stand in the middle of the yard, slurry dripped off her naked top half, her boots were full of the stuff and she looked disgusting, as she stood there she suffered a final act of humiliation as her bladder decided to void itself and a torrent of piss poured down her thighs and overflowed her boots, her assailants roared with laughter as it ran down the soft leather, two visible trails as it washed the foul mess from the outside of her boots.
She was dragged into the back of the van and forced into the back, it stopped at the gate by the road and she was dragged out, made to stand on the bottom bar of the gate she was ordered to lean over the top bar, her hands were then bound to it using cable ties, more ties were used to secure her booted feet to the lower bars, her legs having been pulled wide apart she felt something cold touching the seat of her jodhpurs and realised they were being cut open, unable to see what it was she could never the less feel a thick hard object being pushed into her pussy, then another ito her anus, finally something was tied to the gate, whatever it was it hung just below her bottom and moved slightly in the warm breeze.
She heard more sniggering and finally the sound of the van driving away, after what seemed like hours she heard another engine sound as something pulled to a halt in the gateway. Driving along the lane the man could hardly believe what he saw, bent over the gate was a slim woman in filthy jodhpurs and thigh high black boots, a large carrot protruded from each of her holes through a slit that had been cut in the rear of the tight filthy jodhpurs, her panties had been pulled to one side and hanging from her slender waist was a large sign, ' I'M A DIRTY FUCKSLUT, PLEASE USE ME!'
horserider, completely helpless could only wait as she heard someone behind her, was her ordeal finally over? All she could see from her present position was her once immaculate boots, they were totally ruined, the leather scuffed, the heels ground down and slime oozing out of the zips, one thing was certain, whatever was or was not about to happen to her, it would be the last time she'd be wearing those boots, a smile crept across her lips as she felt her abused pussy moisten in anticipation.

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Re: request for a story

Post by derfranz »

Thank you for that great story. Hope to read lots more from you.
Posts: 38
Joined: Mon Jan 26, 2004 10:31 am

Re: request for a story

Post by Thighbootsector »

This is great! Thank you. I love these kind of stories.
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Re: request for a story

Post by italianboots »

Nice one Owlman :wink:
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