a late night at the stables

Other bodily fluids and excretions and anything else gross in, on and around shoes and boots. Pee in shoes, pee on shoes, etc.

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a late night at the stables

Post by owlman »

It was around 10 pm one spring evening, it had been dark about an hour and i'd just settled down with a well deserved beer when my phone rang, i looked at the screen but didnt recognise the number, however i knew from experience that a call at this time wasnt going to be anything nice.
I hit the answer button and flicked it on to speaker as i took a mouthful of the cold beer., 'hi is that the guy maintains the stables?' asked the male voice on the other end of the line, 'it is yes, who's that?' i replied, 'Well, i'm a mate of tims, the guy down the road, you know him i believe?' he continued, 'yeah thats right, so what can i do for you?' i asked, 'well i was coming past his stables and the yard gate was open, i rang him but he's not picking up and i think somethings wrong, can you pop over and check it out?'
I sighed deeply, so much for the quiet drink, 'ok the big yard or the small one?' i asked, 'the big one, on the right as you drive down the lane, i think i saw lights in the bottom field', and with that the phone went dead. I grabbed my jacket and considered taking the dog, but decided against it, it would be handy if there was trouble, but it wasnt good with horses and i didnt want to take the chance of it having a go at one if i had to let it off the lead. I jumped in my truck and headed off down the rapidly darkening country lanes, within less than 5 minutes I arrived at the yard, the gate was indeed open.
I turned off my lights and drove slowly up the track towards the top stables, in the dark, parked on the yard were 2 cars, one of then had someone sitting in the drivers seat and from the wisps of smoke at the rear i realised the engine was running. I hit the switch to turn on my high level flood lights, it was instantly like daytime and the car shot forward and disappeared down the track towards the exit, damn, i should have closed the gate! Never mind, i still had the other car, all i needed now was the driver, I parked my pick up truck nose to nose with it, trapping it against the fence, it was going nowhere, turned off the front floodlights and fired up the rear ones, now I could see all around me, the barn was open and after grabbing a torch i made my way inside.
Apart from a faint glow in the stable furthest away from me the whole place was in darkness, a horse snorted as I walked passed, clearly unhappy about its peace being disturbed so late in the evening. I crept quietly along the passage, then decided to make a noise, after all it was ok creeping up on the trespasser, but what if there was more than one, would they run, or stand and fight after all, I had no idea, who was here, or more importantly why.
I stood still for a moment and thought, then decided how to deal with the situation, 'its ok, dont let the dog in just yet' I called out, hopefully whoever was in there would think I was not alone and quite often the threat of a dog makes people compliant. I strode further along until I came to the stable with the light on inside, it appeared empty, well except for the slim young lady in the tight beige jodhpurs and lond black leather riding boots.
I recognised her from when I did a lot of work for TIm, she was older now and much more attractive, I estimated her to be in her early twenties and her figure was slender, a trim waist, toned thighs and firm breasts, not massive, but firm and inviting, I ran my eye over her body, from the long black boots, over the tight beige jodhpurs and up to the thin white T shirt noticing the absence of a bra, most unusual for a horserider.
One the floor which was covered with a thick layer of clean fresh straw I also noticed something else, a used comdom! I reached out with my foot and poked it, 'oh yes, and whats been going on here then?' I asked, turning back towards her i noticed that she was now stood cross legged, one booted foot was placed on top of the other accentuating the curve of her thighs and drawing my eyes to her crotch.
She looked at me and blushed, it was then that i noticed that despite her clothes being immaculate, her long chestnut hair was all over the place, to use a popular phrase, she looked like she'd been dragged through a hedge backwards, it was then that I saw it, hanging on a hook behind the door, a lacy black bra. I picked it up and looked at it, it was an expensive make and according to the label it was a 36B, well I was right there then I'd always guest at that as being her size, 'I believe this belongs to you' I said, holding it out towards her, as she went to take it I pulled it away. 'hang on I think you owe me some kind of explanation yuong lady, dont you?' I asked.
She shuffled her feet and went even redder, she really did look uncomfortable, 'you do know that I was rang by a friend of the owner who thought this place was being robbed dont you?' I told her, ' the guy who rang couldnt get hold of him so he rang me, which reminds me, I'd better ring Tim, I dont think he'd be happy turning out at this time of night, plus I dont think you'd really want him here either' she squirmed and nodded, I took out my phone and dialled Tim's number, after two rings he answered, ' hi Tim, Phil here, listen I'm at the stables, your mate rang me, its not burglars, just one of the girls late back from a ride, so don't worry' I told him, ' oh great, thanks I was just heading out to see what was going on' he replied, sounding unhappy at the prospect of coming out at this late hour, 'anyway you go back to whatever you were doing, I'll speak to her, dont worry' and with that I hung up.
Turning back to the girl I noticed that her level of discomfort had gotten worse, she was almost hopping from foot to foot now, I knew what the problem was and decided that since she'd inconvenienced everyone else, she could have a bit of her own medicine.
' So, who was in that car that sped off as I arrived then?' I asked, she blushed again, 'only a bloke I started seeing' she replied, 'hmm, if I'd got here five minutes earleir I bet I'd have seen something too' I said, trying to sound annoyed, 'oh god yes, I only just managed to get dressed when we heard the engine approaching, in fact I didn't even' suddenly she stopped talking in mid sentence and went bright red, hearing soft hissing sound I instinctively looked down, two dark lines ran down the legs of her jodhpurs and a puddle began to form at her feet! 'Hmm, didn't even have time for a piss, was that what you were going to say?' I looked up at her face, she looked so embarrassed.
Well that was one of the things I didn't get chance to do' she replied and as she finished speaking I heard a sort of loud sort of muffled squeak, her hand went to the back of her tight jodhpurs, 'oh no, not that' she gasped clenching her buttocks together, 'its ok, relax, nothing you can do about it now, its a little late for that I think judging by the state of the front of those jodhpurs, now turn around'. Slowly she turned 'ok now unclench those ass cheeks' I told her, she paused, 'but if I do that' I cut her off, 'just do it, relax' I ordered. There was a sort of strange noise, like 'parp' then something began to move inside the tight jodhpurs, I watched fascinated at the growing bulge, I began to thing they were about to split but they didnt, 'all done now? I asked when finally the 'thing' in her pants stopped moving, she nodded 'I think so' she replied, I reached out and gently touched the jodhpurs, the bulge was very firm and warnm to the touch, 'hmm, best make sure, now push' I instructed as I ran my hand across the now loaded jodhpurs, after a few seconds the size of the bulge increased a little and a small stream of piss ran down her thighs.
'now turn around' I ordered, she turned to face me, 'please, don't mention this it's so embarrassing' she pleaded, 'we were only after a quick shag, I'd no idea all this would happen, you turning up I mean' I looked at her and wondered how far she'd go to keep the evenings events a secret, I remembered her from when she was younger, her family had a lot of money and she'd alway thought she was better than anyone else, now it was payback time!
' I think it would be a good idea if you replaced your bra before you went home,I'm sure daddy wouldnt like to see his daughter like that' I said trying to sound sarcastic, she removed her T shirt and I finally got a look at her firm tits, not massive by any means, but a nice size and perfect rosebud nipples. I reached out and took one in my hand as my thumb brushed the nipple it hardened, 'hmm, you like that then you little slut' I told her, she blushed again and nodded. 'ok leave the top off for now, let me look at you' she nodded, 'ok anything you say, just dont tell anyone' she replied.
Something about the way she said 'anything you say' got me thinking, my cock was already getting hard in my jeans and I needed relief. 'so how much were those jodhpurs, expensive were they?' I asked, she nodded, 'fairly, daddy bought them, he buys all my riding gear' she answered, 'ok come here then, lets see if you can make me forget tonight' I replied, I reached into the back pocket of my jeans and took out the small folding knife I always carried, it was only a tiny blade but razor sharp, ' spread those legs' I ordered, quickly but nervously she complied.
I took hold of the front of the tight jodhpurs and not without difficulty pulled them away from her body, before she knew it I'd opened the crotch seam with the knife, I laid back on the straw and undid my jeans, my erect cock sprang into view, 'ok lets see how bad my memory is getting' , she took the hint and stood over me one legs apart, 'what about a condom? she asked, 'have you got any?' i replied, she shook her head, well I guess you're having me bareback, I hope you're on the pill' I responded, she put a hand between her legs and pulled her panties to one side before lowering herself ont my hard erect cock and began to ride me slowly, I took hold of her boots and gave them a firm squeeze, 'thats a good girl, I'm sure daddy would be proud of you right now' . She began to speed up and her breath quickened, I let go of her boots and took her left tit in one hand and squeezed it she let out a little gasp, 'nice tits too, you've no idea how long I wanted to feel these' I told her, then as my other hand slid down her back onto that loaded jodhpur clad ass, 'oh and this gorgeous ass too' i went on, giving it a firm squeeze which caused the load to flatten, she made a sort of 'uggh' sound but carried on riding me hard, not long after I fired a massive load into her pussy, I held her hips until I'd finished then watched the disgusted look on her face as I let a torrent of hot piss loose deep inside her, finally i relased my hold and she stood up my piss and cum trickling down her thighs, her once pristine jodhpurs were a mess, 'hmmm, I cant think how come I had to come out here tonight' I said as i stood up and straightend my clothing, a look of relief apppeared on her face, 'fancy some silly bugger leaving the gate open, still I dont think it will happen again do you?' she shook her head, 'no I doubt it' she replied. 'well best put this back on then' I said handing her the bra, 'unless you want me to keep it to remember you by' she folded it and pushed it back into my hand, 'well I dont know what you'll remember but here take it' she smiled no doubt thinking her ordeal was over. 'come on then, let me see you safely off the yard' I replied as she pulled her Tshirt back on, we walekd back to where her car was parked she stood by the drivers door and unlocked it, 'hang on, before you go, we dont want a repeat of earlier on the way home do we?' she looked at me and nodded,suddenly realising there was one more act of humiliation before her night was ended. I reached into my truck and turned on the floodlights once more, then took my phone out of my pocket and turned on the video camera, 'ok do it' I stood in silence as I filmed the final act of her humiliation and a few minute later once again she found herself stood in a puddle of her own piss.

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